Wednesday, Februa February 10, 1926. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 'Phone 316 | GODKIN'S LIVERY For taxi, sleighs for driving par ties, hacks and cutters, Also ice- boat for sale. KINGSTON TRANSFER CO. 158 WELLINGTON STREET Moves Freight, Steel, Building Equip- ment, Machinery, Safes, Planos, ete. MONEY LOANED AGAINST MORTGAGES 'Phones 3 1. Evenings 2281. TO LET Desirable brick nine room house. Very central location, Immediate possession. $40.00 per month. GENERAL INSURANCE Plate Glass Liability Burglary Baggage GUARANTEE BONDS Agent Great West 'Life Assurance Company. Fire Auto Dr. Waugh DENTIST 106 Wellington St. = Phone 256. Her Liver Was Bad. "And She Felt Tired and Depressed | Mrs. M. Siefert, Grosswerder, Sas writes: '1 - was greatly distur with pains in my liver, and felt tired | and depressed most of the time, One day I read about Milburn's LAXA-LIVER PILLS: and the next time I went to town 1 | bought four vials of them. I have used them regularly, and | after two months' use I feel like an entirely different woman. Now, I always recommend them to any of my friends who are troubled as I was. "' | | | | | { { | There's only one "LaxaLiver | Pill", and that's the one pot up, for the past 32 years, by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, T Ont. ST P MILLAN DENTIST 84 Princess Street. Phone 1850 Gas for Painless Extraction OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PIANO TUNING Cuticura] Loveliness! A Clear Healthy 'Skin Insured by Every.da Use of Cuticars Soap Just arrived, carload of Hard Coal Brickets, made from Welsh anthracite Coal Price Lass Sa teens Pocahontas 0 Screened Not screened »-«-+ Kentucky Coal, egg SIZO +++ as sass sus Bros. $16.00 "oo $13.00 $12.00 sscsnnce a A 5 % s dice * 0. R Meee &Co. _Aylsworth Br 1798-w, } } FREIGHT DELIVERY A SPECIALTY Lotal and long distance. All Motor Trucks with Alr Tires. H. b BRYANT 384 Division Street. 'Phome 1758 DR.J. C.W. BROOM Dental Surgeon 150 Wellington Street. 'Phone 679. ' Evenings by appointment. Builds up xy spells were fre- 1 wasted fo After sisth bottle of Tanlae, 101 bbs., sat 8 normally again, have no gehes or Mlle. Jeanne A 1946 Ave., Montreal, Prom Mother Nature's storehouse we havé gathered the roots, iy § unde re. Saions Tate ormad: r the ous to make Tanlac. - "If your body is weak and under nourished, if you can't sleep or eat, have stomach trouble or burning you * see Just ; quickly Tantac can help you back OVERCOATS $8.75 Sizes 28, 30, 32, 34. Res. 3 valve $16. 50 how * ! i 9s 5 . ¥ | cross-worp PUZZLE [M¢ HEALS SKIN ERUPTIONS Mentho - 8 ul « phur, a "pleasant cream, will. soothe and heal skin that is irritated or broken out with eczema; that covered with ugly wash or pimples, or is rough or dry. Nothing subdues 80 quickly, specialist. The moment this sulphur prepara- tion is applied the itching stops and after two or three applications, the says a noted skin is gone and the skin is de- lighttully clear and smooth. Sul- phur is precious as a skin remedy because it destroys the parasites that cause the burning, itching or disfig- urement. Mentho-Sulphur always heals eczema right up. A jar of Rowjes Mentho-Sulphur . Gait. . Wrath, Horizontal. . The chief 'or direc- tor, . A burning of the dead. . Work of genius. 12. Implement. . Needy. . Bun god. . Debatable, . 'Machine for ecrush- ing ore. . 'Wild duck, . Small body of wa- ter. 21. Beverage. + Avail (generally used with in). . Barly. . To sanction. . Observed. . Title of nobility. . Card game. . Finishes. . Spiders' homes. , Portion of a ness. . Embryo plant. . Colors. . Wand. . Printer's measure. . Roll of film. . Devours. . Point of compass. . To help, . To entreat. + Stitch, . Season. . 