THE DAILY BR DISTRIBUTION OF GAS [SAYS DENTAL SERVICE AND WATER SERVICES| OT A FAD OR FRILL | > Report Submitted to Utilities |Dr, F. ©. Conboy Addressed OCommission--To Confer | Board of Education and With Board of Works. | Kingston Dental Association. RITISH WHIG AT THE STORE OF BETTER VALUES 4 Big Values in Linens Scarfs In Beaver, Seal, Mole and Sable. Also ani- mal-style Fox Scarfs "in all the newest col- . : At a meeting of the Publie Utili- ties Commission held on Monday afternoon, Manager C. C. Folger pre- sented an extensive report om the distribution of gas and water mains and services, dealing with the pro- gramme as mapped out by the Board Dr. F. C. Conboy, Director of Den- tal Services, Depsziment of Health, Toronto, who addressed the members of the Kiwanis Club at their noon- day luncheon on MonBay, also ad- dressed a combined meeting of the Board of Education, and the King- STAMPED TOWELS, 50c. EACH A real value in all pure Linen Crash Hand Towels--good, heavy weight and large size, 17} x 30 inches. They come in Oyster shade with pretty pure linen colored borders, hemstitched, in Rose, 'Blue, Purple and Gold, and are stamped ready to work. A splendid as sortment of pretty designs to choose from. . . . . .. Special 50¢c. each. LINEN TABLE DAMASK, 75¢c. YARD . 56 inch Unbleached Linen Table Damask in two pretty dice de- of Works and the City Counefl, for | ston Dental Association, at a meeting new pavements this year. Mr. Fol-4 held on Monday evening, in the ger went into the matter in detail, | Board of Education rooms, in which giving an estimate of the cost of 'he | he made a strong plea for the estab¥ work necessary on each street, and | lishmeat in this city of a dental ser- he was warmly complimented by thé | vice in the public schools. L. T. Best, members of the Commfiksion for his chairman of the Board of Education, splendid report, which provided a | presided. . great deal of interesting and valu- At the outset of his address, Dr. able information. Conboy stated that he kifiew the In view of the heavy outlay on | members of the Board of Education sewer removal and the large gas ex- | desired to do the very best they could tension, Mr. Folger suggested that | for the children, and he realized that the work be divided into two parts, [taxes were high. A great deal was covering two years. The mémbérs | put forth, howdver, to provide train- of the Commission regarded the sug- | ing for the sound mind, while there gestion as a good one, and on motion | was not thé same effort to prepare of Mayor Angrove, it: was decided to | the childieén for the development of have the chairman and the man-|the sound body. The best trained agér wait on the Board of Works, | boy was the boy who was best pre- | John McKay Ltd. MANUFACTURING FURRIERS 149-157 BROCK STREET, KINGSTON a EE Gas S FREE] WITH EVERY FIFTY CENT PURCHASE OF DENTACLOR TOOTH PASTE ONLY ONE DEAL ALLOWED TO EACH CUSTOMER PURE LINEN TOWELLING 17 inch, pure Linen Towelling in White with Red borders, or Grey signs--a good, heavy weight, ab- and White stripes--a good heavy solutely free from dressing. weight. ; 1 vies as. 18c, yard Special, per yard . . Special . ... 75¢. Brani gan's D fd Phone 18 REDUCTIONS IN ALL LINES. LOWEST PRICES IN THE CITY. J. Reid Finest Motor Equipment in Canada. i rug mm and take up the matter with that body." The programme as outlined by the manager, will entail an ex- penditure estimated at $12,000. Mayor Angrove stated that Board of Works had mapped out thelr programme, and that he felt sure the members would be glad to co-opérate with the Commission in {| the work té be undertaken. The Commission at the present time has some streets ready for work to bq undertaken. This will provide work for the unemployed and on this account the members of the Commis sion are anxious to do as much as possible. The list of streets as suggested by Manager Folger to be undertaken this year are as follows: Arch street, Union to Stuart street, Bagot street, Clarence to Johnston street. . Brock street, Nelson to Vietoria street. Centre street. Colhorne street, Division to Chat ham street. Charles street, Rideau to Patrick street, Union to King street. . Deacon street, street. Earl street, reet. Bim street, Barrie to Arch Albert to Victoria Division to Alfred street, Jenkins street, between Albert and Frontenac street. Livingston avenue, between King and Unlon streat. Mack street, Alfred to Victoria street, Nelson street, between York and Princess. street. O'Kill street, street. Pembroke street, Union to King street, - Princess street, street, Division Barrie to King Alfred to City Pine to Alfred if | street Raglan Road, Montreal to Division street. | The resolution recently passed by the City Council, thanking the mem- bers of the Commission, for their hearty co-operation with the Council, in the matter 'of placing new lights was read, and ordered to be placed in the minutes. A The claim of Dr. A. W. Richard- son, for injuries he sustained when he fell into an excavation on Clar- ence street, between Wellington and King street, was