Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Jan 1926, p. 15

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THE DAILY BRITISH whic The Whig's Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a T BIRTHS. 2 on, on Dec. 19th, ar jo William Barker jazel Pringle); a-daughter. In Picton, Dee. 15th, to Northport, on Jan. 2nd, Mat Harry B. Smith, a fo Mr (nee I Mr. daughter. SHB AN--In Ploton, on December pro Mr. and Mrs. William © Sheridan, & daughter. PHOMW ISON --At Napanee, on Dec. 17th, to Mt. and Mrs. Ass Thompson, & daughter f DEATHS, TROESS--At Enterprise, on Jan. 1st, BU fear Elizabeth, fed § months and § days, aily daughter of Mr. and Mrs, James Burgess. BAILEY=In Pleten, Dec. 18th, the in- fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bailey. CARE Y~str' London. Dec .3ist, Private James Carey. .somn of the late Wil. liam Carey and Mrs, Carey, of Pi ton. YOLBOURN--In Toronto, Jan. 8rd, Mary CO orn. formerly of Teton, v NSON--In Kings.won, on anuary oH 1926, Miss Julla Johnson, 119 Montreal Street. Funeral will leave her 18fe residence on Monday morning at 840 4 St Mary's Cathedral, where a solemn requiem mass will be sung at $8.00 o'clogk for the repose of her soul Friends and acquaintances respectfully invited to Adena Syrecuss papers please copy. MOLYNBIX Tn Hallowell, Jan. Snd, "William Ross Molyneux, in his 31st Year. | ROBPBRTSON---At Battle Creek, Mich, on Jan. 2nd, J. D. Robertson, form- erly of Picton. SIMMONS-- At Hawley, on Jan. 6th, Herman Meyers Simmons, aged 74 years. WILSON--In Hallowell, Jan. 5th, A. B. Wilson, aged 53 years. WILLIAMS At Montrealfi on Dee. 31st, John: Williams, husband of Mary Willlams, formerly of Violet. ' 'ot IN MEMORIAM. In loving memory of our derling Ybaby, Manly Earl, who passed away Decomber 13th, 1922. Thére was an angel band in heaven, Thet was not quite complete; o God has taken little Earl 'o fill the vacant seat. --Sadly missed by Father and Mother. AAA AAA rr A A in. CARD OF THANKS. YHOTEL DIBU HOSPITAL . wish to extend, to our Benefho- tors, 'and many kind friends, our sin- oerest thanks for their generous gifts to Sur Institutions at the festive gea- a 2 'seapprecitte all and pray that the SAF may be replete with happi- nosy' and prosperity. 3 ther Superior and Sisters. - JAMES REID Old, Fitm of Undertakers and £56 PRINCESS STREET "Phone 147 for Ambulance : P. KEYES . L HOME: 49 RNE STREET CE 'PHONE 1839, CORNELIUS aker and Embalmer The 0m '{ husband, Orville Russell, @he British Whig KINGSTON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING WAIL ads. are restricted to. their proper classification, and to the regular Daily Whig styie of type. CLASSIFIED RATES: Daily rate per line or consecutivé insertions: Minimum charge, Dally rater per line 25 cents. , and Memoriam Notices--Charged, $1.50; cash, §1.00 each imsertion. Advertising ordered for irregular inpertions takes the one-time inser tion rate; no ad. taken for less than is of four lines. Souat Six average words to the ne, CharRed ads. will be received by telepnone and if paid at The Brits ish Whig Office within § days from the first date of insertion, cash rate will be allowed. Ads, ordered for more than ohe day and stopped before expiration will only be charged for the number of times the ad. appeaged and adjust- ment made at the ratg earned. Rate per line for white space is the same as a line of type. Special rate for yearly advertising upon request. Fublishers reserve the right to edit or reject all classified advertising copy. Telephone 242. ask for a want ad. taker. Lost and Found 1 AUTO KEY Found, in front of door of British American Hotel. Owner may have same at British American Hoe te BRASS DOOR KEY--Found, fn tex, an Thureday arernoon. Owner may have Same. by 'phoning 226. RARRING.