vy y, January 18, 1926. > THE DAILY BRITISH WHI The Whig's Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a True Market Place REGIS LAYS PLANS T0 RESIST EXTRADITION Has Erfigaged Counsel Who Will Issue a Statement on Tuesday. 1 Regis, wanted by the Ameri- uthoritied for escaping from ¥ DEATHS. residence, 18th, hig HEATH--At his late land, Ont, on January Frederick C. Heath, In year, Funeral arrangements later. SHEEHAN---In Kingston,-on Jan. 17th, 1926, Johanna Sheehan, formeriy of Westbroo Funeral from the residence of her bro- ther, Dennis Sheehan, 323 Colborne Street, Tuesday, at 8.45 am. to St. Mary's Cathedral, where a solemn requiem mass will be sung for the happy repose of her soul. Friends and acquaintances are respeot. fully invited to attend. 1926, 73rd 1 reformatory in, Michigan, and whi was recently located in Ports- month penitentiary and rearrested on Baturday upon his release, has gb interviewed by his counsel, who laying plans to resist extradition by the American authorities. Al- though nothing definite has heen ed upon by Regis' counsel, some is held in regard to the legality of the proceedings and has some chance of putting up a succéssful fight. : Asked by the Whig if there was a of Regis getting bail, the an- was emphatically no. It is un- that in this case no bail be granted because Regis is a fugitive from justice and. because there are charges against him, other than the one for which he is sought by the United States judicial au- jthorities. A full statement is to be issued by counsel on Tuesday and it is understood that some definite con- clusion will be reached between prisoner and counsel as to the method of conducting the fight. ec WILFRID GIROUARD, M.P. ptative for the constituency ka In the mew Canadian It is Sir Wilfrid's old con- Prisons: Jumps to His Death Jan. 18--Fred who was awaiting trial in Bordeaux jail on a charge of attempting to murder his wife dnd Mike Valentuck with an axe, was almost in- 'OR stantly killed this morning when he dashed past the guard who had opened his cell door, and dived headfirst over the gallery railing and fractured his skull on the cement floor 16 feet below. -- ------------ A -------- Total of Sun. Albany, N.Y. Jan, 18.---A total ipse of the sum, observable in Ca- dg, New York and New England States in 1983, was announced to- day by the Dudley Observatory. Business Outlook. ders in the automobile indus- try predict a huge development of the ifudustry in 1826. It is expected that business conditions wiil be even more favorable during the coming - year than they were iu 1825. nm ------------_ Steering Adjustments, When adjusting the steering gear. allow a litile play to prevent its binding and to relieve thé arm from im and road shocks. One inch JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertakers 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET 'Phone 147 for Ambulance errr ROBERT J. REID The Leading Undertaker , "Phone 577. 230 Princess Street M. P. KEYES FUNERAL HOME: 490 COLBORNE STREET AMBULANCE "PHONE 1889. AA ° JOHN CORNELIUS Undertaker and Embalmer Parlors: 274 Princess Street Ambulance Phone 559 H. J. KNIGHT UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER PARLONS--Sydenham, Yarker, Verona, and Battersea. Ambulance 'phone KINGSTON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING All ads. are restricted to their proper classification, and to the regular Dally Whig style of type. "CLASSIFIED RATES: Daily rate per line or consecutive insertions: Minimum charge, Dally rates per line 25 cents. Charge Cash v8 3 . 