ARGUMENTS GALORE ON SELECTION! t 'OF OFFICIALS FOR MONDAY GAME Referee Question Causes Considerable Controversy While Players Receive Attention Also--Two Officials Used--Queen's and Kingston Teams to May Be Settle Old Supremacy~--Rivalry Is Keen. It was hoped that the ments for the Kingston-Queen's _#ame Monday night would be carried , out amicably and without any con- | troversy but evidently it was a great deal harder to settle matters for the big meeting than it was at first sup- posed. The manager of the King- ston team was In conference with a en's official yesterday for nearly ree hours trying to settle on points #nd while the gentlemen began their 'afrangements very nicely, point after point that came up was argued about and the result was that ne 'settlement was made on many of arrangements and another at- tempt was to be made between now 'and Monday to settle the arguments. To begin with, the students up at Queen's are hot uuder the collar iver the insinuations from the fol- ers of the Kingston 'team that f could walk through the best it Queen's could trot out. Some pretiy . pointed remarks have been wn at Queen's and they resent these wise cracks. The feeling has "gone to a pretty high pitch and the Bly thing to be hoped now is that not reach such a stage that players will take it out on Mon- F fight when they meet. King- followers believe that thelr is. of a higher rating than 's seniors while Queen's on the hand look at the Kingston 88 mere Intermediates un- of the same class 'sefifor Intercollegiate. To settle all "Brguments, the teams will be allow- arrange- | of the other arguments that came up; Queen's claim that he is first a student and should play for Queen's In this game while Kingston on the other hand claim that they brought Mundell out and he belongs to them. Mundell is signed with the Kingston team and has played with them but bas not once turned out with Queen's this season. How Queen's can figire Mundell belongs to their team is somewhat a mystery. On the other hand, the Kingston management is making a wild pro- position too. They claim that Voss should not be allowed to play with Queen's seniors Monday night as he helongs to the Kingston Club. In thay the Kingston Club is entirely wrong as far as his standing in sen- for hockey goes. . Voss belongs to the Kingston junior team and mot to the Kingston intermediates and if Queen's want to play him on Mon- day night against the Kingston in- termediates, they have évery right to do so. From here it looks as though the argument is getting pretty hot on both sides of the fence and not only are thole closely connexed with with two clubs thick in the argument but the fans are rumbling and hav- ing their say about the matter. The feeling is a little too strong to be comfortable and it is only to be hop- ed that things pass off without any trouble.. The students will turn out as their | en masse for this attraction Monday night and there is little doubt that Kingston fans will be out by the to go to it oh. Monday night and ) hundreds to see the settling of a bat- ¢ the matter once and for all nd end all this petty argument and crapping that has been going on. _ about time it Was ended and ® sooner tie question Is settled the it will be for all concerned. Unless some quick action is taken, very hard to tell who the offic- for the game will be, The goal were the only two that the ubs could agree on. At the Ing between the Queen's official the manager of the Kingston names were suggested for re- © but the ones Queen's mention- rere promptly turned down flat Kingston and when Kingston . suggested that W. P. handle the game but King- on promptly objected. They were favor of Mr. Gelley coach of the igston team handling the bell but '8 sat on that proposition. It t proposed to have two re- 1 but nobody could be agreed l and it was then suggested that an man be brought here and let the game. Whether this pro- on goes through or not remains seen. The referee question is up In the afr and it will be in- to See how the thing turns that question being held in next argument that over players. Queen's Mundell and proposed to' on Monday night. That 1s about as wild as some { tie 'that has caused 80 much trouble and wrangling that it was found necessary to let the teams meet and settle the argument. Queen's claim that Lindsay and Boucher alone could handle the Kingston forward line while King- ston fans laugh at them and declare that either one of the players could- n't step with anything the Kingston