Thursday, January 14th, 1926 =0 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Founded 1847. m-- "a City and District | { | Kingston-Cape Vincent Stage Co., | | Limited. Commencing Friday, January 165th, | stage will leave the office of the | Rockport Navigation Company, foot { of Brock street at 1.15 p.m. daily, | cxcept Sunday, for Cape Vincent, N. | Y. . KINGSTON'S GREATEST SHOPPING CENTRE Forty-Five Men Employed. About forty-five men are now em- { ployed by the J. Cohen and Com- pany in the work of tearing down | the old Montreal Transportation Company elevator at the foot of 9 | Queen Street. The work is progress- 2 . | ing fast and it is expected that it 4 | will be completed in about two Sale of | Made to Measure S its The best West of England Worsteds, in Navy Blue and fancy effects. Also Scotch Tweed Bannockburns and Irish Homespuns. * "TAILORED AS WE KNOW HOW apother year, Mr. and Mrs. Cherry White, of Mallorytown, paid a very 9 : high compliment to the Whig. Mr. White is eighty-five years of : age, and his wife is eighty-three years of age. Mrs. White is still able to do all her housework. The couple 75-79 BROCK STREET Watch this space tomorrow night for extra special offer- ing Saturday Morning. Estate to Widow and Children. The will of the late Dr. R. 8. Min- nes, famous ophthalmic specialist, who died in Ottawa December 27th, disposed of $292,300. There aro three bequests each of $500 to the Oftawa Civic Hospital Ophthalmic Department, the Protestant Home, and the Ottawa Home for the Aged. The rest of the estate is divided among the widow and four children. Lovely Sheer Silk Hosiery TO MATCH ADORABLE FROCKS Rotary Club Chafity Dance. The Rotary Club charity dance to {be held on Tuesday evening, Janu- {ary 19th, gives promise of being one {of the most enjoyable functions of the winter. The proceeds will go to the Shoe and Stocking Fund of the club and a large attendance would materially aid this worthy cause. An excellent orchestra will provide the | music. Husband and Wife In Hospital. Mrs. Ernest Guess was taken to the General Hospital on Wednesday | afternoon, suffering from injuries received: from a fall on New Year's { day. Mrs. Guess received hospital | treatment immediately after her ac- | cident, but later developments ne- cessitated her return to the hospital. Mr. Ernest Guess is also a patient in the General Hospital, SILK T0 THE TOP STOCKINGS $2.50 pair Miss 1926 must be faultlessly attired and Stock- ings must match lovely frocks. Ask to see the new- er shades, some of them are Rose, Taupe, Atmios- phere, Blondine, Black. They are in full fashion- ed "Silk to the top" makes. Sizes 8} to 10. Priced - - $2.50 Pair all Ready - to OB Tuxedo Suits. See them. Old Readers of Whig. In renewing their subscription for have been marriea for almost sixty- two years. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY "IF OFF YOUR ROUTE IT PAYS TO WALK" es WANTED--Fowl and Chickens Get our prices, Good demand now for dry picked Fowl and Chickens. Best price paid for Eggs. Quick returns to shippers. ANDERSON"S LARGER MARKET phones: Retail 2600. Wholesale 1671. * Quality Goods at Attractive Prices SPECIAL! 3 Thursday only 49c. . B%c. 'JOE TUBMAN TO PLAY WITH MONTREAL CLUB Prof. Baker and "Bud" Thomas in Ottawa for Big Rugby Dinner. Professor Manley Baker.and A. E. "Bud" Thomas are in Ottawa to-day where they will attend the big civie dinner to be tendered the Ottawa Rugby Club, Dominion champions. Both Queen's representatives will be speakers at the dinner, Professor Baker responding to the toast to Queen's, and Mr. Thomas proposing the toast to the Big Four. Announcement from Ottawa yes- terday contained the information that Joe Tubman, great kicking half of the Ottawa Senators, would move to Montreal and next season would line up with the Montreal Winged bars Surprise, reg. value .,. bars Sunlight, reg. value .... 20c. bars P. and G., reg. value .. 