Lema Ge Huily British Whig Im o Nn ame Lay : | 1 The Anthracite Coal Miners' Contract Is For Four And A Half . HON. J. A CROSS, DSO, ici yr ortawa | MINING WILL TEARS FOR PREMIER Kil: = =o) Tm LOA CEPT HOT: is Cot. Bugs to ly Wht Contin fe Wa Sect RT Te i INF EW DAYS! IN COM MONS oy fire protection of the Canadian 3 3 fo: in th nufacture of ed as Independent. Candiate to Oppose the Prime Ma. 5 crs onion me. 3) rh Boni expreming he'mon 18 or vie in the manutucnre Speaking as a returnsd man and fof | against banding over the seat with- National Railways, western reg- Kraft cheese much of which was' : in tl Pri All { Sask. Heart trouble is given as +! profound regret, that recent trade A -------- the Australian Treaty, He support- | was a wholly unusual shipment and Ce men, Hon. I. A. Cross; D.|out a convention, Mr. Cross asked MAJOR GEORGE A. WALKEMm | _°. ;"st2 Pp YEAR 98; No. 87. ! ? ; KINGSTON, ONTARIO: SATUKDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1926. +e rte bert E Rb B® SEPP ates fon, dropped dead while a pas- Senger on the Continental Limit , 1 ted. It did not in|m? : : io | res here ih aun na 100 Costest Cou Ste nthe The Fith W the cause, + treaties had injured the dairy in- | uuder the Treaty with Australia' and The in the eek of the 5 { dustry of the Dominion. Mr. Suther- | New Zealand but came in from Great End 5 Prince Albert, Sask., Feb. 13.-- i Mr. King, was standing as a protest str vene040 $4 ¢ 4% land's move of course was a hit at | Britain under the regular tariff. It United States. Has Now ed. lution by a * had nothing whatever to do with the ., attorney-generai of Saskatche- Mr. Burgess to state by what con- ed his resolution by Speech which -- Sy rti the didature of vention he w lected to" icin sv NEE | will probably take rank 2s oue of the | Treaty. . The Minister of Asricul. THE NEW CONTRACT NEW NOTE IS STRUCK van, supporting San © Was selected to "oppose Worst ever delivered in the House. | ture has a merry way of choosing an J a Er Aap eusle Hing iu Dr men assinats. ort tempt ts erento Poors he ai. | obpatent ail over ble oy fouoores ATE | : a - R. G. y 5 . it would im ble to follow' all plored tha introduction of military | a personal knowledges of Mackenzie ¢ Jempt to deveribe it, It Was bad : pase'Sle io lullow the absurdities of speaker like i Half honors into the political campaign. | King, sald that during his college 5 [ol of ronsnepannkty trom » Seid Donald" Sutherland. au ea are Will Extead Four and a Mr. Cross addressed a Liberal rally | years the present premier spent his § that some butter h CB News Cele- Pre last night. Dr. R. C. Scott of leisure time on studying Yoclal and 1 Taboit og enough fo make a jack New Zeal iy ' a Some in from Years--Joyous akawa, Progressive leader in the | labor problems on which he is an § i aD hase a Srey hound. id other Soto Ty on brated i ind Fields | Cotistituency, and Hon. 8. Latta, | expert. The speaker claimed no man ; : age . Yrs the 3 empt hid in. This 18 Just about the Dore mn o Provincial Minister of Education, | in the Canadian Expeditionary Force Lhe a a rd da . to | import of butter. Some butter por od also spoke. or in- political or civil life had rend- dy fois & re lequa a every year. The present| Philadelphia, Feb, 13. The JOBE-| Ottawa, Feb. 13--The House of If' Capt. David L, Burgess, Inde-| ered moro valuable service to Can- Jorteay ' sogerk BN 1a nan [eon ticas ve. not exceptional, est and most costly strike in the bis- Commons concluded the fifth weeld pendent candidate who islopposing | ada and the world than Mr. King. # 3 : Yow 'him (the farmer). to have the | Prices have dropped but the figures | YOTY of ths anthracite industry was of tlie session last night with the + : 'settled yesterday when the OPera: | address and amendment thereto still rights and privileges