Pt a a -- -------- Ph 3 Sh Coughed a ote CODKINS LIVERY, Night and Day | CROSS-WORD PUZZLE | WE) ror cst, igh tor ating per Until She Used > ties, nacks and cutters. Also joe- boat for sale. Dr. Wood's INDIGESTIONIII I UPSET STOMACH, GAS, GAS, GAS | = Splendid assorted stocks of White Pine | in various sizes and grades. We have a par- ticularly fine lot of dressing quality. TO LET Desirable brick nine room house. "galery central location. Immediate : jon. $40.00 per month. Ty GENERAL INSURANCE Plate Glass Liability though friend advised mo to I 1 coughed night and day,' and a) Prices are now the lowest since 1920. Burglary Baggage GUARANTEE BONDS | Agent Great West Life Assurance * Company, R. H. Waddell 86 BROUK STREKT Telephunes 820 and 806, 'Dr. Waugh Piano Tuning, Repairing and Player Plano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. 'PHONE 184. COAL Just arrived, Coal Brio! Welsh anthracite Co Price gwar unctens Pocahontas Screened Not. screened --- Kentucky Coal, egg ] size AEE SE vesp Aylsworth Bros. Phone U. R. Knight 1798-w, Senne That satisfied feeling will draw you back every time you need coal. & CO. Phone 133. Grove Inn Yard f Hard Shrioad of from .. $12.00 DR. J. C.W. BROOM Dental Surgeon : 150 Pveungton Street. Phone 679. creates rheumatic symptoms. Set your stomach right with Seigel's Syrup. Any drug store. DENTIST Evenings by appointment. 272 Princess Street. Phone 108 around as well as pos- sible, instructions "How To Burn Coke" It you didw't get ome, eall us up or ¢ome for ome, and it will show you Ay A ty Wi before fo resort to Coke, "All sizes, $15.00 per tom. W. A. MITCHELL & (0. - Telephone 67. BOYS' OVERCOATS 5875 - Sizes 28, 30, 32, 34, 49, Fastidious. 52. Unit of energy. . Commanding officer | | on a vessel. . Person under surgi- cal care. . On a ship. . One who hides. » Exclamation to startle. . To pare. . Made curved. . Grief (variant). . Unoccupled. . Reverential fear. . Opposite of odd. + A point of compass. . Portion of the month, + 2,000 Ibs. + Sun god, . Image. Stronghold. . Mars. « Man serving food. . RelMeves. . Deity. « Not securely fast. ened. . One in cards (pl.). « Fish. . To tip. . Dad. cures used . Musical tions. .- Behold. lar, . Leaves. tal. + Hut. . Part of . Small fish. . Alm. , Inlet. Portuguese money, . Grayish GIES NOI Puzzle. p---- AT BISHOP'S MILLS, Bigford-Rutchins Nuptials at The United Church Parsos Bishop's Mills, Feb. 3.--A quiet Wedding was solemuized at the Unit- ed Church parsonage, on Wednesday January 27th, when Mrs, E. Huteh- ins, W.M. of the L.O.B.A., was units ed in marriage to Mr, George Big- ford, of Oxford Township. Rev, Mr. Millar, of Xemptville, officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Bigford left on the affer- noon train, on a trip to Ottawa. Re- turning on Friday evening, a recep tion was held at the home of the groom, a large number of relatives and neighbors being present. Mr. and Mrs. Bigtord were the recipients of many beautiful and useful gifts. Mr. and Mrs. George Martin, Smith's Falls, were guests at the Nome of their daughter, Mrs. O. Byers, Masplehurst Farm, on Sunday On Tuesday, January 26th, Mr. William J. Morris celebrated the 76th anniversary of his birth. His ons, Messrs, George Morrison, con- ductor of the C.P.R., Kenora, and F. Morrison, of the C.P.R. Smith's Reg. value $16.50 lls, motored here on Tuesday to present, to honor the occasion. . (1. Cochrane of Oxford 4 D. rane, of this vil. few da . Point of compass. . Hops kiln. . Qpposite to payment. » A type of crown. . Badge of valor. . Hair of a caterpil- . Social insects. . Variant of "a." . Sea eagle. + Rock containing me- Vertical, "2. Dwelling. . Italian river. + Measuring