a Only once in a long time does a great 8 screen drama get a great combination like Milton Sills : Doris Kenyon. I AMUSEMENTS What the Press Agents Say About Coming Attractions "UNGUARDED HOUR" IS SPLENDID PLAY. | Milton Sills and Doris Kenyon Head i An Excellent Cast of Players. { © Milton Sills appears as an Italian {duke in "The Unguarded Hour," 2 { First National picture, which comes to the Capitol Theatre Monday, Tues~ | day and Wednesday, with Sills in the starrifg role and Doris Kenyon as the featured feminine player. . Instead of fighting giant raftians and battling in the prize ring, Sills will be séen in this picture playing the role of the cultured Duke An- drea, a young man whose chief de- Blight in life seems to be hating wo- | men and werking long hours in his | laboratory, where he is engaged in solving scientific problems that deal with ether waves and radio. However, Sills breaks into action in one of the biggest scenes in the picture and with his bare fists dis- AAA AANA Milton Sills and Doris Kenyon. arms the villian and forces him over a balcony rail, where be falls to his death on the stones below. In an his studies and plunges into the briny deep and swims a hundred yards or go to the rescue of Miss Kenyon and brings her back with the ease of a beach life saver. In "Unguarded Hour" Miss Ken. yon has one of the best roles of her screen career, She plays the part of a dashing young American girl who i a SA ATI head .and heart of the woman hating THE FLORENCE HUDON PRIVATE SCHOOL of BALLER, S810 AND DANCING Classes mow forming for Chil- dren and Adults. : t- Private Lessons by = t 80 UNION ST. WEST Duke. Miss Kenyon provides one of the greatest thrills of the picture when she crashes to eartlf in an air- plane in the scene where she and her maid arrive by airplane at the Duke's talian home¢. Miss Kenyon, who is usually seen in roles that are either highly dramatic or depict a girl whose only attributes arg being sweet and charming, bursts into real comedy in this picture. She is again a new Doris Kenyon, QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY CONCERT GRANT HALL Tuesday, January 19 at 8.15 p.m. EARL SPICER, Baritone, Of Queen's Hall, Crystal Pal ace, Wembly Exhibition, ete. Children of Mary Euchre, The Children of Mary held a very successful euchre party and dance at the Catholic Assembly hall Friday evening, there being about twenty- five tables in play at cards. Mr. Young and Mrs. Ladouceur were the prize winners. Refreshments were served at the conclusion of the card | games, and dancing was enjoyed, the ' Gass ssasmsenenn Tickets 75e¢. at University Post Office. music being rendered by L. Guy and BLACK: WHITE Brazil uses convict labor in much of its road construction, other exciting scene Sills puts aside goes to Italy and there turns 'the | INSURANCE CONVENTION Held by Members of Manuf Life, Kingston Agency ' : Local Briefs Gathered by Re- porters--What the Merch- ants Are Offering. A convention of the members of {the Kingston Agency of the Manu- {gacturers' Life Insurance Comhpany { was held in the city on Thursday and : ---- Friday. This is good winter weather. On Thursday night, Mr. M. G Earle Spicer is singing in Grant i Johnston, branch manager, acted as | Hall, Tuesday at-8.15. host at a dinner in the British-Amer-| At last we have the fourth "R" ican hotel. On Friday business ses-| Readin', Ritin', Rithmetic and Ra- | sions were held at the company's of- | dio! fices, when many phases of the usi-| Dr. R. B. Taylor will preach in All ness of life insurance 'were discusbed. | Souls' church, Lowell, Mass., to-mor- The Kingston Agency comprises | TOW. . the counties of Dundas, Grenville, Leeds, Lanark, Frontenac, Lennox close 21st at,260 Nelson St., 'phone and Addington, Prince Edward and |1653J. for prize lists. * Hastings, and its establishment dates | William = Swaine, piano tuner. back to June, 1913, when Mr. John-| Orders received at 100 Clergy street ston was appointed as branch manag- iwest, 'phone 564w. er. At that time the company had Jacob Peters, who died in Kings- less than one million of insurance in |ton, was a former resident of New- force in the district, and it will no |burgh. His wife died a year ago. doubt be of interest to the people of | Miss Laura M. Somerville, Marl- these counties to know that the King- | bank, has come fo Kingston Ontario ston Agency has more than kept | Hospital to take up nurse training. pace with the growth of the Com- A special meeting of the city coun- pany and Life Insurance