% Do you ever think what a task it must be for me to please Wri be 180 Porky Fier Cool Doty 30c in stamps, postpaid. DT CARA Branches from coast to coast. PURITY CO., 3 FLOUR Tor all your baking US THE YOUNG YEOPLE. "Of Lavant Station ¥ntertained at Party at J. McKinnon's. 'Lavant Station, Jan. 13.--Miss Katie Ferguson has returned to To- Tonto after spending a few holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Thom- #3 Richardson spent a couple of weeks recently with their daughter, 'Mrs. Wilfred Hutt, Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Barr, Poland, and Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Barr, Middleville, * visited at I. Lee's on Sunday. Mrs. N, 8. Lee and son, Stewart, monte, are spending a few days the home of Mrs. T. Lee. Rankin : spent a few days recently at st Watson's Corners. Dr. rd, Perth, motored through on Friday last and made sev- eral calls here and at Ompah. Willis Young, Zealand, visited at J. McKinnon's over the week-end. 'The young people of this vicinity were entertained to a party at the home of James McKinnon on Satur- day evening. We are sorry to re- purt that the condition of Thomas Lee, who has All for the past five weeks, Is not much improved. THE CROSSING 18 GOOD a . Between Wolfe Island and Kingston, On The Teo. Wolfe Island, Jan. 13--The cross. ing to the city is in good condition for travel. A number attended the euchre and dance im the C.M.B.A. Hall, on Wednesday evening, Several people" on the Island are ill with The farmers are busy press Miss Thelma Hogan and Miss 'Ruth Hulton, who have heen spend ig thelr holidays here, returned on oy to the Notre Dame Convent resume their studies. James isey who underwent an operation In the Hotel Dieu is improving. FASHION TESTS { Palm Beach, Fla., Jan. 14.--The stage at Palm Beach is now set and the spectgtors are waiting for the social try-outs. Within the next two months we Mrs Ralph Isham shall know which if the newest ap- plicants for social honors are ready Yor stardom, which ones can be al- lowed to do speaking parts, and which ones can Ire depended on only for the chorus work and general at- mosphere. 3 Quite the smartest coat I have Mrs. Lester Brion seen was worn by Mrs. Ralph Isham, of tan kaska with a wide band of orange forming the front. tremely popular here. Typical of .what you see on worn by Mona Wainwright, photograph. in the that are repeated on the border of the skirt. Another good costume for ithe golf course is seen on Mrs. Lester Brion of New York. A' jumper of blue ribbed silk, bound with plain silk worn with a flannel skirt of ex- actly the same ghade. Trinity Church, Wolfe Island. a goodly number attended nual vestry meeting of Trinity Church, Wolfe Island. The meeting was held in the rectory. The ac- counts were all very satisfactory. There was a decided increase in the | regular collections, being $70 in| excess of the preceding year. Total | receipts for the year 1925 amount- | ed to $1,165.46; expenditures $969, 89; balance on hand, $195.57. Rev. J. Cantrell presided and thanked the wardens, organist, choir jand Sunday school teachers for their faithful work, during the past year. Mr. George Friend, was appoifted rector's warden. Mr. Monty Fawcett was appointed people's warden. Sidesmen appointed were Messrs. David Watts, Roberf, Horne, and Daniel Watts. George Friend and Thomas Rogers are the lay dele- gates to Synod, Reports were also given from the A.Y.P.A. and the Sunday school. After the business session, refresh- ments were served hy the . ladies, and a social hour consisting of games etc., was enjoyably spent. Cheese Company Officers. Warburton, Jan, 12.--The farm- ers are busy hauling the year's wood supply. The annual meeting of the Warburton Cheese Co., was held on Tuesday with a large attendance. Samuel Chatam, cheese inspector, gave a fine address to the patrons on the proper care of handling the milk. Girectors of 1925 were re- elected consisting of Vernal Cross, president, L. B. Webster, secretary; R. Bteacy, C. A. Lee, Wilfrid Web- ster and James Wilson, committee. W, J. Running is quite {lI with typhoid fever. His condition shows 8 slight improvemen®. Harry Steacy is able to be around again after a lengthy illness: His condition also is greatly improved. The well drillers from Gananoque are busy drilling a well on the farm of Clearance Cross. Messrs. James and Joseph Milne, Kingston, are visiting their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fodey, ma t | | She was | wearing the. Gigolo hat that is ex- the golf course is the knitted costume | There is a jumper of | knitted wool with ' block patterns | the an- | Women everywhere are about the values at Jackson-Metivier's. COMMENCING SATURDAY JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Take advantage of these astonishing values--and save--prices represent a saving of half or more than their originallyalues. All Dresses and Coats to be cleared within the next 'ten days. a GLOVES DRESSES | HOSIERY { Women's and 59. 7 5 DOUBLE SILK AND WOOL ENGLISH WOOL GLOVES 00 Misses' Models HOSE Cloth of Tricotine or Poiret, Silk and Satin Faced $ 1 . 