-.. Found, on Brock street. Wier mey have same at 406 Bar- rie street. FOUNTAIN PEN-- Lost one day last week. [Finder please return to Whig Office. FRONT PART-Of automobile engine hood cover, lost. Finder will be re warded for return to Callaghan"s Gar- age, Wellington Street. GLOVE---Found, at corner 6f Albert and Union B.reets. Owner may have same at Whig Office. 3 LARGE KEY «- Found on Fr Street, on New Year's eve. Owner may have same at Whig Oftice. PURSE--Small, black, containing smal] sum of money, lost Wednesday even- ing between Johnson and Rideau Streets. Finder please return to Whig Office or phone 2019-F. STRING OF BEADS. A brooch, one pair of dark glasses, found in Laid- law's store. Apply at main office and claim' same. WATCH--Found, on Earl Street, be- tween Barrie and Division Streets Owner may have same at 229 Edrl Street. Live Stock TWO WATER SPANIEL PUPPIES Toy Terriers and one Boston Puppy. Muller's Bicycle Works, 371.373 Brock Street. 'Phone 1961-w. ia SEPP EP 220202200 * + AUTO MANUFACTURERS FEAR GOAT SHORTAGE The shortage of Angora goats is causing manufactur ers of automobile bodies alarm. Angora goats are the source of supply for mohair velvet which covers the cushions in many of the high-grade auto- mobiles. In spite of the fact that America is the largest consumer of genuine mohair velvet, only a comparatively few Angora goat herds are raised in this country. * Angora goat fleece fis shipped in huge quantities to thie country from Turkey and other old world countries. - CEPRPVREPLOPOISYS PPP PLPPP EPR PRPIPH SOS * » * + * » + * * * > * + + * + $ * * * * * * * Beek Divorces. Ottawa, Jan. 9---Notice for appli- cation of divorce is given in this week's Canada Gazette by Goldie Luella Russell, = Ottawa, from her George Eigie Duvlea, Brockville, from his wife, Jean Duvies, Finch, and Harold W. V. Turner, Montreal, from his wife Jeanette Bourbonnais, formerly of Montreal, now of Chat- ham. er ---- * Memorial To Alexandra. London, Jan, 9---About $50,000 is to be subscribed for a national mem- orial to the late Dowager Queen Aléxandra. The money wiil be used to assist Queen Victoridy Judiles Yar stitute for Nurses, . "Phone 220," Gibson's, Drugs. Arnprior, | FEET STILL, OR THE "TOWEL WiLL MOMENTS WE'D LIKED Live OVER. THE BEST MA IN THE WHOLE Help Wanted WORLD. Real Estate For Rent Le TRwilless, ©1906 BY MEA SWINE, INC Wanted To Buy Articles For Sale. Furniture FURNITURE-- Antigue and modern furniture sold and bought. MM: Cram. er. 507 Princess Street, successors to | Lesseg Antique Shop. - 18 Te el and Feed FOR SALE--1 car Virginia Nut Coal 13.00 ton. 1 car Kencucky Egg $13.00, hese are semi-hard and burn Well in Stuves and furnaces. 1 car Split Pea Coke, §8.00. 1 ton Virginia of Ken. tucky and 1 ton Pea $30.00. Smaller quantities. Cartage extra. 1 ear Peat $6.00 half ton. wood or slabs, $3.00 load. Dry hard- wood $4.00 load. 'Phone 2440-w. W. C. Bruton, 290 Wellington Street. HARDWOOD----Dry body maple $3.75 per load. Dry mixed 3.00. Dry seft maple, $2.75. Split 25¢. extra. 'Phone 148%-J. Mrs, Parker, corner Johnson and MelDonald Sireets. HARDWOOD--$3.50 and $3.75 quarter cord;"mixed wood $2.76 and $3.25; Slab wood $2.76 to §3.50, according to qual- ity; rough and dressed lumber, shingles, 33.60 per thousand and up. Bawdust sold cheap, W. H. 'Talbot, Concession S.reet. Telephone 2758-J. SWAIN'S WOOD YARD -- Dry bod hardwood, $4.69 quarter cord; mixe bodywood $4.00 quar.er cord; hardwood slabs $4.00 a load. Mixed slabs $3.00 a load. 'Phone 2516-w. WOOp--Mixed body dng soft wood slabs, $2.75 load; hardwood slabs, $3.54 10% body hardwood, $4.00 TQuAr.er Cod J. Peters & Son, corner Toronto Brock Streets. 