Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jan 1926, p. 13

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DEATE OF FINAL YEAR MEDICAL STUDENT Arnold Ellenport wort of Brooklyn, N.Y.. Passes Away In General Hospital. old Ellenport, ort, of Brooklyn, N. XN. dR final year student in Medicine at en's University died on Thurs 'day evening in the General Hospital from complications following an op- eration for gastric troubls. The de- jed young man had been troubl- 4 with duodenal ulcer for some time and on December 15th he was 'operated on. He graduated from Queen's in Arts before he entered on his medical course. As a mark of respect all classes in final year Medicine were cancelled "Friday morning and & service was held at S. S. Corbett's undertaking r at 12.50. The service was lar- attended by class-mates who with the Medical faculty ac- 'companied the body to the outer sta- tion. A brother of the deceasea kas been in the city for the past week, A. Warwick and Emil Smith will o accompany the body to Brook- Iya. an nt, Sin, SS ---- : , who, ng Frofirestive par hen position between %he two old Hes, announced thet, if called up- form & government, Mr. Melghen on without a new appeal L SWINE COURSE. in From Frontenac County Will 7 Take Course at Peterboro. 'A tdam from Frontenac County 80 to Peterboro early next , to take the special swine course on by the Canadian Parkers' Asidociation through the Ontario De- ment of Agriculture. Mr. A, W, tt will be in charge of the team. The course, which is being put on various points throughout On- , is open to all boys over sixteen of age, and seven can represent "a county. Instruction is givem in grading and judging both live and dressed hogs. ~The course at Peter- boro is for the counties of Eastern Ontario. -------------------- Tngsion on Thursday, HA wary Teh 1836 to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hewkins, 207 Montreal st, a da Y--At Chengtu, Nov. 13th, to Mr. and Walmsley, a son, YOUNG--At Prince Hospital, Jan. 10th, to Mr. David Young, a daughter. DEATHS, BURKE--Died in Kingston, on January 13th, 1926, Bridget Power, widow of the Jate | ei ¥. Burke, in her eighty-first Funeral will take . piace from hte residence, 391 Brock street, day morning at 5.45 to St. Mary's Cathedral, where & solemn requiem mass will be Sung for the happy reé~ pose of her soul. Friends and acquaintances respectfully invited to attend. Toronto, Hamilton and St. Thomas newspapers please copy: BRADFORD-- At Kingston, Jan. 14th, 1936, Elizabeth beloved wife of Thomas rowsmith, aged 68 y The funeral will be (RH 3 from her late residence at Razrowsiity on Sune~ day, Jan. 17th, 1926, at 2 Friends and acquaintances 2 actully invited to attend. BURLEY--In Wellington, on Jan. 10th, Sarah Jane Burley, wife of Benja- min Burley, aged 71 years. R n Hallowell, on Janus William Henry Nelson, age years. REDNER-_In Ameliasburg, Jan. 11th, + Peter D. Redner, in his 86th year. RIGGE- 10. Picton, Jan. 12th, Catherine ida Morgan, wife of the late Satiide Riggs In her 75th year. RNE----In Wellington, Japuary 7th, Nancy Melissa Thorne, aged years. WHITEHEAD-In Kingston, uary 16th, 1926, Joseph head, aged 34 years. ral from his father's residence, Joseph Alfred Whitehead, 43 John Street, on Monday moming at 8.45 to St. Mary's Cathedral, where a solemn requiem mass will be cele- brated for the happy repose of his soul. China, on Mrs. L. Edward County and Mrs. 8th, 73 on Jan- White- Fune and acquaintances respectfully invited to attend. JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertakers 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET 'Phone 147 for Ambulance ROBERT J. REID 'Phone B77. M. P. KEYES FUNERAL KEYES 49 COLBORNE STREET AMBULANCE 'PHONE 1880. ul TAKER AND PA and EMBALMER Ri-~g7deaham, Lg Battersea. 