enjoyed by | show beyond question thet Prices | ors: agreed 10. Hu bars their. de- : : : : ok i ; > ] other people (protection) and | have dropped over the entire world. t x 1 be 158.000 under discussion. Again the Liberals RDON SIMPSON CHURCH Aor AMENDMENT i § : we. will quickly double" the popula- | The reduction in the U.S. was larger Rand Worker gs. 1 aca "on | *d. Progressives remained silent, A ? Sought in Behalf of ASberts Con- tion of Canada." Hansard page 852. | than in Canada. It dropped in Cop- 1925, while Conservative members carried! ) : strike since September 1st, 2) o Now remember Mr. Sutherland was | enhagen, London, New York ang|™ on the debate. BACK IN THE "PEN"| ~...cxume retrumi acaniy Soadoa, Kev are expeciad to return to ark ae ---- 3 AR . 5 speaking of 'the tariff. His conten- | dly escape 4 a tio A new note was 'struck by A. Des ment ta he Alberta. Champ mend |. Quek double ihe uepayin vould [80d 4s Mr. Motherwill pointag. out | Wednesday. Of the new contract ay | ¥IFC Poster, Comerraini member: Act has been asked for in behalf of ; Quickly double the population .of|the price of cheese dropped "even | trl-district convention of miners | for Hants-Kings, when.in answer to Stated "Red" Ryan Has Re- the Continuing Preshyterian Chueey Canada. Our total imports of agri. |More than butter despite the fact: in Scranton on Tuesday 'morning, |® Question Dy W. D. Euler, Liberal, fused to Give Evidence in to provide for fhe appointment of a * | cultural products which are competi-.| that we brought in only 3 cheese Nofmal production of hard coal wily | North Waterloo, he advogated that! \ -. the Case. commission to deal with properties| Major George Alexander Walkem, | tive with Canadian farm products | under the Australian Treaty. Sof = eached in three or four weeks. |the fixing of rates be removed from y ; within the province, over which {B.S¢.,, M.E.IC,, Vancouver, the | approximate $48,000,000. That | ended the story so far as Mr. Suther- Here are the terms on which the | the Jurisdiction of the Board of Se---- {some difficulty has arfsen in the ai. newly-elected president of the Engi- | amounts to about 43¢ a month for [land was concerned. settlement was made: Railway Commissioners. + The com+ : Sargon Simm 0 oe Saken vision between that church and the |neering Institute of Cénada for | every individual in Canada. Well-- Lo -- Immediate resumption of work on | mission, Mr. Foster sald, lacked sufd * 4 oi tice ol hr en a United Church. 1926, is managing director of Van-|our total production of agricultural » 8 Dygrmer Protectionst. a 4%-year contract ending August |ficfent men who were familiar with of robbing & bank, was returned to| Premier J. E. Brownlee bas sug- |couver Machinery Depot, Limited, | produce in Canada in 1924 was $1. red Davis,.a armer Conservative 31st, 1930, at the scale of Wages | auditing and traffic conditions a 3 ae gested as an alternative to this re- (and has 'been identified With the | 500,000,000, That Was the produc- | Protectionist from Calgary east prevailing when the last contract ex- | the Same time to carry on the work. the prison on Saturday afternoon. quest the advisability 'of appointing | engineering Profession since 1885. | tion. of the entire agriculture popu- [Made a long speech. , What Be want- | pireg, Mr. Foster also favored' the removal! When Simpson appeared at the sit. & voluntary committee from each |During the war he served with the | ation yet Mr. Sutherland claims|ed was more protection. The U.8.