¥ % "a BLE LIABILITY " , Thursday, January 14th, 1926 : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG The Whig's Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a True Market Place BUILDING LOCOMOTIVE FOR ALBERTA ROAD Mr. Nathaniel Marshall of Al- berta Government Railway Department Here. - he' Canadian Locomotive Works received another order from the rta Government's Department of lways and Telephones, for a loco- motive tobe used on the Alberta and Great Waterways Railway, which is owned and operated by the Govern- ment of Alberta. It has been learned from Mr. Nathaniel Marshall, of the Alberta Department . of . Railways, who arrived in the city on Monday, and who is representing the Alberta Department .in the building of the locomotive that the Alberta Govern- ment already has three of the kind built in Kingston, in operation, and t they have proven to be a suc- on the northern lines owned by Government, where the snow is s exceptionally deep and where a spe- cial locomotive is required. | The locomotive is of . the five- wheeled coupled type, and will take eight weeks to build. The local works will put every effort to have the or- der completed as soon as possible, and it was intimated by Mr. Marshall that there was a possibility of deliv- ery at an earlier date. He thought t might be possible to have it co ted in six weeks. Asked it he 'thought that the Alberta Govern- ment would require any more for use on these lines, he declined fo say, 3 but thought that the Government in- 'tended to go ahead with an aggres- sive railway programme, and such a thing was possible. Mr. Marshall de- scribed the. new locomotive as "huge," and hinted that it was very modern in every detail. Although some work was done before Mr. Marshall arrived ,nothing resembling building the engine has heen at- tempted yet. Work was started Thursday morning on 'the boiler, and f'work on some of the parts was com- menced as soon as the Alberta re- preésentative arrived in the city to inspect them. . It has taken some time to gather ether all the material to be used the locomotive, but the last con- ment has arrived at the local t, and it is thought that more will be taken on, now that all the erial is here. The operations have been held up for some time, due to this fact, and it is expected , the work will go ahead imme- Al . Marshall, 'who is here in the s of thie Alberta Government, : had twenty 'years' experience this line, and has been on such missions on previous occasions for the Government. His position is a very responsible one and he is re- guired to be constantly on the job. kHe is a boiler expert, and it is under flils special supervision that the boil- of 18 being constructed. It has been well known for some me that it has been the intention t the British Columbia and Alberta | Governments to join the two lines | of the Pacific Great HaStera'and to push the line up into the Peace River | country. It is because of this that] Mr. Marshall {8 very optimistic in One Woman, regard to the future of the railways in Alberta, which have had a very 5 year. SHAREHOLDERS MUST Decision of Master of Supreme Toronto, Jan, 14.-- Shareholders of the Home Bank of Canada, which collapsed on August 17th, 1923, with Habilities approximating $10,000,000 must pay double lability on their h it fully paid up and also con- the balance unpaid as well ble liability, if not fully paid up, Sccording to the judgment to-day . af Charles Garrow, K.C., Master of a Supreme Court of Ontario, deting : official referee under the Wind- ing-up"Act~ 5 ot This decision, which is given after hearing of the case € It is expected that the master's ae 5 cision will be appealed to a higher | be bro iff A. W, Thompson died vesterday of @, | pneumonia after a short