2 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Na "Wednesday, February 3, 1926. HE ! br a Il av av pstrRer [ee -- : I TELL YOU AT Gone Taboramen, Jana Schoot rub of ne Robert Mook KINGSTON'S GREATEST SHOPPING CENTRE | Mr. A. Mace will speak on "The | School was held in the Assembly hall | Greatest Battle of All Time," at the Jot the school on Tuesday evening. {Gospel Tabernacle, to-night at eight. 'The decision of the club to add a h i -- set of "The Book of Knowledge" to . . J. L. Haycock Here. the school's library, was much ap- : en Mr. J. L. Haycock, Adolphustown, preciated by the teaching staff of the . i p visiting in Ottawa and Montreal, is school. An illustgated talk on France jin the city and with his daughter, by Major Harriss was thoroughly en- {Mrs. (Dr.) Vosper. Mr. Haycock is | joybd. Refreshments and the sing- . £ as vigorous as ever. ing of the National Anthem brought . y : 5. vq. Rw the meeting to a close. ] It means a lot in your yearly clothes' bill Spent 45 Years in Pembroke. * . George Laplante, aged sixty-two, The Dog Question. if you supply your needs now during our a resident of Pembroke for forty. A disgusted citizen remarked to- five years, died suddenly at his resi- day: "Those were fine instructions great : dence on Monday. Deceased had that Hon. Dr. Forbes Godfrey, Min- been in ill-health since July. ister of Health, issued concerning the dogs found on the streets of 5 Passed Away at New Haven. Kemptville, "To be shot at sight.' PUR ' Albert Ward, son of the late Dr. Sorry the same order does not in- , : Ward of Arnprior, died recently at {clude Kingston, which is cursed with New Hgven, Conn., leaving a wite {useless curs, frequently snarling and 2 and a family of two. Joseph and J. snapping at pedestrians. If people . x 3 EE ---- a MER C. Ward, of Arnprior, are brothers off! are determined' to keep dogs, they the déceased. should confine them to their back ~ yards, and, if that is not convenient - . Gave Fine Discourses. to their comfort, invite them into T 'he Cape Vincent, N.Y., Bagle [their dining or Mving-rooms." ailor i easure says: Rev. B. A. Hill of Queen's Col- : lege, Kingston, officiated at the Pres- L.T.B. Euchre and Dance. ! byterian church last Sunday morning The L:T.B. euchre and dance, held and evening. His discourses were on Tuesday evening, in the Orange scholarly and interesting, 4 Hall, proved to be one of the most *. |enjoyable of the series. All present A / ® / - To Be Lieutenant. thoroughly enjoyed themselves. It has been announced that George | Twelve tables were in play for - Edward Carson, of Kingston, a gra- leuchre.' Mrs. A. Walker won the : : : . duate of Queen's University, and a first prize offered for the ladies, Snappy looking In their warm looking, heavy well-known local young man, will while Mr, Martin captured the prize 1 af I h : x be appointed a lieutenant in "the [for the gentlemen. Mrs. McIlroy knit, pure wool mn Pullover style. ey are Just Princess of Wales Own Regiment." [and Mr. Carpenter were the winners the thing for the season of sport, for skating, sleigh- in the consolation. Quite a number \ . . : Y's Men's Club. came in later in the evening for the ride or out-of-door wear. They come in all sizes 3 1 The members of the Y's Men's dancing, for which Salsbury's orches- . . Better think it over carefully. Club and their lady friends enjoyed [tra provided a most delightful pro- from 36 to 42, finished with large shawl collar and . a sleigh drive about the city on Tues- [gramme of music. Dainty refresh- . . We have added seventy-five new suit day night. After the drive, a "so- ments were served during the even- Tambourine knit cuffs and bottom. piwie . $3.95 each clal evening" was held in the Y.M. |ing. lengths to our already large assortment -- C.A. Refreshments were served by : : the ladies following the games. Death of Almerin E, Blanchard. new Spring patterns -- many lengths with A worl Khan oie dh anchard. Hastings Girl Married, merin B. Blanchard, passed away at ) * extra Trousers. The marrfage took place in Sas«| his home in Addison last Thursday, es dai / ' OO0L ' ' 2 katoon on January 18th of Miss Alice | following a brief illness, in his We're proud of the garments turned out M. Learmouth, daughter of Mrs. | eightieth year. Deceased was born at ; ¢ S . . . Lucy Learmount, Hastings, and Greenbush, a son of the late Mr. and : in our tailoring department. William Heddle, manager of the Can- Mrs. Emery Blanchard, and he fol- Wool Stockings P OO rt O S e 3 Ny 4 ada Life Assurance Loan Depart- | lowed farming at Greenbush until We think it impossible to make better ment Company 6f Saskatoon. retiring fifteen years ago, when he 4 With colored tops. : took up residence 'at Addison. Be- work than we make. Our patrons think 80 St. George's A.Y.P.A. sides bis wife, who before her mar- In a complete range of A meeting of St. George's A.Y.P.A. riage was Miss Roxey Ann Cameron,' the wanted shades, Suitable for , Children, Misses tool was held Tuesday evening, there be-| he is survived by two sons, Messrs. EN d Ladi n ing a very large attendance. ~ Some | Louis B. Blanchard, East Edmon-| consisting of regular an 1€8. . b ted by the ton, Alta., and Clifford A. Blanchard, . : 9 Roca Hite op eceted by the Dumont, NJ A sister, Mrs, ein and full fashioned Heavy, ribbed, All-Wool Sport ' ed, Miss H ott, 1s 4 resident of North Falr- : 3 LIVIN TON S [[[ mE 0: The Tt Mr sore ws | vies. in Camel, Fawn, Hoss in shades tf Brown, Hea. 3 were served by the committee. a member of the son United re rown inna- er mel or Sand wit ancy 75-79 BROCK STREET x Church. ds . 