Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Jan 1926, p. 13

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"THE DAILY B uary 22, 1926 - ens 1 The Whig's Clossified Page Is a Public F orum and a True Market Place sas Mn i 2 : : Oe mien 2s | BL oT | He : BY Wiliams. S BUSINESS All ads are restricted to thelr ERVICE proper classification, and to the OBITUARY Apnesther Moffatt, aged ninety- five years, widow of the late Bdwin Mii insertions: - Beaupre, passed away at the Hotel Dali n gy um © argo, - . el Dieu on Thursday after a short ill-| Fauve o Loe -harg MALL DIAMOND WRIST WATCH Professional 2 ness. was born at Ni- 8 days ../ a. Jost lmst pight in Capitol Theatre or k The deceased ' between theatre and 133 King Street. ---- E rest eta mesa SKIN BLEMISHES -- Hair, Moles * 1 day i = warts, pi marks, ei Sanceray 2 Sian 2 = = 4% " " agara-on-the-Lake and came tol Cf *grities gor Finder please lesve at Whig Office. == = 3 Scar rem permanen fegular Dally Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES: : Daily rete per line or consecutive PR xi " JN ed a ly. Satisfactc Gl Kingston in 1851, living in Ports- Fagen, ne insertion charged; $150; | Reward. ; 4 furnished SHS others: have failed 2 cash, 3 - --------------------------------------. \ t t ¥ where she was very well| EUg Or'Tuanks and Memoriam | THREE BLACK, WHITE AND TAN ; ' : f ~ oars Shrine out Eperstion, Sud and highly regarded. Shel Notices--Charged, 31.50; cash, $1.00 | HOUNDS--One fomals, two dogs. last Bre Ben Nove Monier L. lake Roman Catholic in religion | "each insertion. seen <in the vicinity of Sydevham. a i Bagot Btreet. Phone 301w. House 11358 Ny {nent worker in the so-| Advertising ordered for irregular Finder please notify B. Vallier. Teles / 4 ] i : H 3 a prominen : insertions takes the one-time inser- phone 1927, Kingston. 6 t oties connected with the 'CHUrCh | ion rate; no fd. tAKEN FOF IETHER | mor mero" Fancy Werk 2 the Good Thief, Portsmouth. hisls of four lines. WHL THE TERSON--That. fook. paly i nny Wak SS Ci men' Vv | -- The decossed is survived by three | fina' = '* SYerase words to the | of Ere oe usaday night, Kindly C na ANG = ear omstitening. s ughters, Mrs. Powers, Whiting, Charged ads. will be received by "phone 1446 or 2247-m and. exchange 0 D Field, 362 Barrie Street, near Princess i Indiana; Mrs, J. Baiden, Portsmouth; |. {Slefacne snd If paid at The Bric: Jor his own. : : Street. 'Phone 3433-J, n ; sols ' x +1" ish Whig Office Within § days 3 Mrs. G. Sullivan, Kingston; five! the first date of insertion, cash rate sons, Edward, Albany, N.Y.; Wil- wy a aN, soie : . ao da: lam, Seattle, Wash.; Frank, De-| Zong stopped before expiration will troit, Mich.; Peter, Portsmouth, and | only be charged for the number of Bdwin, Kingston; thirty-two grand-| Himes a hiared aid adjust- childretr and eighteen great-grand-| Rate per line for white space is hildren. The husband of the de-|{ the same as a line of type. : d was tax collector in the vil- a nis. for yearly advertising fof Portsmouth for thirty-two hers reserve the right to edit meee 5. Sort all classified advertising Male Help Wanted 2 © funeral will take place on| Telephions 343; ask for & want 8d | Bor WANTED -- Abo ai ones to , . FANTED w= A at once to * Monday morning from her son's| feken Bra Seat Market! Biinasss Street, atisation gives p fal Dyeing. ine residen ------------------------------------------------ % / id " witzer, usen or ke, Porsmouthy | 10 488 CARPENTERS--Two, wanted, accus- ; y ) A _-- N 4 pointment 'phone 2016. | Chureh of the Good Thief, where & |p pyugn 0) Sieant ab tomedr 15 grounding ile. Apply to A A VA i -------------------- ggelemn requiem mass will be sung. Wednesday. ne a bee: 9B]. Avery, Shipp & Co. Gananogue. : tay, 04 Mrs. C. C. Glibert, 8 daugh-| yy pERIENOED GARDENER--to com- Pr --------------------------, | Tene work March 1st. Apply, stat- rs ws 37 ningham, 8 Bay Telephone 2009. - FRENCH MARCEL WAVI 'Water Waving, Round a Bob Curling, Hair Bobbing aud Facial and Socal lf EF = Bo = = = J Bi sh ---- LADIES; ATTENTION I! MR. KINGSBURY who has just re. turned from 'Poronto after atten ST. ANDREW'S W.'M. 8. Hears Interesting Letter From Rev, Norman Taylor of Mexico, monthly meeting was held on ay, Jan. 20th. The newly ol President, Mrs. Duncan Ri on, was in the chair, and confiucted the devotional exercises, ying a few words on New Year's utions and the need for real work. Membership does not mean simply paying a fee and attending a few meetings; it should signify a real interest and a readiness to help. Excellent reports were given by the different secretaries, after which a letter from Rev. Norman Taylor was read. Mr. Taylor is working in co under the Board of the Am- i jan Presbyterian church, This is : ch of the world's missionary work, almost unknown to Canadians, and all listened with great interest to the vivid picture drawn by Mr. during the lifetime of Our Lord very striking, but the people are DEATHS, BEAUPRE---In Kingston on Jan. 31st, 1926, Ann Bsther Moffat, widow of he fate MAwerd Beaupre, aged 95 years. Funeral from the residence of her son, P.M upre, Portsmouth, on Monday morning at 9.15 o'clock to the Church of the Good leh Where & solemn requiem mass wil be sung for the happy repose of her Friends and acquaintances respectfull invited to attend. > y The Old Firm of Undertakers 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET + "Phone 147 tor Ambulance A ------ ROBERT J. RED The Leading Undertaker Phone 577. M. P. KEYES FUNERAL HOME: 49 COLBORNE STREET AMBULANCE 'PHONE 1889. foun, ud ois or an Parlors: 274 Princess Street Ambulance Phone 668 k in ignorance and superstition, » Holy Name being given to chil- and even to sailors to ward off and bring good luck. meeting closed with the )gy and the Lord's Prayer in e 5 $ i Public Lectures at Queen's. following series of lectures an "Beauty in Art," offered at Queen's iversity, is open to the public of Kingston: Feb. 1--<Beauty In Pictures, with antern slides, Principal 8. W. Dyde. A n and Art, Dr. W. Jordan. g "Feb. 15- The. Greek Tragedians, f. T. Callander. March 1--8Some Landmarks in the Development of Music--With , Dr. Thomas Gibson. Bons cal \ (These tests will be offered to all members of the . audience), Dr. G. Humphrey. BALLOON TIRE-Rim and Tube lost sn meee et tit FIRST OLASS CHEESE MAKER--For ream I ing references to Box B-20, Whig Of- fice. ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN «= About seventeen, Who wants to learn the hardware business, or one with some Sxperisnce: Apply Edwin Chown & AND BRAKEMEN -. Hegin- FIREMEN ners $150-3260 monthly, (which posi- tion?) Write Railway, Box -22, Whig Office. Forest Cheese and C Assocla~ tion, manufacturing 1,852,943 lbs. of cheese. Must be capable of operating cream separator, State salary end reference. Apply to Charles A. O"Con Teas, Harrowsmith, R. R. Sm Fomale Help Wanted 3 280 Princess Street! TWO RESPECTABLE WOMEN COOKS ~~with experience on boats desire po- sitions