illness. He 7 BIRTHS. A GROOMS --At Napanee, on. Jan. 11th, to| Mr. and Mrs Roy Grooms, aj daughter. ! e---- MARRIAGES. HUFFMAN--~HILL -- At Napanes on Jan #th, lda fa, daughter of Thomas Hill, 8. Fredericksburgh, to Thomas H. Huffman, Napanee. DEATHS. BURKE-»Died in Kingston, on January ith, 1928, Bridget Power, widow of the late Bdward F. Burke, in her eighiy-first year. Funeral will take place from her late residence, 391 Brock street, SBatur- day morning at 8.45 to St. Mary's Cathedral, where a solemn requiem mass will be sung for the happy re- pose of her soul. Friends and acquaintances respectfully invited to attend. Toronto, Hamilton and St newspapers please copy. VANDERWATER--AL Napanee, on Jan. 1ith, Margaret Emma Vanderwater, aged 16 years. Per ra en, Sis CARD OF THANKS. The relatives of the late Mrs. Grim- shaw wish to thank their many friends for.the kindness shown them, also for the beautiful floral tributes received during their recen: sad bereavement. JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertakers 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET 'Phone 147 for Ambulance ROBERT J. REID The Leading Undertaker 'Phone 577. 230 M. P. KEYES . FUNERAL HOME: 49 COLBORNE STREET AMBULANCE 'PHONE 1830. JOHN CORNELIUS Undertaker and Embalmer Parlors: 274 Princess Street Ambulance Phone 660 H. J. KNIGHT UNDERFAKER ANU EMBALMER PARLYUNS--sSydenham, Yarker, Verona, and Hattersen. Ambulance 'phone 35. Che British Whig KINGSTON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING All ads. are restricted to 'their proper classification, and to the regular Dally wing style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES: Dally rate per line or consecutive insertions: Minimum charge, Daily rate per line 6 days ... 3 days i aay... Deatns, ~~ Thomas 26 cents. OUT OUR WAY. a] RAISE LP Vy im RUFUS TH! RAT! S05 I KIN PUT THIS BOARD WITH NAILS Ih | FER GOSH SAKES DONT C'NEESS AT QUICK: FORE "THEN GIT EVEN ANY OTH THIRD | DONE IT. A WILE! THE THIRD Nin Lost and Found 1 DEGREE, TT ___Help Wanted AUTOMOBILE CHAIN----FoOund on road between Kingston and Ca.araqul on Saturaay. Owner please phone 2365 r 31. - A SCAPULAR MEDAL -- Found of Brock sweet near Montreal street. Uwner please ovall at 288 Earl Street or phone 2318-w. riages, one inseruon caarged, §1.60; casn, $1.00, Card of Thanks, and Memoriam Notices--Charged, $1.5¢; cash, §1.0v each insertion. Advertising ordered for Irregular insertions takes the one-time inser- tion rate; no ad taken for less than basis of four lines, Coynt six "average line. Coarged ads. will be received by telepaone and if paid at The Brit- ish Whig Umtice within § gays from the first date of insertion, casa rate will be allowed, Ads. ordered for more than one day - expiration will only be charged tor the number of Lities the ad, appeared and adjust Hien. made at tne rate earned. Rate per line for white space Is Lilie same as a line of type. Special rate for yearly advertising upon request. Publishers reserve the right to edit or reject all classified advertising copy. Telephone 243. ask for a want ad. taker. wordg to the EIGHTY-SEVEN MINERS DEAD IN BLAZING MINE With Two Babies, KNITTED BAG--Containing purse with BEADED PURSE--Containing sum of money, pair of glassey ana address, lost between itiana and Centre Sireets. Fkinder® please return to $4 Ceas.re Street or paone 15686. Meward. BUNCH OF KEYS-- Found on Barfie Street. Uwner may have same at 316 Umversity Avenue. BRASS DOOR KEY---Iound, in taxi, on Thursday arcernoon. Owner may have Same Oy 'phoning 225. COLLIE LOST -- Yellow, short haired Coille with white strip on race and PALL white neck. Answers to "Pedro," Finder piease notify Thomas Shannon, Mount Chesney. {| -TOD! DONT C'NFESS SO SOON! GOOD GOSH oceEsPRIT CRIMINGNULS HOLD .ouT FER BY WILLIAMS. MY 'GOLLES MES! Wy WE AINT EVEN AST "MF HE ' MEY. i) Yer ptwdse te TOMATOES J.wWi Lams, 1034 ©1925 BY NEA SERVICE INC. J ~-- Real Estate For Sale Male or Female Help Wanted 8a $5 SELLS HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES Greatest imaginable demand; have business of your own; make five dol- lars up daily; capital or experience un- necessary. B. Garretson, Brantford, Ont. Positions Wanted 6 POSPHION - Wanted, by middle aged woman to do any kind of housework: all or part time; good cook, best ref- erences. 