14 I ---------- ee -------- THE ay DAILY B RITISH WHIG . Founded 1847, Honestly Sir WE HAVE NEVER OFFERED A BETTER OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE MONEY. THAN DURING OUR Lv TAILORED TO MEASURE SUIT SALE ; OUR SUITINGS ARE VERY HANDSOME We point with pride to our reputation for doing the best tailoring in this locality and on the strength of this we solicit your order, \ \ \ \ ------------ N > (HVINGSTON'S . Correct * Satisfaction * Clothes . Always \ "If OFF Your Route It Pays To Walk" CITY AND DISTRICT Gospel . What are we to Believe?" Hear Mr. A. Mace discuss this importan question at the Gospel Tabernaclc to-night, The Bank Clearings. The figures of the Kingston Bank- ers' Clearing House are: Week end- ing February 4th, $585,081; Yorre- sponding week, 1925, $690,289. Chalmers Officers. Mr. W. Hobart Dyde has been chosen chairman of Chalmers church Board of Trustees; Mr. George EK. Lee, secretary and Mr. Thomas H. Stewart, treasurer. Don't Miss This Great Suit Sale. We can promise you a great Bar- gain in Men's and Young Men's Suits during this gigantic winter clearance sale. ~The Lion Clothing Co. An Appreciated Gift, \ Mrs. Michael Healy, Toronto, rec- ently presented a beautiful gold cha- lice, as a gift to St. Francis de Sales church, Smith's Falls, in memory of her husband, the late Michael Healy. Held Special Service. A special service was conducted in the Salvation Army Citadel on Thursday evening, by Comrades Sgt. Jerrel and Brother Hamilton. The service was well attended. A Creditable Come-Back. Prince Edward county made a very creditable come-back in '1925 after the disastrous showing made in 1924 with cheese. Her accomplishment last year is the best possible proof of the importance of good makers. Trial Before Judge. Andrew Smith, a resident of Ca- taraqui, charged with a serious of- fence, on Thursday elected to be tried before Judge Lavell. In the absence of the prisoner's 'counsel, W. M. Nickle, no date for the hear= ing of the case was set. Bail Was Fixed. Gus Knight, who is charged with assaulting Thomas Parks, at Arden, Kennebec township, on January 13th, and who has been in the coun- ty jail here for the past two weeks, was allowed out om Thursday on $2,000 bail. No date for the trial has yet been set. Goes to Cleveland Church, | Rev. H. A. Frost, who has been [| one of the pastors of Grace St. An- drew's (United) church, ArnpFior, for the past seven months, has ac- cepted a call to a Congregational church in Cleveland, Ohio. Tuesday night a large number of the congre- tomers are Advantage of the good values offered on this ~ 'Saturday our will operate on the display and sale of many staple products, gation gathered in the church and Visit Our Economy TEA 3 Andarsoms Judie and Coylon Blend Tea. Counters for Genuine Savings BUTTER | Dairy Rolls and Prints 39¢-42c¢. Creamery (finest), Ib. . . . .44c. SPECIAL PURCHASE BEEF be Sine! | six made a presentation io Rev. and Mrs. Frost and bid them farewell, -- Sentence Imposed. Edward Bennett, Westport, ap- peared before Judge Dowsley, Brock- ville, charged with breaking into and stealing from two stores in that vil- lage and also with purloining a bag of sugar from other premises. He was found guilty and sentenced to months in the Ontario Reforma- tory, with a further indeterminate sentence of two years less one day. oF ------ Held Euchre and Tea. The Catholic Women's League of Cushendall. held a successtul euchre and tea at the home of Mrs. M. Daly, "Hillcrest," Glenburnie, on Wednes- day. Five tables were in play, the prize being won by Miss Alice Draper for the highest number of games and the consolation prize go- ing to Miss T. McFee. Dainty re- freshments were served by hostess, assisted by the president, Mrs. @. Patterson, Mrs. A. Gravelle * and Mrs. J, Daly, A goodly sum was realized. : Great Bargains in Men's Trousers. Don't miss getting a pair of these Extra Strong Working Trousers we are selling at $1.89 during this sale only. Take advantage and match up that coat with a pair while this gi- gantic clearance sale is going on. ~The Lion Clothing Co. ' V. O. N. Meeting. Mrs. W. H. Gimblett, the new president of the Victorian Order Comniittee presided at the meeting held on Thursday afternoon. The nurse's report