20c. pks. Nib (none ever better) Soap Flakes (large size)..183c. Regular value ........ « VALUABLE COUPON vancing in price due to a shortage of nearly four fe Tot aos ply. It would be well for all tea lovers to take advantage of the foliowing offer. Good for one day only--THURSDAY, JANUARY 14th. SPECIAL TS couPON AND FIFTY-NINE CENTS ENTITLES BEARER TO ONE POUND + HERSLEY BLEND TEA at our store, eo i es mn : ANDERSON BROS., Limited. yo Cut Oo coupon and brina It here Thursday or en Bn a, HR Wheelers. WORKMAN WAS INJURED; HAD HAND AMPUTATED J. @Grifiths Had His Hand Caught in an Embossing Press J. Griffiths, an employee of the Davis Tannery, had his right hand amputated at the wrist, at the Gen- eral Hospital, on Thursday morning, by Dr. J. J, Sparks. The young man had his hand caught in an embossing press at the tannery early: Thursday morning, and it was so badly mangled that it was found pecessary to amputate it. He is about twenty-seven years of age, and saw service overseas. Lecture at the Business College. On Wednesddly afternoon a very interesting address was delivered by the general secretary of 'the Young Men's Christian Association, Mr. W. M. Harlow, to the students of the Kingston Bulinéss Céllege. The subject of his discourse was '"Char- acter Building" which was much en- joyed by an appreciative audience. At the conclusion of his address a vote of thanks was tendered to the speaker. Military Notes. Lieut.-Col. Harris, R.C.A., who was attached to the Divisional Head- quarters for instruction, will report back to his own unit at once. Major E. M. Cartmer has left for Halifax, where he will take a three months' course. Capt. U.W.S. Heron, district cadet officer, left for Peterboro, where he will give a lecture to the young men who are attending the cadet instruc- tors' course, which is being conducted in that city. Hotel Dieu Ladies A The ladies' auxiliary of the Hotel Dieu Hospital held an enjoyable and successful euchre party Wednesday night, there being fifteen tables in play at cards. Mrs. H. Lougher and Mr. D. Pelow were the winners of the first prizes, and Mrs. W. Robert- son held the lucky ticket and won the special door prize. Refreshments were served at the conclusion of the games. The conveners were Mrs. W. Sughrue, Mrs. A. B. Lawlor apa, Mrx. Ward. - To Commence Ice Cutting. The Kingston Ice Company, Lim- ited, expects that if the cold weather continuues, ice cutting will be com- menced on Monday next. On Thurs- day morning a number of men em- ployed by the" company were busy getting things in readiness for the eight and a half a very fine quality. The company expects to cut about 14,000 tons of ice, which will be stored in the three large jee houses. About fifty-five men will be required to do the work whieh will take from Lone: month to PURE SILK STOCKINGS $1.50 Wonderful Hoslery at a most mode- rate price of $1.50 pair, in a rainbow of all the wanted and seasonsble shades' -- that will match any gown or slippers. Sizes from 8% to 10. CHIFFON SILK HOSIERY $1.50 Delightful, sheer, pure Japan Silk, woven .v the Needle method, producing the 'fine Chiffon Silk finish. The newer shades are to be had at $1.50 pair, PURE WOOL UNDERHOSE 75¢ and $1.00 pair When one plans on wearing the sheer. est of Silk Stockings don a pair of these all wool, flesh colored under- hose and feel 'confident of warmth. Priced 75c. and $1.00 pair. KIDDIES' KNITTED SUIT SETS $5.50 A warm, knitted, All Wool Suit for little people, in fawn shade, including pullover sweater, leggings, toque and gauntlet mitts, All complete for $5.50 set. LADIES WINTER COMBINATIONS $1.59 to $2.50 suit Cold, wintry blasts mean warm undergafments This line of Combinations i in cream s dium winter of me- t with fine silken thread spells value. In all styles, Opera pr regulation strap, ee or ankle length, short or long sleeves; all Priced $1.59, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50 Suit Winter Bloomers. 5 75¢ to! $1.25 pair all sizes. =