1 LD DISCO INTE | bers. Dr. A.C. Neish occupied the St. Lawrence River Fish pe Gane Q ; rr : HOU NTINUE chair, and great interest was shown | Protective Association, to the Fron- Fai . § . by. those present in the re-organiza-|tenac County Fish and Game Pro- . \ P ROBS: Fair and moderately cold to-night and | tion of the association. tectlve Association, and under this, COMMITTEE OF FIVE : 1 Th i vy. 1 1 w fl ; i Mr. C. R. Webster, who was for- | the following were elected officers 5 sno urries ---- merly the secretary of the original|{for the coming season: | i r---- aN . Until Survey ls Made of the |2ssociation, told of how the asso-| Honorary Presidents -- Dr. Bd. (To Confer With the Bishop : wie i ciation Nad been formed and what | ward Ryan, Mayor Thomas Angrove, ! € Waters in Coupty--@Game ;|5teps had been taken'to have it in-| Principal R. Bruce Taylor. Regarding Appointment 3 Association Meets, '| augurated, but after the formation| President--Dr. A. C. Nelsh. of Rector. of the association, the interest was Vice-president--A. H. Fair. A meeting of the surviving mem-| lost and very few members were ~Beeretary and solicitor --C. R. bers of the original St. Lawrence |left. The officers were John Litton | Webster. : | River Fish and Game Protective As- | Dresident; C. R. Webster, secretary, | Treasurer and organizer --J. D. | the cathedral congregation who had sociation. and prospective members |2nd J. D. Boyd, treasurer. Boyd. | gathered at the summons of the of the newly-named Frontenac Fish | "One hundred and fifty members | The directors from the city were | Bishop of Ontario to elect five par- and - Game Protective Association | had been added very recently, and it |8lécted as follows: J. M. Theobald, | (em (oo to confer with him in the was held on Tuesday afternoon, at|was felt that the membership could |[J- B. McGall, W. P. Peters, R. Rob- appointment of a rector to fill the 4 o'clock in the City Council cham-|be increased by extending it to the |Inson, C. Litton. The county direc- | oo cancy caused by the death of the THE FLAPPER BE ens |county, and having dfrectors there. | tors will be elected later, | 1ate Dean G. L. Starr. Rev. W. B. w THE FLAPPER OF 1925 Mr. Webster spoke of the wonderful Mr. Webster presented two FE80-| Ridd, the acting rector, was in the : ------ 4 On Tuesday evening, St. George's Hall was crowded with members of She is an active girl--dancing-- |attraction for tourists that the fish. | lutions for consideration, the one chair and read canon - 32 und js al playing i= Ing throughout Frontenac County | for the changing of the'name of the which the "meeting was called. a E motoring and hiking--often on the was, but if 1788 threatened by the ac- | 2%sociation, and the other as fol- also read the requirements to go eighteen or twenty hours out of | tions of anglers using the hoop nets, lows: '! |met by those voting which was to every twenty-four. Only a strong, |and taking all the good fidh, as well That in the opinion of this asso- be an attendant of the cathedral healthy body can stand the 'pace.|as the scavenger fish. Mr. Webster | ¢/ation all commercial net fishing in church of St. Gedrge, a member of But the flapper. like the ' Miss of {outlined what should bo done if the | the Waters of the County of Fron. the Church of England in Canada . 1880, knows that Lydia BE. Pink-|fishing were to be Preserved for.|!enac should be discontinued. until|, 4 op no other religious body. ham's Vegetable Compound is the general fishing. a complete survey is made of the Nominations for this committee - one remedy to keep her free from| Rev. I. D. Boyd, treasurer, stat-| Waters of the county with a view were made, several ladies of the pain and physically fit, and depends ed that the membership had been |! determining which waters are : parish being nominated, and there upon it. For over 50 years it has|greatly increased of late. There was | Suitable for game fish and which are being about fourteen nominations in been restoring sick and ailing wo-|in the treasury abont $106. It was | more suitable for mixed fishing. : all. Ballots wére provided, and each men to health and strength. decided to change the name of the| "That in our opinion, if it is ne- person wrote the names of the five Ceasary to use nets to remove coarse |) nin ces they chose from the names and scavenger fish for the benefit of written on the blackboard. * | |the sport fishing, this should be The scrutineers were Messrs, J. H. done by officials under government | y p,cion Mills, A. W. Catheart, supervision, Prof. Bridger and Mr. W. Bartlett "That in our opinion one of the Dalton. The ballots were taken up to greatest attractions for Canadians the table where a book was provid- and tourists is good fishing, and that ed, in which those vdting signed every effort be put forth to increase |} eir names. The result of the bal- the fish in or waters suitable for loting was that the following com- angling." J mittee was elected: Mr. H. ¥. Price, The above resolution was unani- Mr. R. J. Carsén, Mr. P. D. Lyman, mously passed, and it was decided Dr. P. G. UC. Campbell and Mr. C. to have the officers and Dr. A. P. C. Hodgins. As Mr. Carson and Mr. Knight present the resolution to Lyman are the churchwardens, Mr. Hon. Charles McCrea, Minister' of prise and Dr. Campbell the lay dele- uN wm u x Next to Actual Cash or Bonds DIAMONDS Form the best collateral