Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jan 1926, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG "Phone 316 SDKs LIVERY Chronic Constipation Once your bowels become eonsti- pated you are in for a lot of trouble, 8s constipation is one of the most rolifie. sources of disease that the News From District Places r taxi, sleighs for driving par- 13-16 Clear Birch Flooring hacks and cutters. Also jce- lesirable brick nine room house. . central location, fon. $40.00 per month. . GENERAL INSURANCE GUARANTEE BONDS Agent Great West Life Assurance R. H. Waddell 86 BROCK STRENT Telephunes 826 and 806. Dr. Waugh 108 Wellington St. » Phone 266. uman race is addicted to, therefore 8 free motion of the bowels every day should be the aim of everyone who aspires to perfect health. Mrs. O. W. Lawrence, Cloverdale East, N.B., writes:--* 'I was troubled with chromic constipation, and became #0 bad I was almost afraid to eat x I saw your advertisement WNT NITES so T got three vials, and after takin them I have never been troul since with constipation." Put up only by The T. Milbura Co., Limited, Toronts, Ont. a Som get a sensation of pressure on the heart? 't J : SEY Sra whi ix ; gh DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN 84 Princess Street, "Phone 1850 for OPEN EB SRT | Kane, a daughter. PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing ard Piano Adjusting. Hak SOA d of arrived, carload o pived anthracite Co: Not screened ----- $12.00 Kentucky Coal, egg CREE OF oh 1705-w. DR. J. C.W. BROOM Dental Surgeon 150 Wellington Street. 'Phone 679. Evenings by appointment. Dr. Vincent A. Marti DENTIST Evenings by appointment. 272 Princess Street. 'Phone 108 -- FREIGHT DELIVERY A SPECIALTY Loeal and long distance. All Motor Trucks with Ale Tires. H. L. BRYANT reel. Phone 175% 384 Division St design 1768 Store, 1187 em ni CERTIFIED pure and wholesome you like to give your child, SCOTT'S NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL an) vismireiood for malnutrition, At your druggist. SCOTT & BOWNE TORONTO, ONT. MAKERS OF SCOTT'S EMULSION SALE MEN'S SUITS *14.75 Sizes 36-44. Regular value $18.00-$22.50 SACRED HEART LADIES HOLD SOCIAL EVENT Euchre and Dance on Wolfe Island Proved to Be a Great Success. Wolfe Island, Jan. 16.--A euchre and dance was held in the C.M.B.A. hall on Wednesday evening under the auspices of the Ladies' Club of the Sacred Heart church, there were about 150 couples present, including a number from Kingston. Sandy Hogan's ofchestra furnished music for dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Russell played a few selections on the piano and violin and had to re- spond to many encores. About fif- teen tables were at play. Mrs. Ezra LaRush secured the ladies' first prize. The gentlemen's first prize was won by Gordon Rooney. The ladies served supper at midnight. Dancing continued till three o'clock in the morning. Born unto Mr. and Mrs, Bert Mrs. E. Prinyer has returned home from Watertown, N.Y., after spending Three weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Karl Con- ley. Mrs. John Laughlin who was slightly indisposed is improving and will be around again shortly. James Casey underwent a success- ful operation for appendicitis in the Hotel Dieu hospital, Kingston. James Kehoe's fourteen-year-old daughter Is confined to her home suffering with pneumonia. Isabel Gerow has returned home from Peterboro after a brief visit with her parents. Mr. Joseph Greeén- wood has returned home from Kit- chener after a brief visit with his daughter, Mrs. E. Ritzel. George Russell has returned honfe after a successful season sailing on the Upper Lakes. He has secured his certificate for captain. His many friends are congratulating him on his promotions. The stage has start- ed on its route between Kingston and Cape Vincent. The measles and grippe are quite prevalent here. REEVE DREW'S JOY. Will Be Manifest by a Dance at Sharbot Lake. Scott's Corners, Jan. 14.