18 6 Deatns, E . gements, Mar- riages, one insertion charged, $1.50; casn, $1.00. Card of Thanks, and Memoriam Notiges--Charged, $1.50; cash, §1.00 each insertion. Advertising Ordered for irregular insertions takes the one-time inser- tion rate; no Ad taken for less than basi, of four lines. Count six' average words to line. Charged ads. will be received by telepnone and if paid at The Brit- ish Whig Office within 6 days from the first date of insertion, cash rate will be allowed. Ads. ordered for more than one day and stopped before expiration will only be charged for the number of times the ad. appeared and adjust ment made at the rate earned. Mate per line for white space Is tiie same as & line of type. Special rate for yearly advertising upon request. - Publishers reserve the right to edit or reject all classified advertising copy. Telephone 243. ask for a want dd. taker. the ICE IN PERFECT GONDITION. The advantages of artificial ice will be realized at the game between Kingston and . 'Brociville . Monday night. :Despite that jact that the weather has been very mild and con- ditions outside are slushy, the jce at the Arena is in perfect condition for the game. i it, RT. HON. L. M. 8 AMERY British Secretary of State for Domlig- fon Affairs, who has been invited to attend & conference of Boards of Trade and Commerce in Toronto next autumn. Quite a number of citizens have been issued with .a summons for having parked their cars on the east side of Arch street, between Union and Deacon streets. William Swaine, plano tuner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west, "phone b64w. All the civic committees will meet this week. A meeting of the pro- perty committee was called for this afternoon. ia JiSye Jas 10 Sision of the, Po. lice Odurt on Monday morning. Barle Spicer is singing in Grant : Hall, Tuesday at 8.15. ne. |OUT OUR WAY. HOPE. BY WILLIAMS ) Articles For Sale. Miscellaneous 15 SET OF SURVEYOR'S INSTRUMENTS --fur sale. Apply to Walkem & Walkem, 53 Clarence bireel WHITE NEWSPRINT--300 sheets for] 40¢. "Suitabie for Wrapping purposes or household use. 6m' x 337 Appiy british Whig Office. Furaiture 15a | | FURNITURE-- Antique and modern | farniiure soid and bought. M. Cram- | er, 307 Princess direei, suCcessors to = is DRY BODYs WOOD-----Oak, hickory and maple, $3.50 per quarter cord. Dry body wood, $3.90 quarter cord. Cut mn stoye lengihs. 'Phone 36¥s-m. H. C Webber, Hegent Street. FOR SALE--l car Virginia Nut Coal $13.00 ton. 1 car Keniucky Egg $13.00. These are semi-hard and burn weil ia Stoves and lurnusces. 1 Car opilt pea Coke, $5.00. 1 ton Virgina ur Ken- tacky and 1 ton Fea §.u.00, Smaller quantities. Cariage exira. lgcar reat 5.00 half ton. bry mixed soit Cord- wood or slabs, $3. load. Dry hara- wood $4.00 load. 'Phone 244b-w., WwW. C. Bruton, 2% Wellinguwan Street. HARDWOOD--Dry body maple $3.75 per load. Dry mixed 3300. Ury sult maple, $4.45. Splut Zc. extra. 'Phone 1489-J. Mrs. nay Parker, ovrner Johnson aid McbLonald Sweets. HARDWOOD--$3.50 and $3.75 quarter curd; mixed wood $2.75 and $3.30; Niab Wood FL.75 to $5.60, ROOUIUING tO QuURi- ity; rough ang dressed' lumber, suingles, 44.80 per thousand aug up DAWUUSL suid cheap. W. rh. talbw, Concession dareet. Telépavne 2763-4. SWAIN'S WOOD YARD == Dry body hardwood, $4.50 quarter cord; mixed bodywood $4.0V quar.er cond; hardwood Slabs S400 a loali. Mixed slabs Ji. a load. 'Phane 2516-w. WOOD--Mixed body and soft wood slabs; coor kindung, 32:75 load; hard woud slavs, $3.00 vad; budy hardwood $4.00 quarter curd. J. Peters & Son, ourner Toronto and brock Sireets 'Phone 889. Business Services = i Business Service Ladies' Hair Parlor a } turned 4 LADIES, ATTENTION ! MR. KINGSBURY who has just res from Toronto after attending the Hair Dressers' Convention and Dis- play, ail that is new in Ladies' Hale Dressing will be found at Kingsbury's Barber Shite. A. B. KINGSBURY, 209 Princess Street. 'bone 2015-d. a EE ar = Insurance ERNIE D. SLITER---insurande Broker, all branches of insurance in oid line companies of highest financial stand- ing. 51 King otreet East. "Phones 25.8-w. Res. 1i21. FIRE---Automobile and Casualty Insut- ance. BE. M. Crumley, 420 Earl Street. 