12 = : THE BALKAN UNREST ATTRACTS ATTENTION British Journals Review the Developments in the Dis- turbed Areas. London, Jan. 21.--The Balkan un- Test is atiracting increasing attention in the British press since Br! ain has drawn within Ber 'orbit by reason of Ber mandats over Iraq and the con- sequent Mosul dispute with Turkey. "The factors in the situation fn- clude the ever-shifting Russo-Turk- ish and Jugo-Slav relations, the in- ' @eption of negotiations for a Balkan Locarno, the newborn Greek dictatorship, and finally, most im- portant of all, the all too plain Italian craving for expansion in Asia Minor, possibly under the pres- ure of her own over-population cotpled with the lack of Industrial and agrarian fields for Wer people. Fortunately Jugo-Blavia, domin- Ant among the lesser Balkan nations, 1s acutely awire that her safety and well being are largely dependent up- h the good graces of the Leagues of Nations, and theretore 1s determined Mot to agree to any Balkan demarche alone the League signifies approval. oreover, she is desirous of circum- tm pt PRS SAY » do this: Drink a glass of , hot cold. Add a little Jad and will have a sparkling, ] k. sh the intestines, and waste. The how things change in an hour. remember you can bring them ur of the day. And in a ling drink. your druggist for Jad Salts to- They come scribing Jugo-Slavian effort to the Sphete including Italy, Hungary and Balkan Peninsula and excluding Asia Minor. According to the Westminster Gaz. otie's political correspondent yvestes day morning, Italy 1s makivg a strenuous effort to strengthen ber influence near and in the midde east- ern spheres, rushing the transtorma- tion of Rhodes into an extensive mii. itary base with the Island of Leros as the main naval base; and the sub- sequent military occupation of Adalia is believed to be envisaged by Italian military authorities. Turkey, in addition to the Anglo-Turkish quarrel regarding Mosul, is. now greatly preoccupied with attempting to. solve the eventual aims of Pan. galos, Greece's dictator, believing that Greece is fast drifting within the orbit of Italian influence. Meanwhile France, engaged In fighting for her financial lite, 1s to busy to divert her energies towards countering the Ttallan plans at the moment, but Italy is illagtrating her friendliness toward Britain by re Yealing an anxiety to settle her war debt on terms pleasing to England, The fact just revealed that, while Italy had but 2,061 dirigibles and 'airplanes at the Armistice, she has now 2,200 as compared with Brit. aln's 650, seems to emphasize the Fascismos' apparent intention not to sink into national pacifism. -------- ey MARRIED AT ESCOTT Miss Serson, Outlet and Elmer Mox- ley, Escott. Outlet, Jan, 20--Ww. Trickey, Ivy Lea, has been cutting ice here for the farmers and neighboring factor fes, and much teaming was done while the roads were good. The recent thaw retarded the wood-draw. ing. James Fodey made a business {trip to Athens recently. Milton Burns { has installed a five-tube radio in his home, A large number from this vicinity attended the military euclire in Gan- anoque, last week, and report an en- joyable time. The annual meeting of the Lansdowne Agricultural Assoc- lation was held in Lansdowne, on Monday night. A few of those inter- ested from here attended, and report that a three-days fair will be held this year. that W. J. Running 1s gradually im. proving, although still under the Cire or the doctor. On Monday, Jan. 18th, the mar- riage was solemnized at Escott, of Miss Mildred. Serson, second daugh- ter of Higin Sersof, of this place, Young farmer of Escotf. The cere- mony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Bishop, pastor 6f the United Church, in the presence of near re. latives. After a dainty repast, My. and Mrs. Moxley left for a short honeymoon in Toronto and other Western points, i ------ Don't tell all you know: keep a little for seed. we A 7 Aaa N/a ska wi ha 7 We are pleased to report THE I br AAA AAA [ror rd FIR BS RL ety Fire destroyed the south wing of Columbia High School, South Orange, N.J., with loss of $250,000. Footprints, believed to be those of "a race of animals evolved directly from the fish" have been discovered in the Grand Canyon, in Colorado. Edward Flickinger, 17, ot Chero- kee, Towa, was sentenced to fifty years' imprisonment for killing Morris Hardy, a former convict. Several fraternity men of the Ohio State University, of Columbus, Ohio, jumped trom the second storey | windows, when tire swept through the basement. Lorain, Ohio, is limited to $596,- 922 for expenditures in 1926. Eight men died in the flames, when fire destroyed Johnston Hotel, in Ferriday, La. Albert Scofield, of Chicago, Ill, shot and killed Mrs. Josephine Stahl- berg, 34, and himself. Claude D. Enochs, Minneapolis at- torney, dled in Chicago, Ill. Of 800 automobiles stolen In Akron, Ohio, during 19265, the police recovered 678. Democrats agree to accept 20 per cent. maximum surtax rate, if rates are cut on $22,000 to $100,000 in- comes. Thirty die