team has. Monday night's game will tell the tale but in the meantim® the officials are wrangling and debating on officials and other arrangements to try to come to a satisfactory set- tlement before Monday night. It would not be surprising to see two 10 | officials acting 'in Monday night's game hetween the Tricolor seniors and the Kingston intermediates. The Junior Tussle. Preceding the senior attraction, Queen's juniors and K.C.I. will meet in a junior Intercollegiate fixture and here the fans should be able to See some thrilling work. The Tri- color juniors, R.M.C. and Queen's will be carrying on the battle for the supremacy of the local group and the first clash has every indication of being a close one. George Stewart, coach of the K. ©. I team, has rounded out a smart aggregation and has 'drilled some combination work and general team play into the team that should have telling effect against the Tricolor Juniors on Monday night. The "kids- will face heavier players but they have no end of grit and have every confidence of coming through. The | Some of the expressions of opinion as to which team is the better, Queen's or Kingston, have been anything but gentle and it might be advisable for some of the fans to put the soft pedal on their remarks. The feeling is strong enough now without making it any worse, The interest being shown in Monday night's senior clash between Kingston and Queen's is amazing and. the Kingston fans, believing that their team fis good enough to beat the Tricolor seniors, are delighted with the fact that a game has been arranged. Followers of Queen's are Just as pleased and feel that their team will be able to squelch these people who have been prating so much about the intermediates being able to trim the seniors. The Kingston juniors left to-day for Brockville, where to-night they meet the Brockville juniors in the third game of the junior O.H.A. series, and, although they had a nine-goal lead when them left, they were none too sure of themselves and expected that they would meet stiff opposition in the Island City to-night. " Queen's seniors meet University L Montreal on Saturday night at Montreal, and, while Queen's have lost two games to date, they have every confidence of trimming the Flying French students. McGill meet Varsity at Toronto .on Saturday afternoon and Coach Shaughnessy expects that the Red and White will be able to upset the dope and give the Blue and White a licking on their own ice plant. * It will be some job for the Shagmen and it is very, very doubtful if they can do it. = The year games at Queen's this season thus far have beeen productive of far better hockey than this class of hockey used to be. There are some smart players on the year teams, with the result that the student spectators are certainly getting their money's worth. There is every idication that there will be a big following for the Kingston team at" Belleville on Friday, the 29th, when the Kingston intermediates play there. It seems to be the general opinion that this game will be the best and scrappiest of the season and local fans want to be there to see it. Adie "Chummy" Lawlor is living up to predictions that he would have a wonderful season this winter. He is playing remarkably fast and clever hockey and his work has caused considerable comment among the fans, Big things are expected of _Lloyd Brown after he has put away another game or two. The big fellow in Wednesday night's game showed his old-time speed and clever stick-handliag and has caused the fans to see that he is a powerful strength to the local sextette, The value of a City Hockey Leauge has been seen more this year than at any time. City League players with the Kingston teams this season are Reld, Taugher, Charlie Smith, Hartley, of the juniors, and Muchmore, Watts, Beliringer, Lawlor, of the intermediates. "Red" Legon and Rooney played City League hockey with Queen's this winter also. There seems to be a pretty strong feeling against the Kingston juniors down Brockville wag It is too bad that the Brockville people have allowed themselves to run away with their ideas of real sport, . Pointed criticisms and crude remarks are not signs of good 'sportsmanship. TONNEY SLATED 10 NOW MET DEMPSEY New York Story States That Verbal Agreement Has Been Reached. rivalry between the two teams is at its height and there will be action aplenty. HEAVY BATTERY WON FROM "A" COMPANY R:C.A. Inter-Company League Game Played at the Arena Thy yA . New York, Jan. 22.