to Eibtirtd & IE § "KINGSTON'S FAMOUS FUR STORE" TO BE ENLARGED We have just given out a contradt to build an addition to our building that will make it the store of greatest depth in Kingston, The new addition will be a Burglar and Fireproof Vault for Furs and will more than ever make our store stand out pre-eminent as one of the finest and best equipped for the To mark this advance expansion In our Fur career, we have lanned an enormous and start! EXPANSION SALE OF FURS AND MILLINERY_of, in Fact, everylhing in our sere: Pave tn Roan and all over wear our Furs and many ht at previous interesting epochs In our long history remember having Fur business in all Canada. and we want this sale to mean for many a n that in years to come they will ' : secured at the {ime we enlarged our present extensive premises. LADIES' FUR COATS 4 : s » 3 : " It would be quite impossible to describe in this space the beauties of all of our immense stock of Ladies' Fur Coats. Suffice to say each one is now a big bargain and we have «all styles in all the populay PERSIAN LAMB COATS $269 and $329 Every Coat of glossy, select skins--worth regular from $325 to $400, with various trimmings. ; HUDSON SEAL COATS, one lot at $299 All long Coats with Sable, Squirrel and other trimmings -- worth up to $8785.00, CANADIAN RAT COATS one lot at $149 Heavy furred skins--beautifully made in the latest styles. FRENCH SEAL COATS $99, $129, $149 These three prices include practically our entire stock, most of them Sable trimmed. SOUTHERN MUSKRAT COATS One lot at $129 These are exceptional at the price, being worth $178 at the ' present price of the skins from which they are made. -ODD FUR COATS for $29, $39 and $99 We havo scores of Fur Coats----only one of a& kind----that are offered at extra big reductions. & Men's Fur Coats Raccoon Coats, worth up to # $300, for r irate wens S219 Alaska Beaver Coats (shear- ed Goat), worth $50, for .$ 35 *® - Men! this sale is for you! FELT HATS--AII our best makes, including Borsalino, Scott & and other makers -... eMyiit tne es vee aes ase re oo. $4.78 VELOUR HATS and fine felts from Christy, Kingston and others, up od ane a RE SR SR Re SE a JR cre vee oo $3.78 FELT HATS in popular styles that sell regular up fo $4.50 .... $2.78 GLOVES AND MITTS8--All high grade, at generous reductions.' . - = : : #\ Ladies' Hats, 1c Sale 100 Winter Hats of Velvet, Felt, dtc. Nome éver less than $8.95; will go quickly at $848, or 3 for $8.40 $1.45, $3.75 and $4.75 These three prices will include all other Hats -- Vélours, Satins, new Bilk models, Felts, Shapes, ete. FUR CAPES, SCARFS, Etc. This Sale will offer a chance to save on a Neck Fur so necessary almost all the year, Mink Capes up to $128, for Large Sable Capes up to $100, for Black Wolf Capes up to $38, for... ..... Black Fox Scarfs for Natural Wolf Scarfs for Stone Martin Chokers for Russian Fitch Chokers for - Grey Squirrel Chokers for £20 TO BO PER OENT. REDUCTION ON ALL NECK FURS .«.... CLOTH CAPS Hundreds of Caps, both Winter and Spring weights, for Men and Boys, will be slaughtered, MEN'S CAPS at two Prices 95¢ and $1.45 None higher, BOYS' CAPS ..... B0c, 76¢ and 95¢ We always carry the biggest range of Cloth Caps in the city and best values. TD This is a sale of everything in our store---no reserve. A sale. with us means genuine reductions and we know this one will be patronized by hundreds from all over this district. : In offering our immense stock of Furs at big reductions, we have disregarded the recent heavy advances in the raw fur market of most of the popular Furs. um RENNER ENGR ASEREErD MuERENY . Wa oS i. - 3 Fi a houss will be missed as an old Parry terests of thé Ore Chimney mines. STONE ROAD TIDINGS, § 1:2 cord of