'Phone 1753-M. INSURANCE~Only the most reliable companies represented. Strange & Sirange, established ih 1860. Office: 86 Clarence Street, gpposite Post Office. » B, COOKE--Life, Fire, Accident and Sickness, in reliable companies, dis~ trict manager Imperial Life. 'Phones: Office 503-w, Res. 1731-m. OUR HEALTH AND ACCIDENT--Pol- icy will protect your salary. All Mines of Fire and Automobile Insurance. B. Withams, 2 Couper street. Decorators 25a ANDERSON, A~Painter and Decorats or. Estimates given on large or small Jobs. Choice stock of Wall Paper and samples carried. 'Phone 1966. CALL 1332-F--For hanging and Choice samples. first class paper interior decorating. H. Rowley. SIGN PAINTING-J. S. Robinson, rear 376 bagot Street Financial 20 FRONTENAC LOAN AND. INVEST. MENT SOUIETY -- Incorporated im 1881. Presiaent, A. D. Cartwright, Vice-president J. Ml. rarrell. Money to loan on city aud farm properties; in vesiment. Bonds bought and sold; de posits received and interest paid on minimum monthly balance. R. Cartwright, manager, 87 Clarence St. | Tallomng and Pressing 20 . Lost and Found 1 Help Wanted EARRING -aAmber Drop, lost between Christypas and New Years. Reward for return to 7 Aberdeen Street. AUTOMOBILE CHAIN--Found on road between Kingstom and Cailaraqui. on Baturgay. Owner please phone 3366 r SL A SCAPULAR MEDAL -- Found on Brock street near Montreal street. Owner please call at 238 Earl Street or pnone 2318-w. BEADED PURSEContaining sum of money, pair of giasseg and address, lost vetween Maitland and Centre Streets. Finder please return to $4 Centre Street or phone 1596. Reward. BUNCH OF KEYS-- Found on Battie Street. Uwner may have same at 216 University Avenue. BRASS DOOR KEY--l'ound, in taxi, on Thursday arérnoon, -Ownér may have same by 'phoning' 126. PARK TAN LONG-HAIRED COLLIE DUOG---Smail white spot on breast, Without tag, strayed on premises of George H. Fenwick, P.M. Enterprise, Oni, on January 14th" Qwner may have same by paying expenses. FOUNTAIN PEN-Found, on University Avenue. Owner may have by apply- ing &t 627 Johnson Screet. TWO GEESE-.Found. Owner notify V. R. Hunt, Rockport, Ont. LADY'S EARRING-----Found, on Brock Street, on Sunday. Owner may have same by calling at 78 Nelson Street. PARCEL-~Found on York Street; on nday morning. Owner may have same at 2 Chatham Street, MOUTH-PIECE -- For musical instru- ment, found. Ownér may have same at Whig Office. BIDE OF BACON --Found on Syden- ham street, last Monday evening. Own- er y have same at {1 Montreal St. or phone 1384 during day or 2524-w in evening TWO KEYS---Lost, on silver ring, in vicinity of Sydenham, Earl and Bagot reets. Finder please return t Whig Office, © "to the Help Waniea Male Help Wanted FIRST CLASS CHEESE WAKER---For Foresg Cheese and Cream Associa- thon. © Must be capable of 'operating ; Cream separator. State salary and reference. Apply to Charleg A. O'Con- nor, Sec.-Treas., Harrowsmith, R. R. 8. GOOD OPPORTUNITY «= Man wanted between 25 and 45 years of age, single or married, who can be developed ifhito - salesman. Salary and son paid while learning. ments common education; honesty, ncerity, 800d chardeier and nelt- . unless you are willing to learn and follow! instructions given do not apply. Apply Metropolitan Life In- surance Col corner ellington and Princess Streets. v o ~- Require- 'Would you like to become a motion picture Phot pher. 7° Write at once. rte. plays, 439 St. Clarens Avenue, Toronto. Two wealthy real estate men, Leo Ziske and Morsey Phillips, were murdered in Detroit, Mich, Mussolini refuses to let opposing deputies re-enter the Italian legis. lative chamber except conditionally. 13 | HAD A GRAND TIME Female Help Walited 3 ___ Real Estate For Sale Farms and Land "12 W. ROBERTSON ~~ Tallor, Cleaning, rressing, MHepuwiring; your own cluia =| made up. dmmples in stuck. $0.00 and up. 293 pagut direet. GIRL--Waited for light housework. ! Apply 97 Centre Street. 