35. The British KINGSTON, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING All ads. are restricted to their proper classification, and to ihe feguiar Tadet Whig style of type, ; FIED RATES: Daily Sas vor or consecutive gertions: Minimum ORATEe, Dally rates per line 28 cents. Charge cam "en : 3 1 day 6 Deaton. Births, Bhspsmicnte Mar- riages, one insertion charged, $1.60; 00. Card of Th et and Memoriam Notices--Charged, $1.59; cash, $1.00 each insertion. Advertising orderéd for irregular takes the one-time Inser- rate; no ad. taken for less than basis of four lines. fount six average wordg to the Charged ads. will be received by telephone and If paid at The Brit- ish Whig Oftice within 6 days from the first date of insertion, cash rate will be allowed, Ads. ordered for more than one day and stopped before expiration wiil oniy be charged for the number of times the ad. appeared and adjyust- men: made at the rate earned. Rate per line for white space is * the same as a line of type. Special rate for yearly advertising upon requ Publiane re reserve the right to edit all classified advertising phone 249; ask for a want ad. msm rn CANADA'S WEALTH IN IRON. | Largest Body of Ore on Continent Discovered in Ontario. Minneppolis, Minn., Jan. 15.--The Minnéapolis Journal says that the discovery of what is believed to be "|the largest body of iron ore on the North American continent is nounced from Toronto, in the new @ represents a The ore, the newspaper says, fis located forty miles west of Fort Wil- ed, the story says, it yields sixty-five per cent. iron, free of moisture. After testing five tons of sample ore, the story says, the University of Minnesota reports it of the highest quality treated there. North Carolina now ranks fourth | * among the states in the devolpment of hydro-electile power, oh a total OUT OUR WAY. 1 WONT EAT AT THE SAME SAVAGE! THAT i #3 S\N & ' TABLE WITH THAT WUTILE P- anAa- SLLLOURRRLP H 1S DISGUSTING! ee 5 5 Te - EXPECT? MUSIC? 1 GOTTA GT IT OFFA |) "TH 'SPooN SOME Wa! I AINT GONNA BELT LM. HEAD BACK LIKE ' A BIRO. ORNEIN' SO TLL POUR DOWN WELL TLL TILT YOUR HEAD for you IF OU DONT GET THOSE ELBOWS OFF TH TABLE. AND THAT HAM OFF HOUR BACK !: : BY WILLIAMS. ) v Lost and Found 1 BARRING ---Amber Drop, lost between Christmas and New Years. Reward for return to 7 Aberdeen Street. AUTOMOBILE CHAIN--Found on road between Kingston and Cawragui on Saturday. Owner please phone 33%8 r 3. A SCAPULAR MEDAL -- Found on Brock street near - Montreal street. Owner please call at 238 Karl Street or phone 2318-w. BEADED PURSE-Containing sum of money, pair of glasses and address, lost between Maitland and Centre Streets. Finder please return to 34 Centre Street or phone 1596. Reward. BUNCH OF KEYS-- Found on Barrie Street. Owner Ray have same st 316 Umversity Aven BRASS DOOR KEY-~Found, in taxi, on Thursday afiernoon. Owner may have same by 'phoning 226. AV WPAN Rhine rma ad. on-Snivirgity venue. © - ing at 527 Tonason Breet. T avy i epie---------------------------------- oot. LARGE KEY «= Found on Front Street, on New Year's eve, Owner méy have same at Whig Office. PARCEL-~Found on York Street, Monday morning. Owner may same &t 3 Chatham Street. PAIR OF CHILD'S HOSE--- Wooll on have I ae fy 4 ¥ 7 wi VOTERS GET GRAY - Sour. Help Wanted Positions Wanted ¢ OFFICES TO CLEAN--Or work of any kind, for woman, and two daughters. 