Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Jan 1926, p. 11

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y, January 25, 1926 The Whig's Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a True Market Place THE DAILY BRITISH WHIGC mas -- FLOURISHED A KNIFE; WANTED T0 CUT THROAT But Police Confiscated a Dan- gerous Weapon Found on a Young Man. . Arrested on a charge of vagrancy Saturday night, a well-dressed. g man, who has been employed of & boat all the past season, threat- ened to cut his throat with a knife, when taken to the police station, i 4nd on making the threat flourished 4 dangerous looking knife. However, @ was not given a chance to carry out his threat, as the knife was tak. en away and the police' had no fur- ther trouble with him. When arraigned before Magis trate Farrell, in the Police Court on Monday mofning, the young man was remanded for a week, and in- g will be made about him. anned heat," perviline and 4.4 jr figured in the list of two thirs- f Gustomers gathered in during the week-end. 3 An old offender stated that he had 'been drinking nerviline and 4.4 { heey, while a newcomer announced that he had been indulging in "can- ned heat." While the drinkers had a variely; the same fine, that of $10 and costs was imposed upon each, by the mag- istrate. Capt. George H. Wilkins (above) 5: "Sandy" Smith (bel ow) plan to off next March from Point Bar- row, Alaska, for a flight over the North Pole. They will have an iaiiy built plane for their $00- ' « flight. THE LATE P. D. REDNER. Was An Aged Resident of Centre Victoria, Jan. 22.--Many from ere attended the funeral of the Wate P. D." Redner, an aged resident of Centre community. Mt. and Mrs, H. Rathburn, Consecon, visited Mr, and Mrs. W. 8. Fox, on Wednesday. My, Soy Anderson and Ws. W. H. wera recent guests at B. L. Miss Vivian Fox entertain- members of the C. G. L. T., on The British Whig KINGSTON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING All ads are restricted to proper classification, and to regular Daily Whig style of type CLASSIFIED RATES: Daily rate per line or consecutive insertions: Minimum charge, Daily rates per line 1 day Deatns, Births, Engage ROALD, Mar- riages, one insertion charged, $1.59; cash, $1.00. Card of Thanks, and Memoriam Notices--Charged, $1.50; cash, $1.00 each insertion. Advertising ordered for igregular insertions takes the one-time inser- tion rate;®no ad taken for Jone than basis of four lines. Fount six average wordg to the ne. Charged ads. will be received by telepnone and if pald at The Brit- ish Whig Office within 6 days from the first date of insertion, cash rate will be allowed. Ads. ordered for more than one day and stopped before expiration will only be charged for the number of times the ad. appeared and adjust- men: made at the rate earned. Rate per line for white space Is the same as a Mne of type. Special rate for yearly advertising upon request. Publishers reserve the right to edit a reject all classified Advertising py. Telephone 242, ask for a want ad. aki BIRTHS, WATSON--In~Kingston eal Ji 24th, 1926, to Capt. and Mrs Watson, 119 Coord Street, daughter (Joan Margaretta). MARRIAGES. McGILLIS--PURVIS--In Kingston, on ~January 25th, 1928, at St. Mary's Cathedral, by Rev. Father Corie, Mary Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Purvis, John Street, to Charles Howand, second son of Mr. and Mrs. D. J, McGillis, Montreal, P.Q. DEATHS. ary john a phial on January 24th, 1926, Ri- char sley, aged 72 years. Funeral rom His late residence, Pomts- mouth, on Tuesday, at 2.30 p.m. to Cataragul Cemetery. Friends and acquaintances respectfully Invited to attend. SHELL--In Quebec City, Que., on Jan. 24th, 1926, William