'Phone 889. Business Services . Talloving and Pressing 20 W. ROBERTSON -- Tallor, Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing; your own clota made up, Samples in stock. $20.00 and up. 273 bagot Street. rrofessional ¥ DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER --. W, A. Marcelis, corner of barrie and Prin cess Streets. Chiropraccic adjust ments, eleciric treatments and nand- massage. X-ray service. Cohsuita- tion Iree. Hours 9-12 a.m. 1-§ p.m. Kvenings by appointment. Office tele phone »22-J. mesidence 'phone $57-J. LUCY=-Geo. ¥, and Jennie A. Chire- bractors, Registered Nurse, 302 Bagot Street. 'Phone 951-w. Hours 9-13, 1-3, 8-71.30. Consulaation free. 10a Male Help Wanted 2 Houses 9° BOY---~Wanted to deliver papers once a week. Apply at Canadian Freeman, between 12.50 and 1.00 daily, CATHOLIO BOY--With falr education wanted po learn the business. Apply by letter only, to The Canadian Free man, Box 186, Kingston, Ont. FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEN Bein ners $150-$250 monthly, Swiich pt 0 tion?) Wri.e Railway, Box M-9, Whig Oftice. MEN--Age 18-40, wanting Ry. Station- Office positions, $115-3250 month. Free transportation. Experience unneces- sary: Write Baker, Bupt. (N.P.M.) Star Building, St. Louis, Mo. YOUNG MAN--Or middle-aged man preferably one who hag been in busts Bess and who has oo 1 in and around Kingston, to represent me. This should be good for Jisvse weekly for at least three months. .This pros position js not permanent, but develop so. II you can qualify, isa legitimate pro; n interview you. Address Advertiser, clo. "Whig." Kiggston, Female Help Wanted 3 GENERAL SERVANT--Wanted, immé~ diately. Apply to 240 Frontenac Street. MAID-~Wanted for general housework. Apply 64 Wellington Street. Male or Female Help Wanted Ba COOK~--Warited for hotel, at once, Ap- ply to Stewart House, Lansdowne. $5 SELLS HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES --Greatest imaginable demand: have business of your own; make five dol- lars up daily; capital or experience un- Becessary, B. Garretson, Brantford, = Agents Wanted SALESMEN AND DISTRIBUTORS Start the New Year with the world's fastest seller. Appeals to every man Woman, child. Briendid repeater. Bell to consumer or dealer, usiness of your own. Exclusive territory rights Are valuable. Enormous profits. rite Wonder Limited, 26 Duncan, Toronto 2. SALES We offer steady em; - y weekly to sell our yoo Fuaren. LS r - #2 esh-dugs 4 plants. Attrae ; A mone Kg oh Sospe: Brothers Nurseriss, Paton real WO! SBest selling bh d - Revs iat, Salesmen Fray Bxoto- Bive territory. Write to-day. J R. "Watkins Company, Dept. 15, Hamilton« Ont. T Real Estate For Rent ~~ Business Faces » STORES--Three stores, Princess Street, south side; loo A%k commodious, renr entrance. Also mirrors, ote, sale. A L - for gal App Cohen & Co., On Turkish towelling was discovered may | ON this aad broke! DWELLING-Five ToOoms, and garage. West and. Batewman's Real Hetate, 111% Brock Street. HOUSE-~ 8 rooms, electric ht, rent $16.00, on Cowdy street; small house, 5 rooms, water and tollet; rent $10.00, on Stanley stréet; also house on Mont~ real street. Apply H. }¥. Norman, 6 (Patrick Street. 'Phone 730-w. BOUSB-Cornér Colborne and Syden- ham streets, § rooms; 269 and 255 Ri- deau St, 7 rooms and 6 rooms; 81 Queen street, 6 rooms; 45 Concession Street, 6 rooms; all improvemens each. Apply 185 Queen Street. Tele- phone H83-w. NEW HOUSL---Ellerbeck Avenue, just completed, 7 rooms. Apply to E. B Wathen, 127 Nolgon street. with stable ¢ IM ---- Wel iencss, Apply B4 HED BEDROOM---All con- veniences; warm, with private family. Apply 301 Willlam street. ONE FRONT BEDROOM-~ Warm and Fo central; rent reasonable. Tele- phone 2180-1. ROOMS--~Two or three, furnished for ght housekeeping; no children; all veniences; use of phone. Rent rea sonable, near kusiness College. Ap- ply 'phone 1523-w. Wanted To Rent 11 SMALL FPURNISHED APARTMENT. 