! Phone 316 "And Carbuncle GODIN'S LIVERY fii. For taxi, sleighs for driving par § boat tor sale. AAA AAAI : TO LET Desirable brick nifie rodm house. i Very central location. Immediate | possession. $40.00 per month. Dr. Vincent A. Martin DENTIST Evenings by 373 Princess Street, t arri' od, load of Hard Jus Ro ry Qoal Welsh anthracite Co {00 sscrsescrnne Pocahontas Coal-- Not screened ete Kentucky Coal, egg 26 evo by sess one 6.00 .e We have delivered around as well as pos- sible, instructions "How To Burn Coke" it you aldw't get ome, ounll us up or come for ome, and it will show you how sve money on Your fuel. We it will almost be compulao: before te resort to Coke, 80 GE All sines, $1500 per tom. | W. A MITCHELL & C0. Dr.R.B.Bi ishop Offices at the Comer af Privesss Customers to Our Coal | That satisfied feeling will draw you back every time you | me 108 Wa Ehone 34. Electrified A A eS AI ~ T . Of two colors. . Portion of the verb . Price of tramspor- tation. . Antipathy. . To strike with the palm. . Roek containing me- tal. , One in cards, . Billow (of the sea). . Had recourse, . Coleoptera (insect). . Defiled. . To dine. . Fine driving 59. particles. 60. . Device for turning |}l. over automobile | 62. motor. 3. « Feather scarf. . Harem. . Standard type mea- sure. . Converts food into absorbable form within the stom- ach. 11. To lease. 83. Adverhial negative, parti- to be. . Frame used by an artist. . Male. . Aqua, «Dress. icy Before. Nude. 8 hold. Action. & on 20 10 cle. Coaster runners. Every. Swe « Determined. . To soak flax. . Word puzzles ex- pressed by pictures. . Covered with opa- que white powder. . Female sandpaper. An untruth. Children's toys. To believe. Vertical. A military : Regions. . To retract. . Any group of eight. You and me, . Knitted jacket. Learned. . Entreaty. 168. 12, True coloring mat- ter of the blood. Prophets. Unit. 18. Depot. . Call for help at sea. . Hastened. . To harass. . Barly. Paragraphs con- tailing separate pieces of news. . A lump. . Sun. . Oné who forsakes a duty. . Memorable. + Boy. To delnde. . Low vulgar man, . Metric measure of capacity. Second sale. 47. Lasts under use. . Vessel for washing clothes. To knot again. Bristle ending in a double hook: 52. Roll of film. 8. To appear. 55. Afternoon meal. Italian river. strong- 49. 50. bE SIAVINITIE IR] DIRS PIO THE LATE MRS. W. CARSWELL. Passed Away at Matawatchan And Sincerely Regreotted. Matawatchan, Jan, 26.---The all- powerful "Messenger of Death," that human skill cannot avert, was on Saturday, Jan. 28rd, the means of! creating a home of sadness, when the wite and mother was borne away to her eternal rest. The lady in question was Mrs. William Cars- 'well, a life long resident of this com- munity, who by her passing, has left a void, not only In her immediate household but'in the community as well, as nearly every family in the pottloment can claim relationship, and those who do not, have indeed fost a true and warm hearted friend and neighbor. Her name will - long dwell as a pleasant memory. The late Mrs. Carswell had been alling for the past three months, when pneumonia developed about three weeks ago and, despite all medical care, the spark of life grad- I DS Girls! Women! Improve Your Looks! How to Make the Glow of Health Shine in Your Cheeks News of a Treatment That Alas~=your bloodless face indi trouble. Your watery blood fue aces your health, What you need is the toning, cleansing assistance of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They will clean out the overplus of hile that makes your skin go murky ---- they will put new lite into the stomach, brace up digestion and make you eat sufficient food to get a blood supply ahead. To look your best and to feel the benefits of good health use Dr. Hamilton's Pills frequently. 