thelr stealthy attempts to take the "water from the waterway and com~ vert it into dollars to swell the al- ready bulging pockets of the Yia- 'gars power bawons." And listen how he attacks the ac tivity of our good fellow-citizen, who he describes as president of the Dominion Marine Association. = He deplores the fact that the Canadian "is peceived with applause by peigh~ boring cities" in his capacity as a representative of foreign interests. The interest of the marine assocla~ "tion president, was looking toward a situation which. will create ng-water- way to alter the 'present vary com- fortable and profitable conditions that exist for the associatioh." NEW COIN PROPOSED, The United States Treasury offi- clals have practieally decided upon @& new coin as a possible solution of the difficulty presented by the rapid deterioration and. replacement of 2613 q5l1ar bills. © The treasury has failed to popularize either the old silver dollar or the $2 bill, and now de- clare that since the dollar is the hardest worked member of the coin dge family, it is absolutely essential to put it into overalls that will stand rough treatment, The treasury is conducting experi- ments with a combined gold and sil« ver dollar of smaller size and Jess weight than the old cartwheel. it will have a distinctive appearance to prevent its being mistaken for other metal coins, and can also be distin- guished by the additional - weight which its gold content would assure. In size, it is probable that it will be between the present. two. cent pjece and half dollar with a gold center with a rim of silver. Even if it is composed of a gold-silver alloy, it would be of such appearance as to attract attention and popularity. Published Daily snd Semi-weekly by BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING ©€0., LIMITED, KINGSTON, ONT. RUPERT DAVIES SUPSCRIPTION RATES: Daily Edition) s mall, cash .... Joan: 5 Onitea States OUT-OF-TOWN. REPRESENTATIVES: TORONTO--F. W. Thompson, 100 King Letters to the Kditor are published aly Ye ihe actual name of the The eirenlation of The British Whig 18 authentionted by the Audit Bureau of Ulreulations, i '_ A STABLE TARIFF NEEDED Prof. Mcintosh .of- Queen's Uni- Yersity spoke in Belleville this week on "Tariff Commissions" and ap- proved of Canada having such a body, but all that can he hoped from the members is as investigating ex- _ Perts to report to parliament, The JAarift must remain & political mat- _{6r. He pointed out that one trou- ble with tariff commissions js that 'they do not get facts fast enough. By the time they are ready to re- port business is a year or so ahead { them and conditions have so changed that their findings are out of gear. Stability was the one thing PEACE IN NORTHERN EUROPE. Sweden and Denmark have" out- lawed war in an agreement just signed. Their arbitration is unlimit- ed. They have not pledged and conditioned their peace pact with re- servations. They agree to arbitrate hereafter all questions arising be- tween them which they are unable to settle themselves, 'including those of "national honor' and "vital inter est" which mosts nations still refuse to submit to outside settlement. looks for some|' Sweden has already concluded a kind of a tariff board. Both parties| similar treaty withy Norway. That want jt. To his yiew he could not| makes it-unanimous for Scandinavia. see why the government could not y int three Cabinet nilnisters to a8 o tariff advisory board, one a rer, one a farmer, and one. .+labor: The : United ppoiited a tariff commis experts ten years ago which mplished excellent work, but: y who expect that a scientific can be devised will be disap- id for such & thing is impos- the demands for tariff protec. re 100 many and too conflicts JIFE IN OUR GOLD FIELDS. "growing stteftion 18 being paid in Britain to the Canadian gold. fields. Writing « recently from Porcupine Camp to the Lendon Daily News, Hugh Martin describés Timmins as the *centré of Canada's greatest gold camp." Twelve years sgo, he says, it was a strip of bukh; today it has 15,000 population. Timmins, he tells his British readers, has 'an up-to-date fire protection system, electric 'lights, duplicate pressure waterworks sysfem, complete sewer- age, and disposal plant, incinerator, good hotels, local and long distance te one, express, four chartered binks, miles of concrete walks, a capable citizens' band, choral socie- ties, orchestras and fine churches." But what more greatly appeals to Mr. Martin is the population of Timmins, Perhaps you have been "thinking of a'gold camp as a place where 'the men gamble desperately, drink' deeply, 'swear ornately, and sometimes have a little shoot-up just for fun. But Me ys he was en- tertained at dinner by 300 of the soberest, kindliest, most sentimental 'fellows he ever met. | Having put the Presbyterian par- son, he says--a strapping young man--in the chair, they rose in a body before -starting the meal and saluted the Union Jack. Then they