hd ee ree ee |Staighten Up! Nicest Laxative, | "Cascarets" 10c "Don't stay headachy, 'dizzy, sick. Nothing else relieves that bili- ous, constipated feeling #0 nicely 4s candy-like "Cagearets," Take one or two of these ples- sant laxative tablets any time, to gently sti- K mulate your liver and start your howels. Then you will feel fine, your head he- tomes clear, stomach sweet, tongue pink, skin rosy. . . _ "Cascarets" gently cleanse, sweet- ~ 81 and refresh the entire system. They 'never gripe, overact of sickeén, £5 for men, women ahd ehil~ dren on each box, any drugstore. DEATH OF P. HARVEY Ho Was» Tesident of Tamworth ang as Highly Edfteemed. Tamworth, Jan. 21.--Patrick Har- Vey died on Friday last, very 'sud- denly, at his home, death heing due to heart failure. Deceased was 68 "years of age, The funeral took place on Monday last from his late resi. dence to the Roman Catholfe church and' was very largely attended. The lato Mr. Harvey was kfiown a8 & mas Of very fine disposition and wag pro- minent in the village. He will be ich missed by friends and their Aympathy is extended to his brother and others who survive him. Mrs. Gorman, Picton, is visiting lends in town. The Oddfellows held banquet, at the Queen's hotel, on Monday night last, there being a very large attendance from the sur. Pounding lodges. The roads are in a of wood are being brought to town. Two i¥on mines have been opened UP near Tamworth, one east of the ¥illage four miles and the other about five miilés north. Large depo- #its of fron ore are at both mines _teady for shipment, At the annupl meeting of the Thor old Board of Trade the need of ad- i al power for new industries "Was emphasized. Diseases Are Germ Di Colds dre easy to catch: in erowd- dusty places you breathe the ns of the cold Into your system ==and then comes all the discomfprt 8 nasty cold, Cais ve time by killing" these cola: quickly 't let them pena re of the nose plest means of destroy- a cold is to breathe bacterio-killing vapor of CA- RHOZONE. It's wonderfully fumes 'instantly carry their hing Influence to every part of breathing organs, sad the cold Passages, and makes breathing - It clears the head, takes that of the forehead, cleanses the tissues in. the float, and make Colds and Catarrh Appear quickly! For positive re- get Catarrhozone to-day. Com- outfit contains a hard rubber Price $1.00; small sige 50 in medicine, ; : Horizontal, 1. \Acquiremenits. 14. Mid-day. 15. Wireless instru- mén Synorsis OF PRECEDING Paris Opera House, is in she. dares not share with . She ¥ves in the cellars of the Opera, véngeance on all who disobey him, hope that he can save her. ¢ with THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG -- i -- NEWS OF THE FARM a Ia, Christine Daae, a young singer at the Raoul, but has a terrible secret which has come into the power of a man who and, pretending to be a ghost, visits As fast she decides to tell Raoul, in CHAPTER FIVE o", HERE was such T humen sorrow peared aiid was outside of the room without knowing how, there was no sound. | cried out and felt « stone-cold, bony hand on my be and sup- $isugsled, but this debgned down throtigh 3 last effort--1 fried to scream--but a hand "was placed over my mouth--a hand that smelt of death. Then I fainted wrist. An arm took me, | wh dark 1 made away. "When 1 on a hol hofses, which had my me. were for | were five cellars below the a lake in the lowest, ui io pac. goes down there, 49. Eon. eyes 1 was one of the opera n stolen some fime before. A masked man was I began to wonder if | Prisoner of the opera ghost, never dreamed that the ghost and the voice were one. On this horse we went through dnnumerabis dark passages, lower and lower, until fin- ally we reached a lake. I knew there CROSS-WO 42. French coin. 43. Plot of fand sur- rounded by water. 45. Narrow shelf. 46. Variant of "a." 47. Beach. 48. Political social group. shore and I was' lifted again. denly the lights seemed to flash on, 1 was out on my feet, and I was in a drawing room." "A drawing room under the opéra?" cried Raoul, incredulous. "A drawing room filled with flowers. Ant the masked figure seid: 'Don't be afraid, Christine. You are in no dagger!' It was the voice! "He forced me into a chair and then got down on his knees and told me he loved me. [tried {0 snatch off his ask aak, but he pulled ay hands way. gan to ery in ie an righ, and ihe man, still Kneeling, id in a sob oles; "It is ror, W . 1 am not an I, nor a genius, fior a ghost. I am Erik!' "Then he rose and told me to have no fear; that he loved me, and that he would keep me there five days. At that time, he said, I should be free, because | would have come to love him through his music and would never want to leave him. Then he gave me lunch, and showed me a charming room which he had prepared for me. He also showed me his own bedroom--where a coffin was the bed! "I saw an Bea and on it a music book labeled Juan Triumphant.' I asked him if this was his composi- tion, and he told me ft was, but that he would never play it #6 me. 