| = Provision for revision or moditi- of the Intercolonial Raflway from: ung of the asslzes at Toronto, thie church to be called together for the [Royal Engincors in Beyer ang raf rane If we kept out $45,000,000 of | had injured the ranchers of Westie. fation Of the agreeiment 0uge a yer | the contros ur ir. Gavadiag Nesiony dlicitor. who acted in his behal, purpose of working out a settlement |tine. He is president of tlie Asso- agricultural products oup agricul: | Canada by putting a duty on cattle. beginning January 1st, 1927, on the 81 Rallways at Montreal d thei ked that his case be allowed to of such problems without recourse | clation of Professional Engineers of | tural population would double, The | There was no doubt of the Injury, | request of either side. restoration of ity iy an of 8d over for the present. . With the to any judical or semi-fudical body, {British Columbia; president 20d | common sense of the people cay | our export of °8tle to the U.S. drop: | ' 'If no agreement is reached with- | yO - Sad. offles 1s mt of the crown, the hearing This suggestion has been laid be. managing director of Gulf of Georgia | pangre a statement Tike that! bed off from over $40,000,000 in| ig thirty days the issues shall be ros oye o J. B. Chapli transferred to a later date. fore the local leaders of both the Towing Company, Limited, , < 1920 to less than $4,000,000 now. terre to a board of two with full rier, J.B. Chapin, At first it was expected that 8imp- Unlted Chureh and the Presbyterian |British Columbia Dock Company Naturall h - tive member for Lincoln, 3 ] ) The French Treaty. 'Yaturally enough that hurt the West-| power and, both sides bing them- Son mig ody in Jaranto until hig | Chirch, and it is expected that their | Limited. Major Walkem has been a Then Mr. Sutherland attacked the fern'farmer but what remedy did MY. | selves to abide by the board's de-|°i*ed the Australian treaty, as wel 88 Was called, but the police au- X ies concluded by the! answers will be favorable to accept- [member of the British Columbia Davis propose. Briefly his proposal ision, 8% other treaties 3 ; es are taking no chances on . French "Treaty negotiated by the Proposal | ¢ ; ing the Premier's plan, thus obviat. Legislature since 1934, He is the government in 1928." Trade with! Vas that the Canadian government| The board shall be selected by|GOvernment. sensational es- ing the necessity of further legisla- (800 of the late Dr. R. TT. Walkem, | p should have threatened fhe UB with | the submission ; three : by|. W. A Blac that he be removed | ion. 2.C., and meghew of Mr. 7. B, wal. | [TPBCe hedigailén 5 the Ww of tires names to the hr . e a Tt an export duty on wheat going into | both sides, the 4 t optsmouth, i kem, K.C., Kingston. treaty was negotiated. Thre cause of going oFs 10 choose one 'hen Simpson arrived at Kingston -------- > i L at Halifax to discharge netion in charge of members of FARMERS IN DISTRESS. L 00K FOR ONTARIO was the treaty and the government. | ening a big fellow has its disadvant.- | tors and the operators to choose. one this in the opinion of Mr. Sutherland | the U.S. from Canada. Well threat-| of the men sug opera- | 8dian Government . 1 ~|Wkes. Supposing the U.S. had said, | of the men suggested by the miners. | of Australlin and. New tu ve ithorities. rom Toronto, tobe. Go 'Ala ie hat oF i ong diuge a oe: "Hop to it." Then I suppose we The board 'shall be obligated to ar- ja, hich depressed t J Many 7 ye men nm Sous In 1920 our exports to France were | Would have put On. an export duty rive at a decision within ninety | két 'price. ------.e i Be ea he Winnipeg, Feb, 13.-- Claiming ELECTION IN JUNE valued- at $61,000,000 1932/00 wheat and the Americans having Jays, and it it a%adlofks it nay Ment that the Where he will continue his sentence (they are facod with starvation and A, cal years in both Hy a the] birt our Ssttle men by a tarif we ae ole » Dall be bind ET .