Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Jan 1926, p. 9

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Jivuary 28, ol Nn et © T oHANEE TONIGHT ER Fa HEART A Heart-Winning Houwave of Main Street and Broadway with JILLIE DOVE AY and' SATURDAY ong? GRAND Sgr TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd That Roaring Screaming Thrilling Mystery EE Ltr nt te rE CES: $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, 50¢. Seat Sale Saturday | California Pete. THE DAILY B AMUSEMEN TS AL SRL RSA le What the Press Ageats Say About "The AT THR CAPITOL. Heart" Is Triamph George It Larry Bvans had teresting story, "Once to BHvery Maa," with the sole view of pro- DiS Ine} ie districts. HEARD ON THE STREET Loon! Briefs "Qathéred by Re- porters--What the Merch ants Are Offering. -------- Keep an eye on the dogs. Rabies are prevalent ia Otfawa and Kempt- Dr. W. A. MeCarthy. is now at his tor | Rome, after undergoing an operation at the Hotel Dien. William Swaine, piano west, 'phone S84w. i inaugural called poof ol The Whigs speedy results. thanges.) Amer. Can. .. .. GER, CE 4 Chrysler .. "uaa Crucible Steel .. .. ,. Delaware & Hudsbn .. Dodge Com. General Motors Inter. Nickel Mack Truck. . Marland Oil .... oth 2 EN Northern Pacific. Pacific Oil ... Pan. Amer. Pete Pan. Amer, Pete. Pierce Arrow .... Royal Duteh .. Pierce Pete Sou. Patifie Sinclair Oil Studebaker .. Taxas Oil Union Paeitic uv. 'White Motors Willey Overland Woolwarth Abitibi Power. Asbestos Com. . . Asbestos Pid. . .. 'a. (Reporied. by 'Johnston & Ward, 88 Pritesss street, members of the Montréal and Toronto Steck in New York, Jan, 88, 1.30 pm. ve oon 802% Jan. 28.-1.30 pan. Pelaware & Lackawana dens Inter. Marine Pfd. .. .. .... Standard Oil of N.% ges Westinghouse Afr Brake aH vo nee 113 Jd14Y 32% EX-GERMAN KAISER Wednesday. RECOVERED DOGS 78 tuner. aden received at 100 Clergy street meeting of the Health for 1988 has been Friday afternoon. The loss of a sand coloted sweat. or wat advertised in the Whig on Wednesday. An hour later the Mind- er had returned It to the owner. advertisements get The latest picture of Wilhelm Hoheh- zollern, who celebrated his 87th day anfiiversary at Doorn, Holland, on births 'TAKEN BY TRAMPS {Who Were Kindly Treated at Lansdowne--S8t. Andrew's Church, Fairfax, Meeting. ah 89 Lansdowne, Jan, 27-~Two tramps who were given board and lodging -| and employees at Craig's Crossing on LARGE CIVIL DOCKET FOR ASSIZE: COURT Cases for Damages Through Injuries by Train | and Automobile. The following is the docket of civ- il cases to be tried before Hon. Mr. Justice Grant at the Spring Assizes of the Supreme Court of Ontario which opens on Tuesday, Feb. 2nd, at one o'clock in the altérnoon, ---- Jury. T. L. Reynolds and Sarah E. Rey- holds, plaintitt, and Canadian Pacl- fic Rallway Company, defendants, Plaintiff's claim is for twenty thous- and dollars damages for injuries sus- tained by fn of the negligence of the defendants and of thelr servants the Canadian Pacific Rallway, north of Verona, on Friday, the 13th day oft November, 1985. Cunfilagham & Smith for plaintitts, MeMurchy & Spence for defendants. Mary Uraig and Janette Craig, plaintiffs, and Canadian Pacific Raflway Company, defendants, Plain tits claim is for ten thousand dol- lars damages for injuries Sustained by reason of the negligence of the defendants and of their servants and émployees at Craig's Crossing on the Canadian Pacific Railway, north of Verona, on Friday, Nov. 18, 1925. Cunningham & Smith for plaintiffs, McMurchy & Spence for defendants. W. H. Turner, plaintiff, and P. J. Keeley, defendant. Plaintiff's claim is for $6,571.82 damages re- sulting from injuries caused to the plaintiff when struck by the motor car owned and operate@ by the de- fendant on or about the 15th of Sep- temberf, 1924. Rigney & Hickey for plaintite, Ambrose Shea for