'Wanteg for six months. Apply Box K-8, Whig Oftice. Real Estate For Sale Houses J. BE. CUNNINGHAM Real Estate Insurance and Loans 19 Clarence Street. HOUSE-On Stuart street provements, $4,300. ul r; 370 Princess phone 704 or 1395-J. . 'HOUSE~=A desirable cut stone dwell- he ; BopOrey £8 lier nt o 0 en . Barrist er, ete, 89 Clarence B. W. MULLIN ! Real Estate and Insurance Broker Johtison and Division Streets Phone 53s-w. See Advt Page 2. $8,000.00--Brick, seven rooms, modern, central. Three farms close to city. Would ex- House to let; central. Insurance. Money to loan. 361 Princess Street. "hone 1189-4. Waited To Buy 14a all | BRICK al Mont. Tele- CASH 1y. 8 ie gah price. Fig A SIRT Books Wanted MR. B. DIAMOND, the well- known book dealer of Montreal, will be in this city for a few days and will pay the highest cash prices Sor complete libraries, sets of books and single volumes deal- ing with Canada, If you have books to dispose of communicate at once with him, clo. Mr. Turk. Telephone 705. Articles For Sale. Miscellaneons AB HES o- hen Clinkers. Arveniaiiy sulted for NE otd work. To be had or drawing. Apply to Angroviy Foundry, Xing and Queen Streets. CONTENTS OF HOUSE-Ior sale, in- cluding furniture, kitchen . utensils, eto, Apply 11 Raglap Road. - ------------ cu For sale cheap, Also Bris- coe parts. 'Phone 181-m. JANUARY SALE-Suits with extra pair Trousers, 330.00. Usual easy terms. Five per cent. for cash. Batisfaction guaranteed. Newest Spring patterns, 'Phone 2208-w. J. G. Patterson, 130 Johnston Street. SHADE FRAM Fire dogs and screens. We mal them, large variety. 'Phone 380. Partridge Wire Works. Try us for silver plating and P So. KITUHEN RANGE-Nearly new Peer lens Peninsular Kitchen Range, nearly new Drophead Binger Machine; one Cost. Owner leaving city. Apply 69 William Street west. ONE DROF VENTRE BREAD WAGON ~={New). Apply BE. B. Wathen, 137 Nelson street. "Phone f891-J, ONE CUTTER--One bu tons eiraw. Apply rewer"s Mills. PIANO-<Gerhard Helnwtzman, L 73, mahoguny case. Louls XV Sones: a pr Sondition. n be bo Al Lay: There: 121 Princess Street. PIANO, UPRIGHT--Handsoms walnut case, 7 1-3 octave, ivory keys; syle ¥, § tons hay, ohn Dockrill, terms. C. W, dots Drone MITT oF 2 «J Of gested. (3419-7 or call at 146 set, second Waa iy and t at. £1 208 Pri CUNNINGHAM & SMITH wo Barristers and Solicitors, © 79 Clarence Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunnningham, IK.C.; Cyr M. Smith, DAY AND REVELLE-Barristerg Solicitors, 69 Ciarence Street, King- 8ton. 'A, E. Day, Adrian 1. Revele. Morigages arranged. 'Phone 205. REYNOLDS, J. C--Bartister and Sotiol. tor, 8 Brock Street, Mortgages ar- ranged on city and farm pr riy. "Phune 2509. PEOpOTLY SLATER--Douglas, Barrister and Soli gitor, 79 Clarence Street. Money to loan. 'Phone 422. and SHEA---Ambrose, B.A, Bolieitor. Law Office, and Brock, over Royal to lo&n, - 'Phone.' 1999. SKIN LEM SHES -- Hair, Mol Warts, rithmarks, Skin Cancers: Scars, Pits, ete, removed permanen- ly. Batisfactory Glasses Sited and ished after others have failed. fhout opérstion, $3 Dr. Elmer J. La Bye, ry : Nose, rof by iy Phone 01% Hove, 11% Table Board 22a, TABLE BOARD~Given. Near Queen's University. An excellent chance tow students. * Rates reasonable. 'Phon 3181-J. . at re Fancy Work a3 PICOT EDGING wo Hemstitehing, acing, work guaranteed. Mrs P PFleld, 363 Barrie Street, nea Street. 