T Wednesday, January 20, 1926 JIM'S SURPRISE JIM THOMPSON seldom allowed worry wrinkles to pull his eyebrows out of shape. So it was with some mystery that we beheld him one day shuffling away good shoe leather and wearing one o' those "I-lost-my-best- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Bad Taste In Mouth | Every Morning TE | oD) erg | CROSS-WORD PUZZLE | res PhantoygeOp ¥ Bask, writes:-- 'For months I wase! ' troubled with a coated tongue, and had a bad taste in my mouth every morning. One day I saw where your Milburn's WV: S NLT PILLS: were advertised for just such a eon- dition as mine, 50 IT went at once and bought three vials of them, but after using one-and-a-half, all my troubles disappeared." For 32 years Laxa-Liver Pills have been put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. 4 - friend" looks. "What's up 2?' we hastily inquired. "Well, I'll tell ya'," replied Jim--*I golta sell my car, need the money in a hurry and seems I ean't run across any one who wants it. The bus is in good shape and a real Bargain." Whereupon, we suggested he {ry a Classified Want Ad. in The British Whig. Jim took the tip. Invested 50¢. in a 4-line ad. And say you'd a-thought Prosperity had hit the city over night ! For, before an- | other twenty-four hours had worn off into the history, Jim was given a regular rush--by a fraternity of buy- ers armed with plenty of ready cash ! It was 'such. a surprise, it had Jim dizzy for a minute. But he gained his wits, sold the bus for thore Bl GET IT REPAIRED Machines, Phonograph i= Parts ves, TE ------------------------ i " »" Horizontal. It was ther that I first realized } loved you." . Straw carpeting. . Billed as the leading player. . An article of cloth- ing worn as a pro-| 2. tection for dress|53- when cooking. . Rodent. . Din, . Stain, . Bixth note in scale. . Sun god. . Portion of medicine. . Ancient. . Opposite of east- ern. . To touch lightly. . Point of compass. . To grate. . Normal depreciation of an article in use. . You. . To breathe heavily. . Imitates, . Particles of soil. . Title of courtesy. . Devours. . Light wagon. . Jockey. . Noisy. . To strike. 45. Quantity. 16, By. 48. Part of verb to be. 49. Morindin dye. '60. Smoked thigh of a hog. To annoy. Exclamation quiry. More pleasing the palate. Disagreement. Dealers in cloth. Perfume. Native of Asia. Beer. 68. Oily hydrocahbons. 69. One in cards. . Animals that nest. 71. Locks of hair. . Opposite of shal- lower. . For fear that. . Region. 3 . Rod. . Back of the neck. . To rave. . Genuine. . Portion. . Cover. . Portico. . To depart by water. . Tp perch. . Corded cloth. . Certain. . Pertaining trology. . One who indulges] in romantic fancies. | . Mortgagow, . Gapes. . Quality of being hidden by nature. . To lift up again. .- Preposition of place, . Almost donkeys. . Lets it stand. . Biophore. . Beets. . Small island. . Point' of compass. . Dad. . Favorite. Chinese . food. 1s or PRECEDING CHAPTER: Artists and employees of the Paris ig House have become terrori.ed byl a mysterious figure who they believe is a ghost. The management, in fact, sells the therre in the midst of a season, as thcy cannot stand the Phantom's dembnds. On the last night of their management a young singer, Christine Daae, makes her debut in "Faust" and amazes the audience witk her wonderful voice. Her lover, Raoul de Chagny, rushes backstage to see her, but she does not recognize him. He waits outside her dressing-room and hears her talking with a man, but when she leaves he searches the room and there is no one there, , J. M. PATRICK 149 Sydenham Street, Kingston . of in- 55. to 59. 62. 65. 66. 