NOW PLAYING "THE IRON HORSE" ' YEAR 98; No. 38. = OF T d Lengthy Debate On Government Control Expect JRRIVING FOR T OPENING ONTARIO LEGISLATURE Pie Geol Tat he Qustn of Goren Care of te Liquor Trafic Will Be Introduced During the Session-- The Debate May Be Quite Lengthy. Toronto, Fell. §.---Members 'of the tario Legislature were arriving in je city to-day for the official opening the third session of the sixteenth ~ legislature to-morrow, Adjournment until Thursday will be made after the formal opening. The reply to the speech will then be moved by W. . Bradburn, West Peterboro, and econded by Dr. R. N, Berry, Haldi- mand. On Thursday, also, the Conserva- tive ministers and members will hold their caucus. - The Liberals in the House may also hold caucus on sday. " e Lieut.-Governor to-inorrow will * escorted. at the opening by a p from the Royal Canadian Dra- ns. Se -------- 1dquor Legislation. Opinion may vary as to the course . respecting "wet" legislation the Fer- guson Cabinet will pursue at this spssion of the Legislature, but public belief appears now to be unanimous that question of Government ol of the liquor traffic will be troduced during the session, if not the torm of a bill sponsored by '. the Govesnment, in the shape, then, of a resolution from Conservative members that is apt to provoke dis- cussion as lively as it may be lengthy. In a statement to the press yes- fay Colonel John A. Currie, mem- for Boutheast Toronto, predicted that in the event of the Cabinet not taking action on the question some members of the Conservative side of the House would do so and endeavor to precipitate a division on the mat- ter. Attorney-General W. F: Nickle pointed out to the press that no pri- vate member could bring in a bill covering Government control, be- cause it dealt with the revenue of the Province. Proposals, by way of & resolution, he admitted, put a dif- ferent complexion on the situation. In this regard, Premier Ferguson 'informed the press that the Legis- Mature was a free and open place, where any member could "introduce any resolution he felt like bringing forward. "Sooner or Later." J. 'A. McCausfind, Conservative member for Southwest Toronto, ex- pressed the belief that sooner or lat- er a "reasonable liguor law will have to be introduced into Ontario." ¢ "But until the Government makes up its mind," said Mr. McCausland, "to introduce this legislation --and 1 sincerely hope it will see its way to do it--we private members must content ourselves with just keeping on working. However, 1 feel con- fident the Government will decide on the right thing to do before very tong." Mr. McCausland was quite satis- fled that the question would be thor- oughly discussed during the session. Tor sevens) days gw the familiar - name of. Newman & Shaw has been 9 the advertising col- he British Whig and a new that of D. A. Shaw Limited, new firm to its columns a that the same measure of 1 will attend its effgris, as bas heen bestowed upon the firm of Newman and Shaw. We trust, too, x same pleasant relationship to exist between the newspaper as has ex- hora behind if, rity and ex- future is | ball. | Provincial Officer 8. J. ~ a | SRP PPCP VPP PPOS 0 > * * MUSSOLINT'S SPEECH ¢ + TAKES OBJECTION TO + * ". |# Vienna, Feb. 8. ~The Provin- # Tyrot at-hrmebrack ade "| #'%dopted a resolution today de- & & manding that the Austrian ¢ + Government appeal to the lea- # gue of Nations against Rrem- # % jer Mussolini's threat in his & % speech of last Saturday on # % Italo-German relations. * + SOPH 830989920099 - Want Damages Paid : From Estrealed Bail Woodstock, Ont, Feb. 9---An 'unusual request has been placed be- fore the council for consideratiqn by Dr. A. B. Welford, of this city. summer Dr. Welford claimed he was the victim of a *'fake" stock sales man, who defrauded him of $1,625. The man was arrested on a warrant Sworn out by Dr. Welford, but was allowed his freedom on $2,000 cash The man later disappeared and the bail was estreated. Dr. Wel- ford now asks return of his $1,525, claiming that it forms partr of the $2,000 which was paid in bail. Sel ie. WOMAN PLEADS GUILTY 10 CHARGE OF THEFT She Is the Wife o Provincial Police Officer at Strate ford. ------ : Stratford, © Feb. §.