'Phone 2433-J. ar Prides Barrister and corner of King Bank. Money , Ladies' Hair Parlor 24 FIRST CLASS HAIR WORK tos TO ORDER --Ladies' Transtor- mations, bobbed curls, switches, sham - sias: singeing, curling, 3 Rildfen's hair cutting, rs. Cun- Sham, 56 Ba Sti lephons 20909, | © oot Kingston FRENCH MARCEL WAVING T aving, R d Curling, Hair Bobbing | and Robbed Facial and Soalp Treatment, Bpscial Bier" 7 Bu UE DYE ointment 'phone 2018." aps oF ERM, ANENT WAVING @ only wave you sham t dampness Hopraves ey sie Also Mardell Waveeshr hair. aving, no #. _Shampoving, ng, Massaging, Hair Dye) A and all the iatespatyles in Fajr Cutting. A. B. GSBURY, 53 Street, 'P hone 2013-1. . England has one boxing promoter, Mrs. Burge, a former music hall. singer. ' can Anthracite (but James Swift i Paol of Johnson Dry mixed soft Cord-|¥ Anthracite, Pocahontas Sn Coke in Stove and Nut sizes. No. 1 Buckw] 'Owing to the continuance of the strike in veri of ay of the above for any Genie . 7 wR & rue Market Place Business Service Insurance ERNIE D. SLITER -inqurages all branches of Losyrancé companies of highest financial ing. 81 Kb Btreet East, $5:¢8-w. Res 1131.. FIRE-~Automaobile and Casualty ance. EB. M. Crumley, 420 Karl St 'Phone 1783-M. INSURANCE-~Only the most companies rebrasentod. : Strange, established in 1860, © Clarence Street, opposite Post . B. COORKE-Life, Fire. Sickness, in reliable Sompan trict manager imperial Life. * Office 603-w. Res. 1731-m. OUR HEALTH AND ACCIDEN icy will protect your salary, All I of Fire and Automobile Insurance. Williams, 2 Couper street. 3 ANDERSON, A~~Painter and D or. Estimates given on large or Jobs. Choice stock of Wall Paper samples carried. 'Phone 1966, CALL 1852-F---For first class hanging and interior decorat Choice samples. H, Rowley. SIGN PAINTING~J. 8. Robinson, # cet. ' 475 bagot Str Financial IF YOU WANT ENORMOUS PROFIT On. $100 or more from Floruda of Estate, write Florida Mutusl Inv. © Miami, Florida. PRUNTENAC LOAN AND MENT SOCIETY lncorporated. 1881. President, A. D. Cartwel vicepresident J. M. Farrell Mob: loan on city and tarm properties; vestmeni. Bonds bought and sold: <i posits received and interest minimum monthly balance. Ro C ager, 871 Clarence Btorage NEW LARGE STORAGE W --built of concrete blocks and floors; ready to receive all ki merchandise, including sutomy trucks amd furniture, etc. Terms sonable. Call and inspect at 396 V lingtun street, or phone 2440-w. Bruen, Bm % Miscellancous 0 ASHES~Cleaned out of yards, ciean job doue. 24 Russell Street. cellars a A. MAOGH 'Phone 238% STORAGE---Dead storage for ear Ply 338 Frontenac Street. 260-w, ' SLEIGH DRIVING PARTIE : €00d teams, careful drivers. Wood § ing, carload or job lots Esti given. Caverly Transfer Co, Princess Street. 'Phone 1507-7. STORAGE=For furniture, clean, air jouma And i your own an ey. - Frost's torage, 306 Queen St. 'Phone tre. Re: Expert Plano Tuning, Player-Plano Adjusting, Plone 1644. C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED UPHOLSTERINGe-And general ing. leave ol 's Al op 3 10 W. Harold, 10¢ C lin KINGSTON AUTO TOP Makers of Aut WY; s Commerc Coupe bodd lifornia Tops 'and | os, holstering. Awhnin and Ten 2347 King street, Fons 2045. a AND BODY FORD TRUOK-- 1 ton, B sides. Also 1 en Hors Hirer 30x Munro Auction Rooms, Market INSURANCE BROKE; 3 Writing Fire, Life, Aw cident. "Sickness. pi omebie, other lines of insurance, Also a full line of FURNITURE, Everything reasonable. : Turk's Store ; 'PHONE 105. y Baccharin is so sweet t to 105000 of water gives a | ibly sweet taste, . We are still able to offer to the Public, Ameri- | not all sizes), the 'Aatheacite fds Cima wich he ence < > a

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