T. Shell, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Shell, Kingston, aged 29 years. WHITTY--In Kingston, on January 23rd, 1926, Mary Calladon, widow of the late Michael Joseph Whitty, ged §3 years. Fuhernl from her late residence, 301 University Avenue, on Tuesday, morning at 8.46 o'clock, to Bt Mary's Cathedral, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated Frioior the, happy repose of her soul. 8 cquaintan res invited to attend. ses pegtfully Toronto and Peterboro papers please * KNIGHT H. J. p UNDERTAKER AND yauBALMER and Battersea. Ambulgmoe kone Was Piece of Stage Par. It was a bit of by-play in Picton when masked Ku Klux Kian men ap- parently kidnapped one of their own members. It was the work of a few. new members who did not under- stand that such work was distinetly contrary to their rules and regula- tions. Mayor Newman has the pro- mise that such stage play will not be repeated. In a letter the mayor says: "Relying on this promise I have in- structed the police and advised citi= zens to regard as a posgible -yery dangerous criminal and tréat accord- ingly, any person or persdns wearing a mask of any kind on streets of Picton" - Ontario Union. Toronto, Jan. 26--Pelegates from all parts of the prfvince are ex- pected to attend the convention of the Ontario prohib| ~union here tomorrow when a y and plan of DOWSLEY--In Kingston General Hos-| BLA ND WHITE CAT--Lost, male, with ou: Plagk and one white fromt Return to 333 Beirie Street, Fehon 258. Reward. BLACK FOUNTAIN PEN---Small, and silver pencil, lost, Saturday, between Generdl Hospital and Univesity Drug Store, through Queen's $70 grounds. Re- wand if returned to University Drug Store. CHEQUE--On Csnadian Bank of Com- merce found on street on Friday. Own- or may have same at 'Whig Office. CHEQUE BOOK -- On Standard Bank, found Friday, Jan. 2nd. Owner may have same at 351 Alfred Street. DOOR KEY-Found, on market place, Owner may have same at Whig Of- fice. GLOVE--Man's, good calf skin glove found on Cataraqui Street on Satur- day. Owner may have same at 459 Barrie Street or 'phone 2410W, GLOVE--Brown, found, on Johnson Street, near Albert Street, on Tuesday afternoon. Owner may have same at Whig Office. HOUND-- White and Black, with tan head. Finder please notify E. E. Vai- lier, 86 Main Street, Kingston, or tele- phone 1927. LADY'S SILK SCARF Found on Wil- llam # reet on Sunday evening. Own- er may have same at 22 William St. West, or 'phone 18195. MiTT--Child's hand knit woollen mitt found on Collingwood Streat on Tues- day afiernoon. Owne may have same at 54 Collingwood Street. ROSARY FOUND-On corner of John. son and Bagot streets. Owner may have same at Whig Office. SUM OF MONEY-- Found In Bank of Toronto. Owner may have same at Bank of Toromto. SUM OF MONEY--Found, on Montreal Street, between Depot Sehool and Monarch Battery Factory, on Wednes- day. Ownér may have same at 19 Russell Street. 1 BOX OF BUTTER-Lost, between Anderson Bros.' grocery and Rocke wood Hospital. Finder kindly call telephone 377 and receive reward, CARPENTERS-..Two, wanted, fccus- tomed 1g, frounding on p on bis. Apply to Avery, anoque. EXPERIENCED MAN--For fresh meat department. t.. Apply Anderson E Bros. Female Help Wanted 3 winbow OR R SINGLE WOMAN « Be tween 30 and 50 years old, Protestant, to deo iain cooking for family of three; no upstairs work. Laundry giv. on out, hest wages. Appl Z-18, Whig Of 5 Ditice. ."- Pply Bex Agents Wanted 4 Sipe HIN 8 ALES HAN-For line of Whographed labels, stickers, etc. the. Oo., London, Ont. Classitrea Display IW. KENT MACNEE NSURANCE BROKER Ww ul . Fire, Lite, Autoiaobile, Ae. Sigkness, Date Gi other lines of f Tasir ran Sag and 43 BROCK ST. Hons 583-w, COOK STOVES REAL GOOD ONES AT VERY LOW PRICES. Also a full line of FURNITURE. 