'Phone 1525w, 19 Ellis Street. POSITION -- Wanted, by middle aged woman to do any kind of housework: all or part time; good cook, best ref- erehces: 'Phone 2043-J. SMART, CAPABLE WOMAN = Wants work of any kind, by day or hour; best frances. Apply Box U-15, Whig YOUNY "LADY semaid. Desires position as Apply Box P13, Whe ot- foe. Real Estate For Rent TEE AC IRS Business laces 8 STORDS--Three stores, Princess Street, south side; heated, rear entrance. Also fixtures, mirrors, etc. he BG A 1 Coben & Co. On- Houses ° DWBLLING-Fivé rooms, with stable and sd, garage. S113 Brock Stree Batsuan'y HOUSE. § rooms, slectric lig pen. on Cowdy street; small water and toilet; rent rent found in front of Newman & Shaw's, on Saturday afternoon. Owner may have same at above store. Live Stock in BOSTON BULL TERRIER..Registared, two years kind. $10.00. Write Major A. B. Loyst, 5 R. 1, Sills- ville, Ont. Help Wantea . Male Help Wanted 2 FIRST CLASS CHEESE MAK hr Forest Cheese and Cream tion. Must be capable of grees] So cream separator. State salary reference. Apply to Charleg A. Q'C wor, Sec.-Treas., Harrowsmith, R. R, GOOD OPPORTUNITY «= Man wi a between 25 and 45 yaaly | of ass, ES, ang o or married. who can be developed ii to a real salesman. Salary and comm eon paid while learning. a ments common education; sincerity, good character nless you are willing and follow instructions Elven apply. Apply Metro surance Co. corner Princess Streets. yx e eliington and PHOTOGRAPHER-WoOuld you like to become & motion picture Photog ;pher ? 'Write at once. Poster P! sre: plays, 439 St. Clarens Avenue, Toronve, Female Help Wanted 3 WOMAN---Wanted Jol #3.000.00--1 family, ing wages, to lowne, Ont, office, Thiany Feige and book | work. oat No. 4x ry general Wiis of Male or Female Help Wanted 3a : ey capita: To.00, on Staniey stre street; also house on Mont. real Ap H. Norman, §9 Patric »R Street. Phone 30 rh Colborne, and Ag da 355 Ri: improvements streets, § rooms; ts rooms; Api 188 Queen Street. Tele- [S--Bliecbeck Avenus, on he rooms. SIPS to 7 Nelgon stree TE Lan EE or 'phog one single ut beard. Apply 60 §-J. Ment hE Redfin °% f5uished . fos for 0 Bank fences; RO ea: Phone. t rs ply 'phone a 1828, -™ FURNISHED ROOMS. ' AS: heb the University. Apply Box 8-14, Whig Ofti¢e. To Rent 11 two table Yor Yeh ein ng ea facilities Honinia w a wih Rdaress Box R15, Whig Office Real Estate For Sale Farms and Dae, oie EE gE pe or Seiad $0, 12 Sood Builds all ngs, a, CAM SE | mem | > Wenge: ~ ANS NE oa § JRW oil 23m © 1925 OY NEA SERVICE, ne.) Real Estate For | Sale Houses HOUSE--A desirable cut Stone dwell- ing, good garage; centyally located; the property of a client' T. J. Riguey, Barrister, etc, 89 Clarence Street, BE. W. MULLIN Real Estate and Insurance Broker Jolinson and Division rt Page 'Phone 53%-w. . Bee A Advt. Pa £ Wanted To o Buy 14a PLEASURE ICE BOAT---To seat three persons wanted. Must be in good con- dition: 'Phone particulars. I. Cohen & Co., 836. Articles For Sale. a8 BLE CIGAR STORE-Where you get the city's wading Sc. union Pade cigar ~--Jack's Panelelas. ELDER'S CIGAR STORE~-- d this is the place--now ig the time-- get atest fox trots. Everything what's new. BLDER'S CIGAR STORE--Special dale of Chocolates for Saturday only; very Se quality chooolates, "Patterson's, Toronto. ELDER'S CIGAR §STORE--Did you hear of our Ukulele bargains? We sell cheaper. See us first. Only a few at $2.50. OIGARS--Special (Magnos). Cuttings from the Jap cigar. Worth $2.00 a box. Saturday oniy, half price. Elder's Cigar Store. CANARIES, SINGERS-.Imported Roll- ers, banded also English Yorkshires and A Apply 131 Bagot Street south, UARY SALE--Suits with extra pair UARY 236.00. Usual easy terms. ve per cent. for cash. Satisfaction nteed. Newest Spring patterns. 