1926 FEBRUARY REDUCT xs SEE McKAY FUR COATS Value--Durability--Price The 3 important pbints that count with you. Ask the wearer of McKay Furs. She®knows. ~ John McKay Ltd. MANUFACTURING F 149-167 BROCK STREET, KINGSTON ~~ {of the department of HARRIET HUBBARD AYER'S Branigan's Drug EXCLUSIVE TOILET GOODS MAY BE ODTAINED AT STORE LIMITED - 268 Princess Phone 18 "THE SAWYER SHOE STORE BOYS' OIL TAN MOCCASINS _ . $2.00 | i --~ Men's, Boys', Ladies' and Girls' Moose Moccasins-- Overshoes-- Felt Boots, Rub- ber Soles. GOOD. CURLING BOOT ...... $4.00 THE SAWYER SHOE STORE 184 PRINCESS STREET | and sugar and || there is" no single relationship be- | tween th. intensity of the light smd i] such plant ener d I seem that plants which were exposed ll | ratio. i] and one-half to three acres-of land ti to ii | enough food for existence. Il further scientific improvements will i | low plant life sufficient light to en- | able them to store up the energy re- i} | quired to nourish them to maturity. | There is, however, an intrimsic lmi- ll | owing to the fact that the photosyn- Sale of LUX 3 only 3 for 25¢ Cullen's i Prince Bd TORT | || Weese; | Cooper; LUX Hand A. P. McVannel. A committee THO PLANTS HARES ©THE SONS RAYS {Address Before the Royal | Canadian Institute by Prof. I Reed of Queen's. { Toponto Star Wee "The action of i . living plant, ab- sorbing its food from the light which is its principal source of sustenance is the only instance, short of fallisk water and the work of thé winds, by which the sun's energy can be har- nessed, said Prof. Guilford B, Reed bacteriology and botany of Queen's University in his address before the Royal Cana- dian Institute Saturday evening on "Light apd Life Processes." Comméncing by describing the mechanism with which plants absorb light to form food hysphotosynthesis, Prof. Reed proved the manner in which growing plants by exposure to the light, produce chlorophyl, or the substance which gives them their green texture. This chlorophyl is a combination of starches and sugar its manufacture is carried on with the aid of only the sun's rays. The starches and sugars in turn produce the end product ih the plant and eid the storage of energy. y On the basis of investigation made in the laboratories at Queen's Uni- versity, it has been shown that the most efficient part of the light spec trum 'in that which {is absorbed by the leaf chlorophyl. "Every part of the light spectrum, from infra red to ultra violet are concerned in this process," Prof. Reed said. It has been effectually proven that the time of exposure in producing | a, it would to most {intense light by artificial means, need not necessarily increase their production of energy in a like With ordinary methods of cultiva- tion, it now requires between. two to expose enough plant to the light supply a single person with Prof. Reed looks to the day when decease the acreage required to al- tation on such expansion of science thetic action of energy production preciud®s the idea that improvement may be made to an indefinitely great extent. : PICTON Picton, Feb. §.~--~Judge G. E. De- roche, -of Court in Picton on Tuesday. At the gunual meeting of the ard County Plowmen's Association the following officers were elected: President, ' John A. 1st vice-president, J. L. 2nd' vice-president, H. 8. secretarystreasurer, H. Grimmon. The board of directors is as follows; John Walkey, Peter Cave, Hanson Huff, Herbert rk, Hallett Andersen, H. D, Cleminson, Dwight Reynolds, W. D, Bedell, Hilton Mc- Cartney, B. Wallbridge, John Shep pard, Albert Welbanks, Frank Haws kins, Korah Ackerman, Fred Hubbs Hughes; was appointed to wait upon the county council for a grar, Miss Blwa McKibbon leaves early in the week for Toronto, where she has accepted a position in the par- Hament buildings during the session of he legislature. . R. Leavens and A, P. McVan- _ have been this week in Toronto attending the annual meeting of the Provincial Fairs' Association. Judge MoLean returned from May- nooth on Thuraday after presiding at Division Court.there. Miss Myrtle Scott has returned to Toronto to take a position after a protracted holiday at her home here. Belleville, held Division {3 ET ---------- EVANGELIST CHAPMAN SPEAKS, Af The New Church On Alfred Street Night, "The course of human history for the past twenty-five hundred. years has been exactly in accordance with the prophetic outline given in the 2nd chapter of Daniel in the days of Nebichadnessar, Mighty men have at times attempted to carry out plans which conflicted with this outline but none have gucceeded. AU the wisdom and shrewdness of Napoleon, all of his ingenuity and knowledge of mililtary tactics, all the strength of his 'mighty army was not suffi- cient to break the power of a few simple words of Scripture," said Evangelist Chapman, st the new church on Alfred' street Bunday night, His subject was: "The His- tory of the World Foretold?" AT MOUNTAIN GROVE, Quite a Number Are Suffering From "Fin" and the Measles, Mountain Grove, Feb. §.