Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Jan 1926, p. 13

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a Public Gov ro a True Market Place 4TH ANNIVERSARY F KINGSTON DIOCESE if Be on January 27 List _ of Bishops and Arch- bishops. Canadian Freeman in its issue sarries the following story: ay ext, January 27th, mark the one hundredth aby of the founding of the of Kingston in Canada, in time a century of development d.with many eventful mile- pn the way. list of Bishops and Arch- pps since that time is as follows: Right Rev. Alexander McDonell, D.; consecrated Dec. 31st, 1820; Bishop of the new "diocese of [Bgston, January 37th, 1826; died jary 14th, 1840, ht Rev. Remigius Gaulin, D. D.: 4 lod Oct. 20th, 1833; Bishop on, January 14th, 1840; fF 8th, 1867. ht Rev. Patrick Phelad, 8.8. D.; consecrated May 20th, 1843; mistrator in 1852; Bishop May 1857; died June 6th, 1857. ht Rev. Bdward John Horan, consecrated May 1st, 1858; d February 16th, 1875. Right Rev. John O'Brien, D.D.; pnsecrated April 18th, 1875; died phat ist, 1879. ost. J. V. Cleary; consecrat- | in Nov. 21st, 1880; Arch- hop | 89; died February 24th, t Rev. Charles Hugh Gauthier, % consecrated Archbisho: of [ton October 18th, 1898; ered to Ottawa, Sept. 6th, 1910; 4 Jan, 19th, 192%. ' - Most Reverend Michael Joseph itt, D.D.; consecrated November eth, 1911; present Archbishop. Archdiocese of Kingston was ded om July 18th, 1889; 'with bishop Cleary as first metro- tan. oo territory of the diocese includes from the eastern iB of Dundas County to the west- 8 boundary of Hastings | County; counties of Addington, Lénnog, indas, Frontenac, Grenville, Hast- ds, Prince Bdward and Lanark in the Province of metropolitan jurisdiction y be exercised by the Arch- ton includes the and the boro, Sault pl © Archbishop re he is pastor of the : en Immaculate Con- 0 oy more generally known as Mary's Cathedral, one of the t examples of straight Gothic cture of the American con- likely that at some time | the year there will be ap- ! ceremonies ary of the Diocese which may ude in their programme the lay- of the Sorgerstone of the new n | College, which to mark the ragis- | The British Whig KINGSTON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING All ads. sre restricted to their proper classification, and to the regulay Dafly Whig style of type CLABSIFIED RATES: Dally rate per line or consecutive insertions: 25 cents. Charge Cash Minimum charge, Daily rater per line 6 days... 3 days .. 1 ABY as Paasss sash as Pings Deaths, Births, Engagements, Mar~ riages, one insertion charged, $1.00; Gard of Than Memoriam Nolices--C Charged, sich 59; $1.00 + Advertising ordered for drregulnr insertions takes the sngetime ner tion rate; ne 8d. taken for less then basis of four lines. goum six Sverige wordg to the tits ads. will be received tele by one and if paid at The Brit- ig Office within 6 days from frat ts of insertion, cash rate will be allowed: Ads. ordefed for more than one day and stop, before expiration will ged for the number of times the ad. appeared snd adjust- ment made at the rat¢ earned. Rate per line for white space Is the same as a line of type. Special rate for yearly advertising upon request. Publighess Zeserve 78 Jha right to edit or reje vertising i 249; osk for & want ad. taker. . BIRTHS. TIMMS--In Kingston General Hospi- tal, on Jan. 18th, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. G. W. & son. DEATHS, AMPSALL~In Harrowsmith, on ~ 20th, 1926, Paul MoConachie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Funeral Friday morfiing at 10.30. JAMES REID ao i EA ie: 'Phone 147 for Ambulance J. REID Undertaker 280 Princess Street Jan. in- ar] The Phone 577. BALLOON TIRE---Rim and