defend- dnt. Bernard McCarey and Agnes Mc-| Carey by her father and next friend, Bérard McCarey, plaintiffs, and @Gwenyth Carr-Harris, defendant. Plaintift's claim is for $1,600 dam- akes occasioned by the negligence pt the defendant. Ambrose Shea-for plaintiffs, Hughes & Agar for de- fandant. i James Marshall, Helén Marshall, Helen Douglas and Elizabeth Nang. 4as, plaintiffs, and Stanley Kerrison, Jr., and Stanley Kerrison, Sr., defen- | dants. Plaintiff's claim is for $2,000 damages occasioned by the negli- gence of the defendanats. Ambrose Shea for plaintiffs, Cunningham & Smith for defendants. Thomas Smith, plaintiff, and King- ston Industrial Agricultural Society, defendant. Plaintiff's claim is for $10,000 damages. W. H, Herrington RITISH WHIG fire of the plaintiff's buildings and | contents due to th® negligence of the defendants' servants. Rigney & Hickey for plaintiff, Nickie & Far 9 [FIND STOLEN GOODS; FINE WORK BY POLICE SPORT rell for County of Fn Day & Revelle for Subutban Roads Com- mission. David J. Patterson and Joba IL Patterson, plaintitts, and BE. McCal- lister, defendants. Plaintift's claim is for declaration that the garage business carried on by the defend- ant at 58% Princess street, and the filling station on highway is a Huls- ance; and for an injunction restrain- ing the defendant from carrying on garage business and operating fil- ling station in such a way as to con stitute a nuisance. Cunningham & Smith for plaintiffs, Nickle & Far- rell for defendant. | Elmer Lawréfison and Bita May Lawrenson, plaintitfe, and Israel Co- hen, defendant. Plaintiff's elaim 1s for specitic performance of an agree- ment of sale and purchase ifhde be- tween the parties and dated the 38rd day of February, 1920, and for a declaraton that the defendant do convey to the plaintiffs the lands set out in the sald agreément, Cun- ningham & Smith for plaintiffs. Annie MeDonald, plaintiff, and John McDonald, defendant. Plaln- titt's claim is for alimony and in- terim alimony. Cunningham & Smith for plaintiff, Righey & Hickey for defendant. The Governeor and Company of Adventurers of Englafid, trading in- to Hudson Bay, plamtift, and Wil- liam A. Stark and Muriel Lorette Stark, defendants. Plaintiff's claim to set aside a deed of certain lands in Kingston, Cunninghtin & Smith for plaintiff, J. B. Walkem, K.C., for defendants. Motion Paper. In the matter of the estate of Ab ram Vanorder, late of the Township of Kingston, in the County of Fron tenac, farmer, decémsed. Originate ing motion on behalf of salah Van- | order for an order construlng the last will and testament of the said Abram Vanorder. Rigney & Hickey, solicitors for applicant. In the matter of the estate of Jos- eph McConnell, late of the City of Kingston, in the County of Front. enat, fetired, deceased. Originating motion 'on behalf of E.- Blake Thompson for an order comstriing the last will and testament of the sald Joseph MeConnell. Righey & Hickey. solicitors for applicant. In the matter of the custody of James Charles Willis, an infant. Originating - motion on behalf of Rdlth 'Willis, mother of the said James Charles Willis, for the cus- tody of the child. Cunningham & Smith, solicitors for applicant. There will be no criminal cases tried. IW. F. Inman BASKETBALL SCHEDULE. The intermediate basketball sche- dule in the O.B.A. series has been drawn as follows: Feb 4--Queéen at Kingston "Y." Feb. 10--Queen's at Belleville "Y." Feb. 18---Belleville "Y" at Kings- ton "¥." 