was read, showing that 210 visits were paid during January. The teas at the Welfare Station dre much enjoyed and ox- ceedingly helpful and will be a. de- cided feature in the future. The sale of home cooking, for which Miss Peters let her shop, was most sue- cessful, and the committee are grateful to those who assisted them in this venture. vi ---- Takes Over Agency. Charles A. Smart, who for the past twelve years has been employed by the firm of George Robertson & Sons, wholesale grocers, has taken over the Perrin Biscuit agency Kingston and district. It is the in- tention of Mr. Smart to carry a com- plete line of biscuits and candies, and the best of service is assured. Mr. Smart took over the new business on February 1st and his friends are wishing him every success in the new undertaking. For many years this agency has been held by H. A. Graham, who recently was appointed to a high position: in the Orange Order. I-- F Children to Blame. Complaints have been made about children on North Albert street throwing snow back on to the walk after it has been cleaned off. "1 see by the newspapers that the Dolice are out after citizens who ne- glect to clear . the snow off their walk," said a resident of that street to The Whig. . "In the. section in Which I live there has been a great deal of trouble as a result of the children throwing and kicking the snow back on to the walk after it bas been cleared off. - They seem to take a great delight in doing this, and it is causing a great deal of trouble." ; ---- Macdonald Schoul Club. The members and friends of the Macdonald Home and School Club met Tuesday evening in the assembly Hall. An illustrated talk was given by Chief Armstrong, Kingston Fire OVEN ROASTS, Ib. BEES Tar aR ra a reves sidBe | Prime Ribs, Ib, ...2,...... 28¢. Department, which was most in- POT ROASTS, rani a. arsed, iy . 18%ec. Pot Roast Iv; TAS a bay ng structive in regard to fires. Mayor SHOULDER STEWING CUTS, Ib. aaa Evans oiesss s 200 aD, roa waa 2e McGuire of Montreal South was also BRISKET POINTS, Ib .............. .. sieresivinens 76 | entre Ib. ee present, and in his address stressed ; Babe i uose. BO. OX TAILS, Ib. .. Jo df%e. Beef Liver, Ib. ........ . 10c. the Jabestance of avery Jublie hool having a : "alarm in FRESH YOUNG PORK the bullging. Tx-Alderian Peters 8 1bs,, 5 Ibs., 20 Ib. pails TOP SHOULDER ROASTS, Ib. . . ......0...... ,..... | ssc. and Prifcipal Scott . thanked both # . 5 speakers for their remarks. Mrs, | « 19¢. Ib. SHOULDER ROASTS, Mb. .................. .... NM 22¢. 08" i Hinks rendered two fine solos" ac- a re - FRESH PICNICS, Ib. + ............. rama LC Sh Oy 23c. companied by Miss Vera Lowing. A ® i SAUSAGE SPARBRIBE, Ib. . .............. .............. 25¢. folk song and dence by Misses : rd % FRESH HOOKS, 1b. ...........0. ..... "aahitias "aia 186 Fletcher and Hinks was much' enjoy. : 1 be tvrs 18a TENDERLOIN, Ib. .....ovs oi.uio. ase bres BOe ed. Refreshments were served by the : havo. 180, HEARTS, IB a aie scsi vans 15¢. social committee. EY 5 fs i 'LEAN SHOULDER § ib, £50.-28¢. hd - : m-- NT M1 i DAFFODILS fresh cut--perdozen ..... . . 75. Hotel itu. ---- * Palace Rink to-mignt. 15¢.-208. ren sivel 100, 8 for 25c, Feit urasnne sxs. on 2 for @5c. y CIAL re VEGETABLES Wor Saturday's Selling ChE eee Fes Eian. eAsabeseaieniii 100 3 Bas sivaviana et ; cra 18 qt. 38e,. 2 qa. for 58, chre, oseph's hal Fp Th for & Friday, February 5, 1 . KINGSTON'S. GREATEST SHOPPING CENTRE SPECIAL SALE | SATURDAY MORNIN 9.30 O'CLOCK | | 1000 Yards | Mill Ends id - White Check Dimity Just received a special lot of Check Dimity. in ' mill ends from | to 8 yards." This Cloth is made specially for manufacturers of Underwear, and is suitable for Ladies' and Children's Nightgowns and > Underwear. Worth in the usual way, 30c. yard. 4: Cc : Tomorrow 1 5 yard Sateen Pannelled | II" | Comforters ly This is a real opportunity to secure a Comforter at a great saving; well made with pretty, floral cov- § erings. Plain panels of Rose, Blue and Red to match iil | - coverings. Filled with selected Cotton and strongly sewn. Full size 66 x 72. Special tomorrow | a, 500 YARDS WRITE MIDDY TWILL SR a 4 In mill ends of | to yard nthe -- suitable for ire Pillow Cases. Sobiintho usual way 35¢. to GoW im Wel