Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jan 1926, p. 5

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3 ] Phone 316 JWODKIN'S LIVERY For taxi, sleighs for driving par. es, hacks and cutters. Also fve- pat for sale. INGSTON TRANSFER CO. 158 WELLINGTON STREET ioves Freight, Steel, Building Equip. ent, Machinery, Safes, Pianos, etc. MONEY LOANED AGAINST MORTGAGES Phones 877. Evenings TO LET 2281, Desirable brick nize room house. | Ww. ery central location. Immediate ssession. $40.00 per month. GENERAL INSURANCE ire Plate Glass Liability uto Burglary Baggage | GUARANTEE BONDS | Agent Great West Life Assurance pmpany. |R. H. Waddell- | rep Dr. Waugh 106 Wellington St. Phone 2058. | PIANO TUNING Don't Waste Your You will resret it every time | you: have to remove the ashes. BOOTH & CO. .. Phone 138, Grove Inn Yard "A Few Doses of Dr. Wood's | : Pine Syrup ; May Stop That Congh Mr. Frank D. Comeau, West Bath urst, NB, writes:--'I had a very bad cold and cough thet settled on my lungs, and I thought that I would never got rid of it. One dey a friend spoke to me about your wonderful remedy, so I sent and Bot a bottle of it, 'and after the first dose I took I got relief, and by the time I had finished the bottle I was completely relieved of all my trouble." "Dr. Woud's" is put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont, ¢ tat a UR FREIGHT DELIVERY A SPECIALTY Leeal and long All Motor Trucks with Al Tires. L. BRYANT Street. 'Phone 1753.) se pilin DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN AL DR. J. C.W. BROOM Dental Surgeon 150 Wellington Street. 'Phone 679. Evenings by appointment. Don't Fuss With Mustard Plasters! We Masterole orks Without the ' 'Boys' and Youths' OVERCOATS *10.50 Ages from 12to 16. Regular value $16.50 a x News From District Places Tomsip Comes | KINGSTON, Cataraqui, Jan. 4.--The first meeting of the council for 1926 met to-day at 11 a.m. The oath of office of each member was shown as sign- ed in the proper time. All members Were present when the roll was call- ed. On motion of Weller-Hawkey, the minutes of the last meeting of the council of 1925 were adopted as read. Communications re bill of dam- ages claimed by Mr. Cramer result- ing from an accident, which occur- red north of the village of Catara- qui on the Sydenham road. No ¢on- sideration given as the road is a county road. Petition, re sewer on Victoria street north was read, names submitted being H. Curson, Mildren Curson, William James Baker, Ellen Baker, Frances Baker, Joseph Hawkey, Thomas Possle, Edna Possie, Robert Holsgrove, Emily Holsgrove, Frederick Martin, Emily Martin, John Ladds, F. W. Smith. This to be installed on the local improvement plan. Motion, Weller-Hawkey, that the reeve and deputy reeve be a commit. tee to arrange for a sewer on Vie- toria street north, Motion, Weller-R. Aylesworth, that men who apply for charity, be employed to cut brush or other work for the township. Motion, R. Ayles- worth-Hawkey, that in the case of dependents, any person receiving charity will not be allowed by this council over fifty dellars per year: if the above amount is not satisfac. tory to the parties keeping the de- pendents, it will be necessary to have them placed in the Home fbr the Aged. Motion, W, Aylesworth-Wel- ler, that this council adjourn until 1.30 p.m. Council resumed at 1.30 p.m. Mo- tion, Wellér-R. Aylesworth, that the question of purchasing road ma- chinery be taken up at the next meeting. Motion, Hawkey-R. Aylés- worth, that W. J. Smyth's account re charity (Miss Rose) be paid. Mo- tion, Weller-W. R. Aylesworth, that the copy of the Voters' List for 1926 be placed before the council fof cor rection, if any is required, before be- ing placed into the hands of the printer, Motion, Weller-Hawkey, that Mr. Smythe be paid $40 as sal- ary for services as school #ttendance officer. Motion, Weller-R. Ayles- worth, that the caretaker ordef two cords of wood for hall, Motion, Weller-Hawkey, that the clerk write up in order, the Witths, marriages and deaths that have not "| been copied for nine years, and also sort the township papers &nd place the important ones om file or in a! vault, and that he shall be paid for this service, Motion, Hawkeéy-Weller, that John Gibson be appointed member for the local board of health, Mo- tion, Weller-By Aylesworth, that B. Harpell be appointed