'Phone 1235-M YOUNG GIRL--To assist In housework State particularg and salary expected. Apply Box Y-16, Whig Office. WIDOW OR SINGLE WOMAN -- Be- tween 40 and 50 years old, Protestant, to do plain cooking for family of three; no upstairs work. Laundry giv- en out. highest wages. Apply Box Z-18, Whig Office. Sn ATS SE Male or Female Help Wanted 8a #5 SELLS HOUSEHOLD NEC ~Greatest imaginable demand; have business of your own; make five dol- lars up daily; capital or experience un- Decesaary. B, Garretson, Brantford, nt. i Agents Wanted 4 AGENTS-~Get in a profitable, all-year commission business of your own. Every property owner is a customer or prospect. Nipe hundred varieties of hardy Red Tag Nursery products. Cash every week. Complete equip- ment and instructions free. Write Dominion Nurseries, Montreal Positions Wanted OFFICES TO CLEAN--Or work of any kind, for woman, and two daughters. 'Phone 1562%w, 19 Ellis Street. SMART, CAPABLE WOMAN -- Wants work of any kind, by day or hour; best Ielerances, Apply Box U-15, Whig Office. YOUNY LADY Desires position as housemaid. Apply Box P-13, Whig Ot- fice. Real Estate For Rent Business Flaces & STORBS-- Three stores, Princess Street, south side; heated, commodious, rear entrance. Also nxturgs, mirrors, etc. tor-saie. Apply L Conen & Co, On~ rio Street. Rouses .9 HOUSE. § rooms, electri¢c light, rent $18.00, on Cowdy street; smail house, 5 rooms, water and lot; reat on Stanley street; also'house on Mont- real street. Apply H. F. Norman, 6J Patrick Street. 'Phone 730-w. 4 HOUSE--Cornér Colborne and Sydens ham streets, 8 r - 3-269 and 255 It deau + i reums and & rooms; 61 'Queen street, 6 rooms; 45 Concession Street, 5 rooms; all Iimprovemen:s eich, Apply 1856 Queén Street. Tale- phone 9835-w. NEW HOUSE--Elerbeck Avenue, just completed, 7 Toon: Apply to E. E Wathen, 127 Nelsgn street. SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE~~ North Al- fred street; verandah; water; barn; large lot. Apply 332 University Ave. EE ST Se me pe Messrs. J. H. Porte, W. J. Carter and Dr. Philp, Picton, are planning to take in the Mediterr Tour. They sail from New York on Jan- pary 30th. At Regina, Mrs. Sarah Hawkes, on Friday celebrated the hundredth an- niversary of her birth. She is mo- ther of Arthur Hawkes, Toronto. £3,000.00--100 acres, good buildings, al stock and machinery. Would exchange. Houses fdr sale and to let. Insurance, Money to Loan. T. O'CONNOR, 351 Princess Street. "Phone 1189-J. Close to citys 1 » rrofessional an ORUGLESS PRACTITIONER -.. W. A. Marcelis, corner of parrie and prin- cess dilreets. Chailropractic adjusts ments, eleClric treatnicis and nanu- massage. X-ray service. Cunsuita- Houses tion Ifee. Hours ¥-13 am, 1-<§ pm. ivemngs by sppuintment. URice Lele- J. E. CUNNINGHAM Real Estate Insurance and Loans 79 Clarence Street. \ poaone ssi~J. nesidence 'phone aid. LUCYGeo. F. and Jennie A., Chiro- praciors, Registered Nurse, v3 sagot bireel. "Fhohe ¥ou-W. Hours ¥-ia, BRICK HOUSE--On Stuart street, improvements, $4,500. Apply M Trumpour, 270 Princess Bbtreet. Tele phone 704 or 1296-J. all B. 1-9 v-7.80. Consulation iree. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers and Solicitors, 19 Clarence street, singsion. A. B. Cunnningaam, K.C.; - HOUSE--A desirable cut stone dwell- located; T. J. Rigney, ing, good garage; centrally the pr riy of a client. barrister, ete, 89 Clarence Street, Cyrus. Smith. DAY AND REVELLE-Barristerg and Suilgiate, 2 LCiirence Street, King- ¢ B. W. MULLIN Real Estate and insurance Broker Johnson, and Division Streets Phone 539-w. 8 Articles For Sale. ee Advi Page 3. slon. y i. Revene. Morigages arranged. 'hone 306. REYNOLDS, J. C~~Barrister and Scliel- tur, $1 Brock btreet, Mortgages ar- ranged on city and tarm bruperty. 'Pavone 2509. SLATER---Douglas, Barrister and sSoli- Miscellaneous and hens. Apply 137 south. FORTY RHODE ISLAND RED LETS--laying, buyer. 1523-w. 15 CANARIES, SINGERS-Imported Roll- ers, banded also English Yorkshires Bagot Street 4 PUL~| SKIN sell cheap to quick Reason for selling, no room. Apply to 1% Eilis Street, or phone eitor, -i9 Clarence street. Money to loan. 