Still Enjoying Life at 84 Mrs. F. H. Miller, 1843-11th Ave. Bast, Vascouver, B.C, writes: -- Five years ago my husband suffered terribly with severe attacks of pal: pitation of the heart and smothering Is, and two doctors stated that he gould not possibly live six months. © A friend recommended Milburn's H. and N. Pills, with the result that my Busband is still enjoying life at the age of 84 years, He has improved so wonderfully that he can now climb the stairs ong having those awful pains in ' "Put up only by The T. Milburs Op,, Limited, Toronto, Ont. WALL PAPER We have decided to clear out i our stock of choice Wall Paper 'at SACRIFICE PRICES. Come and save money. WIFE T0 BED - Suffered So She Could Not Walk. - Restored to Health Lydia E. Finkham's Compoun The old ie paint and varnish he and ee Chien Uo Deo. [ Aceurding ta size of eur, DH T & BRADEY 3 Horizontal. . A going back in de- velopment. . Tuberous root stock used in Hawall. . Serf. . Perished. . Female figure pray- ing. . Indian from Utah. .- Pertaining to a soft palate. . To soak flax. . Feeling deeply. , Bilk worm, . Pot. . Opposite of soft. . You and me. . High mountains. 3. T~ 'istribute grudg- ingly. . Moi.adin dye. . Morning. . Musical character, . Bubbles of soap. . To place in line. 2. Inlet, . Bulb flower. . Woven string. . Kindled again. . To apportion. . Correlative of eith- . Beer. . Narrow .. Bone, . Valued. . Close. MoE N |S a jis] LIAINIO] Answer to Friday's Cross Word Puzzle. -------------- The original forest of the United States contained 5,200,000,000,000 feet of lumber. Narrow is the way that leads to lite, but it needn't make people RArTOW, . Invasion of police. . Double point (geo- metrical). . Point of compass. . Venomous snakes. . Disincumbers, Ancient. . One who withdraws :2 from a party. . To employ. . Mate of a gander. . Small wax candle. . Long ago. . Church seats. . Machines Vertical. . Uncommon. . Mus® of poetry. . 2000 pounds. . To surfeit. . To level. . Point of' compass. . Small fish. .. Lubricated. , Study of embossed | *1 1 surface of our bodies. 1-9 . Low-speed machine. . To plow. . Meat, 22. Sleeps. . Factory. . Female falcons. . Began again. . Pertaining to sun. . Small piece of ma- terial. Sewer. Passages. To tear. 38. To be sick 40. Rubber tree. 45. To get up. 46. Ripped. 52. Soil. | | 50. Portion of a church. | 54. To love. | 55. String instrument. 57. Unusually large. 59. To appear above | the horizon. To phone. To judge. Hems. Matching dishes. To imitate. . Dye. You. drilling | the 33. 34. street. 36. for test- 61. 62. "64. | 68, *69. Ay WEAK BODY FALLS i PREY TO BACTERIA! By Dr. Hugh 8. Cummings, You know that all living matter, animal or vegetable, is composed of cells.' Those cells are so tiny that they eannot be seen excepi with a powerful micrdscope. Bach cell is composed of a ma- terial ealled protoplasm and each protoplasmic cell is a distinct indis vidual with a life history of its own. It lives for a period, reproduces its kind and it dies. It requires a cer- tain amount of heat or warmth, pro- per food and moisture in order tof live. Communicable diseases are caused either directly or indirectly by the action of certain vegetable cells upon the animal cells of the body. These vegetable cells are called germs or bacteria, while not all of them are capable of causing disease, some of them being, as a matter of faet, beneficial to man and others belag harmless, there are still a few which when introduced into the human | body cause disease. There are also a few animal cells that cause com- municable disease. + Exist Everywhere. Germs afte too small to be recog+ nized by the senses unless the micros sodpe is used, yet they exist practie- ally everywhere. Germs are on the walls and the floors of buildings, they ride In dust particles through the air, they exist on our clothing, in our mouths, in practically all wa- ter, in the surface soil and on the If the skin is cut or broken apd the wound is not properly protected, inflammatién soon results unless the skin {is kept clean and free from germs. The skin of our bodies Is comn< structed in such a way as to prevent the ehitrance of disease germs into the system under ordinary circum stances. As long as the skin remains | unbroken or uninjured the germs cannot entér the body through the skin. The cells of the human body pos. gesses certain powers of resistance to tha action of bacteria and usually when only a few bacteria are intro duced certain cells of the body dé- stroy the invaders before much dam- age is done. When a number of germs gain. access to the body, however, or when certain specifie ones ones are introduced, trouble ane sues, ease germs may cause trouble if we are weakened from any canse or rem dered non-resistant to certain baes teria. If our bodies are in a weak-{ entering . ened condition germs tale may Hsbpin that 4 Tow Alber ASKS WELL HOW ABOUT A UTTLE MUSIC ? WHAT'D THE PAMILY LIKE ? DOESNT MAKE A BIT OF DIFFERENCE TO HIM, THIS 15 THEIR SHOW