for coming season as first and second. cooks. Apply to Mrs. James Kenville, 33 St. Andrew Street, Brock~ ville, Ont. S---------------------------- WIDOW OR SINGLE WOMAN "wv Be« tween 40 and 60 years old, Protestant, to do plain cooking for family of three; no upstairs work. Laundry give én out. Highest wages. Apply Box Z-18, Whig Office. aves bation YOUNG LADY--Bright, capable, youhg lady for work on switchboard at Gen- ral Hospital, Apply to Superinten- en: : ES Male or Female Help Wanted 8a --------------_-- ene #5 SELLS, HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES Greats est imaginable demand; have business of your ewn; make JSXe dol: lars 3 capital or enee. un nesesiary. B Garretson, Brantford, at Dery Sohool dance, Friday evening, January 16th. Finder please return to Whig Office. CHEQUE--On 'Cenadian Bank of Com- merce found on street on Friday. Owne er may have same at Whig Office. Street, near Albert Street, on Tuesday afternoon, Owner may have same at Whig Office. est tet pt -- HORSE RUG--Lost on Point, - Road, Agents Wanted 4 AGENTS-Get in a profitable, all. commission business of your own. Every property owner is a customer or prospect. Nine hundred varieties of hardy Red Tag Nursery products. Cash every week. Complete equip- ment and instructions free. Write Dominion Nurseries, Montreal. re ------------------------ es acessories Rr me a GLOVE--Brown, found, -on Jobson] ho LINE SALESMAN--For line of lithographed = lal stickers, 'Wright Litho. On Panda ars os ep asta eb Pittaburg; or on road into Kingston, | OFFICES TO CLEAN--Or work of any on Friday, January 158h. Finder] please phones 1104-e-38, kind, for woman, and t da ht "Phone 1538w, 15' Ellis Bteeet © ore phone 98 tno eh NEW HOUSE--Ellerbeck Avenue, just FURNISHED HOU w= Central, fur. nace, hardwood floors; all conveml- ences. Possession February ist. Tele- phone 97-m. HOUSE 6 rooms, electric light, rent $18.00, on Cowdy street; small house, $ rooms, water and toilet; rent $10.00, on Stanley street; also house on Mont- real street, Apply H. ¥. Norman, 63 Patrick Street. 'Phone 730-w. HOUSE--Corner Colborne and Syden- ham streets, 8 rooms; 259 and 266 Ri- u Bt, § 6 rooms; 6 5! improvemen reet, § each, Abr 186 Queen Street. Tele -W. completed, 7 rooms. Apply to E. BE 'Wathen, 127 Nelgon street. Room 10 i ---------------------- i ------------------ TWO FURNISHED ROOMS--On Bath- room flat; central location; use of tele phone. 2 reasonable. . Gentlemen preferred. hone 1186-w, Wanted To Went 11 ROOMS---Wanted, 3 or 4, furnished, for two gentlemen. Centrally lpcated, h or Jrishent board. Apply Box ce. wit C-20, Whig BLDER'S--Pipe Smokers will do well to see us when in of a Pipe. We have a full range, at prices that suit every pocket. ELDERS -- Note our location, 'next door to Strand Theatre. The right place for a store where service is the watchword, . Smitten ete te pm Ae it ELDER'S--Reconds, 8 big shipment of real hits In this week. Get a few new one Our price is sixty-five cents, y pay more 7 Every record We sell made in Canada. tuition ia -------------------- ELDER'S--Farmers, when in town see ¥ this headquarters. Get hi your supply of smokes here. Our 8, - prices wih appesi to you. Get cheer-} Dp here, ul @ervice ttre et ------------ ELDER'S--We are offering a ten cent line of Cigars this week-end at a dol- lar a box of twenty-five. .How do we do it? Come in. We'll tell you and you'll be satisfied. ELDER'S--~ Chocolates. This is our «ixth year in business in Kingston, Our