--Mrs. Winni- fred Faulkner of Stratford, wife of Faulkner, "| pleaded guilty in police. court today to the hott Sf Jk Suri nd hac: ] 'fties and was remanded: ford Feb. "| tor sentence. The gine agent of the ment a Te i "dents of the college KINGSTON, ONTARIO. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 19026. NATIVE WINE DISPLAY TABOO IN TORONTO The Ontario License Board Acts in Case Drawn to its Attention. Toronto, Feb. 9.--James Halas, K.C., chairman of-the Ontario Lic- ense Board, stated yesterday that the board's attention had been called to a display of native wines in a win- dow of a King street west store by a group of Ontario wine growers and that the board had advised thé oc- | cupants of the store that they must not show their wines in such a way as to constitute advertising. Chair- man Hales also said that the point raised bhy'the trial, of a vendor of native wines who had sent out ecir- culars at Christmas giving brands and prices and who was acquitted, would be covered by legislation at the coming session of the Ontario Legislature. EGYPTIAN DRESS REFORM. Students in Lounge Suits Barred From College. Cairo, Feb. 9.--The Turkish move- ment in favor of the adoption of western dress evidently is spreading to Egypt. On Saturday the stu- which trains Arabic professors for the pro-stute schools, arrived at college, garbad in lounge suits, with the tarbosh, or red caps, instead of flowing robes and turban. They wers refused en- trance and expelled w{"}§ the aid of the "police. They are 'low striking against the order of the Ministry of Education that they return in proper costume under penalfy of dismissal, invents New Ray To Destroy Planes Leningrad, Feb. 9.--Prof. A. N. Boyka, of the Russian Magnetic Ob- servatory, announces the invention of an apparatus which, by means of thé reflection of powerful rays of heat, will destroy airplanes, or dirigibles while they are flight. His appli- ance, he says, will = project concen- trated heat waves a distance of twenty-five miles, losing only one- third of. their previous. strength. eer Malone, N.Y. Feb.' 9. Villages along the Canadian border shivered yesterday in .the coldest weather of the year. The lowest temperature, 32 degrees below sero, was reported at Owl's Head. In Malone it was 24 below. Titusville 30 below, Mountain View 25 below, and Fort Covington 15 below. STREET RAILWAY HIT BY THE AUTCMOBILES Should City Desire to Purchase Road, Books Are at Its Disposal. Should the City of Kingston desire to purchase the street railway, the books of the company are at the dis- posal of the eity. This information was conveyed to the members of the city council, at their meeting on Monday night, in a letter which was received from T. A. McGinnis and H. C. Nickle, on be- half of the directors of the Kingston, Portsmouth & Cataraqui Blectric Railway company. The council took no action on the matter, the letter of the company being filed for refer- énce. The letter from the street rail- way, ulider date of Feb. 1st reads gs follows: "As you are no doubt aware, the operation of the Blectric Railway in, Ea II N THE SPEAKER JPHELD BY , ; COMMONS On His Ruling ¢ Mngt Member for South Oxford. AN AMENDMENT MOVED By Mr. Sutherland With Refer- eve to Geir ly Ottawa, Feb. 9.--The debate on the Address was commenced yester- {day afternoon by Donald Sutherland (Conservative, South Oxford) in the House of Commons. Mr. Suther- land said that the principle of rural credits as outlined was wrong. It did not come within the province of the Government fo do things for the people which they ought to do for themselves, he said. It was true that a great deal of money was be- ing spent on agricaiture, but it was being spent in such ways as for travelling expenses of departmental officials who went about the country "worrying, annoying and discourag- ing agriculture in Canada." In all, $866,000 was spent this way last year. Mr. Sutherland was proceeding to draw attention to newspaper articles in which reference was made to "purchasing" support in the House, when he was interrupted by J. 8. 