SPR PO RFRIUUUBIIN 1) 40, ==] NEW SPEEDY VARSITY TEAM DOWNED QUEEN'S SENIORS BY 8-1 SCORE BELLEVILLE CLUB ADDED ANOTHER Wo INTERMEDIATES WON IN BROCKVILLE LAST NIGHT 5-2 JUNIOR O.H. A. SN Splendid All Round Team Work of Maroons Defeated Tren- ton Last Night by 4-1. (Special to the Whig.) Belleville, Jan. 16.--Displaying a perfect brand of hockey from goal out to centre the Belleville Maroons added to their win total by disposing BROCKVILLE vs. Mon., Jan. 18th, 8.15 pn. JOCK HARTY ARENA " Last Period Attack by Blue and White Too Much for Local University Players--Hudson Drew Applause for a Dazzling Play--S8plendid Combination by Varsity Team Thrilled Large Crowd--Visitors Showed Dash In' Last Period and Scored Seven Goals. © Queen's senlors were given their second defeat of the Intercollegiate Joe Smith Played Best Hockey of His Career and Led Kingston Team in Attack Against Brockville--Taugher in Kingston Nets Played Great Hockey--Kingston Defence Showed Marked Improvement and Was Hard to Pass-- Win Gives Locals Good Chance. (Special to the Whig.) Brockville, Jan. 16.--In one of the beat, it would have been an easy mat- ing the stop. Higgins broke away ter to slide the rubber through. and went down alone driving in a With odd rushes and long shots and 'selves to the limit. at penior hockey series on Friday night at the Harty Arena, this time at the hands of Varsity by the score of 8-1. For two periods the Tricolor held the Blue and White invaders but in the last period, the Varsity machine was set in motion in more determin- ed manner with the result that the visitors notched up seven goals. Queen's led in the first period by a 1-0 score which Varsity tled in the second period, but in the last frame the local boys were more or less out of the picture and only on odd oc- casions were thelr attacks dangerous. Despite the score of 8-1, the Tri- color players deserve credit for the splendid showing they made for two periods of the contest. While Var- sity did hold back for the last period, the fact remains that the Queen's plfyers gave everything they had and 'they certainly made things hot for Sullivan in the Varsity nets at times. The Tricolor attack was at its best in the first period and for a part of the second and neat rushes by Lind- say, Boucher and Britton were very prominent. For the first part of the game Varsity contented themselves 'Were apparently not extending them- They did, how- ever, find time to give Benny Morris & handful of work and the Queen's goalie was called on time after time make some difficult stops. For the first two periods Morris played hockey and certainly made stops were very hard to handle but in dbe last period he seemed to fade t and seven counters were rung inst him. Not all of these were a however, and it was the baffl- ing work of the opposition that had big share in the fading of the Queen's het guardian. {odd spurts and threatened to again In this period Queen's fought with everything they had and more than surprised the fans by the splendid attack they were putting up. Bouch- er was called on to handle a great deal of the work and time after time he rushed the length of The ice but was driven off, He missed by inches after completing end to end rushes. Varsity were not altogether out of the "hard luck" column and they missed a few passes from in front of the net. However, they did enough to keep Morris on the job. Play Tivened Up, Hudson took the puck on a pass from the face-off and stickhandled his way through to the Queen's nets where he was met by Morris. The Varsity attack came on a little! stronger and Plaxton and Kirkpat- rick combined on a pretty bit of work, the former scoring on a neat shot. Hudson again took the puck and ambled through to Morris, who again made a pretty save. Britton took the puck at his own defence and beat the whole Varsity team to the other end but he was stopped there by Sullivan, although he got in a wicked shot. There was ore system to the teams now and both Varsity and Queen's treated the customers te a little combination work, Lindsay and Boucher did some nice passing while Clarence Moore and Bellamy Were not selfish with the pick. To-| wards the end of the period Queen's were playing under difficulties, be- ing minus two men but they stuck to their guns and held Varsity out. In the last period Varsity worked Queen's from 'the face-off and for nearly all the last chapter held ihe upper hand, although Queen's made of the fast travelling Trenton sex- tette last evening in one of the best | played and cleanest games that the fans have had for a long time and | they left the rink happy in the fact| that they had worthy representatives of the Quinte City. The score was 4-1 with periods 2-0, 2-1. There are no stars on the Belleville team this winter but every man is playing a most unselfish game and goals are! the main object of the attacking forces. Trenton are a real hard team to down and they gave their all to pull out a win, but a flashy goal by Gilly Goyer in the last period put the game in the ice box when he took a perfect pass from Bill Green step- | ped around the goalie and bulged | the twine. That broke Trenton's heart. His