--A num- ber are on the si¢k list, suffering from "fiu" and measles. W. Godfrey," who been very ill, is recovering. Ladies' Ald tes, held at the parsonage,-on Sat- urday evening, was well patronized, and a nice sum was realized ' R. Price made a trip to Tichborne recently. The death occurred of Archie Barr, second youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barr, of this place. His passing was not altogether unex- pected, as he had been health for some time. A young man, and a general favorite, his friends have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement. Miss Maud Thompson has gone to Battersea to spend some time with her sister, Mrs. R. Sleeth. Mrs. B. Barr is seriously ill again. A num. Bat of the farmers are filling their ehouses. q Events At Pittsferry. Pittsferry, Feb. 6 The 'recent snow flurries have made the roads good for sleighing. Robert McFad- den, 4s 111 at his home with tonsilitis. Miss Isabel McLaughlin spent the week-end with her friend Mrs. Joseph Edgar. A very successful ple social was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs, David McClament on Wed- nesday evening, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of St. John's Church, The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs, George Brash on Wed nesday afternoon. A number from here attended the oyster supper held at Willow Bank school on Friday evening. Mrs. James Spence enter. tained Mr. and Mrs. John Paddle at the tea hour on Friday. The W. M. S. will meet at the home of Mrs. B, Oro for ths next meeting. House Party for Hockey. Mr, and Mrs, Oscar Moore, of See ley)s Bay, héld a house party on Fri- | dar night the proceeds of which will, be. used for the Beiary Bay hockey team, ------v---- The Bible has been published in 23 dialects of English. in falling} | AT THE NEW STORE OF BETTER VALUES EE ET TT TEs TEI ITI IIIT -------------------------- A -------------- to them. TR NR RI STOR IR a New Shribg Goods AEach day sees new arrivals in every department, including beautiful Dress Goods, Wash Goods, Linens, Gloves--all arranged for your inspection conveniently on the ground floor. In the spacious show rqoms on the 2nd floor, you'll find a wonderful array of Draperies and Hangings, Rugs and Mats, Floor Oilcloths and Linoleums, and a staff who con: sider the privilege of showing you around 'as a distinct pleasure Hosiery and THE PRICES ARE RIGHT, TOO! Never before have we had such a select range of goods, such a fascinating array of designs and color, reflecting the lat- est ideas from leading manufacturers everywhere. Best of all, we find that in many cases the prices are lower than last season. Come in and inspect these high-class goods at your leisure. D. A. SHAW, Limited: "THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE" EAPLY SPRING HATS at the right price Parisian Shop 322 BROCK STREET a A Battersea Event. _ Mr, and Mrs. G. 8, Clark, of Bat- tersea, entgrtained the Battersea hockey team and the executive to a social evening on Friday: night Speeches were delivered by the ex- ecutive, who expressed their hearty appreciation of the hospitality of the hosts. The chief speakers for the occasion were Mr. John Hanley, Mr. George Kirkpatrick and Joseph O'Nefl. : OF ORS, HATS al "MILLINERY "KINGSTON'S FAMOUS FUR STORE" IS TO BE ENLARGED, We have started an Expansion Sale of F Hats and Milinety that will be sure to attract lichen In Kings- all over this district. It marks the ane noncement of an addition to our premises that will make ours the sfore of greatest depth in Kingston, The new extension will be a Burglar and Fireproof Vault for Furs. Everythi wonderful sale which we have advance expanding step in our history. Ladies' Fur in our store will be included in this lanned to mark this Coats illness. All hope for a speedy re- covery. Mrs. Ace Maracle entertain. ed a number of friends at a birthday party on Wednesday evening, Cards and dancing were features of the evening and all report a good time. The Orange Lodge of the Reserva- tion held a social at the home of Mrs, | Brant, Friday evening. ; Mr, Stephen Maracle is sitterin from an attack of heart trouble. number from the Reserve red a party at Mr. Randall Smith's, at Shannonville, on Monday evening. team of colts from Mr. W. J. Smith, Mer. Robert H. Hill is spending a few the Agricultural Society. | Miss Margaret Whittan, former teacher {at the Mission _school, is visiting fHends on the Reserve. We are sorry to report the illness of Mrs. William Maracle, of the 'Re. serve. The new truant ofider, Mr. George Hill, made his first eall on Monday. Mr, WJ. Smith made a business trip to Belleville orc Wednesday. The hockey, team of the Mission school were defeated by the Central school, at the Central rink, on Saturday last. Mrs. D. H. Maracle is spending a few days with friends at Point Anne. During last Thursday's storm, two little girls from the Central school, were caught in a snow drift. The children were almost perished when the teacher discovered them, B! with good care are redovering from the effects of the severe cold. Mrs. Charles Brant, of Point Aane, passed away on Monday. She leaves to mourn her loss, her hushand and six smal] children. The funeral took place st All Saints church on Wed- Tyendinaga Reserve, Feb, 8.--The |i many, friends of Miss Ruby Maracle |i are very sorry to hear of her serious |} Mr, William Bell has purchased a |} days in Toronto in the faterests of || ap Now . Buy a Home We have % 60d Hut to chooses 7 sooms, all | conveniences; Balpglava Street. semi-bungsilow, rooms, all com 3 42 by 188 (near Albert be Bev $5,100--New brick, --y Street, You oh Shr about | end . Neuses ~ -- ibis to loan. Ev. . Malin Cor. Johnson Thane SO a sot. tet: Mn 2. B. Sampacn, was held in the hall on day, 8 good crowd was in attends Visitors: W. J. Kennedy at G Bertrim's, Crow Lake; L, Sweatme of Burridge, at A. Kennedy's, Jr.; Mrs, A Stetle and family Wo Steele's? Mrs. J. at Mra, Ale ton's; Mrs. M, Chodtetlow, SE Pars ham, at George Gacdlsilow A philosopher 1x Just as is just an " man who thinks a paunch 4s becom- ing t6 him. Hrazil uses convict labor 'meh of its road construction. id .