Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Feb 1926, p. 12

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} 1G. | Saturday, February 13, 1926. =F ~ THE DAILY BRITISH WH In the Automobile World NEW DEVICE MAY BE FINAL SOURCE OF MOTOR POWER A discovery just made by i Jap- \anese scientist may be the final stage "In the perfection of the automobile. That final stage, many engineers agree, will be electric, yet without the bother, 'little power and short . life afforded by the storage battery type of electric automobiles to-day. The discovery 1s a way of produc- mg permanent electricity in what Professor Mototaro Eguchi of the Higher Naval College at Tokyo calle & "permanent .electret." The per- " manent electret is ' to ®lectricity at the permanent magnet is to mechanics. »e 1 Its possibilities Kaven't even been > thought of, because it is still in its experimental stage, But it has the Same prospects, if not greater, in the field of practical electrics as the . permanent magnet had in the field of practical mechanics, when it was fnvented back in 1600. The automobile is one of the "electret's" future fields. Unfer- neath hoods. of the future may be devices based on Eguchi's electret, replacing with mach higher 'effi- elency the gasoline and steam power - plants of to-day. The eledtret, as erudely shaped as possibiligies 1t 'Hugin the future. Until that stage aprivés, there may still be. a transition--perhaps from 1Hé gasoline to the steam 'ear. That 'sounds surprising since the' steam car once enjoyed greater popu. larity than it has to-day, and since there seems to be little discusblow over the permanence of the gaso- line car. Synthetic Gasolin®, Synthetic gasoline is heing in- vented in nearly every civilized country in the world. The latest contribution is a new fue] invented by a Norwegian 'civil -enginger. Tt is known as "Norsk Kraft Olle." The process under which It is made has been patented. Speeding Unnecessary. Tests conducted by motor cubs in various districts of the country show that speeding galns little time. A person who follows all rules will arrive at his destinatlon almost as quickly as the motorist who breaks the rules. ) Fake Motor Clubs, Motorists of the United States an- nually pay out. more thau $30,000, 000 to fake motoring organizations. It is difficult to convict promoters of these orgunizatfdns as they always claim that they had good faith in 1s to-day, has been shown to kéep| the project. Ms electric charge, up to 20,000 volts 10 a centimeter of surface, since 1919, when it was first made, with- out a Ions. Good Itoalls Incregse. the United States manent magnet, the permanent elec-| surfaced roads, a considerabl ' #ret may be the motive power of| age has been graded and drai stomobfles---among the many other| cording to engineering stan The mileaga of surfaced roads in : is nearing the Thus, somewhat like the per-| 500,000 mile mark. In addition to e' mila- ned ac- dards. Full protection in any. weather-- comfort in winter--snugness , against snow, sleet, and rain--that's what you enjoy when you drive the, Chevrolet touring 'car! ho Fine quality curtains, carefully tail- ored and close fitting, keep the cold out and warmth in. Entrance and exit to both seats are unhanjpered and free because the cu are ) supported by rigid rods and swing with the doors. : She Sheviclst touring ie the | Towest- ced car equal equ ment on the market. It A ail the vantages of econ operation oh year around: an open pes for the open road in # er and snug comfort for winter dri A Come in! Satisfy yourself that here is a Jow-priced touring car that offers real . ing its cirs on 'time, which is le to our all-weather protection. - DISTRI BUTORS CENTRAL GARAGE, LIMIiLD CORNER BROCK AND MONTREAL STREETS. TJ. ALEXANDER, Arden, Ont. 