67. than he expected to get, sent his thanks newspaper and now--if anybody says the CLASSIFIED AD. BRITISH WHIG 5%] -----doesn't pay, we'll send him to Jim for a good hot argument and plenty of proof to the contrary! PAI mended by 3,000 Canadian C4) NEURALGIA HEADACHE 'RHEUMATISM » 9 Neuritis ~ Lumbago ~ Sciatica Special! Send 10c Pintsamn to Tempter, 1 Kine Wh TEMPLETONS RHEUMATIC CAPSULES to | 0 CHAPTER TWO was in your way, someone who was listening!" Christine broke in coldly: "If anyone was in my way it was vou. There was no one else there. To whom do you refer?" "To the man whose voice I heard saying to you: 'Christine, you must love me.' " At these words, Christine turned deathly pale, and seemed on the point of fainting. "What els. did you hear? Go on, go on; tall me all you heard!" Raou! puzzled dy her strange con- fusion, told her all he had heard. Her eyes stared like a mad- women's, and at the conclusion of his siggy she escaped and fled in great disorder. 3 Raoul spent the day alone, dejec- ted. Toward evening he walked toward the little graveyard, climbed EE the slope and sat down watch SER ICIERRETTT er the sea. Sudderly he heard Chris- PRIE[EINBIWOE] 23URE tine's voice behind him: IRATISINS& RIA JE EAR] "Raoul, I hava decided to tell you AISIITIOEISITIAMERLIC THURSDAY JANUARY 21st. ard, one of the new heads to as- of the enterprise, found on his desk a letter addressed in red ink, in a curious handwriting. He opened it and read: Dear Mr. Manager: I am sorry to trouble you at a time when you must be very busy, but 1 must ask you not to sell my box -again. I should like to hear Christine Daae again this evening in "Faust," though I understand you are not going to let her sing the leading role because of Carlotta's jealousy. In selling my private box you are treating me with outrageous con- tempt. If you wish to live in peace, you must not begin by taking away rivate box. ur * --Opera Ghost. M. Richard had hardly finished teading this letter when M. Mon- charmin, his partner, entered, bear- ing one exactly similar. They looked at each other and burst out laughing. Thinking that their predecessors were still keeping up the joke, they were amused but slightly annoyed. "Perhaps all they want is a box tonight. Pers send it to them," sug- gested M. Richard, and they forth- with dispatched g messenger with tickets for Box Five to the old man- ' address. The next day they received a post card which read: "Thanks. Charming evening. splendid. Kind regards.--O. G But in 'the same mail was a note from the retired managers saying: "We are much obliged to you for your kind thought of us, but you will understand that we have no right to occupy Box Five, which is the exclu- sive property of him whom we spoke to you about." "Oh, those fellows are beginning to annoy me!" shouted Richard. And that evening Box Five was sold. (CHRISTINE DAAE, after her per- formance in "Faust," saw none of her friends for several days, but she thought often of Raoul, and finally wrote him a note: "Monsieur: | have not forgotten that we played together as children. Today I am going fo Perros, where my father is buried, as this is the anniversary of his death. He is buried with his violin, in the little churchyard in which we used to lay." » Raoul, when he received the note, immediately packed, dressc? and caught a train for Perros. On his arrival he went at once to the little inn and there found Christine wait- for him smiling. Tue following morning M. Rich- Vertical. . Stone workers. . Fruit. 3. Stepped. . Child. . Within. . To seize. . To scatter. . Variant to "a." . Wand. . Mob in violent ac- tion. . Theme. ERE. © 3 to to 0 © ww Ca no On SAFE SPEEDY F from [/ © ww @° - a - oo AS NFATLIRG FST ND FOR ALL ACHES Muscle-lameness, sprains, bruises promptly yield something, Jo you remember my YM SURE! TOR GME father telling me about the Angel OER OR! Aa of Music? : DIRD EG EMENYI | ANDES f course I do," he answered. ERERN REN] ICISENOIAP] "Your fzther told you that after BAIS] INENRIOIO] SPIRE he died you vould be visited by the ARTIS] MIAITTELS) [GIVIER] Angel of Music. : HERISERANLTINE Well, Raoul, + have been visited 4.45 p.m.