THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG wv The Whig's Classified Page ls a Public Forum, and a True Market Place g The Britis Whig CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING All ads. are réstricted to - thelr proper classification, end to the regular Daily Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES: Daily rate per line or consecutive insertions: Minimum charge, 28 conta. Dally rate" per line Ci édays ... .-. 3 Says pessnnn . J 908s. Births, Engegemen qx. ages, gne insertion char "eash, $1.0 "NCard of Thanks: Memoriam Notices--Charged, $18 50; cash, §1.00 each insertion. Advertising ordered for irregular insertions takes the one-time insar- n rate; no ad. taken for less than wi of four lines. in 3 4 $ Mar. $150; « ebasasn unt six average Words to the e. Charged ads. will be received by telephone and if paid at The Brit- ish Whig Office within § days from the first date of insertion, cash rate wili be allowed. Ads. ordered for more than one da. and stopped before expiration will only be charged for the humber of times the ad. appeared and adjust ment made at the rats earned. Rate per line for white space Is e same as & line of ty ecial rate for yearly vertising oe Spon request ublishers reserve the right te adit or reject all clasbified adver rising copy Telephone 243; ask Toy a want ad. taker. JEARD ON THE STREET Local Briefs Gath Gathered by. Re- porters--What the Merch ants Are Offering. ! ---- ere was no session of the Police lire on Saturday morning. « William Swaine, plano ers received at 100 Clergy street , 'phone 684w. Mr. F. M. Bell, teller of the Bank of Montreal, Acton, has been trans- ferréd to the branch at Mimico. Mr, G. L. Krauter, of Kingston, is his successor; The Bishop of Ontarle will make his annual visit to St. Mary Magda- |+ lene Church, Napanee, en Sunday vening. He will preach and ad- "a the ri of confirmation. le TEA AND SALE. A Delightful Affair Was Held at the ¥Y. M. OC A. On Friday afternoon, the members: f the Mothers' Council, Boys" divi- , took full possession of the so- 81 rooms of the Y.M.C.A,, and held a ost successful Valentine Tea and Sale. All the rooms were appro- priately' decorated with red and ite, and the tables lgpked very ty with their white" cloths and hearts. A bright fire in-the grate red tulips and red candles made very homelike and cosy tea-room. fine weather brought out a large roup of ladies, and the whole event was a most successful one and a sub- stantial sum was realized for refur- nishing the boys' department. i In the game room, four large tables of good things were on display, and before the aftérnoon was finished the pbly was quite exhausted. Mrs. G. wv Bateman, president of the "Moth- During mental sel tuner. | fori | FETE BIRTHS. ALGAR---In Picton, Feb. 3rd, to Mr, and Mrs. Bert Algar, a son. CORNWELL AL Napanee on Feh. 4th, to Mr. and Mre. Chad. Cornwell, a SPRIN At "Bath, on Jan, 20th, My. and Mrs. Wilfred Spring, Bath a gaughter. MARRIAGES. ot. BARK IR --~VANNEST--At Napanee, 30th, Ervin Howard Ba Bark: o to to Ke ha Mary, eldest daughter Be WOODROW~--On Feb. 4th, at Toronto, die I. Woodrow to W. T. Dewle, both of Toronto. DEATHS. Picton on Feb. Hh, Mrs. Ter 73rd In Hot fonaciory, + 1926, Bister ry of the nee Sarah Farrell), ass sat. St. Joseph's Chapel, ol Dieu, Monday, 'eb. J6th, at In Kingston, February 12th, 1926, Alice Maud Ashley, wi- Sow' of the late Willlam H. Gibson, |. in her 70¢h y Funeral (private fer iste re § am. on ar. will take place from dence, . 681 Princess re on R Monday afternoon at 2.00 00! taragui Cemetery. HAYES --At Switserville, on Feb, 5th, . H. Hayes; In Ploton on Feb. sth, Emily Morden, in her 91st year Ww, -At Joroato, Alonzo Walk- nterprise, GRAHAM In Hotel Dieu Hospital, Kingston, on /Feb. 12th, 1926, Mary Clare, infant daughter of Norman and Mrs. Graham, aged one week. a MEMORIAM. £ mémory of Mary Elizabeth Mi who died February 11th, 1818. 