THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG: Ta hn Monday, January 25, 1926 Ford Introduces ~ National Payment Plan 3 ! For twenty-one years the Ford Time Payment Plan because Motor Company of Canada, the payments are the same Limited, has pioneered in the anywhere from Halifax to field of motor transportation, Vancouver. doing everything possible to this plan you & make high quality cars easy to [hrough . know 2 . ' definitely in advance, the Srorsts or PyscaniG Cuusrrens: Christine Daas, & yout singer a the : buy and economical to own, in unt of the do Gps Gi a a ne et a Si lg order that the greatest number © WC Cc OWE PRVEER tells Raoul, her lover, the true story of her strange experiences. the stage in a mad fit of d r, and advantages of owning a car. to buy the car you want. ei tras i : of people mayenjoy the benefits ple phabed. im side. 4nd he found Y. onl the ad ; rtised imself jo the passage which In line with this policy, a new ou pay yY a and unique time payment plan NR , es Ford has been inaugurated which mogels are now obtainable . : : on this plan from your local onc seen it » makes it possible for more authorized i spent most of his time, unquestioned, people to own Ford cars. 3 : vi > * 0 son. windering shout he oper hose. junction with Traders Finance . This is called the National = Corporation, Limited. NATIONAL TIME PLAN PAYMENTS Pe oo ents dg tot : $175 down and $35 a month " " " . a 7 spe] Hi i] hg Fete! iid i i : i : 8 it hail : i Firs gl { dl sg fie i 1 CARS - TRUCKS . TRACTORS i ® - itn fis fe Best jhe 3 £ 2 if 72d ] PRODUCTS OF TRADITIONAL QUALITY i ? it at i g g E i --~-- a a 10.30 p.m.--Hotel Mayflower Or- 10.30 p.m.--Hotel Mayflower Or- 10 p.m.-----Moser Brothers, Swiss chestra. - i chestra, Washington. , | Yoddiers, 11 to 12 p.m.--Silent. 11 p.m.~-Silent period. 10.30 p.m.--Arrowhead Dance Or- 12 p.m.--Le Paradis band. : TU -------- chestra, \ SE WIP, Philadelphia (508.2). il to 12 pm. Stent, WOY, Schenectady, R3, (3189) 6.05 Lentz and his Ser-| © i chestra. a re * 8.15 pm.--Wagner Male Quar-|at Canada Radio Stores. 7.45 p.m.--Marine Band from tette. : de 0 pm.--Baison Hour from 10-30 pm--Pacoda Club Orches- | «9.16 p.m.--To be ann 9 pm--Annual dinner of Ameri-| | __ 3 i : E | 5 i > HE i j Bid FE gs £