'Phone 2208-w. J. G. Patterson, 140 Johnston Street. LAMP SHADE FRAMES-- Fire dog! and screens. We make them, large variety. 'Phone 380. Partridge Wire Works. Try us for silver plating and refinishing. ONE DROP New). CENTRE BREAD WAGON Apply BE. E. Wathen, 137 reet. 'Phone 1391-J. OFFICE DESK-For sale, with slevited HY Apply. 218 Colborne Street. Te! gf . ONE e buggy, § tons § tons straw. A Dock: i" Brewer's Mills. nd n rH PIANO-=Gerhard Hetmaman, style 72, mahogany. case, louis XV design; in condition. Can be hought at g great reduction. Eas terms.' CW, ndeay, Limited, 131 noess Street. PIANO, U PRIGHT---Handsoms walnut ose. 7 1-3 octave, ivory ; styls sired. Pho HTT or call at 148 'Phone J or borne Street. hat 24 VE REPAIRS-- To fit Champions, mmits, Coronas, new Empress, > Re- Garlands, Jewels. os, Renouns and all other tear. , Srunay; Bros, vo Articles For Sale. Miscellaneous TRICHY pais ga RH 0c. per doz. Roche, 297 Street. 1546-m. SRT OF SURVEYORS INSTRUMENTS or sale. to Welkem & Walkem, $3 Clarence Street WHITE N 48 shests for 0c Bultavie Tor nga purposes or househo Bo eh x 3" Apply Bricioh Whig Ofttos. Furaiture 15a FURNITURE Antique and modern turniture sold and bought. M. Cram. er, 507 Princess direel, Lesses Antique Shop. Fuel and Feed 18 DRY BODY WOOD-Oak, hickory and maple, $3.50 par quarter oord.. Dry body wood, $3.00 quarter cord, Cut in stove lengths. 'Phone 3688-m. H. C. Webber, Regent Street. 35 FOR SALE----1 car Virginia Nut Coal $13.00 ton. 1 car Kentucky Egg $13. 00. These are semi-hard and burn well in stoves .and furnaces. 1 car Coke, $5.00. tucky and 1 ton Pea $30.00. Smaller quantities. Cartage extra. 1 car Peat $6.60 half ton. Dry mixed soft Cord- wood or slabs, $3.00 load. Dry hard- wood $4.00 load. 'Phone 2440-w, W. C. Bruton, 290 Wellington Street. HARDWOOD--Dry body maple $3.18 per Dry mixed $560. Dry soft Split 2c extra. 'Phone 1439+d. Ray Parker, corner Johnson a "Melonald Sireets. HARDWOOD---$3.50 and $3.75 quarler cord; ited ya ba 1% -- $3.20; Sah wood 2.75 to Ls &CCOr 10 qual- ity; rou and Sroased. lumber, shingles," $3.50 per thousand and up. Sawaust sold cheap. W. H. Talbot, Concession Street. Telephone 2758-J. SWAIN'S WOOP YARD == Dry bod hardwood, $4.60 quarter cord; mix bodywood $4.00 quar.er cord; hardwood slabs $4.00 a load. Mixed slabs §3.00 a load. 'Phone 2616-w, WOOD--Mixed. body and . soft wood slabs, $3.76 load; hardwood slabs, $3.50 loaq; body hardwood, $4.90 quarcer cord. J. reters & Son, corner Toronto ana Brock Streets. 'Phone 889. Business Services Talloring and Pressing 20 FIRST CLASS TAILORING BUSINESS --With tiiree thousand dollar stock. A. Errkins, BrockVille W. ROBERTSON = Tallor, Cleaning. Pressing, Repairing; your own cloth made up. Samples in stock. $30.00 and up. 278 Bagot Street 2 rrofessional a2 DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER -- W. A. marcelis, corner of barrie and Prin- cess -Sireets. Chiropracie adjust. ments, electrio treatments and hand- message. X-ray service. Consuita- tion tree. Hours 3-12 am. 1-§ p.m. Evenings by appointment, Uflice tele~ phone 323=J. esidence 'phone 957-J. LUCY==Geo. F. and Jennie A., Chiro practors, Registered Nurse, 03 Bagot street. 'Phone $il.w. Hours 9-13, 1-5, §-7.30. Consuliation free. CUNNINGHAM & a =~ Barristers and Soll gidrs, - Street, '5. Cu Luanmngham, Keg Ki Lone A pri DAY > REVEEPTi * and A ha 69 Clarence Street, King- ston. A. B. Day, Adrian 1 Revelis. Mortgages arranged. 'Phone 206. REYNOLDS, J. C~-Barrister and Solici- Tenged om OIty ARG farm propery. on au 'Phone 2508. ¥ whoparty. SLATER--Douglas, Barrister and Soli- citor, 79 Clarence Street. Money to loan. 