'Black p: . Mother. ~ Cooking . Age. place. har- ture. . Deity. . One others . Similar .. End of a dress coat. . To prepare for pub- lication. . You and me. . 'To bend. en off by smoke. , Destitute of natural { head covering. , {Orb seen at night. . Makes smooth. . To repair. . Coal pit. . To apnoy. . Preposition , To lower tempera- . To decay. . Garment used as a dress protector. . To work. . Electrified particle. who terial rights. 20 Made believe. To wander aimless- Iy. 4.7. Farewell. . Exaltation. 19. Years between 12 and 20. Gagzed intently up- on. Tiny golf mound. To plant. Because. To percolate slowly. Chalr. To restore dence. Ridiculed. Depot. Minute ticks. Tamarack (tree). To slope. Moisture found on grass mornings. Still. Kindled. Citrus fruit. Measure of (pl). Timber. To value. Ventilating chine. Male child. To exist. Myself. 8.1418. 14, 186. 20. 23. 24. 25. 30. 32. 34. articles .giv- confl- vessel. 36. 38. 41. insects or Vertical. 43. 45. 48. of 50. 52. 56. 58. cloth 69. 60. 62. -ma~ 83. 65. is. 67. invests with minis- to a frog. 2 MANN JENVELS fl {110 o'clockisti the '| sweet, loving and kind little boy and } PLAY GIVEN AT ENTERPRISE, Death of Glen Sparks a Bright Little Lad. Enterprise, Feb. 9---0On Wedpes- day, Feb. 3gd, a few of the me " of the Friendly Bible Class, along with some of "their younger friends, presented a drama entitled "The Jast Loaf," for which they deserve credit as it has been consideréd by many who heard it to be the best that has ever been given in the village. winter so far. He had several cases of flu at the beginning of the win- ter but these are all able to be around again. There are only three cases of measles, On Jan. 30th Glenn Sparks died. His funeral was held on Monday at 'Bouse. "He was a every one will miss his bright and happy little smile. 'His death was a great shock to the community and the deepest sympathy goes out to the bereaved parents and little sister. Miss Blanche Bell and her friend, Miss Luella Peters, of Wilton, visit- ed at E, R. Bell's on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. John Magee, of Sills- ville, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Floyd Vannest this week. Mrs, Gedrge. H. Kellar . spent Thursday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs. B. M. Sparks. Think Bob Reaches End. New York, Feb, 10.--Many mem- bers think the bob has reached the end of its career and others are sure it is permanent so the American Mas- ing to debate the subject and offer priges for the best transformation to The doctor has put in a very busy cover up the bobbed head. ter Hair-Dressers' Association 'is. go- [*0% may be had at any good drug store. "RADIO THURSDAY, FEB. 11. ay CKAC, Montreal, (411). 4 p.m. --Weather, stock reports. 4.45--Teashour programme from the Windsof Hotel. 8.30--Studio concert by artists of the Canadian National Railways. CONRM, Montreal (411). 8.30 pm.--French Composer's Night. ' ~KDKA, Pittsburgh, (309). 8.30 p.m.--Half hour with famous composers, Rimsky Korsaky. 9--KDKA Little Symphony Or- chestra and male quartettes, 11--Pittsburgh Post Revue. Midnight S---- WJIAZ, Chicago, ¢ 4). 10 to 12 p.m.-- ical pro- gramme artists: Eva Polokoff, vio- linist; Gladys Petersen-Harless, mez- zo-soprano; Bess 8. Sondel, musical recitations; Norma Kittson, soprano; Betty Chowen, pianist. WSAIL Cincinnati (326). 7 p.m.--Programme from WSAI Studios. 8---"Cliquot Club" programme. 9---S8ilvertown Cord Orchestra. 12--Freda Sanker's Orchestra, WEAF, New York (492). 6 to 12 p.m.--Dinper music from Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, Mid-Week Hymn Sing: The Smith Brothers; The Larkinites; Hire's Harvesters; Clicquot Club Eskimos; Silvertown Cord Orchestra; Casa Lopez Orches- tra.