Baturday Chocolate Sale hag ai- ways been a feature, Our customers have steadily fmcreased. The reason is simple. We handle the best. Satur- day only 3c. a pound. EVENING GOWNe=Pale pink satin, se- win and fur trimmed; in perfect con- tion. aa, Apply Box E-23, ce, Apply W. Rob- FURNITURE-- Antigue and furniture sold and bought. M. Cram er, 507 Princess Street, Lesmeg Antique Shop. +Fuel and Jed 18 DRY HARDWOOD--Under cover, $3.75 call 45 Raglan Road. HARDWOOD--Dry body mixed 3.00. Dry Split 36c. extra, 'P 'Phone 1505-3 or w ARDWOOD--$3.50 and $3.75 cord; mixed wood $2.75 and $3.25; Slab $2.75 to 3350, sscording uals resse 3.60 per thousand and up. Sawdust sold cheap. W. H. Talb Concession Street. ------------------------------ FOR SALE~-] car Virginia Nut C : $13.00 ton. 1 car Kentucky Egg $13.00 These are semi-hard and burn 'well in uton, 290 Wellington Street, SWAIN'S WOOD YARD «= Dry bod 4.59 quarter. cord; 00 quarter cord; hardwood the Hair Dressers' Convention and play, all that is new in Ladies' Dressing will be found at Kingsbury's Barber Shop. A B. KI RY, 200 Princess § "Phos 2018-8, Sr RR IEE Insurance 25 ERNIE D. SLITER--Insurance Broker, all branches of Insurance in oid line companies of highest financial stands ing. 281 King Street East. 'Phones 2578-w. Res 1131 FIRE~-Automobile and Casualty Insur- ance. E. M. Crumley, 430 Earl Btreet. Phone 1783-M. ----------------------------------------_ INSURANCE-=Only the most reliable companies represented. Strange a 8 Strange, established in 1860. Office: § Clarency' Street, oppusite Post Office. Sickness, in reilable com 4. B, COOKE---Life, Fite, Accident and trict manager Imperial Life. 'Phonest Oftice 603~-w. Res, 1731-m. ------------------------------------------ OUR HEALTH AND ACCIDENT--Pol- icy will protect your salary. All lin of Fire and Automobile Insurance. HB. & Willlams, 2 Couper street. 3 Decorators ANDERSON, A~-Painter snd or. Estimates given on large or 1 jobs. - Choice stock of Wall Paper samples carried. 'Phone 1066. . seb ---- CALL 1308-F---For first class pa hanging and interior esoratine: Choice samples. H. Rowley. t SIGN PAINTING]. 8. Robingon, rear 275 Begot Street 5 Financial FRONTENAC LOAN AND ¥ w= 1000) n 1 ; erest 1 i . thly balance. fi : Cartwright, manager, $7 Clarence ..- Storage 'I NEW LARGE STORAGE W. =-=buiit of concrete blocks and Poors; Tr to receive all Xi merchandise, including aut trucks s and furni pre, ste. Sona 'and inspect st lington street, or phone 449. Braten, x 3 eet eee aa esas ese ; MITT--Ohild's hand knit woollen mitt March 15--Virgil, Prof. R. 0. Jol} 'found on Collingwood street on Tass a ---- ---------------- Real Estate For Rent erteon, Tatlor, 273 Bagot Street. WOOD-=Mixed body ang. oft mood ie a « a -------------------------------------- +4 veda v he , - Miscellancous a. . day rig Owner may have Business Faces sl i LAMY SHADE AMES. ~ Fire (208s on slabs, | $3.50 Jogd; body hardwood Mare 2---Beau Same at 84 ngwood Street. \ 100 acres, good buildings, & 85. 'e make them, lar 00 quarter cord. J. Peters 0, | ASHES--~Cleaned * h 2 ty Science, | 2 & eet me strap etre sli Eo a variety. 'Phone 380. Partridge Wite gurnér Toronto and Brock BSureets.| yards, clean Job au of & + A. McPhail. MOUTH-FIEOR -- For musioal instru-| SHOP--To let, with or without livin henge. : Works. Try us for silver plating and | "Phone 859. 