'We are thinking of you to-day, dear a8 we SAW you last. You left behind some aching hearts, at loved you most sincere, We never did, nor never will, t you, mother dear. ly missed by her son, Miles and x Miss H. Myles. MES REID The 01d Pirm bt © CESS STREET RT 254 and 256 PRINCESS 'Phone 147 for Ambulance CUT FLOWERS WEDDING BOUQUETS > ARTISTIC FLORAL DESIGNS KIRKPATRICK'S ART AND FLOWER STORE "Phones 452 and 1318-J. Yost and Found 1 'S GREY 'FUR--Found, on lawn, on rl Street. Owner may have same at 329, Harl street, or phone wr BT He Tams 55 en ve same by ca 58 John Street . {PE Je Ba PIECE--(8able) evening, about 6 foes on Earl and Barrie Birocts. Finder proass| '8 er "plone 2698. ' ound on Prinqess Spvrios OI 48 Barsie Sir Brea dur IR GREY SILK SCARF--Found, on' Mont. real on Satarday Svening Own- er may have same at 5 toe. bund on Colborne even Ow ma Sh Street. | Street. Owner LAD ar on have same KEYIFound on Fi a Jseane LONG WOOL GLOVE-Found. natural with 1 on Al- 7 Sailing, at Whig a LADIDS PULLO ter, brush Fool. fawn, and Es Yost Hogg oR t nder pl 'puions 312-m. \ , on Ki eet. MARTINGALE ein. on Whis Offtes ka mitt. halhstic ron sled hiving wi at 19 Rumsell Lost and Found 1 POCKET PIECE--Belonging 9 Knights of the Maccabees of the World, found. Owner may have same at Bimpson's Grocery, Plum street. ROSARY---Pound, on Barrie Street, on ¥. Owmer may have same at 34 Mo ec etreet. 'Phowe 1506-J. SMALL PURSE--Found, on Frontenac Sgreet. Owner please 'phone $35-w. SMALL PURSE-Containing small sum of money, found on Princess Street, on Tuesday evening Owner may have same by phoning 1218-F. SUM OF NMONEY---Found in LAMlaw's store, on Saturday. Owner may have same St office of this store. TWO KEYS--Tin of powder and roll of tissue paper, found at Ain's store, 357 Princess Street. Owner may have same at above store. Live Btocx FIRST OLASS HOLSTEIN COW--Nine {oars old, milking now. Will freshen June. Apply H. C. Webster, 261 Regent Street or phone 1698-m. Help Wanted - Male Help Wanted 2 BOYS--Wanted to sell week-end yapel, Hustlers treated right. Soe me and Smile ADP now, Harold J. Smith, Barrack at King Street. FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEN «= Begin- ners $150-$2560 monthly, (which oul tion?) Write Railway, Box Ad 13, Whig Office, EARN 312.00--Up daily. BExpedence not necessary. Sell Nogar patented Sloth Sults $14.95 to $17.60, full price. Water, fire, snag resisting. 5 as adver tised Saturday FYoting F Noga: Cloth Co. of Cantus, 'Fair 4 Bldg. Vancouver, B.C, or 1506 Bank of Hamilton Bldg, 1 Toronto. Female Help Wanted = 8 3 GENERAL SERVANT | - Who So do plain cooking, for VA two adults. Aveiro ds Miss Fe, 169 Union Stree est, corner Albert St. LADIES WANTEDw-To do plain and light sewing at home, whole or spare time; good pays work sent any dis- tance, oh pald. Bend stamp for articulars "National Manufacturing pany, Montreal. Male and Female Help Wanted 8b MEN AND BOYS WANTED--- To pat. ronize J. W, Curzon's Barber Shop. Men's hair cuts, 26c. Shaves 10c. Boys' hair cuts 16c. Ladies, 26c. 201 Wel. Hngton Street. Agents Wanted. 4 4 SALESMAN----Wanted for this teriitory to take orders for new Foi id popular book, "The Life of Sir Ad ck." jvpiy care Smith- Publishing O Co., Dept. Dundas 'Street; London. 3, 11 SELL-Guaranteed Ladder-Proof Site Stoc New pair for every that } Pay daily. Famijl y How: ier eatafomue free. Sterling osiery Dept. 8., Toronto. TWO GOOD SAL ESH ENA Wanted to sell sign novelties, a good commis. ston basis. 