SOME TIME JATER TAM- LY STARTS TD AGK, WHERE THEIR MUSIC 15 WAVES EMPHATICALLY FOR SILENCE THE ing utensils are not absolutely clean. | In these days of sanitary drinking cups, the insanitary drinking glass used by some dispensers of soft drinks is as antiquated and danger ous as the old-fashioned method of bleeding patients for any and all dis- eases, Avoid the common towel. Keep out of range of careless sneeszers or coughers. A handkerchief held over the mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough will protect the people about you and prevent disease germs from traveling. Remember that cleanliness, fresh air, plenty of sunshine, the protect- ing of others by keeping your mouth and nose 'covered with a handker- chief when you cough or sneeze, avoiding common drinking utensils, and getting plenty of sleep will help you to keep closed the main travel- ed roads along which march these harmful bacteria, the germs of dis- ease, Zoos Provide Big Business. As the wild animal zoos and eirs cuses are constantly being depleted by death and accident, it is necessary to have constantly in the field, seek- ing new spacimang, 8 a small army of big wild game hunters, Aaa are used in catching many animals, but even the hal) oat Shae Is unavailing whéh it comes to hold- Ing the rhinoceros. Usually that ponderous ' animal is captured by means of a pit fall. Neck Broken, Man Lives, Bernd Christianson, an inmate of the Lutheran home for the aged at Eugene, Ore., fell oft a barh and suffered a broken neck. Physicians who expected him to die hourly were mystified when he continued to live the day following the accident, They do not béllevée he can recover how. ever, though how long he might live in his present condition is & ques- tion. Resident of Lufkin, Tex., has grown a tadish weighing six and onme- fourth pounds and measuring 24 inches in length and 15 19¢hes SAYS HELL FIND SOME- THING ON THE EAR- , PHONES FIRST AND THEN PLUG IN THE LOUD SPEAKER THAT WAS FLORIDA HE BETTER THAN THAT 1 SAYS THERE! HE THINKS IN HIMSELF 0- ANNOUNCES HE'S 60T VER 1055 OF TIORIDA- BY SOME MUSIC NOW HE AD AND THEV HAD TO - LISTENING TO LAST TEN THINKS THEY'LL LIKE, GO AND TALK JUST WHEN ROUNDS OP A LIVELY MAN WAS ANNDUNC: PRIZE- FIGHT ING THE STATION Copyright, 1625 The SPENDS HALF AN HOUR SAYS JUST A MINUTE HI'S SAMPLING VARIOUS SE< LECTIONS AND MUTTERING MARKET REPORT AND HE (AN GET SOMETHING 'WANTS TO HEAR IT At the Capitol Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. "The worst thing you can do PICKED UP THE STOCK PLUGS IN LOUD SPEAKIR AND FINDS FAMILY HAS GONE TO BED 2 Ruperstitious. London nolice are searching for Patience Duneling, 17-year-old do- mestic servant of Guildford. The girl accidentally broke a mirror. She appeared horrified at the occurrence, and two hours later disappeared. ------- DR. MARTEL'S FEMALE PILLS A eS pars nature THOUSANDS CASES LAST ALF CENTURY -- DELAYED and PAINFUL NEKETRUATION. No dangerous D druggists will not offer substitutes, iN pot with our signature, mailed og rece ipt $100. Ce., 71 E, Front Kajckerbocker . Toronto. Eye Strain Motwring subjects the cree toa greatetrain, The shes ve Vi eae i de ir of the Otdisary At mw famous Tone-Lite lenses, s'hourh oojorless, by virtue of their chemical ag +o absorb all the barmial mays allowing only the bermicss restful light to Sher through. * Let usarmange 3 demonstration without obligetion. Better than Oroohes--mo color to mae the appearance--a guaranties with every pair. R. ARTHEY OPTOMETRIST 3 148 PRINCESS STREET p------ A SAFE AND SURE ALING CHIL DREN MILLER'S ORM POWDERS CONTAIN ND NARCOTION. EASILY TAKEN. QUICKLY AND THOROUGHLY CLEANSE EVEN THE MOST DELICATE SYSTEM. AS SWEET AS SUGAR See Our New Line of Gas Ranges PublicUtilities Commission NEW OFFICES. QUEEN 8ST. House Wiring All oe of Electric Apparatus Satisfaction guaranteed. Best work at reasonable prices, "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE" HALLIDAY ELECTRIC Co. the world is to give a short sentence. || A firét sentence of ten days or two igi is almost criminal on the part t magistrates. It is an abomina. If you want to make a first nae Sesion 1h last, make the sentence 80 severe all not wan: Tt a second time." This was the advice given by the Home Secretady, Sir William Joynson-Hicks, to the Ma- glstrates' Association in London. Eléctric Trains for Japan. What is $id to have been the first electric train in that com: munity has been operated on a line between Tokio and Kodzu in Japan. The line is 30 miles long Jeg ular electric service will be main- tained. Much interest in the in- novation ts shown by the natives. Boots For Elephant. Oojah, young pigmy. elephant at the Lofidon 200 js becoming knock- kneed, In cofisequencé & pair of am: builstory Dominion Textil Company (Limited) MANUF ACTURERS "PRUE COTTON" .MONTRFEAL--TORONTO--WINNIPEG #plints have been made for |i it. A plaster cast was taken and the |} splints of leather and steel circumference. iN Made. from 15. were |}