In automobile acel- dents during the first tem days of new year in Chicago, Ill. Dr. W. A. Evans, of Chicago, an- nounces that the milk commission agrees on a plan to bring all Illinois cows under tuberculin test. An electroyltic method of plating various metals with chromium, has been devised at Columbia Univer- sity. } ' Lieut. Raymond C. Sherburne, 34, was killed in Houston, Tex., when his airplane fell, President Coolidge names Major General William Lassiter to succeed General Pershing on Tacna-Arica commission. U. B. start fight t¢ halt sending of race tips by mail. One woman, four men, nine motor vehicles and $60,000 in machinery were seiséd by deputy . sheriffs in MéHenry County, Illinois, brewery Tald. 4 Congressman Langley of Ken- tucky, resigns when Supreme Court holds him guilty in liquor con- spiracy. { ------------ 1 German agitation respecting allied troops kept in the Rhineland terri- tory 18 regarded as premature at London. Viscount Inchcape told a business meeting at London that last year was the worst the shipping industry ever had. : Secretary Hoover at 'Washington announced plan to curb bank loans to people interested in rubber plan- tations. . ' Ni a DAILY B { Remember --many items are limited. in number. stock--so be here when the door opens will pay you and pay you well. refunds. 2 | 3 69 ONLY Values to $15. CHILDREN'S RIBBED WOOL. STOCKINGS All sizes, Brown and Black oaly. ~ 2 Pairs for $1.00 HOSIERY HEAVY WEIGHT PURE THREAD SILK $1.00 Includes such makers as Marvel, Reed- : court, Holeproof and Circle Pointed Heel. All shades and sizes. WOOL HOSIERY VALUES T0 $1.75 DOLLAR DAY $1.00 Fancy checks, fancy stripes and woven solid shades, including designs; also plain, Black. Values to $1.50. GLOVES DOUBLE SILK AND WOOL This well known Glove with Silk out- side and seamless wool lining; all shades A and sizes, $1.00 ne Reg. value $1.78 ISTORIC SETTLERS "IN BRITISH COLUMBIA Colony There 1,600 Years Ago. New Westminster, B.C.,- Jan. 21. ~B5till another belief that settle ments had been made upon the North American continent long before Col- umbus' . discoveries resulted in Bu- Topean immigration, was expressed bere yesterday at the 13th annual conference of the British Columbia Library Association. Miss Alma Russell, of Victoria, B.C., a member of the staff of the Provincial Archives Department ,in an address on "Work of the Inter- national Committee on Intellectual Co-operation," which met at Brus- sels last year, sald there is evidence in existence to show that a Chinese settlement on the lower mainland of what is now British Columbia, was established in 499 AD, approx- mately 1,600 years. ago, probably near the present site of the city ot Vancouver. : ; The International Association one of whose objects is to PROMPTLY AT 9 AM. ' DRESSES Poiret Twill Flannel Two Piece Wool Knit Rayon Silk Knit Shades: Black, Navy, Sand, Green, In all this season's styles. Grey, ete. Sizes 10 to 42. 4 oaly. Wool Crepe Fancy Flannel Balbriggan ev Out-sizes 47 to 58. PURE WOOL VESTS FOR WOMEN $1. lish make and perfect fitting. NIGHT GOWNS OF FLANNELETTE, COTTON AND FANCY CREPE Opera, Cumfy Out, with wide strap and short sleeves. 00 Eng- $1.00 Broken lines and Bar with Night Gowns. nisin CORSET and Be early! tings; discontinued cluded. SPECIAL BRASSIER FOR STOUT rem ninth century In the southwestern states; Chamber Finance Committee at aris decided on tax plan to bring in four billion francs to meet budget deficit. Sergeant James 'Keys, of London, oldest Indian Mutiny veteran, ecele- brated his diamond wedding, aged 91. 3 Small piece of rock falling 300 feet struck and killed C. Houle, miner, at McIntyre Mine, Shumacher. $1.00 Including all styles and fit- and broken lines in- $1.00 'Guaranteed perfect model. \ discontinued num. bers included in this clearing of Women's CORSETTE ANOTHER JACKSON-METIVIER | DOLLAR DAY-SATURDAY | Odd lines clearing just before taking No exchanges or 69 ONLY Values to $15 « CHILDRENS Heavy Ribbed LISLE : 4 Pairs for $1.00 In sizes 6 to 10. Shades: Brown Black and White, BLOOMERS OF RAYON SILK KNIT ASSORTED 3 for $1.00 BLOOMERS SILK FINISHED BROADCLOTH, ton, FIGURES « PATIENTS IN HOSPITALS 18~--Mrs. House who his been ill for some time re- mains about the same. Mrs. Charles Ryan was a patient in St. Francis' Hospital, Smith's Falls, for a couple of weeks. Miss Anna O'Meara, Ot- tawa, and Miss Margaret O'Meara; Toronto, are visiting at their home here, Mrs, F. Jordan is visiting friends BRIGHT SHADES Special : BROADCLOTH BLOUSES SHORT SLERVE, IN SAND, BLUE AND Dollar Day, $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 a a maar for some time past at Fairfield Bast. Miss Alice Newman is in the Pu Hospital, Smith's Falls, for the past month, Edward O'Meara shipped a large consignment of cattle Saturday W. McSpadden is mak extensive alterations and improvements on hiy lately acquired properjy. B. J. Kelly has leased his farm to Mr. Patterson. A ------. A After rushing Into a burning house at Ottawa, George Les, 18, emerged with baby in the cradle.