in general. | cll is to be held Monday evening re- This accomplishment will be particu- | garding the Willowdale Dairy Com- larly appreciated by those who are | pany. familiar with the remarkable expan-| The Board of Trade will bave a sion of the Manufacturers' Life In-|meeting at an early date to hear the surance Company and the business ot | Teports of delegates at the Detroit life insurance. This office is now | gathering re the Chicago water steal, pe to the development of a strong and | efficient agency organization under | the able management of Mr, John-| ston, | The Manufacturers Life's offices | Prices on the Kingston market on During the past year, owing to the in- | same as a week ago, when there was crease in business in the organiza-| a marked advance in vegetables. tion, it was found necessary to secure | Eggs, which have remained station- additional office space, and the com-| ary for some time have taken .a pany now occupies the entire second | jump of Ge. Poultry has also advanc- floor of this building. | ed, the increase ranging from 10¢ to been established in 1887 with the jg also very scarce. The follow- late Sir John A. Macdonald as its| ing are the prevailing prices: eggs, first president. In 1925 its new in-|50c; butter, 45c; chicken, §1:50 to surances exceeded sixty-five millions, | $1.75 each and $3 per pair; beef, and although completed figures have | hind 10c, front 7c; veal hind, 10c, not yet been published, it is under-| frént 14c; lamb, hind 30c, front 25c, stood that its business in force on | pork, hind 23c, front 20c; beets 26¢ the 81st of December reached the | pk. onions, 50¢ pk.; turnips, 25¢ pk; large total of three hundred and eigh- | parsnips, 40c pk.; sage, 5c bunch; teen millions. rhubarb, 20c bunch; carrots, 40c pk; At the recent convention, the |CaPPage, 40-50¢ dozen, Home Office was represented by Mr. W. Carlisle, agency superintendent; MERCHANTS' BANQUET Mr. A. Kinch, agency inspector for Ontario; and Mr. R. BE. Dowsett, of ON JANUARY 20 the medical department. The repre- sentatives in attendance were: F. C. Avery, Perth; F. B. Code, Perth; H. Creighton, Napanee; G. A. Dixon, .Winchter; F. L. Jackson, Kingston; F. M. Lauder, Belleville;. H. C. Mar- tin, Stirling; F. J. McAvoy, Kingston; J. R. Nichol, Smith's Falls; A. M. Pettem, Lyndhurst; F. W. Read, Sydenham; M. Storms, Picton; A. M. Modler, Kingsfon; R. L. Sexsmith, Napanee; H. L. Hurling, Kingston. To Be a Big Event--Three Outside Speakers Are Coming. At a meeting of merchants held yesterday in the Hotel Randolph, arrangements were completed for the merchants annual dinner, to be held in the Randolph on Wednesday eve- ning, January 20th, On the visit last week of Mr, J. "OVER ACROSS; * gas costs thr Phone 400 25¢ =o in the City "- in the development in Britain and The KINGSTON CLEANERS ing not much over 1,000 pounds, AND DYERS Clean saything that can be cleaned C. COE & P. BARRETT Office: §G Arch $treet. 'Phone 1225w Call deliver, Trying Them Ou troduced! into this country by one manufacturers and this is importa Tr ct So Fish and Chips | Bent in eity. "Phone orders (O 2065<w and they will be ready. OK Eagsh Fish & Chip Shop Corner Bay and Bagot 8 iyr d maintehance expense. call, a similar attempt wes made American motoring public, by the The cycle ear did not take, bul the More Favorable since the cycle car debacle. These Mne mileage, but their users will HIGH AND LOW COMPRESSION A Harri the Matfer of the Estate of =n late of the ip of Welte in the County of Frontease, Deceased. W. O'M. asks: What (8 the dif- ference between Jigh and low com. . pression engines? Is it in the ? soibustion chamb ? J re is the dividing line between the two classes? Answer: The volume of the en- space above the piston, when it is down to its lowest point, di- vided by the volume of the enclosed above it. when it is at its C reby given that all per a i or. demands ¥ ha y ms of which they ave notice and that t mo hy O'Shea and J ! p er 0 a reon AMBROSE SHEA, ; for he said Executors and Cc. The European/ Type Light Oar and the folks there are not so "flush" as we are. This has résuited narrow treads, powered with engines which seem tiny in comparison with the smallest ones in American ears. It has been announced that cars of this general type are to be in- sire 10 give us more economical motoring----Jlower first costs and great- Do You Remember Cyclecars? C. Campbell of Ottawa, secretary for Eastern. Ontario, it was announced that the newly-elected president, and also the secretary of the