Tube lost at Dairy School dance, Friday evening, January 15th. Finder pledse return 19 Whig Ofti ice. BLACK IAN CAT--With tuft of white teas throat, lost. Finder 4 be suitably rewdrded at 09 got "Street West, or phone 110 or 369. GLOYE~~Brown, found, on, 6 Johnson sot, near Albert Street, on Tuesday afternoon. Owner may bave same at ix Oftice. HORSE RUG--Lost on Point Road, Pittsburg, on Friday, January 15th, Finder please phone 1104-r- -28. MITT-~Child's hand knit woollen, tail found on Colting wood street on LS day efiernoor. Owner may have same &t §4 Collingwood Street PARCEL-<Found on York Street, on Monday morning. Owner may have game at 2 Chatham Street. MOUTH-PIECE -- For musical instru- ment, found. Owner may have same at Whig Office. SIDE OF BACON --Found on Syden- ham street, last Monday evening. Own» er may have same at 41 Montreal Bt, or phone 1364 during dey or 2534-w in evening. SUM OF MONEY--Found, on Montreal Street, between Depot Bchool and Monarch Battery Factory, on Wednsss day. Owner may hava same at 19 Russell Street. THREE BLACK, WHITE AND TAN HOUNDS..One female, two dogs, last seen in the vicinity 'of Sydenham. Finder please notify E. Valller, Tele phone 1927, Kingston. WILL THE PERSON---That took pair of men's overshoes by mistake at the Rotary dance Tuesday night, kindly 'phone 1448 or 2247-m and exchange them for his own, == kb: P, KEYES 49 COLBORNE 5 FIRE AMBULANCE 'PHONE 1889. Classiireq Display que, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. KENT MACNEE Sse Er in Sram Ac Funky ot f Thsaren Vise an K BT. ERNE 885-w. REAL, ) ONES AT VERY Also a full line of per Everything reasonable, Turles Store 'PHONE 105. Miss Graces Wood and Miss Isabel Mc. Laughlin spent the week-end with Mrs. Robert Ranous, James Spence had the misfortune to have one of his cows' legs broken. It was kicked by a horse, The vet- erinary was called at once the leg get and the animal is recovering. A pumber from here attended the progressive euchre. and d held, in the Orange hall under the aus- pices of the St. Lawrence U. PF. O. The prizes were won by Mrs. John Abrams, ladies' prize; John Wilmot gentlemen's prize; HB. Reid and Miss T, Wilson, consolations, A The hockey game played at the rink on the river by the Leeds and St. Lawrence teams was won by St. Lawrence, the score being 5-4. Mr. and Mrs. W. §, Ganano- Joseph Lane. Miss Lotty Ore spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs, Joseph Edgar, Mr, and Mrs. Bert Donaldson and family spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Greenizer, # & WA Male Help Wanted 2 EXPERIENCED GARDENER--to com- mence work March lst. Apply, stht- red references to Box B-20, Whis of ce. de CLASS SHERSE MAKER-For ream Associa- fon, : hagafactoring Sn T0e pounds of ust be capable of operating oréam separator. State salary and reference. Apply to Charles A. > 'Con nor, Bec.-T Treas. Harrowsmith, R. R. 3. "Fomale Help Wanted SMART GIRL--With experience, wani- ed for ice cream parior. Apply 848 Princess t. TWO WOMEN COOKS ! tence on Daas 4 desire Bo: sitions seastn As second coo ee "Juinss 1: Kenville, 31 1 Bt. A reer. ville, Ont. ABLE WIDOW OR SINGLE WOMAN «-- Be- tween 40 and 50 years old, Protestant, to do plain cooking for family of three; no upstairs work. Laundry giv en out. Highest wages. Apply Box 2-18, Whig Office, YOUNG LADY&-Bri lady for work on s eral dent. t, Sapable. Some toehboard at Gen-~ Hospital. Apply to Superinten- Male or Female Help Wanted 8s $5 SHLLS, HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES ~Greatest imaginable Gemand; have business of your own; make five dol lars up daily; capital or experience un- Ly ¥. B. Garretson, Brantford, Agents Wanted SALESMEN---We offer stead ment pay weekly te a oor oom ad or exolusive lines of EUs pes quality, whole & yr. trees and plan Attractive, ted samples and full co-ope & money-maki apporiuRLL. Brothers Nurse Mon 4 employ- 1 tion; Luke Positions Wanted 6 : OFFICES TO OLEAN work of dny Kind, for woman, and two daughters. 