'Phone 9. QUALITY AT LOW COST _ "PHONE 600. Dressing Contact Points THE TUNGSTEN OR 'platinum points of the ignition make-and break, the magneto and the reverse current cutout of the Zenerator become dirty and eventually wear sp rough 'as to make uncertain contact. Glass-Hard Tungsten Points 5 Except on magnetos and some battery cut-outs, these points are ususlly of tungsten, so hard that they cannot be filed as can the platinum points so generally used years ago. Honing Tungsten Contacts Tungsten points can, however, be smoothed by the use of a stone hone, special small thin forms of which are on the matket. The contacts are opened widely enough to admit the hone, each side of which smooths off one of the contacts, when they are pressed together with light pressure and the hone drawn back and forth between them. No more metal than necessary should be removed and the surfaces of the poinis should be left so that, when together, they touch flatly, thus making contact over their full surfaces. Smoothing With Sandpaper Te @ Caatact points can also be cleaned and smoothed by medns of a piece of tine sandpaper, doubled with the sanded surface opt, which is drawn between them when they are lightly held together. A thim, fine jeweler's file Is suitable for use on magneto points or any points of soft metal, but one should be careful not to waste any of the expensive metal. $ RING LEAK OR VALVE LEAK |plates of this battery to let it stand discharged and if it. remains iu this condition too long, they will be ruined. You should have it fully charged and filled with liquid and keep it from becoming discharged until it is installed on the car again, Unless one has some private means of charging, the best way of caring for such a battery is to store fit, during its idle period, at a battery service station. where it will be W. A. ML. writes: Un testing the kept charged and otherwise looked compression in the cylinders of my six engine. I find that there Is quite an escape of gas from No. ¢ and | suppose either the valves or the piston-rings must be leaky, but cannot tell which. What test can | use to settle this point? Answer: Remove the spark-plug and "introduce into the cylinder about a fluld ounce of heavy en. gine ofl (air cooled engine oll would be good). replace the plug and hand-crank the engine with all other plugs removed. The heavy oil will seal the piston and If compression is then found to be well retained. it will tndicate that the leak is past the rings. If no Improvement is noted, the leakage Is throngh the valves. A leak past a piston Into the crank-case.' can usnally be heard as a hissing nolse Ab the breather (oll-fiiter) opening A rubber hose can be nned to listen through. With the exhanst mani: fold off. an exhaust valve leak can usually be heard at the exhaust port and inlet valve leakage may be audible at the carburetor afr. intake, --irrs CARING FOR IDLE BATTERY 88 Sd How should a bat. tery be cared for, when it has been taken out of the car? 1 have one that was removed about a month 2g0 and is now rup down and am wondering if the plates will be damaged. Answer: It will damage the after, The cost of this service is not great considering that it In. sures the well being of the battery and its readiness for service when- ever it may sgain be needed. BE DRIVING-GEAR ADJUSTMENT A 5. W. writes: 1 have just In- stalled a new pinjon and ring-gear in my car'and-tind that the drive is quiet, when the engine is pulling. but that it makes a grind ing noise when the car is coasting. How can this noise be eliminated? Answer: If you can obtain a re. pair manval of this make of car, you will find this subject much more fully treated than we can treat It in ga letter. The best method of adjustment is based upon coating the pinion teeth with prussian blue, turning the axie'hy hand and determining the tooth contact by noting to what 'parts of the ring-gear teeth, the blue' is 'ran . These contact marks should cover from one-third to one~ half of the tooth length from the inside or toe of the tooth and the fwo ghare should be adjusted in or out of mesh until this adjustment 's obtained. The presence of coast- ing noise that the piplon is adjusted too far back to- ward the rear of the car. Try set- ting it a" little further forward. checking up the tooth rontact by the prussian blue method Choosing A New Car Demand Up-To-Date, Featilbes In The Vehicle Of Your Selection THE MOTORIST who has not acquired a new car for a number of years and who is now Intending to do. so, naturally wishes to secure one embodying as many as possible of the improvements which have recently been made and the following partial resume of such advances in the art is offered to refresh the memories of such Intending pur- chasers. The Engine Itself Stiffer and better balanced crankshafts, supported in more nu- merous bearings. Vibration, dampening devices and supporting methods that check vibration. Piston.ring equipments, which