--The Even- The 353 Hea¥y Tattury. deteaiod | 198 Tolstram sw chat nesotiuions foam i" pf a er BY a deers of $1, In 3 'weight championship match between at the Arena Thursday afternoon. | ck Dempsey and Gene Tunney in The h {July at Boyle's Thirty Acres, the ockey served up showed a great deal of improvement and al- ake uy arena controlled by Tor though "A" Battery was clearly Reker fused & x outplayed by their opponents they Solu 9 Ingke any coms put up their best game of the sea- ents son. They lacked combination how- 4g : oir 3 Sen} ite cont, ht over and through this Jost many] 't 18 Known he has looked forward chances to tally. The individual] t0 Promoting not only a Dempsey- . ual Tunney contest, but Dempsey- work showed much improvement and y est. but a with more practice, "A" Batte Wills match, if possible. y t ry ~d 1 should be able to provide some stiff b oc the Surface there has a opposition to the other two teams | "Took for some time in relations be- in the league. tween the champion and, Rickard, but the promoter has frequently as- Yke were the | sertéd his confidence that Dempsey piek of the winners and both turn. would box this year and under his a = a er Miaut performance. | (Rickard's) di " Big 8 individual work was an out- Crediting its information to a "'re- standing point of the game and two | liable source," The Telegram says of the . goals were scored by him | that Dempsey gave his "verbal prom- through solo efforts in the first | fse to Mayor Hague of Jersey City period. Tattan and Lane 'were |and Tex Rickard over the long-fTs- about the best for "A Company | tance telephone last week, after pro- 334 work thee ard In an effort to put ; IF team In the winning column. = | and Gene Tunney at Miami, Flor- : Heavy io. Senna two in 'the | ide." REC and more in the | "No contracts have been signed," "A" Battery notched |it goes on, "but every detail has ment on The Telegram's story, either | U, OF M. ARE STRONG. Protest Boston Game. -- 7 Montreal, Jan. 23.--Montreal Ma- Expect to Defeat Queen's in Mont-| roons have protested the 3 all overs real on Saturday N. time game played at Boston Tuesday Montreal, Jan. 22. When | night, according to Manager Eddie Queen's meet Montreal on Saturday |Gerard. The Maroons claim they night, at the Mount Royal Arena,| won the game 3 to 2 and that the both clubs will try hard - to win. . tieing goal tallied by Cooper at ! end of the third period did not la , uo in the net until after the timekeepd ers' gong had sounded the end of the battle. Montreal claims that the puck was in the air when the game ended, Queen's to remain in the race, and U. of M. to keep on even terms with McGill and Toronto. Joe Malone has been coaching the French students for sometime, and is very pleased the way they are round- ing into shape under his direction. He has promised them a win for Saturday if they ply that night the way they are doing now, It will be interesting to watch Bill Hughes, a famous coach, and Joe Malone, a famous player at one time, try to fool one another, and without doubt there will be Sensational play. For Us of M., Page with his poke- check, has been the star of two games. The French boys have play- ed in New York and it was shown then that Emard and Lafrance are well matched on the wings. On the defence, Desy and Gratfon have been a strong combination up to date, and should prove a worry for Queen's on Saturday. Beaumont, in goal, is putting up a star performance. -------------- Boyle Expresses Ignorance. Jersey City, N.J., Jan. 22.--~John F. Boyle, who owns Boyle's Thirty Acres, the scene of the Dempsey- Carpentier fight, said he knew noth- ing of a verbal agreement The New Zork Bvanlue Telegram announced, as reached by Jack mpsey and Gens Tunney to cdg his arena for the heavyweight : Sham - | plonship of the world next July ith. A tio-------- Téx Rickard has published a list of the 60 best fighters of the past year...:It is an interesting list be- cause at the same time it contains the names of the $0 worst fighters of the past year, : SPORTING GOODS STREET, LESAN Queen's vs. {CITY CHAMPIONSHIP) UEEN"S JRS. vs. K.C. IL (JUNIOR INTERCOLLEGIATE) Monday, January 25th, 7.15p.n. ADMISSION: Reserved Seats 75¢., 50¢. Tickets on sale at Queen's Athletic Board of Control and Cusiek's Cigar Store. Kingston Rush 25c. Tax included. * Skis, Toboggans We have a fine assortment of SKIS AND TOBOGGANS NOW Get yours before we run out of sizes, : SKI POLES, SKI HARNESS: TREADGOLD CO., PHONE 820. viously ' talking with Billy Gibson|