'Phone 2v43-J. YOUNY LADY . Desires position as -housemaid. - Apply Box P-18, Whig O1- fice, Real Estate For Rent Apartments and Flats 7 APARTMENTw-t0 tobi umptrally located, ele nardwood flodrs, © lights, 'gas range, refrigerator, (tlled bahroom, weil he FOUNTAIN PEN--Found, on University Avenue. Owner may nave by apply- ing at 527 Johnson S.Jgeet. money and diamond ring, ost between Westbrook and Udessa. Finder please notiry Mrs. W. Turnham, Odessa. ete ------ LARGE KBY -- Found on Frontenac Street, on New Year's eve. Owner may have same at Whig Office. PAIR OF CHILD'S HOSE Woollen, found in front. of Newman & Shaw's, on Saturday afternoon. Owner may have same at above store. / SUM OF MONEY -- .¥ound. please phone $408~w. Owner Sat All Night Waiting for Her. Husband. Wilburton, Okla., . Jan. 14. -- BEighty- seven miners lay dead in the blazing Deguan-McConnell mine here to-day while scores of rescue workers stood at the mouth of the shaft help- less in the face of thé flames which broke out anew early this morning. Six bodies have been brought out, raising the death toll to 93. Mine officials last night abandoned all hope of finding any of the trapped miners alive. 4 Many relatives remained at the mouth of the mine throughout' the night; huddled about scattered fires awaiting the recovery of bodies of loved ones, As the night wore on, al- most a dead silence settled upon the group broken now and then by the cries of women. One young woman with sleeping baby on either knee, sat throughout most of the night. With no word, she kept her place on an old nall keg warming the child-| ren before one of the fires. Only with the approach of dawn and the an- nouncement that no bodies were to out immediately, did she end her watch. Sheriff Thompson Dead. Port Arthur, Ont., Jan. 14,--Sher- seventy-five years of age. - GILL ror peice, Of swer your classified Both your phone street add SMALL WHITE COLLIE-With a few brown spots. Answers to the name of Nellie. Finder please return to 35 Union Street West and avoid trouble. PAIR OF GOLOSHES--Will the patty Who took a pair of goloshes by mis- take from the ladies' dressing room at the Armouries on Tuesday eveuin kindly return them to the Whig ag their own will be returned. Male Help Wanted 2 FIRST CLASS CHEESE MAKER-For Forest Cheese and Cream Assool- thon, Must be capable of operating cream separator. State salary and reference. Apply to Charles A. O'Con + hor, Sec.-Treas., Harrowsmith, R. R, 8. GOOD OPPORTUNITY -- Man wanted between 25 and 45 years of age, single or married, who can be developed into a res] salesman Salary and commis- ston paid while learning. Require- ments common education; honesty, Sincerity: good charac'er and ness. Unless you are willing to and follow instructions given do not apply. Apply Metropolitan Life In- surance, Co., corner Wellington and Princess Streets. t- n learn 'Wemale Help Wanted 8 CED WOMAN--Wanted to 'hel; oh, housewntk, 3 in hr no children. y ng wages, to Mrs. D. H. Sliter, Lansdowne, Ont. chiefly typing and work. At present A Apply Box No. T-14, It makes it easier for readers to an. adg if it orien. le number and your te: ress. Apply Box 0-13, Whig Oftioe, x Business Faces STORBS-Three