first goal of the night was also | very prettily exécuted when Green | handed him another right at the] goal mouth, Freschette tacked on | another when he back-handed one in| from a face-off in front of the Tren-! ton goal. Weir who made his sea- son's debut went stronger than ever, his back-checking being at times sen- | sational. He also got in the score | column when he took a nicé tip from | Frechette. Treénton's only counter | came'in the second period when An-| derson took a desperate chance and let go a floater from centre ice. Sys- tem has been drilled into the team | and all the Maroons being about equal in the speed the machine is at | no time broken up either When the regulars or subs are in action. Belleville Attack Strong. Last night Trenton could not make headway against the persistent back- checking of the locals and they were in condition to go the route. "Daw" Varsity Finished Strong. It was in the last frame that the ty work of the night was staged. Varsity let loose with pretty combi- mation work that certainly was spec- tacular and the work of Hudson in 'the last period was particularly out- Hudson was the same i of old, He is the trickiest that plays on local ice and J ing not a favorite with score. Kirkpatrick carried the puck from the Varsity defence and passed out to the waiting Hudson who slip- ped one to Morris who saved... With five minutes of the period , gone, Plaxton went through and counted but Lindsay siartfed the fans a couple of minutes later by taking the puck and going the length of the ice, only to be turned back again, Sulli- van rushing out to save. Hudson and Porter then combined, the form- er doing He trick and then Richards sauntered through with goal No. § If 80 neatly and take such chances | for Varsity. got away with them. Hudson, on and Porter were perhaps outstanding stars of the Blue 'White as far as individual work t but Wright too uncorked sonie A Brilliant Play. Hudson drew the applause of the big crowd when he uncorked the cleverest bit of work that has been seen on local ice this winter. He 'er stick work that was pretty to After the first period, things did travel so fast for a while and at es the play was very slow. Queen's ed to have given a little too in the first period and had not sufficiently recovered from the of their hard work but they jon hit into a merry pace again gave the fans some exciting mo- "Dunc" Boucher, Ewart sdy and Leppard were in there after time but either missed the went wide. There was some } chances for goals lost and wo denying that Dame For: @ at times failed to cast her sun- smiles in the direction of Rheum Weight were outstanding players 2 the other hand, Varsit a : s y seeme things fit right in for them. it of conrse runs with a more 2 Their passes were 3 'executed, and it was indeed a watch the way they worked iation. Varsity's particu- gth lay in'their ability to men ol side. Time after stickhandled through the entire Queen's team, hanging on to the puck in the mixup and shoving the puck past Morris. It was indeed clever work and the applause that Hudson got was well deserved. ueen's took heart and executed some combinatiofi work but it was a little too slow and was repeatedly broken up by the Varsity forwards, who back-checked in great style. Trottler went through but Morris. saved but Sullivan was called on to step some when Lindsay galloped away on a lone rush. Richards scor- ed the last goal for the U, of T. on a pass from Porter with three min- utes to go. For Varsity Hudson, Porter, Plax though = pretty work was certainly shown by the remainder of the Blue and White team. * To every man on the Queen's team goes credit for the hard work they put in and Whalen suffered a severe strain to his left arm when he fell heavily to the ice at the starting of the second period and Gilly Goyer ad the mis- fortune to break one of his skates in the first period. For the visitors Bowen in goal was the whole show, his saving at times bordering on the sensational. He was backed by a strong defence of G. Bowen and An- derson. Schensel on the line look- ed the best of the attack. The locals had no stars but Welr and Gilly Goyer towered a little abpve the rest of the crew, Weir for his back-check- ing and Goyer for his perfect manipu lation of the puck. The defence was sound and they both made many clever rushes. Boland in goal was back to his past season's form and looks in for a good winter. The subs. were used often but Gilly Goyer In centre went the entire route. The teams: BELLEVLLE. TRENTON. Goal. Boland Bowen Defence. G. Bowen Anderson Green F. Goyer Centre. L. Goyer. Shoniker Wings. 