RELL F NI PI pa dh THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG » AhIo ¥ Si ~ Friday, January 15th, 1926 AND ALL READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING Less 20% During our January Sale. - MOTHERS Should take advantage of this opportunity to clothe the Boys. MEN This is your chance to supplement your future needs, as well as your present wants at a great saving. Everything in our Ready-to-Wear Department in this Sale. WANTED---Pant and Vest Makers for our Custom Tailoring Deptartment. LIVINGSTON'S 5:7 Brock St. "IF OFF YOUR ROUTE IT PAYS TO WALK" . Se SE ---- -- Farmers, bring your produc bo Highest cash prices paid. SERVICE Phone QUALITY - Phone 2600 ANDERSON'S 2600 LARGER MARKET A DAY OF SPECIALS It will pay you to bring your basket and shop here Saturday. Be- low are noted a few of the many specials on sale. Every display counter ladened with splendid values. : LOOK FOR THE YELLOW TAGS SPECIAL | Comfort, Gold, 8 BARS 37c | mie 47c 1 tin Corn 1 tin Peas 3 1 tin Tomatoes . CHOICE DAIRY ROLL BUTTER pound .:... 43 - FRESH MILLED ROLLED OATS .............5 pounds 23c. ~ 4 1b. pail CAKES and PASTRY : 45c¢. Large, 'fresh assortment -- Cakes, | STEWING Pies, Cookies, Puffs, etc. DA ~ HONEY Sultana Cake, Ib. ......... + « 400. JAMS A Which will be held in Ontario Hall .jon this account it is expected that a {of snow that fell during the night. | », " . | City and District Slightly Improved. Mrs. George Tuttle, Johnson street, who has been confined to her home through a serious illness for the last ten days, is slightly improv- ed in health, Bank COlearings. The following are the figures of the Kingston Bankers Clearing House: For week ending January 14th, $612,844; corresponding week, 1925, $586,949. Underwent Operation. Miss Patricia Sowards was unable to return to the Sacred Heart con- vent, Montreal. She had to undergo an operation for appendicitis in the Hotel Dieu. Her friends hope for a speedy recovery. Must Altend School. Three cases under the Adolescent Act, came before Magistrate Farrell, in the Juvenile Court on Friday morning. The parents of the boys have been instructed to see that the boys involved attend school. Kingston-Cape Vincent Stage Ce., Limited. + Commencing Friday, January 15th, stage will leave the office of the Rockport Navigation Company, foot of Brock street at 1.15 p.m. daily, | except Sunday, for Cape Vincent, N, ¥, Appraisers Here, Mr. Neil Mcintyre, Mr. H. R. Mc- Clelland and Mr. Gus Sherwood, of Montreal, appraisers for Lloyds Bteamship Insurance Company, are in the city in connection with the work' being done on boats at the lo- cal shipbuilding yards. Rotary Club Charity Dance. The Rotary Club charity dance, on Tuesday, January 19th, is at- tracting a great deal of attention, and promises to he one of the events of the season. The proceeds are to 80 to a worthy cause, that of the club's Shoe and Stocking Fund, and record crowd will be in attendance. An excellent programme of music will be provided. -- PR Stage Had Trouble. The Seeley's Bay stage experienced considerable trouble at Tuttle's Hill on the trip to Kingston Friday meorn- ing. The snow fall made the roads very slippery and when the dyiver attempted to drive up the hill the stalled in the centre. After reeeiv- ing assistance, the driver was suc- cessfel In making the hill' A lady' passenger was badly scared when the car started to back down. ---- + Sixty-five men were employed by the city | engineer's department on Friday in clearing up the four inches Only men who were badly in need of work were employed for the greater part of the day. By noon, the main intersections about Princess street were cleared up. The street cars found some difficulty in getting un- derway in the morning, due to the slippery condition of the tracks, but the service was only slightly delayed. Mothers' Council A meeting of the Mothers' Coun- cil of the boys' division of the Y.M. C.A., held a meeting on Thursday af- ternoon, and reports for the year were received from the committees. The council has had a very prosper- ous 'year, and has been responsible for the many improvements about the Y.M.C.A. The council has vided membership for about twelve boys during the past two months and work along this line will be tak- en up more thoroughly next year. It was decided to hold a tea and sale in February. The following are the convenors of the committees: Home- made cooking, Mrs. Neil; aprons and fancy work, Mrs. Lake; candy, Mrs. Groves and Mrs. Baiden; variety, Mrs, Warren and Mrs. Campbell; tea, Mrs. C. C. Nash. George A. Dellabough, Chester- ville, died in Ottawa on Wednesday, aged eighty-one years. DAILY MEMORANDUM. Band at Palace Rink to-night. Children of Mary euchre to-night, Ca- tholic Assembly. hall 1,000 tins Tiger SALMON (Red Cohoe), large tin... .. ... 33, rts Ib... 7. 08c. Beef Sausage, Ib... 10c.| pry my : 20c. Ib. Te | Ta | 2 20c. } . i i... Tr Bo | 3bpelSes | 1 1b. Black Tea 60c | Tea Caddie 25c. wheels would not grip and the car . -- KINGSTON'S GREATEST SHOPPING CENTRE g 'EXTRA SPECIAL HOSIERY BARGAIN! {| Tomorrow at 9.30 This offer is most exceptional. On Wednesday our buyer was most fortunate in securing from a prominent English manufacturer's Agent, an entire ipment of fine Hosiery at a ridiculously low fig- ure. So our customers will benefit by this purchase we are offering them at this bargain price. 300 PAIRS BROWN RIBBED CASHMERE Stockings 49. Of the finest grade English Brown Ribbed Cash- mere. An ideal Stocking for present winter wear. In all sizes for women. The regular value is $1.25 pair, Special to-morrow while they last for 49¢. per pair. SEE THEM IN OUR WINDOWS TO.NIGHT. NO TELEPHONE OR CHANGE ORDERS ACCEPTED, AND NOT MORE THAN ) 3 PAIRS TO ONE CUSTOMER. Kenwood Blankets < Pure Selected Wool Blankets, in two sizes, 60 x 84 They are slight! y soiled from hand; d dis- ; play , but in no way is the quality A The BLUE, GRI , MAUVE, HELIO ua ---- ------ EE Re ------ b 4 4 @ -- ------ CTE FF CIXB RE GRIF SLRS