1 Feb. 26----Kingston "Y" at Queen's. Feb. 27--Belleville *"Y™ at Queen's. March 3---Kingston "Y" at Belle- ville "Y." Three Young Men Men Plead Gulity to Series of Burglaries and Are remanded. . When Police Constable William McKee captured two youhg men In a yard leading to a warehouse used by the Public Utilities, at 292 Ontario Street, about 11.30 o'clotk on Tues day night, he made a very important capture, as these two youhg men and another young man rounded up, pleaded guilty in Police Court on Thursday morning, to a series: of. burglaries around the city, and were remanded until Monday for santence. As a rebult of the arrests, the po- lice recovered a pile of stolén goods. Places entered included the Collegi- ate Institute, where a number of val- unable articles were taken; several boathouses which were ransacked bf valuables, while the two men round- ed up on Tuesday night, by Constable McKee, admitted that they had ats tempted to break into the wareho mentioned. It was a good plece work on the part of Constable Me- Kee, for a number of myutarious burglaries were thus cleared up. The ownets of the booty secured The results of the curling at the | bY the police called at the police sta- Kingston Club on Wednesday were ! tion Thursday morning, identified as follows: their property, and secured the . same. Cadets Won. The "Y" 5-0 intermediate basket- ball team played a practice game at R.M.C. on Wednesday evening with the chdet team and took the small end of a 40-31 score. N ------ Games. On Wednesday both the boys' and the girls' basketball teAms of the Collegiate Institute played in Belle- ville. The local boys won their game by 88 to 28, but the girls 16st by thé narrow margin of 27 to 28. A. CURLING Ladies' Series. Mrs. PeAren Mrs. V2 McCartney Miss Dyde Mts. Linton Mrs. Vosper Mrs. King Miss Cartwright Mrs. J. McFarlane Skip . Bki STRUCK BY STREET CAR. Mrs. Thomas Reid Slightly Injured on Princess Btreet. Mrs. Thomas Reid, Victoria street, was slightly injured on Thursday morning as = résult of being struck by a stroot car. Mrs, Reld was cross- ing at Division and Princess streets and failed to hear the bell. She walked right into the car. Mrs. Reid is réported to be quite deal and, therefore, unable to har a car aps proching. ~ Fortunately, she was struck a glancing blow. One of her Kigel was bruised considerably. She taken to the General ilospital, where Dr. Mylks was called in ats tendande. Mrs. Nicol Mrs. Robertson Mrs. Bogart Miss Daly Bkip:.. Mrs.' Baker Mrs. Treadgold Mrs: Breck Mrs. Mooers Skip... .... 11 Club Championship Serires. B. Walsh D. A. Shaw M. F. Thompson W. H. Herrington W. H. Dyde R. D. Bloan J. B. Cooke Skip... 17 R. I Fair L. TT. Best H. Mooers W. Mooers 11 a, Mordy AX C. Neish G. J. MacKay H. D. Bibby Will Be Deported. A woman was placed under arrest on Wednesday night, by Constable Garrity on a charge of = vagrandy. The woman belongs to Watertown, N.Y, and when arraigned before Magistrate Farrell on Thursday morning, arrangements were made to have her deported. a A. B. Weller . R. Hunt PF. GC. Xing T. Frizzell RB. 0. Sliter A. W. McMahon L. N. Langdon Bkip..ccvse 8 ki ---- HOOKEY RESULTS . H. Butke Given to Father. , A young lad charged with va- grancy, and held on remand for sev- eral weeks, was on Thursday mors- oh Friday night depafted for Mont- real on Saturday and coaxed two dogs to go with them their intention being to sell the dogs, it is supposed. (Some one notified one bt the owners' and he took his &ar and overtook the ttamps at Mallorytown and secured the dogs. The Fairfax "Good Time" Club met on the evening of Jan. 20th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Mec- Kay, Fairfax, A very enjoyable evens ing of games and contests was fea- tured by*the reading of a paper by J. H. Donevan entitled "Citi- sehsnip" The next regular meeting of the club is to be held on the even- ing of Wednesday, Feb. 3rd, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Moore, Fairfax The congregation of St. Andrew's, Fairfax, held their annual business theeting on Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Heaslip. The congregation was well fepre« sented. Encouraging reports were glven of the various' departments of work. The congregation faced a de- ficit at the