'Phone 153%w, 19 Ellis Street. gt a ee 1t makes it easier for tenders to ait swer your classified ads. if it contains both your telephone number and your one of the rewarded advertisers by le Jetting the Whig Classified Ads 8 She. things you want when you For Smedinte delivery we offer the following: Magiivon. Coke in Stove aug. Nut sas Ctr TO Coke ane Tai Coll ....0ensss ise 81100 Nut Coal in 200 fis. Coke snd 106 1a Sone or Je FM ~~ L..81580 EEE | a 81] 870 OUT OUR WAY. aR: MY BOST OUT T™' I WONT THROW rT AGN - HONEST I TE YORE ROPE 10 IT LIKE THIS CURLY AN MUH GIT 7 T BACK BY WILLIAMS. SHOP--To let, with or without bout Irving saums Shacaity. Electric gal A pply to W. Step 203 Wel En Street. RES--Three stores, Princess Street, south side; heated, commodious, rear Also fixtures, mirrofs, eto, set PPI IL Cohen' & Oo, Ons entrance. for phe. tario Str Tousen ® HOUSE § » glectr ight "rent J1500, on house, rooms, water an Lollies re rent 0.00, OD apulyt I. I: Normans 68 Patrick Street: one 780-W. HOUSE--Corner ColBorns and den. ham streets, 8 rooms; 259 and 205 Ri deau St, 7 rooms and ¢ rooms; 61 sfrest; 6 rooms; 46 C i Street, rooms; all improvements ech. Kooy 186 Queen Street. Tele- phone 98! NEW HOUSE Ellerbeck Avenue, just completed, 7 rooms. Apply to BE. EB Wathen, 137 Nelgon street. SHVBN ROCMHED HOU Sp North Al- fred Yoramdab: ater; "barn; large tut Apply 882 a Ave, 10 TWO FURNISHED MS--On Bath- room flat; central location; use of tele- PO Ren reasonable. Gentlemen Pp rred. ne '1185-w. anted To Rent 11 age ROOMS-- Wanted, 8 or 4, furnished, for Centr tieme . aly Joopsel: with or re Joarg, Box C30, Whig Off » 3 Ee Real Estate For Sale. and' Land 12 jidings, all tee £00 FL, nu; Houses for sale and let. urance, Mone 31 Prinosss 'Street, 'Phone 1189-3. Houses 14 3B CURNINGHAM 1 Estate Toit and Loans 79 Clarence Street. "impre House-.On ot BEE a ODOK STOVE-.Second hand, Souvenir, for a sale cheap. Apply 248 Alfred FORTY RHODE ISLAND RED PUL.| HA LBTS-lAying. sell coh to quick yer. Reason for glling. Lo room. Amy to. 19 Kills Street, or phone LAMP SHADE FRAMES Fire dogs | FO! and screens. We make them, large variety. 'Phone 380. Partridge Wire Works. Try us for silver ple and T ONE. DROP ~=(NeW). A WAGON B. Wathen, 127 Nelson stre: 'Phone 1391-3, PIANO~-Cerhard Heintzman, style 72, mahogany case, Louis XV design; in excellent condition. Can be Dought a at a great reduction, Lindsay, Limited, 1 Princess: 86 Street PIANO, "UPRIGHT case, 1 13 "octave. ots keys; id Louls. reasonal rns desired. Phone 2417-J or call at 1h Colborne Street. SUITS--Made to your order with extra iio sers, $30.00, less b%. discount for or usual terms. targe selec ea of newest Bpring patter Guar- anteed fit. "Phone 2208-w. i G. Pat- tereon, 120 Johnston Street. walnut SLEIGHS-One set; second hand, Adams Bloops, Beatty Barn equipment, Dalsy Churng and Washers. Single and double harness. parators. J. F. Cramer, Frost & W Agency, 31 Brosk Street. 'Phones 85.5 or SUITS--Partly worn, fit men five feet seven, with 37 breast, from $5.00. Real 00d. value. "Phon §-w. J. Patioraon. 150 Sohn Street. rR A, Bea 3 WHITE NEWSPRINT-4300 sheet, dos Suitable for ime 181 Rubens a 18 Koviy Tech -- Jot ae 18a -- modern tM Cram~ Sutcesavrs to "rn tu Ss re iy Antique Shop. oa Sorfoet stnaition. Hot wee | En ge em his Be Bereét a 18 y Lop Aon? 2% 280 Sh Toa hats on dur Sad DRY HARDWOOD-Under cover, $3.75 a dad; delivered. 