lines. European . Devoured. . Light yellow. . Half an em. . Mére recent. | No Liniment Gives Such - Universal = 'Satisfaction as . Sixth note in scale. « To exist. . You and I. . Desserts, . Cooking utensil. . To pull along. . Verbal. . Ban Jose's scale. . More lace-like. . On the sea, . Also. . To work. + To break away. . To retest. . Gravel. . Composition for two performers. . Having left a will. . Three-pronged spear. . Invaded by the po- lee. . Gleams. . Poems suitable for hymns, . Makes lace. . Printers' measure. | 63. To accomplish, 65. To drink dog fash- fon, Autotnoblle. Correlative of eith- er. | Measure of area. Joint Stiffness Goes, Swellings Disappear ' Pain Is Subdued cash composi verb to be. 66. 68. white min-|71. » VILINE It is the great penetrating er of Nerviline that makes it so aficlent In overéoming swelling, stiffness and inflammation. It rubs into the very core of the pain, penetrates quickly through the tissues, and brings & warm, comforting relief once. No liniment compares in pain relieving power with Nerviline. For the minor ins and {lls 'that arise in every amily, Nerviline should always be kept handy on the shelf. Use it for Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuralgia, and Colds. 35 cents at all dealers. & Cochrane, superiitendent of the House of Industry, Athens, . Miss M. Wilson, teacher of the Public School, spent the week-end at Brockville. Mrs. H. Thoop, of Maynard, was the guests of the Misses MéLellan, recently. : A "social evening," under the auspices of the Women's Institute, will be held in the Temperance Hall, on ' Baturday evening, February 18th. Motion pictures of agriculture, travel, ete, will shown by the representative of the Agricultural Farm, Kemptville. : Mr. and Mrs. Zack Percival, Bur ritt's Rapids, were visitors at Mr. O. Doolson, Sunday last. Dr. Tanner, Montreal, superintendent of Mis- sions, conducted the service inthe talk Unfted Church on Sunday after- noon. ) ---------------- The good man who goes wrong in reality a bad man w been found out. What has become used to blush at a facts? ho has just the girl who ent eof bare statement of Instant rede. irom sourness, gases x or acidity of stomach; from indiges- tion, flatulence, palpitation, head: ache or any stomach. distress. The 'moment you chew a few "Pape's Diapepsin" tablets your stom- ach feels fine. Correct your diges- tion for a few cents. Pleasant! Harm- less! Any drug store. EB A A trirny RADIO re be ee le tos THURSDAY, FEB. 4. CKAC, Montreal, (411). 4 p.m.--~Weather, stock reports, 4.46 p.m.--Tea-hour programme from the Windsor Hotel. 7 p.m.~ LNRM and CNRO tie-in, broadcasting dinner concert from the Chateau Laurier, Ottawa. 8.30 p.m.--Studio concert by arte ists of the Canadian National Rall- ways. ONRM, Montreal, (411), 8.830 p.m.---Soloists' Night, Viola Benoit, soprano; Geo. Ferguson, tenor; (Guldie Geiger, violiniste; Fred Whitley, accompanist. OKCL, Toronto, (857). 7 to 8 p.m.--Soprano 'and piano solos. KDKA, Pi (809). 9.30 p.m.--Half hour with fegmous composers; Jacques Offenbach. 9 pam. --KDKA Little Symphony Orchestra and Walter Ernest, tenor, 11 p.m.--Pittsburgh Post Mid- night Revue. hs WJAZ, Chicago, (822.4). 10 to 12 p.m.--Classical program- me; Harrlett Sey; soprano; Em- melinda Sievers, contralto; George Krueger, baritone; Mary Towkin, violinist, WBALI, Cincinnati, (326). 7 p.m.~--Programme from WSAIL Studios. 8 p.m.--"Cliquot Club" program- me. 9 p.m.--Silvertown Cord Orches- tra. 10 p.m.--Wendall Hall, Little , Ray O'Vac Twins. -- WEAF, New York, (402). 6 to 12 p.m.--Dinner music from Waldorf-Astoria Hotel; Mid-week Hymn 8ing; The Smith Brothers: The Larkin-ites; Hire's Voyageurs; Clicquot Club Eskimos: ' Silvertown Cord Orchestra; Casa Lopes Orches- tra. Jack WGR, Buffalo, (819). 