'There is some music 80 terrible that it de- Sfrors all who hear it' he said. 'Come, ) will sing a duét from an opera.' We at onde the duet from 'Othello,' and as sang with the power of a flend and an angel | bécame consumed with curiosity. 1 wanted to see the face under the mask. . "With & movement which I was utterly unable to control, my fingers swiftly foré away the mask! . . . Oh, horror, horror, hotror!" Raoul grasped hér hands and tried to calm her. After a moment she went on; "If 1 live to be a hundred, I shall never {or the cry of grief and rage which be uttered when the ter. rible sight of his face met my eyes. Imagine, if you can, the most ter- rible death's head you have ever seen-came. to life in order to ex- frets, with the four black holes of 88, its nose and its mouth, the terrible anger, the mighty futy of a demon-and fot a ray of light from the eyes! For, as | learned later, Jou on only See his eyes in the (To bé Continued) 18, Banners. 19. To sting. 21. Grasps. 22. Presses. 24. Small files. 26. Arbor. + of Greek archi 21. Mob in fright. 33. Was upe foot. upon RD PUZZLE | 27, Roofing material. 28. Pertaining to a type tee: | ' 23. Light-haired person. | Ibi oe Butter Grades Lower--Believes in Alfalfa--Work on Marketing--Cut Fat Hog Price. With more snow in the south- western peninsula than in central and eastern Outdrio, and comparatively little snow in the north, winter con- ditions ate rather unusual this year, As feed 1s generally plentiful, live stock is in good condition. Some western Ontario counties are not feeding as many beef cattle as usual because of the hay shoftage, but a rise 18 numbers in eastern Ontario restores tha average for the province. Delivery of sugar beets is not yet completed in Kent County, reports R. B. White of Chatham, The yield per aere, he states, has proved ex- captiohally high, but the sugar test is much lower {han usual. -------- Butter Grades Lower. Complete figures just available for Federal bufter grading during the past year show that the percentage of specials and firets, both of past. eurized and unpasteurized, is lower than in 1024. Graders passed upon 635,321 packages of pasteurized butter during the year against 467,- 147 during 1924. The percentage of specials dropped from 8.6 to 2 per cent. and of first form 77 to 78.3 per cent. Only Prince Edward Island and Albert showed an inéredse in the percentage of spéecials. Over 64,000 packages of pasteuris- éd butter were graded in Ontario during the year, a rise of nearly 20,- 000 from 1024. In the latter, how- éver, 88.2 per cent. graded first, while in 1925 only 69.7 per cent, reached this grade. Only 187,000 packages of un- pasteurized butter were graded, nearly 100.000 fewer than in 1924. Here again the percentage of firsts has dropped from 68 per cent ed butter graded was produced in Quebee, Over 300,000 more boxés of chedse were graded, bringing the total to nearly 1,900,000. Grades showed some improvément. Believes in Alfalfa. "From our feeding work at the 0.A.C.," states Professor Wade Tools, "we have come to the cone clusion that alfalfa is the most vals uable roughage we have. On tha ¢ol- lége farm 80 of the 400 acres are in pure alfalfa, while the hay mixture used on other fields, 87 acres in all, contains four pounds of alfalfa seed per sere. "Alfalfa is the best hay for dairy cows and beef cattle is exceptionally #00d for calves, and nothing equals | it, especially the second cutting for reilly get: overtat sheep. Our ewes fo on second cut 'sifaifs hay and turnips, It also makes an excellent pasture crop for hogs." Trouble in feeding slfaifs to Rotses traces to overfeeding, states Professor Toole. "Too many farm- ers feed as much alfalfa as they did timothy. They should practically cut the amount in two," he says. By growing more alfalfa, Pro- fessor Toole claims, farmers could tut down their corn and root acre- age and thas save labor, while still fighting weeds effectively. Has Simple Remedy. Coceidiosis, which has probably ¢aused more trouble with young chicks than any other disedss, can be combatted by feeding powdered skim milk liberally during the first few weeks of the shick's life, ae: cording to Dr. J. R, Bedeh, & West: érn U. 8. poultry expert. This remedy he claims t6 be fully effec tive. He recommends that the powdered tkim milk should com- .