--Tea-House programme INIVITERO OTT] by the Angel of Musi. He comes from the Windsor Hotel. (IRE AR BIN Lhi BG to me in my dressing-room. He gives 7 p.m.--CNRM Montreal, and CN | LIEARRAN S| NSBR UE RO Ottawa tie-in. LS TEEMSIT ES TERS) 8.30 p.m.--Concert arranged by 1-19 the Canadian National Railways. CKAOC, Montréal, (411). 4 p.m.--Weather, stock reports. me lessons daily! It was he you heard that night--not a man! But I thought 1 was the only one who could hear him. Imagine my aston- »shment, then, at being told that you, too, could hear him! Raoul began to grow confused in the presence of Christine's deter- mined attitude. "l am afraid someone is making game of you," he said. She gave a cry and ran away. He ran after her, but in a tone of fierce anger she called out: "Leave me! Leave me!" Raoul returned to the inn feeling very unhappy. He dined alone and went to bed and tried to sleep. About half-past eleven he heard someone moving in the un wom. Then Christine had not gone to bed! Raoul dressed, and waited for further Sounds. Soon he heard Christine's oor open stealthily and foetsteps on the stairs. He opened his door and saw ine stepping down the passage. He returned to his room and, climbing out onto a tree beside his window, soon reached the ground and followed Christine at a distance. He saw her reach her father's grave and kneel down to pray. At that moment, it struck midnight, and Christine lifted her Daae » DO YOU SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS? CNRM, Montreal, (411). Answer to Tuesday's Crossword 8.30 pm. --Concert 'of Scottish Puzzle: music by St. Andrew's Choir of West- | « mount, and Mrs. John Faulkner, contralto. 11.30 p.m.--Organ recital from Harmanus Bleecker Hall, Albany. WGBS, New York, (316). 7.45 to 10.30 p.m.--Crystal Pal- ace Orchestra; Joseph Halligan, tenor; Alfred Wertheim, violinist; Mac and Lennie, "musicomedette;' Taussig, Agar, McCoy and Wright, original songs with lute. 10.20 p.m.--Vanderbilt Dance Orchestra. CKCL, Toronto, (857). 7 to 8 p.m.--Soprano and piano solos. of farm by Long Distance at a cost of 20 cents" --wriles a Dealer KDEA, Pittsburgh, (309). 8.30 p.m.--Half hour with famous composers; Charles Gounod. 9 p.m.--KDKA Little Symphony Orchestra and Juliet Bartlette, so- prano. 11 p.m.--Concert from the Pitts- burgh Post Studio. Hotel 0 Distance does lend enchantment to offers made by Long Distance WBZ, New England, (333.1). 6.30 pm --KDKA Little Sym- phony Orchestra. 7.30 p.m.--Hotel Lenox Ensemble. 8 p.m.--Hotel Kimball Dance Or- chestra. 8.20 p.m.--Salvation Army Band of South Manchester, Conn. WSALIL Cincinnati, (326). 7 p.m.--Programme from WSAI Studios. ' 8 p.m.--"Clinquot gramme. 9 p.m.--S8ilvertown Cord Orches- tra. winter feeding and management methods. The potato market is active. In Dufferin from $2.60 to $2.70 a bag is being realized by farmers. Peel report shipments Club" pro- Meat Store 133 BROCK ST. Crop and Agricultural Conditions Reported Next to Boyd's Garage. Phone 1964. Homemade Sausages --18¢ Ib. Fresh Belleville Cream ory sen wines 480 Ib. HMeadcheese --:--15¢ 1b. ean Pork Chops 30c¢ Ib. ciivess1Be Ib. are Caan "] knew you were coming. Some- one told me so at the morning." "Who?" Said Raoul, hand. "Why, my father, who is dead." There was a silence, and then Raoul spoke: "Did your father tell you that I love you, Christine, and church this taking her with such exquisite art. to come from a hea cannot live arms out as in ecstacy. Raoul sud- denly heard strains of exquisite music from a hidden source. immediately remembered Christine's story of the Angel of Music, for never had he heard a violin played It seemed Passed Away After an Operation in Montreal. Bigin, Jan, 18.