Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Jan 1926, p. 6

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"Daily snd Semi-weekly Phnihed Dutt WHIG PUBLISHING © _ CO, LIMITED, KINGSTON, ONT. « RUPERT DAVIES ....., President Conservative 'papers persist in laboring the fact that the Mackenzie King Government was defeated at the polls én October 29th last. No- body is denying ft. Mr. King recog nized it himself. The problem he Was faced with was what to do in the matter. He could have resigned, the only thitg he could do and be fair to all groups, Le. summon Par- lament and let the elected represen- tatives of the people decide the tick- lish question as to who should carry on the government of the country. A» things turned out had Mr. King "Yesigned without summaning Parlia- ment, and had Mr. Meighen been called upon to form a government, would have been in a minority. Contrary to the impression which Mail and Empire and other Con- tive journals are seeking to 'never has been, any de part of the Mackenzie King inistration to usurp power. This Was made plain by both the Hom. 'Ohas. Stewart and the Hom. Geo. Boivin, who both stated unequivo- cally, that if the Meighen want of summoning Parliament. Having summoned Parliament Mr. King by instructed to carry on. Everyone knows that he 'has not a majority and everyone ows that the task before him is not a pleasant one, but in carrying he is doing the bidding of Parlia- very latest novelties of all kiads brought in by 'up-to-date merchants for the convenience of the public. The merchants of Kingston are wids-awake and aggressive and are able to satisfy practically all the wants of the city and district. They should receive gemerous patronage. and support from our citizens. No better New Year's resolution could bg made than one undertaking to cut down by fifty per ceht. the impor- tations into Kingston of parcels from Toronts and Montreal mail or- der houses. May the Retail Merch. ants' Association have a profitable year, ---------------------------- A RECORD DAY. Wednesday was a record day for The Toronto Telegram. In one col- umn. of editorial the following re- ceived due attention in The Tele~ ETam's own peculiar style: W. L. M. King. Bir George Foster. Toronto Globe. i Montreal Star. Montreal Gazette, Not bad for ore day. ------------ LADY BYNG'S SUGGESTIONS, Lady Byng says that Canadians should see and know Canada before they hike to foreign lands. No man should be in politics who had not seen Canada from ome end to an- other. Then they could understand problems of one another. This knowledge in her estimation would Wipe out many prejudices, invigorate national hopes, strengthen the bonds of social life, and out of it all there will emerge an enlarged patriotism. There is much thought ia her sug- gestions. Canada's bigness ig evi- dent on the map, but its actnal size is only realized through direct con- tact and acquaintanceship. The les- son of Lady Byng's speech is to aim to extend knowledge of what may not be inaptly termed the structure and economy of the country, and bring the people closer together. eas NOT ALL ONE-SIDED. Congressman Dempsey sat Wash- ington, an opponent of the deepening of the St. Lawrence canals, declares it an outrage to think of the United States contributing the lion's share of the cost of the construction of a foreign waterway to upbuild Cana- dian competition. The Ottawa Jour- nal points out that at present the United States enjoys the same rights in the existing St. Lawrence canals as Canada, although these canals have not cost the United States a cost, pays for their maintenance, and gives the use of them free to the United States, But our friends across the border are generally apt to see things their own way, 3 ------------ A SUBSTITUTE FOR SILK. The other day we had an article on the growth of the rayon industry, We have just come across a descrip tion of the processes in making this artificial textile, a fabric closely. re- sembling silk in appearance, used in the manufacture of hosiery, which consumes one-fifth of the domestic production, and of ribbon, cotton and woollen goods. Its textile la built them at her own | RIAL NOTES. --t---- 3 A small Boy with ths bives is claimed to have been the originator of the Charleston. = "Roses are blooming in south- eastern Alaska," says a despatch. What kind? Red cheeks or noses? Hundreds of British familfes are making ready {fo come to Canada in the spring. Let us make refdy to cordially welcome them. on Eighty-five per cent. of Chicago housewives buy their meat by sight. The telephone is not much used. It can't pick out the choice bits! Where a number of persons own an article in common they may raffle it among themselves, but ft is illegal to sell tickets to any outside party. Old-timers, - recalling when Mr, Guthrie was spoken of as a promis- ing young politician, have lived