| Dose 40 per cent. of the mash for the first ten weeks, and from that time it should be gradiaily reduced to 10 per cent. at thiee months of age. As chicks will reach brofle size two or thres wee the powdered rat the Scallops . ., the srgastuation. Of such : sft on, on aamtaat the comm Isited Winnipeg recently with te, 64.7. Practically all the un pastevriz | Union, which held its 47th ansual meting at Guelph last week. Some of these varieties _ were imported irom other countries, but most were originated by Dr. C. A. Zavits and his Assistants at the Ontario Agri- cultural College. "The market value of the in: creases in acre yields of oats, barley and wheat alone would amount to many times the entifé cost of both the college and the Union for the Past halt century," recently remark- ed Dr, Zavite, 4 Duting the past forty years, 107.- 638 co-operative experiments, an average of 2,801 per yéar, have been conducted by members of the Union. In 1095 there were 2,833 farmer ex- J4Finenten, which is 638 more than 924. v WU. 8, Oattle A Total cattle holdings in the Unit- od States are 5,000,000, below the level of 1920, according te pre- liminary returns from the 1925 cattle census. Winter feeding also shows a falling off. During the last six months of 1925, little over 2,.- 000,000 stockers and feeders were shipped from the twelve 'leading markets for finishing, while ithe number for the same period of hy for instance, was 2,888,000. "Replenishment of feed lots al- ready is a matter of. concern," writes James K. Poole, market editor of the Breeder's Gazette (Chicago). "Feeders who had access to an um limited supply of fleshy stears a year ago already are fn keen com. petition with killers. Possibly = the cattle shortages theorists, so vale uable a year aga, were merely pre. Matte in dispepsing that informa- tion. -------- Cut Fat Mog Price. Overfat hogs are being "docked" fifty cents per hundred weight on the Toronto market. 'The fatter Wilt- shires are being discounted on the British market as mueh as twenty shillings per hundredweight," is the explanation advanced by a leading packer, Great gains were made id the overseas market dufing 1094 and 1025, as foot-and-mouth dis. ease caused the falling off* in tie Danish' supply and Osnadian bacon Secured a foothold in what had formerly been Danish strongholds. Now with bigh priced hogs and eomi- paratively low priced teed many feeders dre overfinishing their hogs. This practice, the Dominion - De. partment of Agriculture points out, 'has several. urious. si causes an immediate uétion in for export bheon, reduces quantity of fine lean stuff fit to compete on even terms: with the Danish, and lowers the hard worn - Kingston Markets Dairy Produ Butter, creamery, 1b. Butter, dutey, B.. .. .. .. . Chedse, naw, .. .. ,: .. v Oheese, oil, ™.. .. .. .. Eggs; now Wid, doz.. .... No. 1 storage... .. .... .... e-- Fish, od, Id... .. .. .. Fists. »... ...... Vinsan Haddle, »... ..... Floundars:.. ... ..... ... 18 Fresh White Wish... ... .. ..33 kK, fresh, W.. ,. .. .. .18 but, fresh, ™... ... .. .,.80 Kippers, pair... ..... ,.. + 6 nev a verll eve 15-30 toe se meow "a we 4d salmon, 15. Fillets... .. .. .. .. Smelts EE BN HY een Shrimps . .. ad ls er -- Bfes... i... Re Prunes, Cal, Bb... Peacher, Evap., 1 Hay, Grains, Seeds. Barley... ... Bantoadd wily wu Buckwheat, bus... ... ... 80:85 Corn, wan wan dees 3000 Cream West... .. .. .04 : Y: ! ton... vis wi HI cs 18ut & LIL Peaen sew emai Wy % . the general average price received i the | | reputation of the Canadian product. |! Friday, Jan. 22. {fl 68. : Fruit, | Bananas, qos... ..... ... 50-60} Orafiges, dos... ..... ... .40-80 | or to CUSTOM SAWING LOGS | TIMBER Henn Your logs _ economically eut into lumber, planking ing. order. Prices and work satis- factory. Complete new mill. DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. ~ KINGSTON, ONT. Band Sawing and Plan- Agricultural and Ma-- chinery repairs. Automobile repairs. 4 in the Bank -#- gd or inéss girl, will last longer and go farther if paid into the Bank snd withdrawn only a required. The temptation to dioruns necessary things a the balance to carry forward 7 each month will be greater: Ladies will réceive couriedus, helpful attention from eur Staff, ~* The Royal Bank oF Canada . Kingston Branch, R. G. H, Travers, | our IF YOU REQUIRE ANY KIND OF INSURAN A house, flat or a lot, all well located, Service Department" is at your posal, Agents: Canada Life Assurance Company. KINGSTON AGENCIES Ltd. 4 dt------ * BR rane local, , roasts, Te -- A © 4. 0. HUTTON, THLEPHONE 708. 7 AGI ; CE STREET, En -- a ---------- Shunk. .. .. ..... ..0p 10 $1.60 Mumk.:. :.... wos up to $10 -- ; 8-10 15-30 Wise deat wa : 18-20 1 save oe «2008 owh. Lu. 19-20 Evin asinehl Say eam wes 38 Onions, 1 it Rh ¥ Potatoes, bag... rea gl - ) Cabbage, vach.. Sr aE ee ae aul Carrots. . |. due Waianae hk 4