1 9 Canton, at very special sale values on Saturday. pair 79c Regular $1.75. i o > ' Styles and models suitable for Women or Misses-- Values to §1.50 A Smart Glove. B8ilk outside and in sizcs 16 to 44. Bright and dark shades included, fea- They are soft but durable, being wool inside. Made by well known turing long sleeves and flare skirts. knit in plain or sport ribbed. n Shades: Sand, Putty, Grey, Hea~ English Glove maker. Shades: Values to $25.00 ther mixtures. ? Beaver, Grey, Brown or Natural. DRESSES DRESSES The Very Smartest Models--All Styles All Smart, New Models. ~ T1275 119.75 Values to $45.00. : It is most unusual to find such highly desirable Dresses Just the dress {or present wear. Suitable assortment to select from--for Evening, Afternoon or Business wear. at such a price. Clever, new style, long sleeves----some showing "Puff" effect, adorned with odd embroideries-- These Dresses ave the last word in fashion and excellent value at $12 tailored to our usual high standard. The materials of heavy 2.99, Sizes 16 to 40. Batin Faced Canton, Charmeen and Canton Crepe. Numer ous shades to select from. | ALL COATS AT HALF PRICE Il1 2 This is the final clearance of every Coat in the Store. Beautifully tailored throughout, fully lined and interlined. All new shades: Rust, Tanne, Sand, Black, etc. Sizes 16 to 40. 1 /2 | SWEATERS 20% oft WELLINGTON COUNCIL Business Transacted at the Inaugu- ral Meeting. Wellington, Jan, 14.--The council met in the Council Chambers on Jan. 11th, Members present, Wm. Monaghan, reeve; councillors Camp- bell, Harris, Pearce and Platt, Car- ried. Minutes of last meeting were read and passed the following: That H. D. Cleminson's applica- tion for assessor at a salary of $75, be accepted. \ That E. L. Hubbs and J. N. Swor be auditors for 1926, at a salary of $10.00 each. That H. D. Cleminson be a mem- ber of the Board of Health for 1926. That the Clerk be instructed to advertise for applications for Con- stable for the Village of Wellington, for the year 1926. That E. M. Young, Picton, be the Solicitor for 1828. That Council borrow the sum of $15,000 from the Bank of Noya Sco- tia for the year 1928, Moved by Campbell, secondeé 'by on aon aN min Women Like ~of this new hygienic help BX a pew ay, women now are fread disadvan : old-time "sanitary pads. ie ment of disposal and laundry is avoided, : Get Kotex--8 in 10 better-class "women have adopted it. ' Piscards as casily us g piece of All styles of Sweaters for Sports wear or warm, serviceable wear. Pullover, Coat style, Roll Neck. White, Sand, Fawn, Grey, etc. Styles: Shades: | he » | Harris that the bill just read a first time be now read a second time and rule 25 be suspended. Carried. Moved by Pearce, seconded by Platt. That the bill just read a scc- ond time be now read a third time, engrossed, finally passed, and be- come a by-law as in the bill and num- bered 384. Carried. That the bill of D. 8. Ainsworth be not entertained. Milo Xlitic, who caused the death of a compatriot in a fight at Niagara Falls, and was charged with doing bodily harm _. was liberated om sus- pended sentence. Chatham council and education board both finished the year with surpluses, that of the former being $2,155, and that of the latter $9, 473. ' Broadcloth Bloomers, $1.00 1 Exceptional value -- Women's Silk Finished Broadcloth Bloomers--large, full fitting." Seams are all double sewn. Shades are in all bright colors. Also Black and White. IACKSONMETTVEIR ibd ITED PRINCESS 1 GIFT FOR A MUSICIAN. Who Rendered Good Service in Salmon Point Church. Cherry Valley, Jan. 11.--Jack Gregor, who came from Scotland last spring and spent the summer helping Elmer Vader, on the farm, left last Monday for Toronto, where he has secured a position with an or- chestra as violinist. Mr. Gregor is a wonderful musician, He played at Salmon Point church services all summer.. To show their appreciation for his kindness, the neighbors, and friends, of that place presented him with a wrist watch, just before leav- ing for his new home in the city. The following is the result of the municipal election for the township of Athol, Prince Edward Co, For reeve--Hawkins and Demore. Ma- SUBURBAN HEIGHTS-- . RUBBERS jority for Hawkins 111. Counecillo: --8. Brummell, Wm. Jordon, W. B.* Blakely, W. T. Bell. R bd Sethi en Lake Opinicon News. h Lake Opinicon, Jan. 13.~The far: mers are busy cutting their winters | wood. Some are engaged cutting cord wood. A car load of spar is be- | ing loaded from the Rock Lake mines. Service was held here on Sun- day. Frank Best and family spent Sunday at K. Darling's. Mrs, B. péll, who has been under the tor's fare is somewhat Improved. A number from here are taking revival meetings at Clear ee -- A statesman' is a politician won't vote against justicd and mon sense even to irritate the other party. La SAYS GOODBYE T NEED HIS RUBBERS 1S BARELY SPRINK~ Line. RAIN COMES DOWN PET BEGIN TO GET WIFE. NONSENSE, OF HARDER. TURNS UP WET. WISHES HE COURSE HE DOISNT RAINCOAT (OUAR HAD WORN / RUBBERS TRIES TO DRY FEET.ON - FINDS TI'S RAM STEAM PIPES OF TRAN, EVEN MARDER mi | : HOFES RAIN WILL LET TOWN. DOESNT | UP, 15 VERY UNCOM= ou] FORTABLE SEE WHY HE WEAR RUBBERS