'Whalen Hagerman Wells Schenszel Subs. Frechette Weir Referee--Harold Mitchell, ronto. Bernard Allore To- i the play that they gave at times dur- | hardest-fought games seen on Brock- | ville ice in some time the Kingston intermediates defeated Brockville five goals to two here last night and for the first time in three starts in | the season's schedule of group No. 1 | O/H.A., succeeded in accomplishing | the desired result. Kingston's vic- tory was the result of real hard work lin which they were given stiff oppo- sition at all times by the Brockville crew, who though decisively beaten put up a stubborn fight to stave off the defeat which from early in the | game looked practically certain. Close and hard checking, with not a | few stiff DBody-checks marked the play and while Kingston carried off {the honors so far as combination playilig was concerned most of the | playing was marked by the determin- | ed back-checking of the opposing | forces. Time and time again one | team or the other would break away { on likely looking rushes only to | bring up 20 a full stop when met by | the opposite defence players. Tau- | gher in the Kingston goal, while not | given very many serious shots to { stop, 'was right on the job 'when | needed and he was given the best of { support by Rooney and Bellringer. | The Kingston victory was due large- ly to the persistent efforts of the re- | doubtable Joe Smith who was here, | there and all over at ail times, with | the exception of two brief rests. He J practically every attack {on the Brockville nets. Murray, the Brockville goal man let five get by him but his work was outstanding at all times and those shots which beat him were from close in and very difficult to handle. Jimmy Sheridan who played on the Brockville de- fence showed the effects of an acci- dental injury to his right arm re- ceived in the game at Belleville on Monday night and though he hand- led his stick most of the night with one hand he was suffering visibly, especially after heavy body checking which was handed out by the King- ston players ingide the blue line, Several penalties were imposed by Referee Steve Vair, Toronto, who officiated in a manner thoroughly im- partial and ruled with a firm hand at all times. { Joe Smith Starred. Joe Smith was the outstanding player for Kingston and to him should go credit for the victory. He skated faster than at any time in his long hockey career and was a bear for hard work from the first bell to the last. With him Rooney and Bell- ringer were the outstanding players. . Much was expected of "Red" Leg- on by the Brockville fans but Hig- gins had him checked most. of the night and much of his fast skating ability and good stick-handling was fruitless. Murray in the Brockville nets stopped many hard shots and turned in a fine game while Higgins and Laurin were perhaps the best on the forward line, Play opened fast and was stopped almost immediately when Legon kicked the puck. Bellringer rushed a couple of times only to be turned back'at the blue line by Saundercook and Sheridan. Saundercook essayed a rush and was blocked by Bellrimy ger who carried the puck down and brought Murray to his knees in mak- SPORTING NOTES AND COMMENT ing the contest. They tried hard all the way and gave their best and no team can do more than that, The teams were: t QUEEN'S. VARSITY. * Goal. Morris © © Sullivan *tot tf Defence. Britton Pelton * Porter Wright ' Plaxton : Centre. Lindsay ° . Wings. Boucher : Leppard Bellamy Moore Tobin Good Hudson Kirkpatrick Trottier Richards Mueller Subs, Referee--C. A, Devlin. Qualified. "So you would like a job, Miss! Smith? Have you a High School edu- No 0, sir, but T can dance the "Cleegit."" : Bree Varsity showed more pep and than they showed all the rest of the game, in the first two periods was fairly who expected the Blue and White twenty minutes. dash in the third period last night That they were laying back evident to the majority of the fans, to do their best 'work' in the last ' Hudson is still the flashy player that he has been for the past few years and again last night he treated the local fans to some clever work. Local fans had their first chance to see "Bubs" Britton in hockey action and the former Toronto player created a very favorable impres- sion. 'His rushes formed no mean part of the night's play. Pelton also was one of the hard workers of the end of the game. team and was strong on the defensive p A . v A very unfortunate accident occurred last night Prine the game. sarap Ue a 9 ding + ch by doing a back and Louie Hudson evidently tried to flip. His skate went up and struck who was sitting close fo the railing. The lady's face usr udson really had no business | pulling that little stunt when 'he saw he could mat pass between Lindsay and the boards 'Fans will be out 'in large numbers on 'Monday might when kville juniors pay their first vieit to Kingston this season the local FePresentatives, 1t should be a 8 srackenjack game {to sons. hot shot that had Taugher stretch- ing. Bellringer took the puck off the rebound and was blocked by Higgins. Lawlor stopped Higgins' attempt and | passed tlie puck to Smith who tried hard to pass Saupdercook but failed. Saundercook rushed and passed out to centre ice where Legon snatched the puck and went down toward the Brockville goal. He was caught by Higgins who was skating exception- ally fast. Smith checked Higgins and carried the puck in behind the Brockville nets, worked out again and tried a shot. Saundercook start- ed away with Frego the latter taking the shot from close in but Taugher saved. Frego gave Rooney a chase along the ice but the Brockville play- | ers were bunching too much in ceny tre ice. Rooney, Bellringer