sang "God Save the King" devo. tionally. They sang grace: "Be pre- sent at our table, ,! right down The main thing ajout the tariff, Professor Mcintosh, was for ple to understand that it was not #ly as important as it was made be, and if there were no tar- at all Canada would carry on as but the important thing of ly taviff was stability so that the g8 men would know all the 'just what it was, y beat thing that can be. done 'arith, Pioloot Netptonn ded, is to leave it severely ang tix it like the bank act so 0 not be tampered with only ten. that would have inspired universal torror a short time ago. EDITORIAL NOTES. Je -------- Dapcipg still leads' gs the chief winter sport, ------ Golf balls will cost a dime more in Beotland. The game is ruined. What does Mussolini mean by his "Napoleonic year?!" Is it Waterloo or Moscow? : "Beauty is only skin deep." Yes, but consider the top-dressing of paint and powder. " ---- ' Dancing the Charleston will bring on St. Vitus dance. And that's not the worst danger. ------ Sterling is at par id New York, the highest since December, 1914.7 Bri- tain is coming along. And now the weather forecasts de- clare March will be a severe month. Well, we can stand it! One of winter's peculiarities is that although his back may be broken, he can still get there with both feet. Married. women, according to the Brandon Sun, have a keener sense of humor than unmarried women. 'Well, they need it, a -- Austrian chemists have invented a glass that will bend and bounce, whereas what is wanted in Ontario is a glass with a kick in it. | ~ There is only one sound way to get taxation reduction and that is by economic and efficient adminis-' tration in every public administra tive body. What's good for a wedding ring, enquires a correspondent. The Buf- falo Post says dish water will make it last longer. And housekeeping will make it brighter. The Detroit river is three feet lower than ever before recorded. This is the first sign shown that Windsor and Detroit are concerned in regard to the fluid. The imp ession we get is that ev- ery radio fan is positive he could pick mp Huropean programs if all other radio fars would go to bed at a respectable hour, Renin os Something like five-sixths of the valgie of all of Manitoba's field crops are required to meet municipal and provincial spending 'plus Manitoba's share of the federal spending. Badminton has become a very po- pular indoor sport. It has the merit of being more exciting, more stim- ulating and not a bit more danger- ous than mah jongg or carpet ball. ---- Whisky, good or bad, say the doc- tors, if drunk in excess, is apt to cause blindness, Strangely enough, it is well known that the same bever- age drunk to excess also makes peo- ple "see things." z A * r------ Americans are getting back to the old land, England, the home of their ancestors. The requests to be pre. sented at the British court are on the Increase. Democracy is learning how to bend the knee, ---- Curling has been a winter sport in Kingston since 1855. Belleville. be- gan playing in 1867, We are told that in those days clubs used wooden blocks, girt with a mis eon band, to add weight ahd preven splitting. Sir Beme Howard, British Ambas- sador to Washington, thinks, good will among nations can be strength- ened by having history written in an' impartial and scientific - spirit. Past history has been vividly parti- san. . Discussing the tariff situation in China, Mr. Bruce Thornton says that and silk 35 to 60 per cent. 350 per of | Set tariff! Now there's.the sort of | tea in China was taxed 350 per cet. | | -- er ------ = 0424482804005 00008 A SUNDAY THOUGHT +e How Good Things Are. 4 When the weather has been stormy, ' # And at last the sun comes out, And we see the pleasant world it is Where'er we look about-- How good things are, We seem ~~ 10 B8Y, And that's the kind of feeling That makes us end the golden day By getting down and kneeling * When troubles have been very dark, cares have black, How glad we are when burdens Te A little from the back. How good things are, when all is said, And that's the final saying, Which leads us ere we jump in bed To spend a while in praying. shadowed E2400 033809 000300302200 000000 Oh, all around the sunshing % seems * To tell of hope and cheer » When through the shadows % break the gleams * That chase the dull and drear; # «_ And all the earth on which we & * dwell . > # Such glory is and splendor » % It makes us want to bow and % * telt +» © The thanks we ought to render, & > * CPPIPEDPPE2PP2FRLRRERP RSET RY CELE PPB 92432900900 THE TOWN WATCHMAN The Toronto magistrate who gave a man a jail sentence as well as 8 fine for cruelty to horses acted wise. ly. © Jail is the place for those' ills treating dumb animals. That gunfire we heard late the other night reminded us of the old 9.30 gun at Fort Henry, as the sound was similar, It is now over fourteen months since the fort gun has been fired at night, but we still miss it. The application