1 see the difference it makes. Euptisned Daily dud Semioweekly BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING "C0. LIMITED, KINGSTON, ONT. W. RUPERT DAVIES ...... President hearts all their working hours. THE eee rr - time to wake muscles. stipulate vigor and action should be exercised. Take time to enjoy the morning meal, walk to business and get the fresh air into the lungs, This will tend to clear-mindedness and double the work will be accomplish- ed with about half the effort. Time, says a writer on early rising, is a rich pdesession and quickly ac- quired. Don't waste It, invest It. Rise half an hous earlier, avoid the morning dash and one will readily Many of our healthiest, happiest and most successful men and women find the early morning the richest and best part of the day. Their tempers are sweet and they have a song in their Try up and to flex the it. p---------- " SAYS AMERICA I8 SINKING. The continent of North America, gays a scientist, is sinking steadily 2013 | 587 4 into the sea. Further, it is sinking SUPSCRIPTION RATES: (Daily Edi FE dese by mail to rural One year, to United States Week! yeas by mall, cash one your, to United States et mee Att eee OUT-OF-TOWN REPRESENTATIVES: 3 TORONTO_F, W. Thompson, 100 King MON ¥. Calder, 23 St. John Street, % NEW YORK--ingraham-Powers, Ine. die nar « GO=l a Powers, Ine, 19 Street, sre published to the Editor actual mame of the The eirenistion of The British hig a by the Audit Bureau © -~ bce pi YOUR NEWSPAPER. -- '7he newspaper is an institution of service; one of the most po- tent of all the educational influences the country enjoys; an historical en- ty and an embodiment of tradition principles; an active and wide- reaching instrument in the social 1ife of the day; an {ridispensable ne- cessity; and, in point of material fact, the newspaper is the biggest "and best value that a small outlay will buy. It is appreciated as such. The Hon. Mr. Cockshutt, Lieuten- t-Governor of Ontario, in the " gourse of an address he delivered recently at Halifax, said: "It occurs 'te as worth considering whether s give the private support to our hat we ought. In the mea- in which we stand behind our so will be their ability the quality of service the needs, Perhaps Wwe some. ot that the press is o great serving a great purpose quite often in need of our ap- on and encouragement. The will be, as a rule, what the 'people will enable it to be, snd the 'more generous our support, the bet- will be our newspapers." The influence of & good newspaper says the Montreal Gagette, is beyond _peradventure. The source of its wer is to be found in a great mea- in the general respect and con- suce of the public it serves. THE LOCAL TRAIN SERVICE. The retrenchment; put into force nm the C.N.R., appears drastic for fingston and it will require vigor- action to make changes that will the business interests. The y authorities will be glad 'to matters with aggrieved tor they recognize that the 4% a moot one with many A t be dealt _& broad way an with due ard to the convenience and wel fare of the public served. The C.N. is very anxious to serve its con- jes with the best possible he at & very rapid rate, How rapidly? Pretty swiftly, as measured by geo- logical standards--say about a quar- ter of an inch in five years. That 'may not seem so speedy. But the scientist declares that in a thousand centuries or so the middle wast will be at the bottom of a new ocean. There will be a few islands where the Appalachian Mountains now are, and the Rockies, of course, will stay dry; but it looks as though the rest of the country is going wet. To' be sure, the Wigle thing is far enough off #o that nome of us needs to lose any sleep over it. And yet it's rather a good thing to think about, now and then, it; one is in- clined to be too.cocky. It may be very true, though it's discomforting to think about. But, after all, we have a reply that the scientist can't answer. We can say: "You're probably right. But mean- while, we're concerned about what's happening to us here snd now, not about what's going to happen a hun- dred thousand years from now. Per- haps this country is going to sink under the sea; for the present we have life and sunshine and open meadows and golden rivers and green leaves in springtime and misty moons these things are quite emough. You can worry about the future if you want to. We will enjoy life now, and laugh. Then, later, if the flood | comes, we will not eare." And it's a good answer, Just so jong as we understand that happi- ness and love and laughter, honestly earned, are among the chief of the things to be gained here on earth-- well, we should worry about the scientist's threats. ; A ---------- OPENING 'PEACE RIVER COUNTRY. sa ---. The Watertown, N.Y. Times opines splendid results when the Peace River district in Canada is opened up, It applauds the rail- way development policy which will open up a great tract of the most fertile land in Canada. It involves a railroad running from Northern Alberta directly through the famous Peace river section and then bending southward to meet the Pacific Great