sanitary in- spector for 1926. Motion, W, R. Aylesworth-Weller, that By-icw 193 re appointing of member of local board of health and sanitaty inspector have its first read. ing. Motion, W. R. Aylesworth-Wal- ler, that by-law 192 be read the sec- ond aid third tise afd be signed by the rebve. ¥ lm Motion, Wellep-W. R. Aylesworth, that Byron fion be appointed auditor at a salary of $76 per yoar, 10 audit the books for the year 1995. Motion, Mawkey-Weller, that L. Trudell be appointed truant office: for 1926 at a salary of $40 per year. Motion, Weller-Hawkey, that A. B, Saunders be appointed road overseer Bt & salary of $3.50 per day. 4 fon, Hawkey-R. Aylesworth, that Thomas Purdy be appointed con- stable for the township at an une stated salary, Motion, Weller-Nawkey, that the road overseer look he the road by Mr. Simpson in the com ces . Motion, Weller-W. R. Aylesworth, that all bills marked OK by members of council be paid during 1926. ; The following bills were ordered i $6, Darl Fraser, drawing tile; 9.74, Seott and Duberry, charity; hy William Hears, work on road; road; ¥5, B. Tolls, charity; $6, Jos- Wise, 200 clerk; $5.25, D. work gout: 2, Maalctonl Wari, upp EE 83, Gnarne | pton, ork sworth.-Weller, to meet the stamps for usé of ber from here attended the meeting of the Women's Institute held at Mrs. E. Kilpatrick's this week. Mrs. BE. Orr entertained a young lady on Thursday evening, who is biking on a bet trom Hamilton to Montreal, the trip to be made on foot in sixteen days. The hiker was in the best of spirits as she had al- ready covered over half the distance in one week. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Barclay motored to Sydenham on New Year's Day to spend the day with friends. ---- TWIN GIRLS BORN. -- To Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sagriff at Bell' Rock. Bell Rock, Jan. 9.--The manicipal election of the township of Portland was held in the village on Monday. Willlam Moir and B. F. Revelle were elected councillors, BE. L. Amey and family of Rochester, N.Y, spent a day recently at D, L. Amey's. The many friends of the Pomeroy family are glad to know they are improv- ing from their recent illness. , Mrs. McDonald spent a. few days recently at T. Perrault's., The Sunday school of the United Church held a social evening 'at the home of William Moir on Wednesday evening. A very enjoyable time was spent. A num- ber from here attended the funeral of the laté Mr. Grant at Verona on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. H. Vanness are visiting at their daughter's, Mrs. H. Grant, Westbrook. Mrs, L.. Bau- der, of Desert Lake, is at John Pom- eroy's. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sag- riff, on Jan. 6th, twin girls. Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Meeks and family and Mrs. James Meeks visited friends Napanee on Sunday. Mrs. Almond Veley, of First Lake, is ill with typhoid fever. Mr, and Mrs. Zara Ball, of Verona, spent Sunday at D. J. Ball's. Mr. R. J. Brooks and Mrs. Herrington, of Moscow, at \C. Gonu's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Switzer and family, of Newburgh, at Ww, Walker's. Mrs. Ritchie and daugh- ter, of Moscow, at BE, James, The annual telephone meeting was held on Tuesday night at Eugene Goodbury's. The sale at Dr da Amey's on Saturday was well attend- ed. -------------------- Ice to Cool Churches Urged. Some of the Lutheran churches in the Unied States, seeking to in- crease the summer attendance at church and Sabbath schools, are urg- ing the adoption and installation of Ice cooled ventilation systems as a means of drawing the crowds. ot mdi. | * VIOTORIA SCHOOL WINS. 'Two Shields Have Just Been Pro- sented to Teacher. Victoria, Jan. 7,--Everyone Ras of thé past week. Brickman entertained the members of the Women's Missionary Soclety to a birthday tea on Wednesday, aunt, Mrs. H. Pulver, on Friday. Kelly, teacher, by Mr. MacVannal, cert fn the church on Tuesday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Brickman attended the banquet given the Quinte Cheese Board by Mr. and Mrs. Giles on Monday evening. Stirling during the holiday. Mrs. M. Pulver has returned from Selby where she visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Price. Ralph Loney and Robert Holmes left on Monday to work in a lumber camp. Mrs. O. Clement and little daughter spent