24 Russell Street. * March: 29--The H Form Di-| meat, found. Owner may have same| I0SMS uDstairs. a oh 09| Houses for sale and to let. refinishing. hone & 5 ¥ '. . y urance, ee -------------------- , Dr. F. Wellington I Conn ONE DROP CENTRE BREAD WAGON | wo. BUSINESS Services A Prontene a 9 STO . Btherington. ee isbn Pk ka Togtonte lectures will be held in Con-| ROSARY FOUND--On corner of John- ®6 stores, Princess Street! $51 Princess Street. "Phone 1189-3. Nee. Apply BE. E. Wathen, 137 "¥rofessivnal a1 Pew: tion Hall at & pm. = =fon snd Bagot Stree Owner may| South side; heated, commodious, rear) Smo cormreaceeeme oy eison street. 'Phone 1391.7. ---------------------------------------- b same at Whig Office. Also fixtures, mirrors, eto. Houses : 1 PE A RO CE tae ------ W. A SLEIGH DRIVING PAR ; Aree en Apply 1. Coh vd " PIANO--Gorhiard Heintzman, style 73, | DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER «~ W. 0d oaths, Shreful drivers TE oes Sele gry Fr pe Se gd hie. Apply en & Co. On for peglieyd 2 Fouls Xv" design: | Marcell, corner of Barrie and Prin-| §94 (eAmS, care ul givers. Erte £88. Apply to W. at Whig Office. St ives am ns abe * cess Stree tic adjust as ham street, last Monday evening. Own-| =m rrr exceliéiit condition, bought at Suissa, : Chiraprac o ven. Caverly Transfer president of the a great tion. ments, electri treatments and hand rE {Shoe Retailers Association - i 13gs eng AL 41 Montreal hi Farms apd Lands. 8a Insurance and Loans Sia Taian. {haey terms. A massage. X-ray service. Coneultas Frinton Street. 'Phone 1807-7. , returned yesterday from | in evening. : / 19 Clarence Street. too DCO08 {lon free. 'Hours 8-13 am. 1-8 pun. | SrOMAGE--For furnit _returs FARM-- To let. Podsession ist of PIANO, UPRIGHT Handsome walnut| © Ae, omice 1918" | "airy rooms and spaces; ye sal, where he attended the an- EY~-Found, on Montreal] Marsh; county of Leeds. Apply to R. ;BOUSE--On Stuart street, alll case 7 1.3 octave, ivory k style ne 433-4. ance 'plone ied. + and key, Jirosts Cit 8 Yention and style show 'at| Street. ween: Depot Sohooy ana| Brown, 316 Sparks Street, Ottawa, provements, $4,800, Apply B.| Louls. Price reasonable. - ae eae {308 Quasn Bt. o B28. cA 4 ; attery Factory, on. Wed it a pour, 270 oes t. Tele-| desired. 'Phone 2417-J or call at 149 iden, : the Windsor Hotel. Mr. Lockett! guy. Owner muy have sume se is ne. 104 or 1295-4. Colborne Street. ee Yue) Basdt etna ws. hes. UR oF Soma, Ho 0 SSeS go oy ar SRE Biba Tow S31 i ;| trousers, $30.00, or 16 wot, among the| the property of a client. T, J. Rigney,| oash or Aol a acon Ti ITH ~~ Bartisters st us help you er, ste. 89 Clirence Street, tion of newest Spring patterns. Gus. once, . anteed fit. 'Phone 22306-w. J. G. Pat- terson, 120 Johnston Street. pn Player-Plane Adjusting, is) misei Phone 1546 2 C. 'W. LINDSAY, i Save time solving T household lems by le ae Whi, asi art fied Page ashes os. . sal ogate : BW. MULLIN . . . ai 5 . Real Estate and I Broker For immediate delivery we offer the following: |!" seen 5 Biviioi ative" | Heese ¥ a Hamilton Coke in Stove'and Nut sizes 2 double havaess. vi sors: > . | SLBIGH DRIVING PARTI "Half UNS ...........ii. $795. Quarter oF: Cramer, Frost & Wood Agency, Ly, Tarntul drivers, good 700 The. Coke and 700 Ibs. Split Pea mem | INA TT POMS BT of tor, 31 BrGGk Street. Morignges are) for'ehle. Eetimates iiven: "700 16k. Coke and 700 Ibs. Stove or Nut Coal . EE : OI Pari oo ieee | APSR 4000. propery. COOK | seven, with 3 Seanit valde. Phone 2208-w, UPHOLSTERIN GeAnd iby Sev ST "Phone 1600-3, tterson, 130 Johnson Btreet..

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