of a resident for permission to start a motor bus ser vice in Kingston recalls the applica tion of an outsider twenty years ago for the right to build a second street railway line in Kingston. The pro- moter addressed the city council .on the matter, but the mayor and alders men could not see how two street railway companies could succeed in & plage under 25,000 population. There was another promoter who wanted to start another telephone exchange here, but that proposal, too, was passed 'up by the counell as it would result in great confusion. Some day, however, the motor bus will likely oust the street railway everywhere. That is Henry Ford's opinion and it is a reasonable view. When that time comes in Kingston, the present company will likely ap- ply to have its charter amended so that it may become a motor bus company. : To be entering his sixtieth year of attendance at Chalmers church {is the record of Mr. Thomas Driver, formerly collector of Inland Revenue for Kingston. The church Mr. Briver first attended was on Earl street, |} just below the former Carruthers' residence. It was razed in 1890 after the present edifice was d. Very few Kingston residents can equal the record of My. Driver, who at the age of eighty-three is most regular in his attendance 'at church worship. i v a | The getaway of the burglar at Harrowsmith and Verona was crude- ly done, No clever burglar would have stolen a 'horse and cutter and kept driving the anima] the next day. Even burglars who get away in automobiles discard the tell. tale evidence in a very short time, How- ever, the theft of an old Dobbin to aid in a burglary recalls old times. wear no clothes at Our See Our BIBBY'S DRESS WELL AND SUCCEED ' Men are Demanding Better Clothes If it's worth your while to be dressed cor- rectly and to give to your personality the polish of good clothes, then it's;worth your. while to allow us the privilege of showing you our handsome, new Suits. Don't believe for an instant that our Suits are the ordinary sort and just like those shown 'by every other Clothing House. We have a definite aim in selling Clothes --WE AIM TO SELL THE BEST! apt to find hereabouts, $32.50 Bri 'BIBBY'S ments show a perfection of fit, a superiority of work- manship, # marked individuality of style, such as you'll not be tol Sits EE By has just made with the Italian gov- ernment shows that it is only a part that she will get, The settlement which the U, 8, government recently made with Italy for the repayment of the debt directly owed by that country was hailed as a remarkable example of American generosity \to a debtor nation. But the settlement which Britain has made with Italy is far more generous. Italy's debt to the United States is less than _three- fourths of her debt to Britafa. The Italien government has undertaken to pay to the United States, in Hqui- dation of the debt, a sum equ to apout $26,000,000 a year for 63 years. If Britain had exacted from ington government did, Italy would pay into the British treasury for 63 yoars about $31,000,000 annually. Instead, she will pay only $20,000, 000. And so easy have the British terms been made that the London Times feels warranted in saying that "the agreement represents the can- cellation of approximately six- sevenths of the Italian war debt to this country." ° : It cannot be denied that John Bull is a good friend. _Bare Knees and Morals San Francisco Bulletin: Bare knees are no more immoral than bald. heads, says Rupert Hughes. Perhaps not, but of course, there is a difference. A man is not to blame tor losing his halr and in the pres- ence of a woman he is obliged to re- move his whereas a woman is There is no comparison between 4 fashion followed with enthusiasm and a misfortune that cannot be avoided. i Walter Cannem Tinsmith, Roofing and Furnace Antomonile | Radiators NL ol "Phone 18085. Fish and Chips Best in city. 'Phose orders to 2060-w and they will be re OK gh i & Cp Sho a9 BAGOT 8ST. valent || Italy the same terms that The Wash- under. no obligation to bare her knees. all, and are the Coruer Bay and Bagot Ar The Kil Clean anything that ean be cleaned ©. OOE & P. BARRETT Office: 86 Arch Street. 'Phone 1335w Call and deliver, ~~ TO-NIGHT Oysters, Fish and Chips, "aa 'beer, fee cream; ete. Phone 2373-m., J. H. JARVIS Corner Princess and Albert en Electric Motors I can furnish "detail" dimen- sions and all particulars, in- cluding prices, for any size motor. Save time and money and do your business locally. For inside the house and out- side. ! Clear reading and acoursts,. with mercury or spirit column. § Bath Thermometers in wood- en protectors--something that ought to be in every house where there is a baby. Clinical Thermometers ---- these are not much use unless Ji §} absolutely accurate. xe it oily guaraiiteed line sary il Dairy Thermometers for the butter and cheese maker. | Veterinary Thermometers in metal protectors. : iF DR. CHOWN'S | DRUG STORE - ! 'PHONE 348. 185 PRINCESS STREDT | rs