to 86e the deseription verified, com- ments the Toronto Globe. The general impression seems to be that the Board of Education and the Retail Merchants' Association in looking around for a chairman this year determined to get the best. Luther has been given a mandate to form another German cabinet. He and Hindenburg seem to supply the only hope of stable government in the Fatherland. The cities along the Great Lakes should insist that their protests against the Chicago water steal should show results. Protesting has been going on for years. Wide-brimmed hats for women are coming in again. Women never look half as pert when they go about with the armor plated contraptions that have been the fad for geveral years past, Because of lack of space, a busy editor returned a handsome vase, glven him by a benevolent aunt, who gave it to him for a Christmas gift. He thought he was replying to a client, Seed catalogues will soon be mak- Ing their appearance. A little later on, remarks the Brantford Exposi- tor, when some amateur gardeners see what comes up, they won't say it with flowers. The need for national unity--for understanding; for co-operation for compromise; for brotherhood --was Was never greater, says the Toronto Globe. Pulling together in team- a7, nothing need daunt Canadians. |. 5 ---------- A Timmins woman conv of cruelty to a child has been sentenc- ed to prison. Now let us reverse the process and convict a few, children guilty of cruelty to parents, sug- gests the Hamilton Spectator. A scallop fisher of Hyannis, Mass., investigating an unfamiliar stake, discovered a cache of 195 quarts of Scotch whisky. © This should increase the supply of scallops to scallop fishermen. They could see double after sampling the Scotch. A Boston millionaire lett his son his fortune and left $1,000 for his boy's bride-to-be to take a course in domestic s ce. She is at the job. A man 't head for the divorce | Court very readily it he gets his bacon and eggs the way he likes them at home. A contemporary insists that three days between the application for and the isuance of a marriage license is none too long a period for making p, | Official enquiries as to the parties ; | concerned. But do the isuers of mar-| {riage licenses or ys for- have to keep on to the end of the Hst, -------- It's a Long Way Back. Bt, Catharines Standard: Possibly thé reason so many people go to) Florida in motor cars is to be sure of a way to get back. i ------ Which? Canadian Forum: If we make this a good country for farmers, immi- gration will take care of itself, We can have high protection or high {mmigration; ' but we can't have both. BIBBY'S Big Doings at Bibby's January Clean Up Sale When Grandpa Goes Skating. Dundalk Herald: An older fellow never realizes how nimble he was when he was a young gaffer till he tries to do sete of his boyhood skating stunts. CHURCH'S Seeing is Believing. Goderich Signal: Just to show who won the long-drawn out fight for the North Huron seat, the Toronto Star publishes a picture of Mr. J. w. King sitting at his desk in the House of Commons. MEN'S SHIRTS, 5 95¢c. Ain't Goin' to Pay No More. values. Chesley Enterprise: In our list of exchanges we notice that nearly every money by-law submitted to the ratepayers in the different municl- palities at the election on January 4th was defeated. The Way It Looks. Ohio State Journal: We, as a loyal and trustworthy Republican, are preparing to prove that the tariff is a positive 'and wonderful benefit to the farmer, but it looks as if our statistics would have to do more Iy- ing than usual, and 85c¢. . pair MEN'S COLLARS 5 for 50¢. Sizes 14 to 171. A Word For Mr. Raney. Fergus News-Record: Hon. W. E. Raney has again been appointed to lead the Progressives in the legisla- ture. He is a splendid leader, a hard fighter who believes fn the things ENGLISH SHOES Are worth the money Sizesd4 to 17. Work Shirts and Fine Shirts --reg. $1.50 and $2 MEN'S FINE HOSE Pure Cashmere, Silk and Wool. Sizes 10, 10%, 11. Regular 75c. . Bibby's Big Value 50c. pai MEN'S SUSPENDERS Reg. 50c. values for 25c¢. SUIT SALE Extraordinary ! Lot 1 58 Men's and Young Men's Suits at $12.50 Lot 2. 78 Men's and Young Men's Suits at $18. Reg. $25 to 35. 