--Owing to the recent snow storms the sleigh- ing has greatly improved and the farmers are busy getting ready for their winters hauling. Melville Drew who has secured the reeveship, of Oso, in the past election will give a dance in the Community Hall, Sharbot Lake, on Friday night, 15th, in honor of his election. A number from here intend going. Mrs. John Rutheérford, Manville, Alta;; who attended the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Robert McDonell, has returned to her home. Mrs. W. B.. Donnelly has gone to Toronto to spend a few days with her sister, Mrs. H. H. McLean, Englehart, who is convalescent in the hospital in To- ronto. Miss V. G. Bertreau, River- side, spent a "few days visiting friends here and has gone to. King- ston where she has secured a posi- tion. Mr. and Mrs. John McDonell and family and Mr. and Mrs, Harry McDonell and family spent Sunday evening here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McVeigh, Zealand, spent Tuesday evening at Robert McDonell's. Rob- ert McDonell and family spent one evening last week at W. E. Con- nelly's. Mr. Joseph and Miss Jean Me- Donell spent one day last week guests 'of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thom- ilson, Bharbot Lake. Miss Gwen- doline McDonell intends returning to Manville, Alberta, some day next week, Measles have become quite an epidemic in the community and several families are confined. The funeral of the late Miss Ruby Lar- mon, Oso, who died in Kingston General Hospital, following an oper- ation. for appendicitis, was held in St. Paul's church, Zealand, on Wed- nesday morning, interment being made in St. Paul's cemetery there. Rev. Mr. Coleman officiated. W. C. 'played here on A NEW SAWING OUTFIT. ---- Is Doing Fine Execution for Bethel People. Bethel, Jan. 14.--The sleighing has been greatly improved by the recent snow. "Franels Dunn has been sawing wood In our vieinity with his new outfit. The Ladies' Aid, Colebrooke, Weld their monthly social at the home of Mrs. L, Salls- bury"s, on Friday night, A good company was in attendance, Mrs. William Jackson returned home on Thursday after spending three weeks vacation with her daughter, Mrs. Norris Sutton, Toronte: Perey Galbraith is enjoying his new radio. James Hamilton and Pwife took tea with Mr, and Mrs. Jay Hamilton, on Tuésday evening. Harry Botting, Hartington, visited at his cousin's, Garnet Jeffrey, on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Perry Al- kenbrack, Miss Laura and . Mrs. Edith Alkenbrack were entgrtained at' dinner at Thomas Clancy's, Bick- nell's Corners, South. Mr. and Mrs. Everton Peters, Bicknell's Corners, were with Mr, and Mrs. Levi Salisbury on Sunday. Mrs. S. Hamilfon is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. R. Jackson, Yarker. Rev. and Mrs. An- derson, Newburgh, took dinner at W. A. McWilliams', on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lewis spent last Friday &véning at Perry Alken- brack's. SCHOOL TRUSTEff ELECTED. Thomas Menzies Was Chosen for Althorpe School. Althorpe, Jan. 165.4~The annual school meetings took place some time ago. The retiring trustee of 8.8. No. 6 was Robert Tysick; Thomas Menzies was elected to take his place. The chopping bee at Ben- jamin Murphy's was well attended and a great many trees were felled. A surprise party gathered at the home of Harold Norris', Friday night, and the evening was spent in dancing. The party broke up at two o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Norris received many hearty 'congratula- tions and thanks. The dance at George Farrell's was well attended and everybody reported a very good time. Mrs. John Dowdell who was badly hurt on Christmas day by fall ing down stairs is able to resume her household duties again, ------------ . NOTES FROM TWEED. Home Hockey Teanh Defeated Stire ling by a Score of 4 to 2. Tweed, Jan. 15.--Tweed beat Stifling 4-2 in the hockey game ednesday night. A large crowd from here went to Stir- ling on Monday night to witness the hockey game between Stirling and Tweed. Miss Norma 'Bell left on Monday for Smith Falls, to enter the public hospital. as nurse-in-training. Mr. John Coulter, Winnipeg, is visiting at his home here. Mr. R. H. Trinnell and family, of Tweed, are moving to Markham, where they have purchased a farm. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Beatty passed away on Monday, aged eleven days. Mrs. H. McCordy, Watertown, N.Y., is visit- ing her parents, Mr, and Mrs. 8. Bowers, Elginburg Has Chicken Pox. Elginburgh, Jan. 16.