8 to 11 p.m.--Joint broadcasting with Station WEAF, New York. WERC, Oincinnati, (326). 10 p.m.~Marion McKay and or- chestya: 11 p.m.--Popular song revue. 11.18 p.m.--Marion McKay. and orchestra. WRO, Washington, (469). 8 p.m.--United States Army Band. ? p.m.---Royal Salon Orchestra. 710 p.m.~~To be announced. 10.30 p.m --Swanee Orchestra. 11,80 to 14.30 p.m.---Organ recital from Tivoli Theatre. WIP, Philadelphia, (508.2). 6.05 p.av.--Pagodn Club Orches- tra, : 8 p.m.exThe Sesquicentenial, a 8.15 p.m --Laserow Quartette, 9 to 10.15 p.m Talks. 10.35 p.m.--Al Lenz and Enter tainers. enn - WGY, Schenectady, (8790.5). 6.80 p.m --Dinner concert by Ten 7.45 Peat programme York, 10 p.m~~WGY Orchestra; Claude Adams, violinist; Bugene : Mooers, 11.50 pom recital from 6a E------ wR WOR, Newark, (408). pm--Hotsl Shelton Ba Private Branch Exchange S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED LUMBER YARDS, WOODWORKING FACTORY, BAY AND WELLINGTON ' STREETS, KINGSTO COAL BINS, , ONTARIO Phone 1571. RHEUMATISM 5 Neuritis ~ Lumbago ~ Sciation 2) | Biteeminte Fmt hockic snd omerens TEMPLETONS RHEUMATIC CAPSULES 10.30 p.m.--Vanderbilt 'Dance Orchestra, « / Complete radio programmes sold at Canada Radio Stores. -------------- NEWBORO TOOK GAME. Lively Hockey Match Played With Seeley's Bay. Newhoro, Feb. 1.--D. Pritchard, Kingston, who spent the last week visiting friends returned home on Friday. Mrs. H. Lyons, spent a few days this week visiting friends Westport, Born to Mr, and Mrs. Wil- liam Lake, on Jan. 20th, a son, Bill is all smiles. Neil Graham has gone to Detroit. Mrs. 8. Thompson sptnt & few days in Kingston: visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. B. Dier. Rev. 8, HE. Harrington 1s on the sick list again this week. The people around here are all busy filling their ice 'houses, A very close battle as staged be- tween Sesley's Bay and Newboro, here, on Saturday, Jan. 30th, with a very large ¢rowd of spectators in attendance. Very fast hockey was ex- hibited, for the condition of the ice after the recent thaw. The score was 1-0 in favor of Newboro. Drawing wood is the order of the day. The farmers have to improve the time on account of so little sleighing. i---------- KNEW SERGT. BILLINGS. He was a Visitor at Charleston Last he Autumn. Charleston, Feb. 1.--Ice cutting is the order of things here: at pres- ent the ice is almost fourteen Inches thick. Quite a number here attend- ed the hockey match, at Athens. on Saturday afternoon. Leonard Halll- day who suffered much with a sore hand is much better. Mrs. R. Foster is spending a week or so with Mrs. BE. Foster, Glen Morris. Expressions of regret! were heard here over the untimely death of Sergeant John Billings, Barry's Bay. Deceased, accompanied by Mr. Shep- herd, fishery overseer, Gananoque, pald Charleston Lake a visit last autumn, spending a couple of days with R. Foster, Harbor View house. and those who formed his ecquaint- ance found him a very interesting and entertaining visitor, Hotel Florida News. Xr Florida, February 1. -- This place was visited by a heavy snow storm which blocked the roads, which had to be ploughed and shovelled out. Nearly all the men of this neighborhood have been dngag- Ee he ne i Et tt a ed in drawing coal from Ysrker £ the Wilton factory. Some of farmers are getting ready to put in their supply of ice for the summer, Mr. and Mrs, Barter Redden and Mr. and Mrs. George Redden spent an evening, last week, at Walter Comp- ton's. Mr, and Mrs. John Deyo Saturday with friends at Harrowe smith. The youngsters are enjoyinm sleigh riding on the hill. in}