of all Quickly banishes the Marine and Fisheries today at the gates to synod, and Mr. C. C. Hod- troublesome cold or {fil | » 4] | meeting in the Dairy School. gins a valued and interested member . A short address was given at the of the congregation and has, with the cough merchandise. meeting by Dr. Edward Ryan, in others, worked untiringly for the gn. ida which he urged the better preserva- good of the parigh, this committee tion of the game and fisheries throughout the county. He compared conditions of today with a few Years was considered satisfactory, and the announcement made by Rev. W. RB. We buy p ically all our Kidd of the result of the balloting DIAMONDS unset and in ago, and pointed out that there was was received with cheers. Mr. Kidd | this way obtain 'both une a great Sepletion. Rg Short talk | vacated the chair in favor of Dr. | : Was to the point and strongly urg- Campbell, the vestry clerk, and left jp SUrpassed quality and ed action. the room in case further discussion value. Ap address was also given by Dr. might arise, butt a motion was made A. P. Knight, on matters of fishing, his talk also being very interesting. mE to adjourn and the meeting broke R ap. i = SALVATION ARMY Work |B CONDUCTED IN CHINA ; Hn wm 5 THE NATIONAL OCLEAN- ERS AND DYERS | Sanitary Steam Pressing and Steam Cleaning. Also French Dry tas TL Acerivowe t and ™m ' Porner Phone 2186. | J ¥. WALKER, Prop, ~ FOR SALE Ship by _ stemar's Rel Ese] ~~ Truck DETACHED BRICK DWELLING ~ Via The 7 rooms, B, and T., electric and Told In an interesting Ade dress by Qapt. H. Lit- tier. Your last opportunity | of saving 20% on. |. every *1.00 you spend ---- The rapid advance of the work of the Salvation Army in China since it was commenced in 1917, was the outstanding" fact brought out in a very comprehensive address given by fm . H. Witter, recently. returned | BN v isslonary from China, st the Sal. ation Army Citadel Tuesday night. |} The Salvation Army has 56 stations ot established, 100 native trained pas- tors and several hundred native sol- diers and converts. The medical work of the army has not advanced * onto W- Sours bon airy : HIGHWAY TRANSPORT very rapidly, but this 'branch of the i SERVICE : « |work is being opened up by a doe $2,000--Frame, 4 rooms, B. and T., JOHN LESLIE, tor and a nurse, who are opening up * electric light. Daily Service To Recently appointed vice-president|a native hospital. The greater part 5 and comptroller of the Canadian Pacific f th Xk b 3 apanee Descron Railway, has b h hy 0 e work done by the Army was 4 $3, ¥rame, 7 rooms, 8 p. bath, N { to, comptrolier ad ainas 1818 has aa evangelical, but a great deal of social ¥ ; light and furnace. Belleville. Trenton, entire charge of the company's account. work such as relieving famine was : ' v > Bri hton, Colborne, Ing' department in all its branches, Mr. L 94,000 -- Brick, ! 8 9 Leslie was born in Toronto, and en-| carried on. = semi-detached, Cobourg, Oshawa tered rellway work as a junior clevk| In commenting on the revolution, Han: Goep'iot 4nd Earace.: and Toronto way. 'miocemsively Milne ne, Loa: | which has been Song bo in Orie wos \ i ay : " Of cashier, general accountant and gen- | the last two months, Capt. Littler at- : eral auditor. Wh that rail $7,500 Brick, all modern, central. Truck Leaves Kingston taken over by the Canadien paiias of | tributed all the trouble to the Bol. Every Da 1884 he became chief clerk in the ac-|Shevists, who incited the students MONEY TO LOAN. y y counting department under 1G. Ogden | against the missionaries. The Chi- CUSTOMS BROKER Toronto Office: and was later appointed auditor of d1s- . bu ents. H. Int | nese government was protecting the!fl ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE, 818 Victoria Lane ; Sut comprroiler im TI re naaiet- 1 slonarics. , 111% BROCK ST., KINGSLON i Ine Sine 3728 | {ie Ns fag "and household SYDENHAM ST. CHURCH ues Lumbago $ Tira Men ind spn. a requirements did Event Held on Tues~ Aferer at Once . equir day Night. NERVILINE ¥ The annual supper and entertain- A King Over Pain. ment for the scholars of the senior ; ER a 0 and intermediate departments of Syd- Those who seek permanent reliet - enham Street United Sunday school y ia rd -- was held in the Sunday school hall | °m #ud Lumbago read the : } on Tuesday evening. The supper, i er Spams Ly which was prepared by a committee "1 was fairly: crippled. with ach. iN 3 ; ; » of the teachers, was served at 6.30 ing joints and Rheumatism. Ner- a . : glock. hen about three hundred |yiline must have been what I need: After a host of inquiries from out-of-town customers , this morning regarding the duration of this stupendous bargain event, we decided to continue it for one day long- er--SO TO-MORROW'S THE DAY ! Stop and consider what this saving means in the many i The programme, which was ar- i Arebuilt No. 5 high base Hot Water ~~ | a Gari ae th omventor. Win needed requirements for the home -- in Bedding, Linens, Boller. This is a snap for a medium fl SR nics foe programm | Placement Rugs, Floor Oilcloths, Linoleums, Draperies, size house, should any one think of re- nt tits Mime Coole, an Curtainings, etc., and in the purchasing of your Ready-to- § 8 4 their old furnace, i er moran Wear, Millinery, Dress Accessories and Yardage Goods. ol A special reduced price on all Que- | -- EE. ih Th ok Si : bec Heaters, Quebec Cook Stoves and aha care Save