Eastern. The projected lime it con- cludes will open up millions of acres of fertile land which have been awaiting all these years for the rail- way. Cauads's production will be greatly increased and it will open up. homes' for millions from the mother country. It will be of im- mense benefit to their own United States as it will open 8 new market for American goods, for agricultural machinery and for raw material which is peculiar The dozen movements 10; DAILY BRITISH WHIG members of the upper chamber of} the national legislature. . i And indeed their profession need | pot debar them. There Is nothing | to prevent Premier King from filling | all the vacancies in the senate by the | appointment of clergymen, if he sees | fit to do so. { The Herald believes that the sen- ate would be greatly strengthened it] each of the Canadian universities | were represented there. And the | fact that the official head of Toronto | University, Sir Robert Falconer, and | the oficial head of Queen's, Dr. | Bruce Taylor, and official head of | Laval are all clergymen should not operate to keep them out of the sen- ate as the chosen representatives of their universities. rr ---------- * EDITORIAL NOTES. For the next few weeks you can on August evenings; and, pot judge a man by the cigars he gives you. Luxuriant old English hedges are being revived. The youthful soclal lions in London are cultivating Dun- dreary whiskers, While the roll of homor is the bank roll, observes 'The Brandon Sun, we are bound to lack things in lite that are worth while. -------- Samson, says the Simcoe Reform- er, had the right idea about adver- tising. He took two columns and brought down the. hohse. Is this to be a windy parliament? the Toronto Mail and Empire pen- sively enquires, Depends much on how the Meighen party blows! Most of the born leaders of men are women, at least we scores of famous men who declare they owe their success to their wives, Sir Oliver Lodge says human be- ings will be living on this earth mil- lions of years from mow. Thank good- ness there's hope of having some of Kingston's needs happily settled. The St. Thomas /Kiwanis Club plans the development" of a greater spirit of Canadianism--a most wor- thy object and one that every indi- vidual as well as every society, ought to have, a------ Every business concern, no mat- ter what their problems may be, will find that continuous advertis- ing is the safest, surest and best way to assure continuous increasing business, © ° The foreign trade of the United States is at a high level. For the ear just ended it totalled about $9,000,000,000, between exports and imports. The exports were a billion above imports. Sp---- Hockey for winter is likely to catch on in the cities in the north of the United States. It is the rage in| New York. But it will require care in handling for sporfing and gamb- ling men will degrade it it they get their chance. - Le /f It is sald 700 invitations have been issued for the floor of the Senate on opening day. Alas! that's as far as many will get. There is no request you gee for them to be seat- ed, permanently. "It you don't believe in _advertis- ing," comments the Goderich Signal, "just put an ad in this' newspaper offering to buy cats at a dollar a head, 'and see what will happen." ° F. W. Woolworth company closed the biggest year in its history, Gross sales were approximately $240,000, 000 contrasted with $215,601,000 io 1924. Net profits were about $34, 000,000, equal to better than $9 a share on 2,600,000 no par shares. Mr. P. H.'Dobbin, Peterboro, well kpown in newspaper circles, thinks he lost his glasses in a ballot box read of |' News and Views. Modern Error. Deen Inge in thé Yale Review: The commonest error in our day is the horror at the symptoms and the neglect of the disease. Progress In United States. Arkansas Gazette: Recent sta- tistics would indicate that we have almost reached the point where mar- riage is considered = sufficient grounds for divorce. Turn About's Fair Play. Kitchener Record: They ran out of water with which to fight a fire on a farm near Elmira and used milk. Oh, well! They have run out of milk on many a farm and used water. When Was This? Manitoba Free Press: The charge has been made that when Canada géts into trouble she calls loudly for the aid of the British navy, which ghe does not help to' maintain. When was this? The Way It Looks. Ohio State Journal: We, as a loyal and trustworthy Republican, are pre. paring to prove that the tariff is a positive and wonderful benefit to the farmer, but it looks as if our sta- tistics would have. to do more lyiag than usual. Climate Should Be Salubrious. Ottawa Citizen: A Toronto paper says that city's winters are milder because of the hot air which escapes from the chimneys of houses. Ot- tawa's winters, at that rate, should be quite salubrious after the session opens on the Hill, \ The End of Anthracite. Philadelphia Ledger: If necessary, the country can get through the winter without another pound of hard coal. If there was never an- other ton of anthracite shipped, smoke Would rise from the nation's chimneys