referred to the City Solicitor. Commissioner Halliday referred to the new system for the chlorination i] of the water, and asked to have the manager submit a report on this treatment. : The manager was also instructed | to ¢all for tenders for gas and water pipe required in the. proposed exten sions. The chairman, R. N. PF, McFar- lane, presided at the meeting, and also present were Mayor Angrove, James Harris and James Halliday. WILL CONFER WITH - * NUMBER DF BODIES Regarding Alterations to Fair Grounds--Meeting Arrang- i ed Yor February ". the | pared to take up his duties after he | left school. It was the duty of the | school to see that the bodiés of the | children developed so that they would be in a position to carry on | their life's work with character and strength, The children should not be neglected physically. ' The estab- lishment of a dental service would mean much to their physical develop: ment. The speaker spoke of the great need for the care of the mouth. We should be very careful about cleanliness. We were very careful about our food, yet we would allow food to pass through a filthy mouth, and this was detrimental to health; it could not be otherwise. It was most essential that this should re- ceive careful attention. Dr. Conboy stated that many dis- oases contracted by adults had their | origin in childhood. Not one child in ten knew how to mabRticate his |B food. We should put first things first fn connection with the care of our boys and girls. Children should be taught healthy habits. Money ex- pended in this work would be well expended. If proper preventative methods were followed in every part of Ontario, we would immediately have a reduction of from ten to twenty per cent. in * eases of casual iliness, "One objection rafeed to the den- tal service was that our fathers did not Have this service, and they got along all right," added the speaker. "Some regard it as & fad or a frill, We must remember that our parents aid the best they could fort us. They were the people who made the real sacrifices, If they had the knowl- edgd we have now, they would have been able to have made a still great er contribution." The speaker stated that the mat- ter was one that should conéern every. citizen. The expense incurred would be an investment which would bring handsome returns, Dr. Conboy referred to other cities having a full time and half time of- ficer, and in these places the people were well satisfied: In Toronto there was a system that was doing splendid service, and last year the mayor stat- ed that he would not think of cut- ting it off. Under an act passed in July, 1934, the Board of Bdueation had the power to establish a dental service. He declared it was not a fad or frill but something the city needed. Following his address, Dr. Conboy answered many. questions presented by the dentists in attendance, and also members of the Board, and there wae quite a general discussion. On motion of Mrs. Revelle, seconded by Mrs. Newlands, the speaker was tendered a hearty vote of thanks. Dr. C. C. Nash told about {he sur- vey he made of the city a few years ago, Df. Ernest Sparks stated that Dr, 3 PURE LINEN TOWELS, 3 for $1.00 At this special price, stock upnow with these all pure Linen - Huck Towels. They come with hemmed or hemstitched ends, in a good size. Regular values at 39¢. and 50c. each. Special 3 for $1.00. Pictorial Quarterly for Spring . . . aaa Pictorial Magazine for February ........... ........ 15¢. copy Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE DRIVES THROUGH GLASS---MERELY CUT Harpy Lorraine, English daredevil, drove a motorcycle at sixty miles an hour through a pane of glass. He sustained two slight Swe. Pictuhe shows him at the moment he crashed through. EAPLY SPRING HATS at the right price posé being loaned by the courtesy of J. N. 'Watts, florist. The proceeds of the dance will be devoted entirely to charity, and for this reason there will be no amuse- Parisian Shop ment tax collected at the door. Come along all ye old and young, and help 838 BROOK SIRENS makesthis charity event of the Ki- - wanis Club the huge success it des- Conboy had very kindly consented |€rves fo be. to visit Kingston agsiw at a4 date - to be arranged, when he would ad- dress a joint meéting of the Home aad School Clubs of the city. Are "Smart Guys." The five convicts, who were trans- ferred from St. Vincent de Paul to the Portsmouth penitentiary for safe keeping, are considered as 'smart guys." The officials at the Quebec prison found them very difficult ight, , and made a request to The annual charity ball of the Ki- wanls Club promises to be a great! success and last night the large and enthusiastic committee of Kiwanis, who have charge of the ball, met and completed the many detailed are rangements necessary to the success terms, while the other two, who of such an event. were sent down for five years, had Jt 1s expected that thers a only about six monfhs more to do !lwhen it was decided to transfer). n Memorial Hall. Many mat sons and misses, it is hoped, will be| \ by this feature, whether