'Phone 1605-3 or call 46 Raglan Road. J. Brownlee, HARDWOOD-DR oR apis H.18 Rh per mixed [a mi 2bc. extra. Y pirore 38- a Parker, Jeorner bn and MoDoIsd Street SALE-1 nie HY Nut: Coal $15.00 ton. 1 car epi ne These are semi-hard An uw stoves and. furnaces. Coke, $8.00. 1 ton Vitg tucky 1 ton Pea Bh a Cartage ex Hh be 3 Ble wl Co: none 2440-w, wl Wellington Street. SWAIN'S WOOD YARD -- Dry hardwood, Hi 50 quarter cord; . mix Dod wend ue que quarter o ord; hardw ixed slabs $3.00 a ond. 'Phone 3518- - WOOD--Mixed 'body and soft wood slabs; cedar kindling, $2.75 load, hard: wood slabs, $8.50 load; body hardwood $4.00 guartér oord. J. Peters & Son, to and Brock Streets. 1 car t W. ROBERTSON -- Tallor, Cleaning, reas ug, Semple your 0 own 0p up. ples ck. and up. 273 ot Sirsot Frotessional =| ORU str ments, ieee (Festal Cntropract 08 al na' Band: Hsmmge service. free. ots oo; 9-13 am 1-8 hey b; phone 832-J. ina ; "phone tt BF LUQY~-Geo. F. 'and rd A., Chiro- ors, Re cintorsa 202 Bagot eet. Phos 1-w, Consultation free. 1-5, 6-17.30. CUNNINGHAM & snd Solicitors, Shaied 89 YET ing Tos AEiter and and Soliel- Mortgages are farm property. "Stor Tp, Clatanes Brest Street. Hones ol! Buona 4i5. Brea wo 3.0% v GLESS A Maroelis, corner of Barrie i sTO SeRneeS Fancy Work 23 EDGING = Hemastitching, work 'guaranteed. Mra. Barrie Street, near Princess _ 'Phone 3433-J. Ladies' Halr Parlor ALL FIRST CLASS HAIR WORK MADE T0 ORDER --Ladies' Transtor mations, bobbed urls, switches, sham. pooing, elng. cur arhing. Ladies' and Ea 8 Bay Bu Street. Bute ngham, Telephone 2995. % ARCEL fIo0T Pleatin Field, Street. Cagis Switzer, Ament nt 'phone 3016. LADIES, ATTENTION ! MR. KINGSBURY who has just res turned from Toronto after attending the Hair Dressers' Convention and Dis play, all that is new in Ladies' Hale Dressing will be found at Kingsbury's Barber Shop. A. B. KINGSBURY. 209 Princess Street. 'Phona 2015-3; nsuranee Broker, rance in old Jing hast financial fitrest Bast. * Bones Insurance ERNIE D. SL all branches of 1ne companies of h in 281 Kin 2678-w. Res FIRE~-Automohlle and Casualty Insure ance. E. M. Crumley, 430 Earl Street, 'Phone 1783-M. INSURARUE-ORly the most Toliabis companies represented. Strange Strange, established in 1880. Office: y Clarence Street, opposite Post Office. 13. 8. COOKE~Lifs, Fire, Accident oat ies, dine Siskneas _ mperial Li rict n r pe Office 503-w. Res. 1 OUR HEALTH AND ACCIDENT--Pols joy will protect your salary. All lines of Fire and Automobile Insurance. Willlams, 2 Couper street. Decorators 'Phonest "m. ERSON, A~~Painter and Decorate or. Estimates given on large or small jobs. Choice stock of Wall Paper and samples carried. 'Phone 1966. CALL 1352-F--For first paper claas hanging and interior decorating. Choice samples. H. Rowley. SIGN PAINTING-J. 8. Robinson, reas 275 Bagot Street Financial FRONTENAC LOAN AND MENT SOCIETY -- Incor | § NEW LARGE STORAGE WAREHOPNE ---built of concrete blocks and cemen floors; ready to receive all merchandise, inéluding trucks and furniture, ete. sonable. Call and inspect lington street, or phone ry Bruton. nds of stomobiien a: Ed ASHES.-Clos out of cells ang Jor ; ob done. A. or, rest. 'Phone 2355 3 : AHR orage for oars. Ap Street. "Phone EL Chey "Phone 150 Sn SN "furniture, a key. e299 305 Queen Bt. 30, Res 983-w, Expert Tian Tuning. Player-Piano Adjusting, Phone 1544. C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED UPHOLSTERING--ANd Miscellaneous 0.00 Hood toame Yead awe saws oy, OPvet FRENCH ora WAVING Bhi Bn Ee ELE | ¥ : clean, a 3 ; ¥ raw look sent RRL mi d general revain: ora aint BE 3am Sey ots eneral carting; 0 of Wem. © ig at Ta or, 143 York breber phony 1

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