'Phone 1175-J. $40 A EEN Taking orders for B. & E. Silk Hoslery, 8ilk Underwear and Poroh Dresses. Your cash daily. No or delivering. te HB, . Dept. 27 on, Ont. Tes, south side; heated, OT ons, rear sntrance. Al fixtures, mirrors, etc. for e, A ppLy i Cohen & Oly On eet. Houses e HOUSEw-At 160 Pihe Street, to let. Al) conveniences; warm; in first class oon- dition. Apply to 154 Pine Street. Tat woo a electric mal oan F Street; sma 4 toilet; rent Teas, Ff Ae alsb house on Patrick 'Strect one 730-w. HOUSE--Corner cums; 169 and LE ts, 59 and nd 3 Riv 5 rooms; all improvemen ply 186 Queen Biroot. Teles] EW HOUSE--Eller rooms. Apply to ROOMED HOLS Rp ak gio lot. or Kopty 332 Daivertiy EE ee On Wellin, Street, o Dru sth 187. rooms ba Apply to ©. Livingmon 8 Bre, Bros . Oy Street. i 2 . Read the Classified Found articles. Pi 61 . © Jon sion orl oh Apis 3 ar Nelgon stree = E A ilanre Suitable for Real Estate For Rent missing ls advert EE i Goth Gol Dafne ton, . - EE f OUT OUR WAY. J A hl - HEADS uP! BULL OTH WOoDS ! = ABOUT Five Real Estate For Rent. Wanted To Rent FURNISHED HOUSE -- Bu Apartment wanted from Ist months or longer. Estate Agent. HOUSE--Eight or nine rooms, with garden, wanted to rent in wes: end of city, Occupancy by April 16th, or May 1o Jat. rhe 7588, between 9.00 a.m. Real Estate For Sale 11 low, of ay for § Cunningham, Real BEFORE QUITTIN TIME, Articles For Sale. Miscellaneous 15 LAMP SHADE FRAMES Fire dogs and screens. We make them, large variety. 'Phone 380. Partridge Wire orks. - Try us for silver plating and refinishing. GRATIS.~(1it1]1a Friend) to either sex; malied in tain Lhyelope, Paris Spe: claity Co., HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES And one Persian Poodle for sale. 1Apply to 9 Bartlett Street or phone 1 Farms and Land 12 ttt enn met. Seti ® ACRE FARM-.Good house, stone bagn and stabi, hen house, 76 feet long. i Pont engine on truek: Apply 47 HEAVEN AND HELL Swedenborgs| ebt work ori the life after death and real world beyond. Over #00 pages. amy 26¢, pompald. W. W. Law, 486 olid Ave. Toronto. Frontenac Street. Phone 1665-J. Houses , J. B. CUNNINGHAM a ry ns 7 Olas eon Best BRICK HOUSE--On Stuart street, all 4,800. ply B, Fr, 370 Princess Street. Teie- 704 or 1285-J. phone 7 rd Y HOME «= On wa terfront, cohouse, barn, large hen house, o he of Good piace for poul- try farm. 1 Sheap 4 quick buyer. 4 19 Bllis Btre: 14 NMULLDY | Real pointe ood insurance Broker nson and Division Streets 'Phone. 539-w, Bee Advt Page 3 $3300.00-=108 acres, all stock snd ma« néry., Ownsr retiring. Would ex- change. Houses to let Insurance. Money to loan, NOR, ab1 Princess Street. 'Phone 1189-1 ROGMED HOUSE---All mod- bed TWELVE om conveniences, six rooms, hot er heating, all hardwood: fidors,] vies gara yard. for selling, own ving city. 203 Queen Street. 'Phon® §79-J or 1098. Wanted To Buy 14a HOUSE-Seven © et be Tu rooms, brick in good location on ah as a 20 Waion Jat of May. s5. APB vo Box U1, No. 1 Timo- Arden, digo Serge. from $30.00; 'measu r for Basiet, goo! "5 cx paTTRent none. 2208-w. J. 0 Johnston Street. a Ei heavy Clinkers. Tis Es th ts FEI ited. Stat, a shipping Bota. my HENS--10 R. C. Brown Leghorn Hens, strain, also § Barred Rock Hens. "Phone 1262- a or call between 1 and § p.m. at 102 Livingston Ave. "host one souge: sets ot double har. a CARTw-And harness. tter, Duplex machine, plate. Cheap for quick sale, ving city. Apply 20 Carl 1 com-= isle St. RADIO -- De Forest Crossley 3 tube Radio, complete with ear phones, bat. teries and aerial equipment. Price $50. Easy terms. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd, 121 Princess Street. SET OF SURVEYORS INSTRUMENTS wor sale. Apply to Walkem & Walkem, 95 Clarence Street. SLEIGH--2 sety light driving bobs, 2 sets Reavy hobs, 1 used ¢ Sijter, Adams rates Shgine. mil y and L208 ros. th equipmen Thews, bes, « Disnketa, aaRets, churns. J, F. Far br Wood Agency, 31 Brook k Btreot, irs, | SPROIAL-This month only, all of Mattréaseg renovated at $2.75. COVEr exira (at sont). Mattress Con 31: "Phone 1981-J. Furnature 18a FURNITURE-~ Antique and modern furniture sold and bought. M, Creme er, 507 Princess Street, to Leases Antique Shop. & Fuel and Feed rades New All new aac. rices. From: ing Street Bast TE hard DI Bone 3 GC HARDW der gover, a load; delivered. ony aes call 46-Raglan Road. DRY BODY HARDWOOD--Dry and soft wood Slabs. We ha but the best, "Phone 2518~w. SOD Or Bias Vered Dry bark: or 4 or 4400 Peat oF: € Bb Coke she 3500 ton, na EEG gies Boe x S Araon BY WILLIAMS. TOO OEP IN THE SOLP TO MAKE A CLEAN GETAWAY. Trews 2-v+ DIME WW wis seAWCE, ING, 'Articles For Sale. Fuel ana Feed 18 HARDWOOD--Dry body Sapls $3.75 per joad. Dry mixed $3.0 Dry soft Split sbe. 0 xton Y. Phone Mrs. Ray Parker, corn Johnson and "MéDonald Streets. HARDWOOD Dry body Japle $3.75 per load. Dr ood. $3.50 per Tded. Dry - soft maple 26¢. extra. Phone 1439.7, ker, borner Johnson and eots. ain 3 s Jona; nat 1 13s, oad; hard- £13 Jon rdwood abs, § 34. 