stores, Princess Street, south side; heated, commodious, rear entrance. Also fixtures, mirrors, etc. for sale. Apply IL Cohen & Co., On- arjo Street, Houses 9° DWELLING=~Five rooms, with stable and garage. West end. Batewan's Real Eetate, 111% Brock Street. Hous § rooms, electric light, rent $16.00, on Cowdy street; small house, § rooms, water and toilet; rent §10.00, on Stanley street; also house on Mont- toil street. Apply H. ¥. Norman, 69 Patrick Street. "Phone 730-w. HOUSE~Corner Colbdrne and Syden- ham streets, 3 rooms; 259 and 256 Ri- deau St, 7 rooms and 6 rooms; 61 Queen street, 6 rooms; 45 Concession btreet, § rooms; all. improvemens each. Apply 185 Queen Street. Tele- phone #88-w. SEW HOUSE--Ellerbeck Avenue, just {ompisted, rooms. Apply to BE. Wathen, 137 Nelson street. "Rooms 10 ONE DOUBLE ROOM---And one single room to remt, with or witBout board. Near Queen's University. Apply $0 Arch street or "phone 635-7. - ROOMSTwo or three, furnished for light housekeeping: no children; all coliveniences; Gse of phone. Rent rea sonable, near Business College. Ap- ply 'phone 1823-w. \ TWO WELL FURNISHED ROOMS Near the University. Apply Box 8-14, Whig Office. mma Wanted To Rent 11 Die She two Somiortable young couple, w! Theil ities Penante will supe RaSh desdisf, SH! raters LARGE DOU! WANTED le 'desire large ith private fam- adja- ero! modation Whig-O1- Seid led advertisers en you want -- > et Farms and Land 12 $3,000,00--100 acres, good buildings, all stock and machinery. Close to city. Would exchange, Houses for saie and to let. Insurance, Money to Loan. T. O'CONNOR, 351 Princess Street, 'Phone 1189-J. Houses 14 J. E. CUNNINGHAM Real Estate Insurance d Loans 79 Clareffce Strept. BRICK HOUSE-On Stuart street, ail improvements, §4,800.. Apply M. Trumpour, 270 rrincess btreet. Tele- phone 704 or 1296-J. HOUSE---A desirable cut stone dwell- ing, good garage; centrally located; the property of a client TT, & Rigney, Barrister, etc, $9 Clarence Street. 2 BE. W. MULLIN Real Estate and insurance Broker Johnson and Division Streets Phone 6530-w. See Advi Page 2. et ott ro Wanted To Buy 14a PLEASURE ICE BOAT-To seat three persons wanted. Must be in good con- dition. "Phone particulars. I. Cohen & Co., 836. Articles For Sale. Miscellaneous 15 CONTENTS OF HOUSE--For sale, In- cludipg furniture, kitchen utensils, ete. Apply 11 Raglan Road. CANARIES, SINGERS-Imported Roll- ers, banded also English Yorkshires and Gergen Apply 137 Bagot Street south, JANUARY SALE-8uits with extra pair Trousers, $80.00. Usual eAsy terms. Five per cent. for cash. Satisfaction guaranteed. Newest Spring Patterns, 'Phone 2306-w. J. G." Patterson, 120 Johnston Street. LAMP SHADE FRAMES and ecreens. We make them, large variety. 'Phone 380. Partridge Wire Works. Try us for silver plaung and refinishing. Fire dogs Articles For Sale. Miscellaneous SLEIGHS--One set, second hand, Adams| Sloops. Beatty Barn equ.pment, Daisy] Churns and Washers, Single and! double harness. De Laval Separators. J. F. Cramer, Frost & Weed agen 31 Bock Btreet. 'Phones 5856-J 1217-8. STRICTLY FRESH EGGS-- For sale, 60c. per dos. Apply: to RR. H. La- Roche, 287 Montreal Street. 'Phone 1545-m. SET OF BURVEYOUR'S INSTRUMENTS ur sale. Apply to Walkem & Waikem, v3 Clarence sireet. WHITE NEWSPRINT--000 sheets for UC. Buitabie [ur wrapping purposes or houseaold use: Size 1v%° x 38". Appiy British whig Oitice. Furalture 15, or} 15a FURNITURE~ Antique and turniiure soid and pought. €r, Vi Iriacess befTce., eBay AlligUe Bhop. x 2a modern M. Cram- BuGCussors to v FOR SALE--l ofr Virginia Nut Coal $13.00 ton. 1 car Ken.ucky Egg $15.00. These are semi-hard and burn weil in BLUVES and furnaces. 1 car spiit Pea Coke, $5.00. 