just the same. Always be- fore, anthracite has restored its strike losses by passing them on to the public. This time it will be dang- erous to attempt it. Increased prices will mean the use of more and more substitutes. The public at last has found a weapon of defense, and is ready, even anxious, to use it if necessary. Just Wave Your Hand. Buffalo Express: Every radio man will tell you that the industry is only in is infancy. And everybody : will believe that. It is not only young in years, but it may be still younger in its possibilities. Already the inventor has appeared who claims to have made a fair start toward promoting the radio from its status of family entertainer to the |' more lofty sphere of & house- maid. The technical description. of his "combination of a photoelectric cell with a radio vacuum tube em- plifier" is too deep for i pular reading, but here are some of the things which it is going to do: Turn the heat on the furnace; shut the bedroom windows; start the coffee percolator; start,the electric toast- er; set the dish-washing machine to work; run the clothes-washing ma- chine; put the electric irom to its job. And so on, ad: infinitum. More- over, all that the housewife will have to do will be simply to"wave her hand. Just a mere gesture and the housework will &ll be under way and taking care of itself Sounds pretty good, madam, does it not? or {a Peerless Platform Orator} ro Brantford Expositor" 3 As a platform orator Lloyd George is incomparable, and it is evident from recent performances that he has lost nome of his old- time power. The 'other day he had to face a hostile audience of Lib- erals who objected to his land pol- fey. and this is how he approached them: i ' i "Believe me, when the last trum- pet sounds, there will be men Who will be. reluctant to arise because they object to one or two motes in the blast. They naturally . prefer their own music. There will be many more who will tarry because they have a dislike for the particu- lar archangel who has been chosen to blow the trumpet. And t be multitudes who will loi that kind of wit, humor, , cannot fail to get & @& even if he cannot earry would Beautiful Cloths and Colorings cated for less than Sizes 34 to 46 you to come in and Dress Well and Succeed BIBBY' ors wa i Swed FOR BETTER CLOTHES VERCOAT ELEGANCE 40.0 'We have some real classy Overcoats at this price. Late in arriving, but we are much pleased to get them, as our stock of better Overcoats was somewhat depleted. The new arrivals are genuine Scotch Crombies -- in all the newer shades and smarter designs. Coats that cannot be dupli- $55.00, If interested in an Overcoat that's different, we would ask see these dandies. BIBBY'S Wonderful tailoring and designing. Wit and Humor ---- htful. Mother: 'What, Bobby! You ate all of that cake without thinking of, your little sister? Bobby: T was thinking of her all thé time. 1 was afraid; she would come before I had time to finish it. ior : Cantious. She: Dearest, will you love me when I'm old? He: Love you? 1 shall idolize--er --you're not going to look like your mother, are you? Built at Night. Teacher: When was Rome built? Pupil: At night. . Teacher: Who told you that? . Pupil: You did. ~You sald Rome wasn't built in = day. ---- Vs, Son. | Servant: Sir, your little son has broke his leg. Professor' of English: How many times must I tell you that it is not 'broke'; it's broken." ---- i Not Acting. Mrs. Turner: Do you think that 1 am acting the fool. Mrs. Turner: Now John, know you never could act. you ------ : Phantom Golfer. Golfer (to new member): They say this club is haunted; a phantom golfer goes around the course every hight. - New Member: In how many? i nit. Falling Asleep, Joe: What happened when the aviator fell asleep In the aif? Charlie: He fell, asleep. Mrs. Hall: John, I believe you are deceiving me. ---- : SATURDAY'S SPECIALS Jorn and Tomatoes Oured Ham (whole P 2 Mild or id droskiast Baphn } = able Prices! Rump Roasts :-----+-180 Ib. Fresh Fresh Flank of Beef .---7o Ib. Oorn Beef «------: 100 1b. FRESH TENDERLOIN. --- 470 Mr. Hall: I've been trying to for 15 years. rp -- Prison. First Crook: that man in the car? - That's Kroner, the millionaire who made his money out of lead. 'Second crook: So did I, but 1 §ot seven years for it. . Doubled Doses. Doctor: Do you adbere to my rules in regard to drinking? Patiest: Yes, six glasses a day. Doctor: But I limited you to three. Patient: 1 know, But another c-- Role 272 Princess St. 'Phone 597 |i Choice Creamery Butter 480 Ib. ji Real Good Eggs, No. 1s 440 do. | | f:and they will 8) crrses wrensaen | Mac ine Sliced ---- 0 i: it for this Week-End at Reason- | | en Roasts from cerenseARY20 Ih DR. CHOWN'S Pot Rost of Beef --:-400 Ib Neck of Beef .---7c Ib. |} We are still head- | quarters for all sick- room supplies necessities. 'Phone us your wants promptly filled. DRUG STORE 'PHONE 343. 185 PRINCESS STREET Brisket Points .---.«:- 7c Ib. y "You can't make a . Silk Purse out of a sow's ear" and the only coal that you oan get plenty of heat out of is good coal. We have a number coals for sale, and coals. ;