wood delivered to Mp, ORANGEMEN AT CONSECON. { A VARIETY OF N S Road land mark. «i Mrs. 8. G. Both is in Winchester visit- ------ . Fuller; $2.50, Alfred Redmond, |' ------ : s A number of children enjoyed a|ing her mother, Mrs. H. Watson, Getting Up Wood For The Factory-- To Councils broken ¢ar spring, Loughboro bound- | Had Their Annual Dinner and Sup. FROM NORTH ROOK tay evening The Aaa npaciit, Fri! To Supply the demand for choles People 111. ary; $190, Thomas Cowdy, secretary: per : vidl day evening. The fine skating yink beet many quarters have been ship-| Stone Rond, Feb. 2.--Mr. and tfeasurer 5.8. No. 3, teacher's salery; | Consecon, Feb, 8.~~The ---- on J. or loves Svatious awn J8 | ped in from Toronto. The dance at| Mrs. Delburt Adrian asd little } PORTLAND: oi hay Wetton, Secrotat}. mea nt he county ip hate on . much enjoyed. Mrs. R. J. Moon is! William Atkins, Wednesday evening, | 3 BOY r 5.5. No. 6, teacher's salary; | dinner and supper in large The Stage Driver ho me spending a few days in Toronto Miss | was much enjoyed by old and oury. Bo A er faerie visiting v aersand owaship svupell Bet or $7, Andrew... Armstrong, services| on Mill street, on Tuesday, and Despite Storms high Evelyn Cronkite is spending afew pio chard, Kiigston, 'fs spending thé one o'clock p.m. Members: all pre. | TUsdt officer; $20, G. W. Storms, |ladies of the Consecon lodge weeks with Miss Myrtle Atkins. A week-end 'With M ™. Charies Prit. | . Minutes of last mesting were | [One Plled on Desert Lake Road; |also present. Quite an snjoyable 4 . number okcars have beén left in the Fernleigh Perdonals, : Std 40d alier: Molativer here se ) ut ng IY $94.05, Halliday Electric Co., wiring | was spent. Mrs. Robert Boyd, V Northbrooke, Fob, 3---The stage | Wood's garage to be overhauled. Mr.| Fernleigh, Feb. 2.--The recent Friands will be glad te hedr of Mr. | desonsor or heirs trom George | OWUSRID hall, couver, B.C., Is visiting Her sister, 'driver has been on time every morn-|and Mrs. J. L. Lioyd motored to|Snow storm improved thd\roads for William Tilson's recovery after dp Russell Boyce, G. W, Storms | Couneil adjourned to meet fn Har. | \I™™ Dass, also Mr. Dass #04 nephew, i ite some severe | Myers' Cave, Sunday. A wery jm. the lumbermen, who are drawing logs | rown, Russ yee, HM. We | 0 HA | Norman. Mrs. Boyd arrived last and evening despite brief ilinéss. ahd Thomas Cowdy. Application for | rowsmith, Monday, March 1st, at one 8. School has. reopened after | pressive sermon was delivered Sun-| and ties. All are sorry to hear of ' t a rintehdént receiv- o'clock s.m Saturday and can only remain a week ¢ "Being closed owing to chicken:pox. | day morning in the United Church |the death of W, Lemke, Mr. and Mes. Mrs. Charles Hull is very sick at Jost o Toa Pain TOtth Pp THOM AS A. KERR as she has other relatives and friends Woodcock has gone to Toronto {by Rev. B, Cafley. Mr. and Mrs, | Howard Thompson made a trip to| present. We afe having very cold |® TE oT a ats wae Clekx, | to Yisit fn Ontario before her return joldier's Hospital for treatmeént for | John Both have moved to the Ore |Flinton to-pay & ¥isit to Dr. J. C.| and stormy weather. Mr. and Mr. | he . ow ne gr FP : ork. | nome. ; el much shattered arm. = Miss | Chimney for a few weeks. Tindle with their little son, Claud, Thomas Rysn have returned home | made: Se i salary - Rev. Mr. Woltraim was a caller py Bertha Wood 1s visiting Mrs. II} Asa Wood has recovered from | Who has been ill. Mr. and Mrs, C.| trom their hriday trip. Newbors and | Stewart Jad stor, Geotgs Brown The Farmers Are Busy. Monday afternoon at C. G: Fox's. OF Saulw. : Duna @n He face received fram an! Mills have returned hie trom Hab) Nasipor: arg going to have 4 good | ie y 880 Ly officers Sohn Dear Althorpe, Feb. 2.