1 ton Virginia ur Ken- tucky aud 1 ton Fea 320.00, Smaller quaniitivs. Carage extra, 1 car reat $6.00 halt ton. Ly mixed soft Cord- wood or slabs, $5.00 loads Dry hard- wood $4.00 load. "rhone 244viw. WwW. C. Bruion, 20 Wellngion Street. HARDWOOD---Dry body maple $3.76 per oad Dry mixed $3.00. Dry soft maple, $2.08. Split sc. extra. 'Phone 1489-J. Mrs. Hay Parker, corner Johnson and Mcuunald Sweets. HARDWOOL-=$3.60 and $3.95 quarter cord; mixed wood $2.75 and $3.20; slab wood $2.75 to $3.00, according to quai- ity; rough and dressed shingles, 34.60 per thousand and up. Sawuust sold cheap. W. H. Talbot, Loncession S.reet. Telephone 2758-J. BWAIN'S WOOD YARD we Dry beady harawood, $4.60 quarter, cora; mixed bodywoud $4.00 quar.er cord; nirawoud Sis $4.00 a load. Mixed slabs $5.00 a load. 'Phone 2616-w, WOUD----Mixed body and soft 'wood slabs, $2.76 load; hardwood slaps, $3.50 load; vody hardwood, $4.00 quar.er Cota. J. peters « don, corner lorunto and Brock Streets. 'Phone 589, BT aa erecta plat , Business Services Talloving and Pressing 20 eee W. ROBERTSON --- Tailor, Cleaning, Pressing, hepalring; your own clown made up. Samples in stock. 20.00 and up. é bugot Street. ul ORUGLESS PRACTITIONER oe W. A. durcelis, corner of barrie and -Prin- CESS dureels. Cairopractic aajust- ments, electric treatments and a gl- lnassage, A-FRY Service. Lounsuita- tion ree. hours ¥-12 am. i-§ p.m. Kyenings by appointment. Uffice Lele- phone »id-Jd. nesidence 'phone $57-J. rolessivnal LUOY==Geo. F. and Jennie A. Chiro- practors, Registered Nurse, 292 pagot direei. "Fhone Yol-w. Hours ¥-42, 1-8, 6-01.30. Cousulation iree. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers and Boliesiure, 33 Clarence Bireet, hingsion, w canpmn, am, wU.; Cyril M. Smith.. 3 . DAY AND REVELLE~--Barristers and dolicitors, 6% Ciarence Street, King- ston. A. E. Day, Adrian I. Reveie. Morigages arranged. '+hone 6. REYNOLDS, J. C--Barrister and Solici- tor, 81 Brock street. Mortgages ar- ranged on city and farm property. "Phone 2509. SLATER~Douglas, Barristér and Soli- Citor, 79 Clarence Street, Money to loan. 'Phone 432. . SHEA--Ambrose, B.A., Solicitor. Law Oftice, ana Brock, over Royal to loan. 'Phone 1999. SKIN BLEMISHES -- Hair, Warts, birthmarks, Scars, Pits, eto, removed permanen:- ly. Satisfactory Glasses fitted and furnished alter others have faiied. doltre cured without operation. 3» years' experiemte. Dr. Kimer J. Lake, Lye, Ear, Nose, Tn Skin. 25% P House 1135) 23 Hemstitehing, Barrister and corner of King Bank. Money Moles, Skin Cancers, eicoT EDGING ~-- ean.ing, wor guaranteed. Fleld, 562 Barrie Street, near Prin, Street. 'Phone 2438-J. lumoer,| _ _ Business Service Laoles', Hair Parlor PERMANENT WAVING The only Wave you. can shampoo and that dampness improves. Just like natural curly hair. Also Marcel Waving, Shampooing, Muntcuring, Massaging, Hair Dyeing, and all the atest styles in Hatr Cutting, A. B. KINGSBURY, 208 Princess Street 'Phone 2015-4. Insurance ERNIE DD. SLITER----Insurance Brokef, ail branches of insurance in old If companies of nighest financial stands ing. #51 King Street East. "Phones 30«8~w, Res i121. FIRE~Automobile and Casualty Insurs. ance. KE M. Crumley, 420 Earl Strette Phone 1753-M. A INSURANCE--Only the most reliable * companies represented. Strange x Strange, established in 1360. Office: , Clarence Strect, opposite Post Office. J. B. COOKE~Life, Fire, Accident and Bickness, In reliable companies, diss trict manager imperial Life. 'Phoness Office 503-w. Res. 1731-m. : OUR HEALTH AND "ACCIDENT Pols loy will proteot your salary, All lines of Fire and Automobile insurance. Mh Wiiliams, 2 Couper street. -- ------ - ER ANDERSON, A~Painter and Decorats or. Kstimates given un large or small Jobs, Choice stock of Wall Paper apd samples carried. 