'Woodsworth (Labor, Winnipeg North Centre), who asked that the term be withdrawn. Several mem- bers indulged briefly in the techni- cal discussion which followed on the question whether the use of the term pursing, was parliament- wl (0 ak Nr. Speaker Lémieux; in giving his ruling, felt that Mr. Sutherland had no desire whatever to impugn the honor of any member in the] House. The honor and dignity of members in the cl ber, however, should be protected. Mr. Speaker, therefore, did not consider that the use of such terms as "bribes" or ["purchasing," even jin quoting from newspapers, should be allowed, Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen appealed against the ruling: whereupon Mr. Speaker declared that his ruling was that the expression "purchased by legislation" was unparliamentary, and proceeded to call in the mem- bers for a vote. When the division bell * stopped ringing and the Speaker asked the House for its ruling, Mr. Sutherland rose and said that he had not used the words attributed to him. Mr. Speaker ruled that the motion was already before the Hoube and the division must také place. It resulted t!in the Speaker being upheld by six- teen votes, or 87 to 71. Resuming his speech on the ad- dress, Mr. Sutherland remarked thet if he had used the words attri- buted to him he would have support- ed the Speaker s ruling. He was pre- pared to bow to the ruling¢of the chair, oh " » ~ Amendment Moved. An amendment wag moved by Mr. Sutherland in the Jollowing Somme Conservative of Saint John-Albert, took the ground that the Govern- ment could mot "side-track'" mari- time rights by reference to a royal commission. The Government, he urged, should at once poly a remedy. W. F. MacLean, Copnserve- tive of South York, advocated the consolidation of all Canadian. rail- ways. ELDERLY WOMAN LOSES RIGHT ARM IN PLANER Her Sleeve Was Caught and Arm Was Drawn Into the Machine. Kemptville, Feb. 9.--When the sleeve of her dress became canght in the gear of a planing machine, Mrs. W. J. Johnson, aged sixty-two years, of Bast Oxford, near here, suffered such severe lacerations of the right arm that amputation of the arm was necessary. The accident happened on Friday last, as Mrs. Johnson was go¢- ing: to call her husband to supper. Mr. Johuson operates a carpen- ter shop, containing a power ma- chine, planing mill, band saw and other equipment. The shop is on the same propertyqas Mr. Johnson's home, and as Mrs. Johnson, whose vision was somewhat impaired, was going into the Shop to summon her husband, her sleeve became entang- fed in the gear of the planing ma- chine in some manner, and her right arm was drawn into the machine. Her hdsband, cries, threw off the power, and drag- ged her arm from the machine, but not before it had been badly crush- ed and lacerated. The attending physician decided that amputation wbuld be necessary, and the arm was removed just below the elbow. Mrs. Johnson © suffered ' greatly from| shock, and, because ofg her advanced age, her condition is re. ported to be serious. er ple "NOT PRINCESS OBOLENSKY. The Body in Snow That of Another Moscow, Feb. 9.--Investigation to-day proved that the body of the woman found in one of ipal streets last Sat-|™ urday was "not hat of Princess Obelensky, as reported by the po- lice, but that of Helen Vassillevna rDubinskaya, of Vladimir province. The mistake in identity was due to the fact that both wpmen ap- peared in the police records as drug addicts, both were reported missing and there was marked facial re- semblance between the two. SIGNS OF GROWING PROSPERITY SEEN Canadian-born U.S. Banker on a Visit to His Native © Land. " Toronto, Feb. 9. --'"The great ma- jority of fundamental conditions are favorable, and they point to a con- dinuing prosperity," declared Fred Warner Shibley, of New York, to the Canadian Club here yestérday. Mr. Shibley was born in the county of Lennox and Addington, Ontario, and he 18 mow vice-puesident of the tBankers' Trust Company and direg- tor of many American corporations. "It is good to come hack home, see the flag waving high, and see so many evidences of a broadening pros- perity In this splendid country where I was born." he said. Speaking on budgetry control as an ald to business management, Mr. Shibley said that it was admitted that some Canadian enterprises found difficulty in operating on a profitable capacity basis, but the| hands same was trué of similar industries in the States. He declared, however, | that business there wad never on a aa Sale. Shan up oe present He a = summoned by her | 'My. Shiviey aded in Sains he Daily British Whig In Legislature PIRATE SUIT MICHIGAN'S § AGAINST WATER DIVERSIO It Goes Farther Than the Other States, and Wishes to Against Any Diversion Whatever From the Great Lakes by the Chicago Lansing, Mich., Feb. 9.