-Lorne Four-| Tuesday afternoon. C. C. Wannae Fire swébt the louse dwned by A. | explosion of carbide. Colds are very | lowe, after spending some time at ro-| game of hockey on Nawboro ink | 8a ary i i pian trong; member of |nier is busily engaged in sawing | maker was a caller at Mr, Fox's. Mr. and tepnanted by Mrs. M. Van- [prevalent and many are confined to | vival meetings which ate being held | on Saturday. an or ons ne y Campasils { wood aid everyone will soon have | Wannamaker intends driving to Gun- 'ness, Monday night having caught [their homes with "flu". Many at-|there with great success. George N. Truelove 18 busy getting up iy of township hall Charles | thelr supply cut. Harold Norris' new | ter this week accompanied by H. overheated pipes, = This log tended the birthday party given by | Salmond made a trip to Arden BB, os tor Be ator Troe Altai | phstaker Of {OWED BAIL, OMATIoE | atline aasiae fe on a | ATA Mr. and Mrs. Carman Cassada, Mon-| Saturday. Many farmers are busy is on the afok iit, Relbért Adrains | wot a Joseph Kits OB. condition and he and his father ave| The Ladies' Ald of the United dar evening. J. Anderson, of Marl-/Arawing their hay from the marshes 0% 0 08 Otbgon have gone t0| 4 sotto at ranting to | KePt busy grinding grist and sawing | Church held their monthly mest bank, is visiting his grandparents. [While the ice is in good condition. Portland to. cut Wood for William | a oy a bey pondh he wood. at Mrs. (Dr) B. Weeks, Quin dy Invitations are out for a Kitchén| Miss Stinson, teacher of the village! prciian" tor 'a tow NPE. Bpdonr | ati sof taste Hotuee fr th number were present and deliclod¥ '| shower Thursday evening at the|School, was a Sunday visitor at O. X gmith,pool table license for the year Gibson hat retired after a short time | 1556. tee for 1st table $35, 2nd table home of Mr. and Mrs, St. Sedore for | Mills, also Mr. and Mrs, H. Thomp- their daughter, now Mrs. Wellington Thompson. ! Contracts for filliig the local ice son and Mr. and Mrs. E. Thompson, Mrs, G. Balmond has gone to Odessa to spend a few days with her mother, houses. are being let to Hénry Liovd, | Mrs. Babcock, Ernest Rosenplot is Home from the Kingdom mines for a few days. J. Vogan is tanking his lumber road and has many teams hauling logs. Frank Thompson, helping W. Wood get out a eut of For Art's Sake; Customer: I'd like very much to try on that Blue serge suit in the of Elim Tree, is| window, May I? Tailor: I'm afraid not, sir. You'll logs. Mr. A. E. Fletcher spent the | Bave to use the dressing room.--Tits week-end in Buffalo, N.Y, in the in- | Bits. : oh the Martin Knapp tafm. AAA AAA tables, §20, and $10 for all additional The following accounts were or- dered paid: $16, William Bauder, for two cords of wood, town hall; $5, 8. W. Revelle, goods furnished Mz. Faller; $2.50, Harry Wilkins, tie i AN EVENING GOWN L The house party given by Robert Tysick, on January 28nd was large- ly attended and everyoné hed & most enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Radford and family, Bathurst, visited friends here on Sunday. The concert, held on January 20th was 4 decided success and the lengthy programme was thoroughly enjoyed. Herbert Tysick has been en saged to work for J. Strong, Bathe u refreshments were served. Mrs, Dass - EAve a very interesting paper on "Abraham Lincoln," whose bi occurred in February. She had notable relic with her--it being th paper dated April '15th, 1865, the time of Lincoln'y assassination. The lines of the columns were heavily marked in black and was somewhat | different trom our newspapers > ou 3 are sixty years younger. Herb. retsée has ifistalled a new radio. k