beginhing of the year of $161.70. The report showed that this had been paid off during the year, all current expenses mel and that there remained in the ;hands of the treasurer a balance of $38.80. There were also balances of $17.61 and $19 in the Bunday school and Ladies Home Circle accounts. The generous hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Hussip + was appreciated and enjoy- ed by all Messrs. Wesley McCullough, Noah Peek, and S. B. Johnston, who are tients In the Kingston General jospital, are convalescing. | The Frank L. Latimer property Was sold by public auction on Satur- day afternoon, George R. Peck being the She Vurchaned; The equipment was re Lawson, Jr., Ottawa, spent the week-end with his family at RF he Be one cKay was summon- ! 0 N.J,, on Wednesday of [ase eek 55 ateomnt of thesarions » 140 88 28% 59 83 . 106% . 119 98 92% 19 Bell Telephone . .. i. -. Brasil... vi 4 is mpton for plaintiff, Ambrose Shea for de- fendant. : \ ; NonJur. John Truedell, plaintiff, and Cor- poration of the Coufity of Frontenac and the Kingston Suburban Roads Comission, defendants. Plaintiff's claim is for $12,283 for loss and damages caused by destruction by a ing, in Police Court, handed over into the custody of the lad's father, who promised to look after him. Mr. Jolin Pollie madé the arrangements for the boy's cre. Green Brussels Artichokes, caulitlower, mushrooms, sweet pep green onions ,etc.; at Pittsburgh 2, Montreal 1. (48 setonds overtime). Hamilton R. C. 8, Toronto C. C. 0. Junior OHA. Kingston 7, Brockville 5. Picton 5, Trenton 4. 5 A Condensed Novel. Toronto Star: Presentation; éone veréation, fascination, oséulation, declaration, jubilation, preparation, solemnization, collation, habitation, installation, visitation, daisputétion, irritation, detestation, consultation, litigation, separation. vod & Prd. Can. Cemant Com.. .. .. Can. Cement Pd... .. .. .. Dom. Bridge. . Dom. Textile, . Hollinger. , Laurentide. . R. M. DOUGLAS, 88 Montreal Power... .. .. .. 219 Set' 71 BLACKS Catvaraqui Lodge, Neo. 10. Industrial Alcohol... .. 17% AX] LAC BLAC V[ BLACK National Rreweries Com. 59% National Brewarles | pa. i 108 Phone 400-- 25¢ = Sn THE FLORENCE HUDON % PRIVATE SCHOOL Quebec Power. Xba . 120% of BALLS CLASSIC AND Spanish River Com .. 108% Spanish fiver PH. . +» 118 DANCING ® and Ata oe an. rivate Shawinigan... .. .. Jsus vo 170 Tobe We ma yd br at SE aie tes 1. Can. Can: 2) - meet at Corbeti's Undertak- s on Friday afternoon at two ock, to @itend t funeral of our Jate Bro. George A. Fraser, P.G, Clark- ston Lodge, No, 167, Washington, D.C. Interment at Napanee. has spinach, 8, tomatods, arnoveky's. 5 "ua Smelters. . 200% Steel of Canada. 196% Twin City.. 5% Winnipeg. . 54 Minutes for knowledge You are busy. You haven't time to learn about things unless can really interest you.' Yet here's a way to learn about everything that concerns your personal life in almost no time at all. Just turn through pictured pages and run your eye down interesting reading. You learn of the best way to shave, dress, brush your teeth, make your food better, health stronger, home richer, self happier. The razor, 'underwear, tooth-brush that will act in the best way for you. New wonders yous can buy= where to buy them, what to pay, the exact good they'll do. What thou- sands of other people are enjoying, just what those enjoy- ments are. Good taste in home decoration, serving of foods--how to avoid mistakes, make the most' of your self, the most of your money ; how to save. Al thi in just the few minutes it takes to glance over daly Fast Inowieds Advertise sae ww wp GRAIN QUOTATIONS. Jan. 28.--1.30 p.m, ; Chicago. Wheat ment. May. ss ov vies 1TAY .. 150% 141% 85% TY 885 "Hy 5% Rye Tiana AA An . 28.98 ". vo ime ie hd WE 1 Ee AEE REE Bos us Saves hy + on y= eras . RR AE vs 1780

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