25c. at all dealers. AINSI AIAN NSAI ually grew dimmer until it finally tiled, Besides her husband, she leaves to mourn her demise, five daughters and three sons, who are: (Maggie) Mrs. Jack Strong and (Nettie) Mrs. George Gilmour, David and William of Fernie, B.C.; Alexander, Harris, Sask., (Annie) Mrs. BE. Tambleau, Renfrew, and Alice and Katharine at home, the two latter and. Alex- ander being the only ones present when her spirit took its flight. Mrs, Patrick Carswell, Mrs. Robert Thompson, Mrs. Jack Carswell, Wil- liam Thompson, Alex Thompson and Colin Thompson are sisters and M brothers, being children of the late Mr. and Mrs, William Thompson. Hed Mrs, Carswell lived until March 10th, she would have attain ed the age of sixty years, thirty- seven of whith were spent in wed- ; lock, her marriage to Mr. Carswell taking place on April 16th, 1888. An exceptionally large assembly HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Corns Stop Aching Quickly Dissolve Away | The misery of a sore corn comes to an end quickly when you apply Put nam's Corn Extractor. You can easily prove it in your own case. Full direc- |} gach package for |¥ plying a few drops of Putnam's to the spot that is sore. You won't be dis- appointed. Putnam's is a tested pre- | paration that painlessly warts, corns, callouses and thickened foot lumps. Sold for 26 cents by all good dealers. Refuse a substitute for |} "Putsam's." QE Eton STELLA ICE RACES ARE ON NEXT WEEK| Oars Being Driven on the loe |} ~--Bus Service Between island and Kingston. b---- Emerald, Feb. 2-- Farmers are, removes | {i ticularly fine lot of dressing quality. Splendid assorted stocks of White Pina in various sizes and grades. We have a par- «| . Prices are now the lowest since 1920. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED LUMBER YARDS, WOODWORKING FACTORY, COAL BINS, BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO Private Branch Exchange "Phone 1571. taking advantage- of the good driv- ij . ing on the ice. Cars are also being driven on the ice. U. Howard and H. McCaugherty are running' a bus sef- vice between the island and King- ston. Quite a number from here attend- od the Deseronto horse races. Mon- tray Wemp, owner of the well- known pacing mare, Daisy Wilkes, took part in the race. The Island jockeys are getting prepared for the Stella ice races, to be held on Feb. 9th under the man- agement of the Stella Driving Club. Good purses, good ice and a good day are assured. A dance will be held at might by the association in Victoria Hall. Music will be fur nished by Ben Hokea's orchestra, Toronto. Burleigh L.O.L. No. 482 held their annual dance in Victoria hall, Stella, on Friday évening last, It was a decided success. Quite a num- ber were present from Bath, Mill- Jr and other places, Lunch was furnished by the members and mus- fe by Glenn's orchestra. About $100 was realized. Quite a number from here attended the dance held in the Masonic hall, Bath, on Monday eve- ning last. Reeve Samuel Miller at- tended the session of the County Council held in Napanee last week. Congratulations to W. C. T. Loyst, Ernesttown, on his election to the wardenship of the Counties of Len- nox and Addington. Mr. Loyst is a well-known dealer in hay and grain. A meeting of the Amherst Island Telephone Company was held in the town hall on Saturday last. Edward McMullen has started fil- ling the ice houses. Mrs. Reginald Instant is in Kingston with her mo- ther, Mrs. Chown, 'who has been {iL Thos. Morrow is drawing 'apples to the city. John Kippatrick is having a furnace installed in his resid- ence. Mr. and Mrs. D, Caughey, ir, spent a few days in Deseronto last week. Mrs. John Kilpatrick spent a tew days in Picton and Deseronto. Wm. © Patterson, Pittsburgh, was over the island last week buying horses and cattle. Capt, snd Mrs. John Fleming, Buffalo, N.Y. are spending 8 few weeks with griends here. ------------ JOHN HERLEHY RECOVERING. He Saftered From a Stroke Some Time Ago. Westport, Feb, 1.--John Herlehy, who suffered a stroke is reported as much improved. For some time after the stroke Mr. Herlehy appeared to Pe in a critical condition but later recovered his strength and he is rest- ing comfortably and relatives have hopes of recovery. Mrs. Kemnedy, Seattle, Wash, spent the past week with Mr. and vs. H. Green, American Hotel, Allan Black, Brockville, is spending two weeks with his mother, Mrs. H. Black. Xrs. R. W. McDonald and daughter, Jean, Perth, spent the week-end with Mrs. W. A. Sargent. Mrs. Pearl Barker spent the week- ond with friends in Kingston. - Mrs. D. L. Walsh is visiting friends in Montreal. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Ryan re- turned home after spending the Mrs. J. H. Menzle, | Swerbrick, of Tichborne, Wednesday evening, in honor of the Misses Stinson's who is leaving shortly for Toronto. -------------- CAUGHT A BRUSH WOLF. It Fell Into & Snare--They are Hard To Get. Lee Valley, Jan. 29--Miss Lura Hunt is now organist for Lee Valley United Church. Cholr practice was held at Wil- liam Hunt's last week. Mrs. ¥. J. Lee has had a very severe cold but is now improving. Mr. Lee has also been {ll but is now better. Mrs. Wm. Hunt has been taking care of them. Mr. and Mrs. Rose left for their home in Saskatchewan on Tuesday evening. Miss Isabel Coburn 'spent the week-end at her home. Miss. Alida Hunter is spending a few days visiting in Webbwood. Sev- ere cold weather prevented the mail man from making his round to Lee Valley, Thursday. Clifford Patterson was given the contract of getting thé school wood this year. Jack Mifrow is again working for Ian McMillan. Whooping cough and severe colds are troubling the childpey of this place. Skating on Lacloshe Creek has been good and enjoyed by the young skaters. Messrs. Walter Molleson and Hen ry Patterson are drawing veneer timber to Massey. Clifford Patterson and Fred Root have been busy cut- ting ice. Mr. Lang, who has been laid up with lumbago is able to be about again. Misses Lura Hunt and Alida Hunter also Messrs. Stanley Hunt and Leonard Hill were guests at D. Andress's for tea on Sunday. Miss Cecilia and Ian McMillan wert guests at William Bell's on Sunday. A party of young people had a dancé and enjoyable evening at James Root's on Wednesday. The Ladies' Ald are holding a social eve ening in the hall, Jan. 29th. Ira Andress and Dawson Spearance aré trapping. Clifford Root succeeded in catching a brush wolf in a snare. These animals are very plentiful in these parts but are also very hard to cateh. DRAWING LOGS TO PARHAM. Tea Meocting to be Held on Thursday Evening. Parham, Feb. 1--Harry Card has two tractors engaged drawing logs from across Long Lake to his shw mill here. All are looking forward to the annual tea meeting to be held next Thursday evening in the hall. J. N. Smith leaves on Tuesday for Toronto, to attend as & delegate the agricultural convention, Campsall, who fell and hurt her ankle some time ago, ® slowly fm- home with scarlet fever. Mississippi Mississippi, Feb. 1.--Mr. and J. Hanna, Mr. and Mrs. William Steels, week. W. A. Geddes made a ness trip to-Maberly last week, Lucy Riddell has returned having spent the past month friends at Florida. Miss teacher at Gemmill's school, 8 Road, spent Saturday afternoon Miss M. McLean. Bert Allan, La and A. Cassell, Rokeby, spent week-end at Willlain Riddell's. William Kirkham, Jack St. Pi and John Riddell for E. Olmstead, McDonald's € ners, ~ Miss Dick spent Sunday friends at Snow Road. Mrs traw and "two sons, John and man, Snow Road, spent Sunday Mrs. D. Hanna. D, Geddes, are cutting Co Tichborne, visited Wi an EA. pl housie Lake, spent Sunday with 3 and Mrs. W. A. Geddes. Boyd nier and Lidwrence Hanna, W Corners, spent Sunday at thelr here. # IN eglected . it think that the oo method of escape ft because ered Mrs. John | BF Card has returned home after spend- |! ing some time in the north with her|! brothers. A. C. Wagar had a bee drawing wood - on Saturday. The young people enjoyed a sleighing party to Thomas Howes' on Thurs- day night. Ross Smith and Stanley Ball are sending the week-end at Odessa. Mrs. F. W. Wagar spent Wednesday | at Tichborne, Mrs, J, Bertrim, Mrs. T. Bertrim and Mps. T. BH, Wagar at Mrs. Simmonette's. Mr. and Mrs. Rutus Botting at George Smith's. Mrs. 8. Vaavolkenburg, of Dextar, N.Y., at Fred Kirkham's, Ford Della Goodfellow' Ish | Smith at A. C. Wagar's. at Mrs. | 's; Mrs, George