16 Fed 1847. A Great Chance For You To Save Money LIVINGSTON'S SALE OF MADE-TO-MEASURE SUITS at '42.50 We are offering an unusual, bright and attractive line of im- ported Suitings in exclusive de- signs. Es : We never allow a customer to take a garment out of our store that is not satisfactory. 'LIVINGSTON'S 75-79 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" | day evening, Mr. Francis King. K.C., is to give an address on "The diver. |in8, Patrick Dee appeared- to answer sion of water at Chicago and its = ef- te tue charge oe Raving stolen Soods fect on 'the levels of the lower n his possession and was remanded. SWS! Bvat On Friday evening Dee was arrested CITY AND DISTRICT Male choir with a male quartette, male duet, and solo by Mr. Allan Lemmon, at Princess Street Church on Sunday. . Mothers' Council of Y.M.C.A., Boys' Division, Valentine Tea and welcome Able To Be Out, will be pleased to know she is able to be out again, after being confin- ed to the house for the past week. Death of Douglas C. Raymond. The death occurred in New York on Tuesday of Douglas C. Raymond, a former Toronto boy, son of the late Judge and Mrs. Charles Raymond. Deceased, forty-five years of age, was a former student at the Royal Mili- tary College. Called to Hawkesbury. Rev. G. A. Williams, B.A., well- known minister of Arnprior Presby- terian Church, has been extended a unanimous call to the pulpit of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Hawkes- bury, Ont., at $2,000 a year, free manse and one month's holidays. He will likely accept. messin Have Reforestration Methods. Lieut.-Col. Roscoe Vanderwater, deputy reeéve of Sidney, and his fath- er, Charles H. Vandewater, 8 former reeve of the township, have thou- be monarch pines, H. D. Denyes, young trees set out. Reserved Devision. The case of Rex vs The Lake On- nounced that the decision would be handed down on Saturday next. . Chicago Water Steal. Branch of the Engineering Institute of Canada, to be held in Carruthers Hall, Queen's University, on Mon- lakes and rivers." Passed Away in Belleville. Henry A. Row, Belleville, passed ing. Deceased was born in the town- and Mrs, James J. Ryan. Mrs. 8. Casey Denison and Miss Susan Ryan, Napapes, are sisters. Ploton Tawste Dead. "Elica Church. There survive. his wife and one son, Gordon, who praec- tises Jaw here and a brother James, also ot Picton. Oldest Police Officer. Riley Stotts, brother of Messrs. Alvin, William and Fred Stotts, of Sale at Y.M.C.A. Friday afternoon, |meockville, and of Mrs. J. Cole and February 12th, 3 to, 6 o'clock. All Ines Se ine. of Hamilton, is believed to be the oldest active po- Hee officer in Canada. He recently célebrated his seventy-fourth birth- The many friends of Mrs. Eliza-|g,y having been born .in* 1851 in. beth Holder, William street, west.|yonge township. Constable Stotts went to McLeod, Sask., and took up a homestead there in 1898; Quarries 'To After a suspension of several years the Bancroft Marble Quarries gre about to boom again. The Canada Crush 'Stone Corporation of Hamil- ton, have taken a contract for the Ontario Government, which 1t is understood, will involve the expen diture of several thousand dollars, The marble will = be quarried and shipped to Toronto where it will re- celve its fine finish before being us- ed in the new government buildings. Kiwanis Club. Kiwaniang W. Moore and W, Y. Mills will do all the speaking at the meeting of the Kiwanis Club on Monday at noon, and Sherman Al- bertson, manager of the Coco Cola Company, Kingston branch, will be the booster. The financial report for the year will be presented by Kiwanian Stuart Crawford and a re- solution regarding the proposed fee | sands of young trees on the way to carnival to be held by the Kiwanis | Club will be presented and dis- ex-M.P.P., has a -large number of|...sad all to Almonte. Bethany United Church, Almonte, has extended a call to Rev. J. R. Mc- Given © tari, Brewing Compady was up in|Grimmon, M.A, B.D., Mattawa. Rey, Smith's Falls before Magistrates "J. Mr. MéCrimmon is a native of Glen- T. Kirkland of Almonte, and Magis-| garry, and a distingtished graduate trate B: B. Sparham of Smith's{or MeGill and Queen's Universities. Falls, on Friday afternoon, and all | He has held several important pas- the 'evidence was heard. It was an- torates in the province. For a num ber of years preceding his Mattawa incumbency,he was superintendent of missions for the Province of British Columbia, in the interests of the At a meeting of the Kingston! former Presbyterian Church. Charged With Theft. In police court on Saturday morn- by Detective Thomas Mullinger. In the tool chest which Dee had in his Mrs. Eleanor Ada Row, wife of | Possession, there was a quantity of corpentérs' tools which the police |away at her home on Thursday morn- | think were stolen. All the local hardware men were {ship of Huntingdon in 1856 and was |28ked to appear at the police station the third daughter of the late Mr. {20d see if they could identify any of the articles." Rev. Dr. R. J. Wilson. Laymen of the United churches in Calgary held a dinner at the Board SHOPPING CENTRE. SPECIAL SALE TONIGHT 7.30: O'CLOCK We were very fortunate The shades are: | 250 Pair Men's Silk and Cashmere Socks special bargain in Men's Socks--slightly imperfect --in sizes 10" to 11" --the very latest Check. BLACK WHITE CHECK GREY BLUE CHECK BLUE BROWN CHECK PURPLE WHITE CHECK Regular value 75c. | To-night, 49¢ pair in securing a very QUALITY ANDERSON'S SERVICE LARGER MARKET _ Phones: Retail 2600. Wholesale 1767. Office 365-w. Thomas Walmsley, barrister, died of Trade rooms last Tuesday 'even- at his home in Picton, Thursday, af- ing, in honor of Rev. Dr. R. J. Wil- ter a lingering finesse of over ten |son, of Toronto, who is supplying in months. For nearly forty years he the pulpit of Knox United Church | had practised law in Picton and was during the absence of Rev. G. A. widely known as & man of brilliant | Dickson, who is. attending the con- attainments, having been a gold me- |vention of the Social Service Coun- dalist of the University of Toronto [cil fn Toronto. At the dinner Rev. Arts class of 1885. He was a life- | Wilson spoke on "The Vision and long Conservative, a member of Bay [Task of the United Church of Can- of Quinte lodge No. 143 L.O.O.F., |ada." Dr. Wilson was formerly min- and of St. Mary Magdalene and An Lister of Chalmers Church, Kingston. 9% S Sa DISMISSED ACTION 25 only Ladies' Silk Sweater Coats Regularly priced $9.00 to $12.00 case, stated that in spite of every support given to the plaintiff he could not see where they could suc- Dainty dnd Whelosome be Cooked, Jellied, - Roast--rea to serve. Thomas Smith Lost His Action For Damages Of $10,- 000, earsal of the pageant shot by the discharge the canons at the fair scdident in 1934 | ; AG AINST THE FAIR ceed. The Kingston Industrial Exhi-| bition 'was not a corporate body to WR shades: Sand, Navy, Black, Tonight '1. 0 It is very seldom that we are able to make an astounding offering such as this. . Ladies' Silk Sweater Coats, in a variety of TO-NIGHT, Camel, Copen. $1.95