Dominion organization, along with Mr. Stuart McClenaghan, newly-elected M.P. of Ottawa, would be the speak- ers. The affair is to be a get-together «| party. It will be strictly informal, and will include the election of of- ficers and an open forum to discuss the many problems of retail merch- ' ants. There will be music and enter- tainment, and invitations have been ea or four times what it does here continental countries of cars weigh- with very short wheel bases apd t In The U. 8. A, of the greatest of our motor car nt news, as It is evidence of a de- Poultry Show, Jan. 26-28; entries, producing an amount in excess of one | to consider tourists needs and the |} million and a yuarter of new insur-| proposal to buy enough land on King gnces each year, and has in force | Street to change a dangerous curve. over eight millions of business. This | remarkable expansion is largely due i The Family Market Basket are located in thé Brock Chambers. { Saturday morning were much the| The Manufacturers' Life is one of 26¢ per pair. The only poultry avail- | ij the old Canadian companies, having | able on the market is chicken, which | SEAMAN-KENT FLOOR FPUSH Waterproof Paper, Filler, Shellac, Var- nish and . ¥ SEAMAN-KENT- HARDWOOD FLOORING All with the same guarantee of highes quality. . ALLAN LUMBER CO. Victoria Street, near Union. "Phone 1042 | House Wiring Repairing All Kinds of Electric Apparatus Satisfaction guaranteed. Best work at reasonable prices, "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE" HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. « 'Phone 94. YOU REQUIRE ANY KIND OF INSURANCE A house, flat or a lot, all well located, our "Service Department' is at your dis- posal. Agerits: Canada Life Assurance Company. KINGSTON AGENCIES Ltd. J. 0. HUTTON, MANAGER. 07 CLARENCE STREET, KINGSTON, : TELEPHONE 708. THE MUTINOUS SKIPPER 3 (Premier Baldwin is making strenuous efforts to avoid class war. fare in Great Britain.) : «From The Star, London. this promised small car may prove more popular. will be watched with keenest interest. Somewhat less than fifteen years ago, as many motorists will re- to awaken the thrift sense in the introduction of the so-called cycle car, a design in some respects similar to the present European type. re are some reasons to believe that At least its debut Conditions Now The present need of conserving parking space and of superior manuverability are in its favor and furthermore roads have improved ght cars will double present gaso. do all their driving "on high." of the pedal shaft, then remove the low-speed adjusting screw. Remove the bolts holding transmission cover extended to both of Kingston's mem- bers of parliament, the mayor, and other public men. The entire retail trade of King- ston will be urged to buy tickets, and the whole affair promises to be an interesting event, one that will even surpass the dinners that have been held by the merchants in past years. Man is compelled to work for what some other animals get free, Fairness should always commence in the family, - Butter of Good Weight. All butter which was sold on the Kingston market on Saturday morn- ing, was weighed by an inspector of the Weights and Measures Depart- ment. The inspector found that the butter was up to full weight. In some cases it weighed as much as two and a half ounces over weight. During the last decade the per capita consumption of meat in Eu The best way to beat a poor carpet is to buy a good one. Quick Btops Dangerous. - If your car is equipped with four wheel brakes, remember that the auto following may have the old style braking system. A quick stop will cause him to wreck the rear end . of your car. Never make a sudden stop unless it is absolutely neces- sary. Order may be heaven's first law, but it is earth's last realization. The latest Paris frocks have tiny electric lights on them, to crankcase and lift off the cover assembly. Slip the nd neares: the flywheel over the first of the \triple gears, then turn the band SNAPSHOTS OF A MAN TURNING A NEW LEAF + - By GLUYAS WILLIAMS around so that the opening Is downward. The band can then be removell by lifting it. The opera- tion is more easily performed if the three sets of ie gears are so placed that one set is about tem degrees to the right of center at top. Bach band is remov: y the same op 1 It is pesary to shove each band forward on to the triple gears as at this point only ie there sufficient clearance in the crankcase to allow the ears of the bands to be tuned downward." --------