--There is plenty of snow for sleighing here; the cars are making their regular trips, too. A great many people in this vicinity have grippe. Four cases of chicken pox-have develop- ed this last week in the homes of those who have lately had them. Mrs. M. H. Stover and little daugh- ter are home from 'the Kingston General hospital. Mrs. E. Martin, Kingston, came with them and 'is spending a few days with Mrs, Stov- er. C. W, Hughson is suffering with inflammatory rheumatism. T. Bear- ance is not improving any. Mr, and Mrs. C. Irvine spent Thursday even- ing at Mathew Shannon's, Gleabur- nie. NK. H. Stover and sons have in~ stalled a new coal oil tank and pump. The school has been closed a few days owing to the {illness of '| the teacher, Miss B. Jackson. P PARAGRAPHS, A Play Given Success. Philipsville, Jan. 18.--The smow-|\ storm of a few days ago have left the roads in excellent condition for hauling wood, hay, etc. Miss Vera Kirnen has been visiting relatives in Athens and Charleston. Dwyre, Elgin, was a caller at Mrs. Mary Dwyre's. Mrs. Herberson, Brockville, is enjoying a short visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hiltson Svarren's. Several noted dairymga from this district attended the convention held in Kingston recently. Mrs, Olive Putman has returned from Rose- ville. Misses Julia and Kathryn Myers, R.N., have .returned home after an extended visit with Port- land friénds. Patrick McNamee and Miss Ersula, Toledo, were callers in the village. Miss Pearl Grey, Ei gin, is paying a short visit to Miss Inez Elliott, Mis# Elva Chant entértained a number of young folks on evening before her return to Toronto, where she holds a prominent position. Mrs. M. Seeds has returned to To- ronto after spending some time at the home of her mother, Mrs. Chis- holm. : A number of young people attended the church and dance held by St. Columbanas Club on Wednes- day evening where a very enjoyable time was spent until the wee sma hours. I. W. Holladay and W. Newsome, Plum Hollow, made a business trip to Smith's Falls on Thursday. A few young people attended the at Delta Was Decided |} Thomas | | dance at Charles Warren's on Thurs- An Ontario product milled on the best and easily laid. machines obtainable. Smooth and clean Approved by Architects and Carpenters. : This makes a good, heavy, solid, hand- some FLOOR that will not warp. Cheaper than §" Oak, and very much more durable. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED LUMBER YARDS, WOODWORKING FACTORY, COAL BINS, BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, . KINGSTON, ONTARIO Private Branch Exchange "Phone 1571. day evening. Following the fun- eral services, held in St. Columbanas church, Elgin, where the requiem high mass was solemnized by Rev. Father Carry, the remains of the late Mrs. Donevan were placed in the vault here. Annie Myers spent the week-end at her home. The play held in Delta, on Friday evening, was' a decided success and thoroughly enjoyed by a large audi- ence. Mrs. May Moore, Elgin, was a visitor at Mrs, Julia Downey's on Thursday afternoon. The January meeting of the Women's Institute was held on Wednesday with nearly all the members present. A very ime teresting meeting followed. i Vestry Meetings. . Vestry meetings took place in the parish of Ameliasburg of which Rev, F. G. Kirkpatrick is incumbent, with these results: Ameliasburg -- wardens, Lewi§ McFaul, James BE. Robinson; deles gate to synod, Lewis McFaul, Carrying Place--Wardens, Poem Peck, Ross Chase, : Consecon--Wardens, David W. Robinson, Hugh A. Weir. - The First Pay E nyelope THE MONEY YOU EARN in youth is the most important and valuable money you will ever possess in your life. What will you do with it? 4 SE Will you spend it thoughtlessly for the present or invest it for the future? Take the trodden the in Life Insurance. path. Invest a portion of your i It will create for you immediately an estate which many years of toil could earn you. It will have already . thrift. It will prove an anchor to windward in time of stress and adversity. in will { you obtain the protectin of Life your values av 3t money be worth as much is today. Never agai

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