5 Everything reasonable. Turk's Store 'PHONE 705. action of the organization will be discussed and formulated, ---------------------- Practically all work was stopped on the against proposed new taxes. Bourse as protest] OUT OUR WAY. *J0 WATCHING: FOR THE Sul. OF THE WOODS TO CHARGE. Real Estate For Rent Business Faces STORES Three stores, Princess Street, south side; heated, commodious, rear entrance. Also fixtures, mirrors, etc, for sale. Apply I Cohen & Co. On- tario Street. Farms and Lands Ba JFARM--- To let. Possession 1st of March; county of Leeds. Apply to R. Brown, 376 Sparks Street, Ottawa, Ont. Houses 9 FURNISHED HOUSE «. Central, fur- nace, hardwood floors; .all conveni- ences. Possession February ist. Tele- es 97-m. USEw- § rooms, electric light, rent 18.00, on Cowdy street; small house, rooms, water and toilet; rent 10.00, ont Stanley street; also house on Mont- real street. Apply H. Fu Norman, 63 Patrick Street. 'Phone 730-w, HOUSE--Corner Colborne and Syden- bam streets, 8 rooms; 269 and 255 Ri- desy St, 7 rooms and § rooms; ueen. street, § rooms; 45 Concession reet, 5 rooms; all 'improvements each, Apply 185 Queen Bireet. Tele- phone 983-w. NEW HOUSE--Ellerbeck Avenue, just completed, 7 rooms. Apply to BE BE Wathen, 127 Nelson street, SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE-- North Al- fred street; verandah; water; barn; inrge lot. Apply 332 University Ave. Real Estate For Sale J. B. CUNNINGHAM Real Estate Insurance ahd Loans 79 Clarence Street. BRICK HOUSE-On stuart atrost a provements, Prices Apply rumpour, i Ti ineesy Street. Tele- phone 704 or 1286 HOUSE---A desirable cut stone dwell ing, good garage; centrally located; the property of & client. T. J. Barrister, ete, §9 Clarence Sirees E. W. MULLIN Real Estate and A rane gBroker Johnson and Te ot oath 'Phote 539-w, COMBINED HEATER AND COOK STOVE--In perfect condition. Hot wa- ter front, large warming closet and good oven. 'Apply 19 EKllig' Street or 'phone 1528-w. ~ New laid eggs, 50 cents per dosen. ply H. La Roche, 297 Mont- real Str 'Phonte 1545-m, EVENING GOWN-Pale quin and fur trimmed; tion. Bargain. hig Office. GOOD DRESS SUIT--In A 1 condition; size about 38 or 40. Apply W. Rol ertson, Tailor, 273 Bagot Street, pink Satin. ses perfect con- Apply Box E-2%, LAMP SHADE FRA and screens. We m Xe them, large, variety. 'Phone 380. e Wire| Works. Try us for a ui he and refinishing. ONE DROP CENTRE BREAD WAGON =--(New). Apply B. E. Wathen, 127 Nelson street. 'Phone 1391-J. PIANO. Newcomb, ood Baby Grand Ce oh chanical condition. Phone 766-w, PIANO--Gerhard Helntsman, style 73. mahogany case, Louls XV design; in excellent condition. Can be Sought at & great reduction. Easy ter C. W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 noses Street. PIANO, UPRIGHT Handsome walnut case, 7 1-3 octave, ivory keys; style Louis. Price reasonable. rms if desired. 'Phone 2417-J or call at 149 | Golborne Street. SUITS--Made to your order with ex trousers, $30.00, less 5% discount for cash or usual i ts. Large wel tion of newest Spring patterns. Guar- anteed fit. "Phone 2208-w. J. G. Pat- terson, 130 Johnston Street. Fire dogs condition, me SLEIGHS---Onhe set, second hand, hand, Adame Soop. Beatty Barn equipment d Washers. Single a & & Wood Agency, reet. phones 585. or SUITS---Partly worn, fit men ve Hout seven, ith 87 breas $5.00. ood. value. "Phone 2308-w. ' or tterson, 130 Johnson Steet. UMENTS % Walkem, $3 Clarence gprs Piibones 23" Forimm Hamilton Half toms .. 700 1bs. Coke 700 Ibs. Coke Half ton Coke We can only of the present half ton Stove Fab of Johnson 700 Iba. Btove or Nut iate delivery we offer the following: in Stove and Nut sizes $ieeoiin. 0 $15.00 per ton ihvrengeeaas BTIB Quarter tons einnes is 84.00 c| oid Wiis ORs." rime Coal ...5 00.0000. 