® * ~ WGR, Buffalo (819). . 8 to 11 p.m.--Jgjnt broadcasting with Station WEAF, New York. WEKRC, Cincihnati (826). 10 p.m.--Marion McKay and or- chestra. 11----Popular song revue, 11.15---Marion McKay and orches- tra. # WRC, Washington (469). 7.20 p.m.--United States Army Band, 8.30--Radio movie presentation from WJZ. 9--Royal Salon Orchestra. 10.15--The Record Boys. 19.30--Swanee Orchestra.' 11.30 to 13.30--Organ ) recital from Tivoll Theatre. { wre, Philadelphia (508.2). 6.05 p.m.~--Pagoda Club - Orches- 8---The Sesquicentenial, a talk. 8.15-- Etude Hour. 9--John Ouram, boy soprano. '9.20--Negro spirituals by Theodor Liedemedt, violinist. 10.15----A} Lens and Entertainers. WGY, Schenectady (879.5). 6.30 p.m.--Dinner concert by Ten Eyck Trio, Albany. 7.45--Musical programme from WFBL, Syracuse. 9--Royal Hour from New York. 10--Piano recital of Chopin com- positions. 11.30--Organ recital from Har- manus Blescker Hull, Hall, Albany. WBZ, New England (883.1) 6.30 p.m.--Rebroadcast of Little Symphony Orchestra from KDKA, Pittsburgh. 7.45--Massachusetts Aggie Radio Forum. +T---Hotel Kimball Dance Orchestra. is |¢ flery skin eruptions |} LUM ding, Joisting, etc., $25.00 M. v HEUMATISM, neuritis and other kindred ailments frequently fol low pyorrhea, the dread disease of the gums. Yet carelessness makes pyor- thea all too prevalent. Four out of five suffer from it forty, and many younger, according to your dentist's own escape pyorrhea, begin at once using Forhan's for the Gums. If used regularly and in me, Forhan's prevents or checks prorthea and safeguards your health. Tt contains Forhan's Pyorrhea Liquid, which has been used by dentists for the last 15 years in the treatment of pyorrhes. It is a pleasant, Qasming dentifrice that the entire family likes. _ Today is none too soon to start brush. bey ak dt ie pres Buy 4 whe don anion st and orm tb RJ Araianf 8-4 fu GODFREY LADY INJURED. While With Tobogganing Party 'Women's Institute Box Social. Godtrey, Feb. 9.--The communify regrets losing one of its most highly esteemed families when Mr. and Mrs. C. McKnight sold their farm and moved to Sydenham. Thomas Coulter has purchased the farm f¥om Mr. McKnight, Frank -Harper 'took a sleigh load to the L.O.L. dance at Verona and all report a fine time. Mré. George Brown had the mis- fortune to hurt her leg quite sev- 'erely while out. with a toboggani party and is confined to her -bed. bad leg. The farmers are hauling logs to the mill. Mrs. James B. Cowdy has been ill with flu. All ars glad to hear that she is much im- proved. The Women's Institute is having J. Stewart have come to spend the winter with her father, George Scales. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Wood and children spent the week-end at her mother's in Sydembam. Mr. Elliott McKnight, teacher, spent the week-end with his parents at Syden- mA mare he fora few who Wilfred Keneban is laid up with a a box social this week at the home} 1 of Mrs. Frank Howes. Mr. and Mrs. BER "We still have a quantity of 2" Stud- for sale as low as v This is old, used Lumber, but sound enough for many building purposes. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED LUMBER YARDS, WOODWORKING FACTORY, COAL BINS, BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO Private Branch Exchange Phone 1671, More than a tooth paste--it checks Pyorrhes _ Zorra, drove team onto 8 crossing at Woodstock in from a fast train and was seriously inju ed. One of the horses was kill The breaking of part of & I car at Jarvis caused the derall of six cars which piled up around engine standing on the siding. If he lives long enough, the man ag t a better one. Business before pleasure, will, but somehow work in a pleasure somewhere.