00 Quarter. ; iy & Bon, Toron Brock Streets. rer Phone 889. N00D-mFour foot hard anit Soft wood, 3B cor lots. Apply Simon Jackson, Wagar ville, Share. and Pressing 20 w, we Taflor," Cleaning, ROBERTSON. Prefaing, Repairing: n stock © Sloth na a mm 'Bagot Sires rrofessionar 11 DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER « W. A. Marcells, corner & Barrie and Streets. ropractic adjust Tents electric Primi Live and hand- massage. -T service. Congultse Sion Eres. Hours Bela es Bi Da venings olin ce tele- phone FTA AR aidan 'phone 957+J. LUCY==Geo. ¥. and Jennie A. Chito- restos, Re Restutated Nursss 20% Bagot treet. lw. Bours 9-12, 1-5, 8-1. 30 ors ation free, CUNNINGHAM & Mu ~ Barristers and Solicitors, 178 arence Street, gaton, A A i Cunningham, KC; Cyril M. DAY AND REV Soiicttats, 8 C A. E. Day, Rerigagen arranged. REYNOLDS, J. tor, $1 Broek 'Phos 2808. SLATER-.DOuglis, Barrister and Soli- Shar, 7% pe Street. Money to ne on, RE ote, oved IL Ep cured ithot" opt pebsuts e, Thront, > x ot ry Nove Phone 301w. House 1135J a RA A erg and Ce Breet, King- +L Revel 'Phone 206. GanBarristor and Soliet- et. Mortgages ar- ty apd farm property. ThE, ET of Live aR ~~ Halr, Mi oles, BUSINESS ERVICE Ladies' Halr Parlor 2 Water Cur rims, Huis ttsation area bo LEE Ba tment 'phone 2018 PERMANENT WAVIRG For the very latest in Ladies' hair dressing. LADIES EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE PARLOR. A. B. KINGSBU 209 Princess Street, Insurance naurance Br Insurance in old Foray ad tain BURY, "'Phous 2015-3. Be ® RNIE D. all I °% companies of Hi ing. 3281 King Street East. - 3678-w. Res. 1131. FIRE--Automobile'and Casual; ance, M. Crumley, $20 Ear ln 'Phone 1783-M. Earl INSURANCE--Ofily the most reliable Strange & "Phones companies represented. Strange, established in 1860 ; Clarence Street, opposite Post B SOUND--Lile ? Fire, . Accident ay in -rell trict manager Imperial Li Life. °* hones: Office 503-w. Res. 1731'm. OUR HEALTH AND ACUIDENT--Pol- fcy will protect your salary. All lines of Pire and Automobile Insurance. B. Williams, 3 Couper street. Decorators ANDERSON, A~-Painter and Decarat. or. Estimates given on large jobs, Choice stock of Weir p Baber samples carried. 'Phone 1966. PAPER HANGING AND DECORATING =A .real good job. Estimates given for February prices. See the new jj p2t0Plen, 'H." Rowley. Phone SIGN PAINTING--J. 8. Robinson, rear 275 bagot Street % Financial 1 dant, ny vice-president J. $e. yg Money te loan on vi, and farm properties; in- vestment. Bonds bought and sold; Bosits received and interest paid inlmum monthly balance. Cartwright, manager, i1 Clarence GR-For furnjt re Joan Sod ap ri iy ross Cit, 10! 9 306 on St. 'Phone %se. Ros. § 4d or 2616-m. i edged. years' W. Bateman, HH Y Aitred ASHES-Cleanéd out of yards, Clean job done 34 Russell Street. ons 2386. SLEIGH DRIVING od ARTIS. Takes; Taken. rest. Good tea HE Pais cai pot Expert Plano a Player-Piano Adjusting, * Phone 1544. C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED UPHOLSTERING--ANd general be save orders eon, W. Haro 104 Cler 'Phone 1600-J. x] SLEIGH DRIV PARTIES, Taken each day, careful ors, oath B.A, Barrister and| Coupe = PRIS FORT Il Ford Tourings (With Starters) wx Ford Coupes Ford Tudors You promised yourself a car now and take an ee mu ad Wks 4 these 7 days' trial and 1 year to pay, A "Macrogen hest financial stand. Be