and Smith broke away on a pretty com- bination play but the latter was off- side and play was stopped. From the face-off Smith tried a long shot which Saundercook blocked. King- ston nearly scored on two shots by Legon and Smith, Saundercook tried a long shot which Taugher handled easily and Smith carried the puck down for a try on the Brockville goals. Garrand shot wide and high a couple of times and Smith broke away on a terrific outburst of speed. Spirited into the ¢orner by Saunder- cook and Sheridan he managed to carry the puck close in and behind the Brockville goal, slipped the puck out to Rooney who scored. Kingston On Offensive. Not content with their one goal lead, the Kingston players continued their offensive and gave Murray some busy moments. Laurin rushed a eouple of times and was hard-check- ed. Frego showed some fine work in checking Smith and Saundercook showed up well on defensive work. Christopher went on for Garand and Higgins replaced Laurin, Smith drew a penalty for slashing and while he was absent Kingston tried nothing but long shots which were ineffective. Higgins was working like a bear and had Taugher jumping around to stop his férrific ghots. Sheridan broke away on a couple of speedy rushes which were stopped by Beliringer and Rooney. Bell- ringer showed up well at this stage of the game but his shooting was wild, Smith came back after a briet rest and nearly scored, his work showing the benefit the 'rest gave him. Smith was boarded by Christp- pher who got away with it, Vaib tak- ing a lenient view of the check. Rooney blocked a long shot by Sheri- dan and when Garand came on for Frego the locals staged a couple of dangerous rushes that proved in- effective. Muchmore tried a shot for Kingston from the blue line and Smith followed in for the rebound which beat Murray. Christopher's rush alone nearly succeeded in beating Taugher and Higgins essayed a lone handed rush that failed against the stiff-defence put up by Rooney and Bellringer who did not hesitate to use their bodies. Higgins got in for another shot that struck Taugher's pads and Christopher missed the rebound. Bellripger went down the ice and passed toward Watts who missed the pass at the goal mouth. Higgins re- coats, Chesterfieids, ADMISSION: RESERVED SEATS 50c. * RUSH 25c. Tax included. Tickets on sale at Queen's Athletic Board of Control and the College Inn Cigar Store. Insisy aE Cha HIT J ENEIRY \ use 88 PRINCESS STREET. Ra \ Skis, Toboggans We have a fine assortment of SKIS AND TOBOGGANS NOW, Get yours before we run out of sizes, SKI POLES, SKI HARNESS TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO., Ahhh dd 4 4 Orr an Skis LR IRIN { , Ahhh dh Ah dh Al a a a ah Adhd dh dh A A Al Ea a "PHONE 5290, hhh A hihi deed covered the puck and tore down the boards, passed out to Saundercook, who carried it a little way and pass- ed back to Higgins who netted Brockville's first goal, three minutes before the period ended. "Local Defence Strong. There was no scoring in the see- ond period until fourteen minutes of play had elapsed though both teams tried hard. Bellringer got the tally off a pass from. "Red" Legon and un- til that time the checking was very hard and close. The Kingston de- fence was strongest and Murray was called upon to make shots while a few drifted by the Kingston defence and were blocked by Taugher, the junior player who showed that he is good enough for the intermediate ranks. The third period was a hot one with Brockville doing their best against a more skilled team in back- checking and passing. Joe Smith cinched the result when he took a pass from Saundercook, who shot out from the corner to cehtre Ice where Smith Tay in wait for the puck and slipped in past Murray for the fourth tally, Play was very fast dnd a couple of penalties were handed out for heavy body-checking. Neither side were able to score until the per- innumerable fod had well advanced when Smith To-day is the Day of Striking Reductions at Tweddell's Clothes: Shop Overcoat from $25 to $32. YOUR CHOICE "WHILE THEY LAST, Overcoats from $35 to $45. YOUR CHOICE: WHILE THEY LAST Mon who. put off huyles Abels Overdossss end NOT | Here are Overcoats that are easily worth TWICE THE FIGURES QUOTED. Storme Ulsters and SNAPPY. "YOUNG MENS OVERCOATS, "ene went down alone and cleverly stick- handled his way through for a goal. Higgins and Legon drew penalties of three minutes each and when the returned to the ice Higgins sco! the last goal of the match and B ville's second on a very pretty lon 'handed effort that placed the puc in the centre of the nets. The minor officials were: Miller, Brockville, and J. T. Sher land, Kingston, timers; J, 8. McDon- ell, Kingston, and Smith Hazzard, Brockville, Penalty timers; James & Russell and George Revell, Brock- ® ville, goal judges. The win gives Kingston a chance to catch Belleville, who won their third straight game by defeating Trenton 4 goals to 1. The players were: 3 # BROCKVILLE. Goal, KINGSTON, Murray Taugher Détence. Sheridan Rooney : Saundercook Bellringer yy . Lawlor Wings. : » Centre, Laurin Frego ! Legon Higgins . Bmith 3 Bubs, Garand Watts Christopher Muchmore 4 $1 . $24 ATE ANY