1 ; ed kni a y : Annual Vestry Moeting. Biten Fonki mon and Heather -- | color Tit turn' cown tops. . It Pays To Walk" he anual vestry méotng ot Bm | gy as Mew len Toakin. : ip- | Th iced from Children' If Off Your Route t Pays lo a The annual vestry méeting of Em. Ellen Pearce Jenkins, widow of some with fanc strip- ey are pric rom 1 dren s J : a , manuel church, Portland, was held. the late John Jenkins, who dled at . - oh Tuesday when -Bdmund Ready | her resionce: 3p mcore, dled at ed and' checked sport sizes at Oe. pair Wie the larger sizes for Misses or ies to was ch by the rector as his |pyesda + was an old and well-k NAA se warden, and Albert Hull as the peo- rely of Kingston. ag. we Rpwn ects. ples warden. Ambrose Ready was The late Mrs. Jenkins was born * . selected as lay delegate to attend the | 4 Port Hope, where she married the $ ] 2 80 | , *2 pair C pair \ Synod. late John Jenkins, whe passed away RR : . Some years ago. The deceased moved a ' : Clayton, N.Y,, Té Have Races. to Kingston shortly after her mar- riage, where she spent the remainder ea At a meeting of the Clayton : Sportsmen's Association held recent- | Of her life. The late Mrs. Jenkins "e ly, it was decided to hold the annual { WAS an active member of Sydenham ice meet on February 9th, 10th and | Street church, taking an interest in . ER 11th. The sum of $750, which ex- | 8ll matters in connection With it. She In Anderson sP ure Food Market ceeds all previous amounts in purses, | 18 survived by one daughter, Ada, at i ' + home; and b, brother, Will} . Direct Phone Retail 2,600. will be given in prizes. 2 Tr ay one I iy her am The funeral wil take place Thurs. | The Two-Piece Effect IsPopular School Trustees Appointed. day aftérnoon from her late resi- J J. C. Birmingham was appointed | dence to Cataraqui Cemetery. The ; . k trustee of the Campbeliford High funeral service will be conducted by size C School for two years, by the North- Rev. W. T.'G. Brown, pastor of Byd- p 6633--In 38 Jou umbdriand county council, succeed- enham Street church, 3 need 134 yd. of 50-inch ! 1 1 n Bl n ---- ing Charles Benor who wished to ---------------------- ' ¥ Anderson's India and Ceylon Blend Tea re oct, Boor whe wished! ts bordered 'material and 65¢. value---- (limit of 5 pounds to each Iy an alected member of the Camp- The Judges Are Appointed fs h 34 yd. of 3¢-inch customer). Per pound... .. 53c. bellford Board of Education and took For Debate at Queen's 3.v £718 trasting material, : an active part in the building of the Pastry Flour--24 Ib. sack, Royal New High School. The fidges wlio. will give the de- cision when the Imperial Debating TOWN... .. wii » Team, representing Oxford, Cam- Euchre Was Cancelled. . The stag euchre which was to bridge and Edinburgh # tversities "Rice, finest quality, s ecial .... 41bs held discusses the Singapore Base and the ; z ce, quality, sp - 25¢- Breen bald onlay night by | British Naval Policy in the Sast wis / suitable ma Rolled Oats, 20 1b. cotton ba 3 Frontenac Council. Knights of Co-|the Queen's University debaters on : . terials at our : S . Y for farmers a = a Oe lumbus, was cancelled on account of | Friday night. will be Judge H. A. piece - goods ihe death of Bro. W. C. McDonald. | Lavell, Col. Hertzberg, Staff Officer M (Shi iff's 4 b il) 72¢. The regular meeting was held and |Of the R.M.C.. and W. R. Davies. ) armalade inff's . BY oan Robert Webb, an old member, who i er Wt : ' : : pa has been ill for some _-- was wel- aa sushi ang dance, Friday, Soaps--extra special --P, & G., Comfort comed back. 5 Yeek. lavitations. and Gold ............. 18 bars $1.00 =. a Apptel-in Bole tia B28 3¢ Pas Rink tien: 6597--In size 16 years | Peas, | Corn, | Tomatoes . cei 39%c. Re. de, rouse for. Bind ET hh , ie te Wu pea only 27% yds, Lt v - - . ; A i ttrae 20 nig wl 40-inch material, : 'Handy Ammonia... 4 pkgs. for 29¢. sonora vith Crown Attorney Try, | mien i gney on the case last night, and : aT : S3vaLny CERTIFIED lin orang a coe tom with | Qn | for || For Afternoon and Sports Wear : ® EATS be no appeal made against Ney b x Bame tasty Specials for this ana sion handed down by Lavell | -- OU don't need mu for these ra en selling, : Cas on the case a few days ago. ' Tig : ; : : Fi dresses, so you can : to buy the best. - ; PR 2 y | Before you visit our piecegoods deparimens Hearts: .......... 8 Ib SAUsaun - Too tenn oo Home Lg : es 41 get your pattern at our Butterick counter and k Hearts .... 'aise Ib. SL Tae le th o'clock Wednesday «1 Lar OZ.) : see how much material you need 'and what ma- ti rae odome of Wl Freshly packed 113° | tertals are most effective for each dress. All ths i" Ra Be. Mn A ; % x Ss Rk SR : Z : : sy a ey : . Tatock TTS BR the room content \g elilfl | || Always Buy BUTTERICK PATTERNS