better retain compreysion and contro! oil pumping. Interchangeable bearing bushings, which eliminate the need of bearing adjustment. Positive lubrication of all important bearings 'by direct pressure feed of oil. More convenient oll drains: Cylinder heads, that detach without disturbing water connections. The use of silent chain timing drives, that are readily adjustable. Placing the exhaust pipe where it does - gear, Tilting and headlights. Backing nights and traffic signal lights, not overheat the car figor, gas rectifiers for distilling gasoline and water from engine oil and filters for removing solid impurities there- from. Air cleaners to keep abrasive dust out of the engine. Gasoline filters to keep water and solids from clogging the carburetor. Better hot-spot manifolds, to improve fuel vaporization and reducs car. bonization and ofl dilution. Full automatic spark control. Carbure- tors of superior fuel economy and acoelérative ability. Thermostats and shutters (manual and' automatic) to control water temperature. . The Brakes And Steering Geaé Four wheel brakes---the great outstanding recent advance in motor cars--of the mechanical and hydraulic types, some of them embody- ing the self applying feature. Improved protection of braking sur- faces from the weather and more accessible and convenfent adjust- ments. Interchangeable brake-shoes, which fadilitate relining service, Transmission brakes, which are weatherproof and easy ta care for. Steering knuckles with agnti-friction thrust bearings, steering devices with variable gear ratios and ratios adapted to balloon tires, Aati- shimmying provisions. a Chassis And Transmission Parts Gr Lower bung frames and hotles, longer lived clutches, operated with less effort and with automatically or more conveniently lubricated throw-outs, Universals that are automatically or more readily ofled and which better retain jubricant. Tranémissions with shorter shi ing movements ang wi'h rs which engage easier. Lut spring bolts and steering joints by one operation of a magasine ollar. Built-In bumper Gttings, which hold bumpers secursly - Better geu-' Seal. seeuiility Jud, demouytebility of units and Jewer 1at¥icatios nts. Improved devices locking gears, and steering - and otherwise less glariug as: well as mbre effective mpihg. Hews and. Incuver Suan ave. to ot the wpoch naking 11 d the coneb ty enclosed body, wh lace driving comfort within Teath of motorists of modcrate Mean, Jo development of incalculable: Srl § " { The history of Dodge Brothers and their subsidiaries' drastic price reductions is simple and brief. - A better and better product follatved ter and greater demand. : oa To meet that demand, an expansion of buildings and equipment involving an expenditure of more than $10,000,000. : Output vastly increased, with subsequent reduction in the cost of materials and production. { Installation of advanced labor-saving and qualitys increasing equipment.> For instance, one giant steele body press costing $10,000 replaces ten former presses costing $7,500 each, and does the work mare efficiently, Result: The fizest line of vehicles in Dodge Brothers history at prices seem incredible in view of Dodge Brothers traditional quality-- & : That more incredible still when cohsidered in ion with improvements that include ~~ Rich and attractive colors. Absolute smoothness of engine operation Greater power, sndp and city. And advanced steel body and windshield construction that afford exceptional driving vision at a time when clear vision and safety are paramount in the mind of Touring Car - - Roadster - - - Sta dard Sodom '- = 1338 De Luxe Sedan - 1485 f. 0. b. Toronto (Taxes Extra) M. OBERNDORFFER 124 CLARENCE STREET, $1098 1095'. 1170 "MOTOR CARS "MADE IN CANADA ' Vast Fxpansion = 2a. New Prices | Dopse BROTHERS ILLIONS Chrysler's record of the past two years looms as one of the most brilliant in the motor ar industry, : , 2 a Canada and the rest of the world have bought more than 280 million dollars' worth of cars 'of Chrysler manufacture since the Chrysler In the quarter of a century that preceded the - x Not only to those supreme superiorities with | To wa mo 2008 in motor car engineering but also to the later refinements in perforin. tion of the new Chrysler Imperial "80" to the Chrysler "70" and the Chrysler "58" now : a »

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