--Mrs. MylesfMur- Tho Sore Parts "NERVIL isin shoua : | "8.30 p.m.--Chorus and orchestral WEAF, New York, (492). 6 to 12 p.m.--Dinner music from Waldorf-Astoria Hotel; Mid-Week Hymn Sing; The Smith Brothers; The Larkinites; Hires . Voyageurs; Cliquot Clup Eskimos; Silvertown Cord Orchestra; Casa Lopes Orches- tra. WGR, Buffalo, (319). 8 to 11 p.m.--Joint broadcasting with Station WEAF, New York. 11 p.m.--Hotel Statler Orchestra, with Arthur Melgier at the ofgan. WEKRC, Cincinnati, (326). 10 p.m.--Classical Hour. 11 p.m.--Two-men Jazz Band, Pep Golden, saxophonist. WRC, Washington, (469). $ p.m.--United States Army Band. 9 p.m.--Royal Salon Orchestra. 10 p.m.--To be announced. 10.30 p.m.--Swanee Orchestra. WOR, Newark, (405). 6.37 p.m.--Hotel Shelton En- semble. : re WIP, Philadelphia, (508.2). 6.05 p.m.--Pagoda Club Orches- tra. 8 pm.--The Sesquicentenial, a talk. 4 * programme. 10.05 p.m.~--Al Lentz and Enter- 9.15 p.m.--- Edmund Myhaver, pianist. 9.30 p.m.--Programme from Ho- tel Brunswick studio. WJAZ, Chicago, (822.4). 10 to 12 p.m.~Classical' pro- gramme, artists; Phyllis Fergus, composer; Louise Hattstaedt Winter, soprano; Mrs. Norman Parker, vio- linist; Nesta Smith, violinist; George Grammer Smith, baritone; Commander Donald B. MacMillan, Arctic Explorer; Henry Sopkin, vio- linist; Jack Baus, violinist; Esther Payne Muenzer, accompanist; Caro- line Encell, soprano; and Rene Lund, baritone. Complete radio programmes sold at Canada Radio Stores. S---------- Measles At Mill Haven. Mill haven, Jan. 18.--The Am- herst Island, men have bushed the ice to H. Amey's shore. Mrs. Arnold Baker, and Douglas Thompson, have winkle's. Miss ' Kathleen Young, spent Sunday, with Miss Mary Leo- pard, Collin's Bay. Mrs. John Cur- ran, and baby are visiting at Morven. Harry Youngs is all smiles, it's a boy "WOMEN AWAKE TO THIS FACT The amount of snow has a vary direct influence on the progress and nature of winter farm work and on rural activities. The distribution this season has been unusual. The South Western peninsula has hal a much heavier fall than the Central and Eastern districts of the province. In Northern Ontario, also there is comparatively little yw. General- iy over the province, feed Supplies are plentiful, and a heavy live stock population is being weil fed. There is a keen demand for dairy produ:'s and the supply seems to be above normal. More beef cattle than usual are being fed in Eastern On- tario and some counties in the West- ern parts, where there is a hay short- age; are not feeding as many. On the average the holdings are perhaps about normal. Reports from all parts of Ontario state that farmers ars seeking brood sows, including a de- sire to increase the production of hogs. There is a great variation in hay prices, due to the difference in pro- duction between western, eastern and northern Ontario, other. In Rainy River. hay has been I at from $13.00 to $14.00 a $2.75 to $3 a bag. Lad Fractured His Leg, Joyceville, Jan. 18.--The recent thaw hes taken the snow, ani as left the voads in bad conditl A number or ' aople in this vicinit§Fare suffering from colds. Bimer Woods had the misfortune, while p! school, to fall and fracture his ] Bruce Hitchcock is busily - ed sawing wood. Richard Keys, who has been ill for some time, is able to be around again. Mrs. P. Joyce spent a few days in Kingston last week. Born to Mr, and Mrs. M. J. Fea- therstone a baby girl. The Bell Tele- phone men are finishing wp their work on the line. vi "CID STOMACHT® ~ GAS, INDIGESTIO Chew a few Pleasant Tablets