'Phone 1968. CALL 1352-F--For hanging and Choice samples. Decorators first class interior decorating. H. Rowley, PAINTING--J. S. Robinson, rear bagot Street Financial 2 FRONTENAC LOAN MENT SOCIETY -- lucorporated in 1861. President, A. Db. Cartwright, Vice-president J. M. Farrell. Money to loan vn oily and farm properties; in« vestmeni. Bondg bought and sold; de~ Posits received and interest paid on minimum monthly balance. R. CRriwright, manager, $7 Clarence St. repent. fe contr Rstunt don ie Ree 26a. NEW LARGE STORAGE WAREHOUSE --=built ¢f eoncrete blocks and cement floors; r&uly to receive all kinds of merchandise, Inciuding automobiles, trucks and furniture, ete. 'Terms red. sonable. Call and inspect at 2900 Wels lington street, or phone 2440-w. W. GQ bruten, AND INVEST. ASHES-Cleaned out of yards, ciean job done. 24 Russell Street, cellars and A. MacGregor, 'Phone 22585. STORAGE---Dead storage for cars. Ap Ply 338 Frontenac Street. 'Phone 260-w, : SLEIGH DRIVING PARTIES--Taken, 800d teams, careful drivers. Wood saw. ing, ecarload or job given. Caverly ¥rincesg Street. 'Phone 1507-J. STORAGRE--For furniture, clean, dry, Airy rooms and spaces; your own | and key. Frosi's City Storage, 398+ 305 'Queen St. 'Phone 520. Res. 888-w. Expert Piane Tuning, a Player-Plano Adjusting, Phone 1544. C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED UPHOLSTERINGeeAnd ing. Leave Onderg at to I. W. Harol J lots. Estimates Transfer Co., Upper general repairs or drop a cand d, 104 Clergy Street. _ Automobiles Auto Accessories BODY CoO. KINGSTON AUTO TOP AN Makers of Auto, Busey Boat Tops Commercial, Sedan, and Cushions. Coupe budies, California Tops and Upe Tents, ele helstering, Aw nings and 2945. 347 King street. 'Phone Classiflea wisplay W. KENT MACNEE INSURANCE BROKER Writing Fire, Life, Automobile, Ag. cident, Sickness, Plate Uiasy and Other lines of insurance. 33 BROCK ST. "PHONE 585.w. see Ladies' Hair Parlor 24 ONE DROP CENTRE DREAD WAGON --(New). Apply E.. EB. Wathen, 137 Nelson street. 'Phone 1391-J. ONE CUTTER---One buggy, § tons 4 tons siraw. Apply Brewer's Mills: PIANO--Gerhard Heintzman, mahogany case, Louis XV excellent condition. Can be & great reduction. Easy terms. C. W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess Street. PIANO, UPRIGHT--Handsome walnut case, 7 1-3 octave, ivory keys; styls Louls. Price reasonable. Terme it desired. 'Phone 2417-J or call at 149 Cglborne, Street. STOVE REPAIRS-- To fit Champions, Summits, new Empress, Re- Garlands, Jewels, os, Pen Esthers, Renouns and all other makes. | from Grundy Bros, Tories Count on Winning. Toronto, Jan. 14.--The Conserva- tives are counting on a majority of six on the Meighen want bt confidence motion, according to telegrams re- hay, ohn Dockrill, style 72, design; in bought at ceived in Toronto yesterday," says the Toronto Globe, ~~ ALL FIRST CLASS HAL WORK MADE TO ORDEM --Ladies' ransfors mations, bobbed cur; switches, sham- poGIng, singeing, curling, Ladies' and Shilare 8 hair cutting. Mrs. Cun- nghem, § Telephone 2999. Bay Street. Kingston. MARCEL Water Hay he, Bound a urling, Bobbing and acial and Scalp Trestmen attention ity to hale Dyeing. rT, ueen treet. t 'phone 20 We are still able to offer to the Public, Ameri- can Anthracite (but Anthracite, Pocahontas Smokeless, Hamilton Owing to the continuance of the satke Coke in Stove and Nut sizes. being unable to procure lveries of any of the above for any of Coke. James Swift & Co. Limited : Foot of Johnson Streel. 'Phone 135. COOK STOVES REAL GOOD ONES AT VERY LOW PRICES. > Also a full line of FURNITURE. Everything reasonable, Turk's Store 'PHONE 708. When you want 10 buy or rent houses read the classified ads. } not' all sizes), Welsh Buckwheat or Split Pea. in the Anthracite fields and we cannot guarantee de- te time with the ex: 1 me ei