300 Men's and Young Men's Suits at $25.00 Reg. $35 and $37.50 values, ENGLISH SHOES are worth the money ---- Regular $22.50 and All new Ceats this season -- Coats that cannot be duplicated _. for less than $32.50 N and $35.00. CHURCH'S MEN'S - OVERCOATS $14.75 $24.50 MEN'S OVERCOATS At $25.00 his party stands for, and they have made no mistake in choosing him again. Many a temperance worker in Ontario feels that the chiet hope of prohibition lies in him. BIBBY'S Doesn't Follow Beaten Path. ---- Durham Review: They talk about nd the representative calling that will flaming without burning ftseif out?" Sit In the new parliament, commene- | yo that sort of thing persists, "the ing 'this Thursday, but an undertak- powder which should be carefully er or embalmer are not+among the husbanded for the long trench war- list. We can show them a thing or fare will have been dissipated in two in Grey county--having the only rocket work.!" Instend of premature- lady M.P., and now an undertaker ly exhausting its' emotions, "ought and embalmer to represent Durham not flaming youth to save up a few at county council. South Grey does- emotions and._experiences for the n't tollow beatén paths. future--say at least until the age of g1" Often the Way It Goes. : a New York Telegram: She had al- ways wanted to lead her own life-- even before the days when the plirase was 80 popular. But when she had been a child she to share a with the baby; when she grew np and Wer mother was a widow she had to share her room, as her mother was afraid to sleep alone; when her mother died she had to sleep with a then invalid ed sister and await her pleasure and displeasures, And when she died it was in a hos- pital and away from even the house she called her home, ¥ rl Mondjpolies and Trusts. New York Times: How tan we condemn a foreign Government for raising prices by legislation, when our own Government sets out to do the very same thing, and often. actu- ally does it, by means of protective | duties? Republicans are beginning to speak with hands lifted in horror of foreign "controls" and "cartels" which work out to the disadvantage of the American consumer. But it is impossible for those who talk like this to prevent Democrats from ask- ing if trusts and combinations and monopolies at home do not bebr with equal hardship upon our consuming public. When once you begin ask- ing question? about monopoly, you of consideration. Life is a draught to be sipped and enjoyed, not a stimulant to be gulped down and regretted. Lite is a book ta be read and meditated upon. The reader who skips to the last pages need not wonder, as he later reads the intervening chapters, that these chapters prove dull. Life is an op- portunity to serve others. But there Is no service in a life which whirls niadly like a pinwheel and then ex- pires in embers of regret. There have always been such liver, Byron was only thirty-six when he wrote: : # "My days are inthe yellow leaf, The flowers and fruits of love are gone, The worm, the canker and the grief Are mine alone." Since Byron 'wrote, the opportuni- ties for an early exhaustion of life's resources have multiplied many fold. The world has "speedéd up." The delusion has grown that not to be 'excited Is to be dull. It'is not only upon youth that this delusion has fastened itself. Middle age has fal- len & victim to the prevalent craving for constant change and for emo- tional stimulants. ; ' Yet through it all there shines the gleam of genuine achievement. For in this busiest of all ages men find time to plan for their less fortunate The point raised -by the Times is so-called Service Clubs, Rotary, Ki- |[§= wanis, Lions, etc., ever contended thht they were taking the place af religion, though some might have been excused whef, seeing some of the good things these several or- ganigations do, for thinking they were carrying on Christian works while some "others contented them- selves only with an esemplification of faith, in which good works were either neglected or wholly forgotten. | Dr. Shields voices, as he says, in |] his strongest terms, *'that there is no salvation in Masonry or in any of {J} these organizations." None will dis- pute him, where - they try need 'as stances will permit. But why should any minister of the gospel wofry about those who do good? Why should any condemn any other ministry about its under- standing or exemplitication of faith, in this generation. There is a big work to do and. the laity ave not anx- fous to listen to a medley of dentn- |} cations of this and that good work- (! ing church or organization when they done [fit to meet that |} far as their limited e¢trcum- ) B All special orders made up promptly and a perfect fit guar. 'angeed 5 s the celebrated "Comp elt for Men and Women ---- DR. CHOWN'S DRUG STORE "PHONE 343, 185 PRINCESS STREET are hungry for the word of life and for the gospel of good news that has a distinguishing charity all its own? The church has a great and exclu- five task to perform and in the best doing of it there is no room for con- demaing individuals or organiza- tions who have found a good niche wherein to work particularly when that work was great in extent and those who might be expected to per- form it either could not, or failed in doing .s . Winston Churchill declares the British Liberals mast help to curb S------ : Coal Capitulation, Indianapolis. News: We do not andor that Lewis is, as he is said to. gin it. 8 12 4 32ies a £ 2 5 2 A MARTI Lid ev nre edt, $1.28 Tom:

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