LIVINGSTON'S "IF OFF YOUR ROUTE IT PAYS TO W 'We Have Been Asked By many of our customers if we were going to have discount sale on Furnishings. Our Answer es FOR THE BALANCE OF JANUARY WE WILL ALLOW 20% OFF ALL OUR HIGH GRADE FURNISHINGS, ALL JAEGER FINE WOOL WEAR, WELSH MARGETSON & CO. AND I. & R. MORLEYS & CO., LONDON, ENG. CHOICE IMPORTED FURNISHINGS, STANFIELD'S UNSHRINKABLE UNDERWEAR, TURNBULL'S CEE. TEE UNDERWEAR, - SHIRTS, NECKWEAR, HOSIERY SCARFS, COLLARS, Etc., Etc. EVERYTHING INCLUDED, 20% Off all Ready-to-Wear Cloth- ing for Men and Boys. : : 75.79 Brock St. " -- Se ---------------------------------- Sersenas teed dens bags . ED m P ags, white, mealy, firm Potatoes -- st cash prices paid for grade A stock. 1,000 lbs. Fowl and Chickens. SERVICE um | ANDERSON'S =, Fleiss : AUDITOR RESIGNS * -- *> # Mr. Byron Gordon, who was & * appointed auditor for the Kings- # # ton. township council, at its in- & % augural meeting, has tendered # lon and it will be # to the next meeting # # of the council. + Secessesensacsnst a ---------------- 5 SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS ENJOYED A SUPPER joyed 800d old hymns Mothers 5 mahi a! Wild Ducks Stay Around. Large flocks of wild ducks are seen daily in the Prescott, section of the St. Lawrence River. Walks Slippery. The walks about the city were very slippery on Thursday morn- ing, and the light snow fall made the walking more dangerous. The roads were in a dangerous condition for cars, . Bt. Andrew's Society. An executive meeting of St. An- drew's Society was held on Wednes- dey night, and varions business mat- ters were discussed. It was decided to hold the quarterly meeting on February 4th and arrangements are being made by the secretary. "Held 'Social Evening." 'The business girls' gymnasium class and their boy friends held a "social evening" and indoor plenie on Wednesday night, and the girls engaged the boys of the Five-Nine Club in a handicap game of basket- ball. The play was fast from the start, the girls being determined that they would win. The boys lagged for a while, and the final score was 35-34 for the girls, To Open A Stand. The Canadian National Institute for the Blind has coms to the rescue of a local man who is nearly blind and is erecting a building for him at the corner of Clergy and Prin- cess streets where he will carry on a newstand and tobacco business. The Bank of Commerce, which owns the lot at this corner, has granted the use of the lot to the local man free of charge, Hotel Dieu Fuchre. About fifteen tables were in play at the euchre party held by the la- dies' auxiliary of the Hotel Dieu Wednesday evening. The winners of the first prises were Mrs. M. Much- more and Mr. J. Scanlan, and the consolation Miss K. Gallivan and Mr. S. Ward. The special door prize was won by Miss K. Gallivan. At the conclusion of the games, refresh- ments were served by the ladies. The convenors were Mrs. W. Logue and Mrs. W.'G. Bailey. New Boats Put On. The Canadian Steamship Lines package freighters, the City of Kingston and City of Toronto, laun- ched last 'autumn from the yards of the Davie Shipbuilding and Repair- dng Company, Levis, will be ready for sérvice at the opening of naviga- | | tion this year, There were three ex- press package freighters, the City of Hamilton, City of Montreal and ity of Ottawa, in the Montreal-Toronto- Hamilton service last Summer, one of which will be laid off and the two new boats put on. : ae FEM oy Salvation Band Entertained. The Salvation Army band 'was en- tertained at tea on Wednesday night §t the Army hall 8s a mark of ap- preciation for the work they did dur. ing the Christmas season. The room was prettily decorated in pink and white, and arrangements were in charge of Mrs. Macdonald and Mrs, Goodrich. Speeches. were made by Treasurer C. Pickering, Bandmaster Otten, Deputy Bandmaster - Kinch, Song Leader Torrance, Band Becre- tary Murray and Mr. Fred Walker. Following the tea, games were en- ie. T0ld and New Fashioned Hymns. Judge H. A. Lavell, Kingston, who has for many years been con- nected with and' leader of church choirs, and whose singing has stirr- ed 'so many hearts, does not think much of some of the Dresent-day Sunday School music, says the Win- chester Press, In this jazz age it is really refreshing to hear of a pro- test against some of the "Gospel" hymns from so able and reliable an authority. The old hy- mus, the old anthems, are not ola- fashioned, and no music today will stir the hearts of bring tears to th ¢ Le KINGSTON'S GREATEST SHOPPING CENTRE 500 WOMEN WANTED TO LEARN AND ENJOY The Glorious Freedom A OF ~ Lover's Form Corsets / In all the world there is no substitute for them-- in a Lovers' Form Corset you will be proud of your slenderized form, your friends will admire and speak of your improved, graceful appearance, And --OH -- what wonderful ease and comfort -- the Miracle of Lovers' Form. ! THE CORSET NO STEELS NO BONING NO CLASPS NOT RUBBER WASHABLE "Canbe completely renewed at very small cost. In odd and even sizes from 30 up to 44. Sensibly priced at $495, $6.95, $8.50, $10.00, $1200 WAP