811.00 delivery of any of the above until the end Od, fives are $ advancing almost daily. t & Co., Limited Streel. 'Phone 135, se 7 Felons VETS Apply io 'alkem RFs TEE Se 18 HARDWOOD--Dry body gi 3 2 75 per load. Dry mixed $3.0 soft maple, $2.75. Split 25c. ht ¥ phone 1439-3. Mrs. Ray Purhel corner Johnson and McDonald Streets. - HA 00D-$3.50 and 33.78 uarter cord; mixed wood $2.75 and $3.25; 8'ab wood $2.76 to $350, according to gnal- ity; rom and ressed lumbe hin les, S310 = thousand and oy ust sol W,. H. Talbot, ein Beret: Pirelephona 2753-3. Boal Ser Yirginia Nat | 3 "rad tow top. i afapiaet 4. ruton, 280 Wellington Street. IN WOOD YARD w= Pd Rhody 00d, $4.50 quarter co mix 00 quarter cord; hardwood load. Mixed slabs $3.00 SW. RTA "Phone 3516-w WOOD---Mix soft wood body end siabe; cedar er kinaling. oh $3.75 load; hard- wood slabs, $3.50 Joad; body har wood $4.00 Somer' Toronto" wna ea pass 4 Son, Services rrofessivnal | DRUGLKSS PRACTITIONER Marcells, corner of Barrie and how cess Streets. sdlust- ments, Slsctfie treatments and nana es. on 313 am, 1-6 urs 9- - fee ans 'phone #57-J. Rreings on heniath ce nls Ay Guiro, | 2 Poot. 'Phone 981-w. Ho Ll SHEE ose free, urs 9-13, E58 ! a1 1 rei TE hes Street, unnalngham, K.C.; ny snd dE ne 205. cle em and as: $9. Clarence St By. Milan HE Rai Barrister and Sole BUSINESS ERVICE x Hemstitching 28 PICOT EDGING -- Hemstitching, Pleating, work guaranteed. M Field, 362 Barrie Street, near Pri Street. "Phone 3433-J. Ladies' Halr Parlor ALL FIRST CLASS HAIR MADE x DRIER naAdies Transtor- mations, bobbed curls, switches, sham- oing. singeing, curling, Ladies' and ildfen's hair cutting. Mrs. Cuns ning 8 _ Street, Kingston. ie onane 2998. ui tree 'phone 2016. LADIES, ATTENTION ! i MR. KINGSBURY who has just Tes turned from Toronto after attending the Halr Dressers' Convention and Dis- play, all that is new in Ladies' Hair Dressing will be found at Kingsbury's Barber Shop. A. B. KINGSBURY 209 Princess Street. "Phong 2016-3. pointment Insurance a8 ERNIE D. SLITER-~<Insurance Broker, : all branches of Insurance in old Ine companies of highest financial stand« ing. 281 King Street East. 'Phones 2578-w. Res. 1131. FIRE---Automobile and Casualt ance. E. M. Crumley, 420 Ear 'Phone 1783-M. INSURANOE--Only the most reliable companies. represented. Strange : 3 Strange, established in 1860. Office: § Clarence Street, opposite Post Of! J. B. COOKE--Life, Fire, Accident and Sickness, in rellable compan trict manager Imperial Life. Office 503-w. Res. 1731-m. OUR HEALTH AND ACOIDE icy will protect your salary, of Fire and Automobile Insurance. Williams, 2 Couper street. : Decorators ANDERSON, Arcbainter and Decorst- or. Estimates given on n large or small Jobs. Choice » ho of Wall Papér snd 'samples carried. 'Phone 1966. . insur Btreet. CALL "For first class paper hanging and (Interior decorating. Choice samples. H. Rowley. SIGN PAINTING--J. 8. Robinson, rear 275 Bagot Street Financial FRONTENAC LOAN AND MENT SOCIETY -- 1ncorpe 1861. siden 3.3 EW LARGE STORA --bullt of concrete Diooks. pr rh floors; ready to receive all merchandise incloding a trucks and furniture, ete. sonable. Call and ington street, or phone Sidon x Miscellancous ASHES.-Cleaned out of yards, clean job done. 24 Russell Street. STORA a SLEIGH DRIVING , carload or job lots. iven. Caverly Trans § noes Street. Phone 1807-5. STORAGR-For furniture, clean, TT fagne dng maces vie Ss Queen St Phone 536, 'Phone 3365. GEeeDead storage 1 538 Frontenac Stree ool Mpuete "Wa Expert Plano Tuning, Player-Plano Adjusting. Phons 1544 C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED Hl UPHO! Ea A rota, 104 $

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