'Phone 433. SHEA~-Ambrose, B.A, Barrister a Solicitor, Taw ofies, ceri oF wing ck, over Roy ank. to loan. 'Phone 1998. Rune SKIN DLEMISHES -- Hai Warts, _ Bifthmarks, skin oe. cars, its, ete, remav: rmanent- ly. Satistactory a 3 tod ot furnished after oth Goitre cured withou! years' experience, Dr. Eye, Ear, Nose, ont L. xe. Th _Bagot Street. Phote 301w. House 1148 © Fancy Work i PICOT EDGING Hemstitching, Pleating, Work "guaranteed. Mrs. Field, 382 Stree noess Street. "Phone 34 ed Heap Fr ladies' Halr Parlor CLASS WORK Split Pea| ou 1 ton Viren or Ken- Business Service Lagies' Halr Farior WAVING The only wave you oan shampoo and that dampness improves. Just like natural curly hair he Marest W ing: oy and ail I ne in Hair B. KINGSBURY. 109 rian BIN ASEURY: wa, Tasurence ERNIE D., oe Theuranco tao all branches of Insurance inal Sompanies of of ig, Sirost Bast tinal 381 Wis-w, Rea 3 ea and ance. E. M. Crumley, 'Phone 1783-0. INSURAN i the mest reliable companies sented. Strange. established in 1860, Bo Clarence Street, opposite Post J, B. COOKE---Life, Fire. Accidént and Sickness, in reltable Sompaulen, die dis~ J trict manager Imperial Life. 'Phon Office 503-w. Res. 1731-m. R HEALTH AND ACCIDENT--Pols icy will protect your salary. All lines of Fire and Automobile Insurance. Wiiliams, 2 Couper street. Decorators 25a ANDERSON, A~~Painter and Decorate or, Estimates given on large or small jobs. Choloe stock of Wall Paper and samples carried. "Phone 1966. CALL 1352-F--For' first class paper hanging and interjor decorating. Choice samples. H. Rowley. nurs 420 rn treets os. SIGN PAINTING--J. 8. Robinson, rear 375 Bagot Street and s have Ialled.} operation. Financial 20 FRONTENAC LOAN AND INV MENT SOCIETY -- Incorporated 1861. President, A. D. Cartw vice-president J. M. Farrell Mokey loan on city and farm properties; fo vestment. Bondg bought apd sold; de- posits received' and interest paid on minimum monthly - balance. C Cartwright, manager, 87 Clarence St. TREES Storage 20a. NEW LARGE STORAGE WAREHOUSE ----built of concrete blocks and cement floors; ready to receive all kinds of merchandise, including automobiles, trucks and furniture, etc. Terms refs sonable. CUall and inspect at 290 Wel lington street, or phone 2440-w. W. GC, Bruwa. i III SEI TITIES ESSE. Miscellancous " vellazs and' A. MacGH Phone 2386 To STORAGE--Dead storage for cas Ap 2% 538 Frontenao Street. Teno -W. ASHES--Cleaned out of yards, clean job done. 24 Russell Street. SLEIGH DRIVING PARTIES-Taken, g00d teams, careful drivers. Wood saw ing, carload or job lots Shtinate given. Caverly Transfer Upper Princess Street. 'Phone 1507.3. STORAGE-For furniture, alry rooms and spaces; your own i : key. Frost's City Storag 306 Queen St. "Phone 538. as Geto: Expert Piano Tuning, Player-Plano Adjusting. Phone 1544. C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED UPHOLSTERING--And eneral re ing. leave 8 Sides. ai 3 or or drop & to F. W. Har Tier, Street. 'Phone 1600-J, old, 104 8 clean, dry, Automobiles Auto Accessories KING! AUTO TOP AND BODY es, California Tops and upe Pe bolstering. Awnings and Tents, ele 341 King. Eon o 3048. i ClassiNea Display Ww. Kent MACNEE ri TF other Cslok or insurance. 33 BROCK ST. 'PHONE Stow. | rst (00K STOVES REAL GOOD ONES AT VERY LOW PRICES. Also a full line of FURNITURE. Everything reasonable. Turk's Store 'PHONE 705. When you want to duy or reat tiouses read the classified ads. We! are still able to Hg to the Public, Ameri- ite not all sizes), Anthracite Pocahontas Smokeless, | CE the continuance of the sizes. No. t-Buckwheat or

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