a few days with relatives in Sydenham. Mr. and Mrs. L. Brickman visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Pulver on Sunday. -------------- SHARBOT LAKE NEWS. C.P.R. Bridge Men deft for Port Me- ~ Nicoll. Sharbot Lake, Jan. 8,~--Arden hockey team played here on New i Year's Day. The game resulted in the score being five in favor of the home team. A dance was given in {the hall that evening and a big | crowd attended. Elections passed (oft quietly, Some of the OC.P.R. bridge men have been called back to work and have left for Port Me- Nicoll. Mr. and'Mrs. W. Y. Cannon, King- ston, spent the holiday season with Dr. and Mrs. Suddaby and have re- turned home. My. and Mrs. J, Bourk have returned from Eagle hart. Mrs, J, H. Fair has returned from Toronto. Mrs, Empey, King- ston, visited her daughter, Mrs, A. Middleton, for a couple of weeks. Mrs. W., Mallett has returned from Smith's Falls, Mr. and' Mes. Harry Sargent visit. ed friends .in Detroit. The roads here are very icy this week. It has | turned 'very cold. Mr. and Mrs, R. Buchannan, Maberly, at D. Buchan- nan's, . Mr. Palferman has returned from Guelph and has loft for King- Mrs. Gerald Bass and little som, ||| Alexander, of Alberta, visited .her 1) Victoria school had the distin. |i! guished honor of winning both town. | Ii ship and county shields in connection | i with 'the school fairs held last fall. |} These shields were presented to Miss | | Miss Vivian Fox visited friends ath been enjoying the milder weather 8 Mrs. Everett fi . short notice. agricultural representative at a con- { LUMBER BAY ston Dairy Schooi for a couple of weeks. T, J. Monroe, Kingston, was in the village on Monday last. ---------- A SOCIAL EVENT. A ------ Was Given by Miss Ella and Patrick + h Toledo, Jan. 9.--Nomination Day Dassed off very quietly with all the old council going in by acclamation, Several from here were smong those fortunate who had the pleasure of being present at the social evening given by Miss Ella Judge and Pat- rick Judge at thelr home in the Buck school section on the evening of Dec. 26th. _ = Holiday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J- W. McNamee included Mrs. Frances Jordan, Lombardy; Miss Effie J. Jordsa, R.N., Ogdens burg, N.Y. and Mr. and Mrs, Elwin Leeder, Fairfield East. T. G. Hall, ot Hall. Bros Lumber Merchants, has returned from spending Christmas with his family ia Toronto. G. Biliott, Belleville, of the staff of Hall Bros., also spent Christmas at his home. Misses Emily and Victoria Camp. bell, Yule, spent the week-end at the home of their uncle and sunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. Crummy. Joseph Der rick spent New Year's with Mont. real friends. Bernard Larken, Jas- per, disposed of his sawing machine to Marl Code. We regret to report that 0. O: Marshall 1s again confined to his bed. Visitors at the home of Carl Livingston, Fraskville, were: Mp. YARDS, WOODWORKING FACTORY, AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO Private Branch Exchange "Phone 1871. TIMBER Dimension Timber, all sizes, in Fir, Elm, Oak and Pine. Sawn to order on Fir up to 40 feet long. COAL BINS, a a and Mes. | Charles Donaldson 4 family; G. H. Donaldson, Aveh Done aldson and Mrs. M. ledo. " Quaran R Sunbury, Jan. 8.--The visitors Who spent the holidays with friends have all returned to thelr different homes. The measles are still in the community; ninety-five per cent. | the families are under quarantine The social under the auspices of the dles' Aid to have Been held at Al bert Webb's, on the Sth, has been postponed. The excitement of election has loted down again. The tho quie own n Bay ar tory closed on New Year' 4 very successful seasdon. A from here attended the Dairy Cone vention in the city. Mr. and Mes, Wiltred Coopper and Baby, spent Monday st Lansdowns at the home of Fred Modler. Miss Mildred McDonald spent the week-s8d at Fred Perry's, Inverary. Born, to Mr. and Mrs, Roy Webb, on 5th January, a baby girl. Cone gratulations. The school at! of measles. The first day of there were only three pupils sent. Lo > Electrify . Reductions Touring Car . . . Roadster - Club Coupe Coach Sedan from *85 to *180 Effective Jansary 0, 1026. All prices F.0.B. Windsor, taxes sxtva. * 3 » 5 fis oy a i g New Prices $1155 1220 1225 1365 SE RW PRE Es 8

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