--In an any water from the Great Lakes, the suit in the United States Supreme Sanitary District. attempt to prevent the diversion State of Michigan will file a sep Court against the Chicago district, Attorney-General Andrew B. Dougherty announced to-day... The state has determined to take/a separate court action, rather intervene with Wisconsin, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Ohio, Michigan desires to go somewhat farther than the other states. Dougherty said that the four states, who are parties to the suit al 5 filed, are not unalterably opposed to the diversion of 500 or 1,000 eu feet a second for navigation purposes. Michigan, on the other wishes to protest against any diversion whatsoever. *9220000% 0008000 + + THE U. 8. PRESIDENT WILL NOT INTERVENE Washington, Feb. 9.---- The Senate appealed to President Coolidge to-day to seek a solu- tion of the anthracite contro- versy, but the request was an- swered almost immediately by a reiteration at the White House of the President's policy of non-intervention. PEP P ELH P ESE D PEPER Ere ered SPP PP ERP PHPRPRRO Woman Found Frozen To Death m Home Brockville, Feb. 9.--When the police this morning broke into the home of-Mrs. Elizabeth Foxton, aged about seventy and employed as charwoman, they foynd her sitting in a chair where she lived alone, dead and her body frozen stiff. tions Calling for Enaot= ment. | i Ottawa, Feb. 9.--Two motions for increases in duty om coal are to be made in the House of Commons. R. K. Smith, Conservative, Cumber- land, intends to move for "an early enactment of au. substantial increase in the customs tariff of importation of coal and steel products of all grades ani kinds.into Canada from foréign countries." Mr. Smith takes the ground that such action is es sential to the well being of the prov- ince of Nova Scotia and this Domin- fon. 7. L. Church, Conservative, To- ronto Northwest, intends to move that the time has arrived for Can- ada to have a national policy in rc- lation to its coal supply and that no part of Canada should be left de- pendent on the United States for such supply. HOUSE LEADERSHIP IN WESTERN ~ - Ottawa, Feb. 9.--The generally conceded clection of Premier King in Prince Albert next Monday will bring about a situation uniqus in Canadian parliamentary history, in which ihe leadership of every group in ta the louse of Commons is in the of western representatives. . . King will represent the ah seat of Prince TWO MURDERERS PAY THE SUPREME PENAL! For Orimes Committed Manitoba--One .Interna~ | tionally Known Criminal. Winnipeg, Feb. 9.--John Stanton, aged twenty-eight, nationally known criminal, Steve Nazar, aged nineteen, worker, paid the supreme penalty o the law. here early this morn when they were hanged for murder of John Penny, aged se and Louis Landy, loeal taxi dri respectively. The murders were two most brutal in the history of local police, Penny being killed a hammer and Landy with an bar. Barer Dis ir ims bt Stamtord, Genny in i "Tiger pe Smith "here last night with H of this city. Smith » at the last moment for Batti) Murray, of New York, was un- mercifully battered by Broad fo four rounds, PAUL MERCIER, mp, CHOSEN CHAI Of the Commons © to investigate the © Department. Ottawa, Fel. 9.-- Paul Mi Liberal, of St. Henri, Montreal, to-day unanimously elected' House of Commons, which is vestigate the alleged irregul the customs department. The tion of Mr. Mercier was propo D. Donaghey, Liberal of North couver, and seconded by Hon, R. Bennett, Conservative, of West | gary. The motion was carried out debate, Hon. G. H. Botvin, Minister bring out evidence % asa dnd Aime Geoftrion, K V