'Fhone 413, SHEA--Ambrose, B.A. Sollciter. and Brock, to loan. Barrister and Law Office, corner of King over Royal Bank. Money 'Phone 1998, HES ~~ Hair, ol Warts, Birthmarks, Shh Conoret Scars, Pits, etc, removed permanenc- ly. Batistactory Gigases fit and furnished after others have failed. GURNEY OXFORD RANGE In condition; cheap. Reason for selling, owner moving. LAMP SHADE and screens. We make them, variety. 'Phone 380. Works. refinishing. 'Phone 2860-r-41. ONE DROP CENTRE BREAD WAGON Btreet. 12 ~{(New). Appiy E. E. Wathen, Neison stréet. 'Phone 1381-J, OFFICE DESK--For sale, with elevated Apply 213 Colborne Street. Tele- to phone §63-J.. PIANO--Gerhard Heintzmaa, style 73. mahogany case, Lopls XV design; in Can be bought t C. . Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess Street. PIANO, UPRIGHT--Handsome walnut I-3 octave, ivory keys; iris excellent condition, & great reduction. Easy term: case, 7 Louts. Terms Price reasonable. desired. 'Phone 2417-J or call at 14 Colborne Street. STOVE REPAIRS... To fit Champions, Summits, Coronas, new Empress, Re- Supremes, Pen Esthers, Renouns and all other from Grundy Bres, Jewels, Strathroy. SUITS--Made to your order with extra trousers, $30.00, less 5% discount for wie-|| + can Anthracite Gash or usual easy terms. Large tion of newest Spring pat anteed fit 'Phone terson. 120 Johnston Street. set, second hand, Adams equipm Da! Withes vat, Sel Churns. an oable harness. De 31 Brock 'Phones 1217-F. SUITSPartly worn, fit men five feet og seven, with 37 breast, 'value. 'Phone 2 w, 120 Johnson Streef Sinise AA 1 pi = 2 + F FRAMES-- Fire dogs large Partridge Wire Try us for silver plating and terns. Guar- 2306-w. J. G. Pats Laval Separators. , Frost & Wood Agency, ones §585-J or Goitre cured without operation. §s years' experience. Dr. er J. Lake, mye, kar, Nose, Throat, Skin. 25» Bagot Btreet. Phone 3viw. House 1135] Fancy Work PICOT EDGING Hemst 3 Storage 26a. NEW LARGE STORAGE WAREHOUSE ---built of concrete blocks and cement floors; reauy WW receive all kinds of mercaanatse, including automobiles, trucks and turniture, etc. Terms rea. sonable. Call and inspect at 290 Wel- lngton street, or phone 2440-w. Bruton. " Miscellancous a" ASHES-Cleaned out of cellars and yards, clean job done. A. MacGregor, 24 Russell Street. 'Phone 22355. STORAGE--Dead storage for cars, "Aj ply 538 Frontenac Street. 'Pho 280-w, SLEIGH DRIVING PARTIES-Taken, good teams, careful drivers. Wood saw- ing, carioad or job lots. Estimates given. 'Caverly Transfer Co., Upper Princess Street. 'Phone 1507-J. STORAGE-For furniture, cléan, dry. alry fopma and spaces; your own lock and y. Fros's C Storage, 209- 305 Quéen St. Phone 526. Res. $39-w. Expert Plano Tuning, Player-Plano Adjusting. Phone, 1544. C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED UPHOLSTERING---ANd general repair. torr. Wares' 104 Sieney Scand 0 F. . Haro 4 C "Phone 1600-J. Saray Se Automobiles Auto Accessories KIXGSTUX ATO ok AND BODY CoO. ~Makers of Auto, Bu , Boat Tops and Cushions. Commercial Coupe bodies, California Tops and Up« helstering. Awnings and Tents, ela 347 King street. . "Phone 2545. 4 om eT Classified Display Pleating, work guaranteed. Mrs Fleid, 363 Barrie Street, near Princess 'Phone 2433-J. ° 2 na ALL RT W. KENT MACNEE Weiung Fire. Life, Auton oni & Fire, ®, Automo cident, Sickness, Plate Ulasg ao other lines of Insurance. $1 BROCK §T. 'PHONE S85.w. er "Articles For Sale" is a havem for ihrifty Datvie In the Classified Sec- COOK STOVES REAL GOOD ONES AT VERY LOW PRICES. Also a full line of FURNITURE. Everything reasonable. Turk's Store 'PHONE 708. (but i "We are still able to offer to the Public, Ameri- not all sizes Anthracite, Pocahontas Smokeless, 'Tames Swit & Co.. Limited Foot of Johnson Street. "Phone 135. LAST NIGHT AT THE MINERS BALL AN' MAGGIE DOESN'T BvEN ) : Fl KNOW! 3 GE le FOR GOODNESS SAKE REN WHAT 15 THIS IN | 3 LET