|m ritime haa f ten years, which he was. doing |Wwithout means of preparing their oy, Citizen Melghen tariff was still ln force up| Would break even by hurting our alos ¥ a 8 ah a he Wariiime when he made his getaway: jand for seeds, through lack or Ottawa Oitizen Says There hag arch 31st, 1932) the exports [OWn farmers with an export tart on ay gee 1 on the part of fa | EBS. The last x bad been expected that "Req [funds,: residents of the Stuartbury| WII Be Clear Out Liquor [had aroppea. to 35,000,000. An | Wheat, bars to aehaty umpire, tort hE ! Stine, a Lo & Dal of Simpson, would = be [district of Manitoba have forwarded | Issue. amazing decline while' Mr. Meighen ---- h orig, Ont, wiio advised caution in sken to Toronto and give evidence |® Detition to the provincial Govern. | . fasin power. In 1925 aur exports A Point of Order, Lengthy Agreement. sone py ith completing the 3 ude on behalf of Simpson, with the hope | MeDt, appealing for assistance. Ottawa, Feb. 13..p general | 10 France were valued at $10,290,-| An Interesting little scrap, arose It 1s anAcreteod that on a ques-|"*V® Bay raflway, that an alibl could be established. | Disastrous floods, 'caused by the election in Ontario in June is what| 283: But our- exports to France during Mr. Sutherland's speech in- tion of wage reduction the miners'|,, 1° debate will be continued on The Whig has been informed by good [O¥erflow of the Roseau and Rat |. Conservative members of parlia- | ¥hich had moved up to $18,000,000 volving a point of order. Mr. Suther- representative would oppose refer-| MOR4aY by R, K. Anderson, Conser- authority that Ryan absolutely re-|Tivers last spring, ruined the CTODS | ont are led to expect from com.|!" 1924 dropped back to the figure | land inferred in the course of his re- ence to an umpire, while on a pro- vative, Halton, and the vote on the fuses to be drawn into the case. of the district, and subsequent efforts cldential advices from Toronto," | £1ven above in 1925, What Jo the marks that certain members had posal of a wage increase the opera-| Amendment is expected on Tuesday, There is a possibility that Gordon |8t Te abitation were thwarted by says the Citizen to-day. It adds: ~ |C8uSe of that? Two reasons. The | been purchased to support the BOV={ tors' representative would act : Peon will have to appear for triaf |°ODtinued Wat weather. The election will be esentially on | ®¥POris to France in 1924 were | al rament. The inference of the con- Similarly. The contract, therefore, "OF ihe very near future at a hearing |' Jovernment aid is essential, the the liquor question. Differing from | USUally high Because France had s Tot. Bugkested Woodsworth the Virtually means a 4% year agree. the court in Kingston, to answer to petition states, to prevent 'wide frequent forecasts it ig stated that short wheat crop that Year and In-| Labor member for Winnipeg. Now ment at the old scale of wages, with the 'charge of escaping from the °Pread hardship. Mr. Ferguson does mot plan any| ¢reased its imports from Canada. It happens that the Labor member the emphasis of settlement of dfs. outh penitentiary, as well as ota re 00d. perlid " vas legislation whatever dealing with | 1924 Was the year in high wheat | is about as mild straight forward and | 1, by mutual agreement, media- : Uklow, son of' Mra, umber of other charges. to the affected farmers by the Gov. the O.T.A. this Session, but that] ®XPorts to France, Italy, Belgium | sincere a gentleman as ever occupied tion and conciliation and not by 've | Richard Uglow, Albert street, an . when the legislature f{s concluded, | 42d Japan registered sharp in-|q seat in any House of Parliament. ference to a third party whose de.| ®t Present in Hong Kong, has Deen > ernment. : ty of, -| creases, Then after thal came the Men may differ from him but they elected a. member of the Bocle The question will be brought up thery will be an appeal to the coun cision would be binding. on i ; decline in. the French franc and | admire him. He objected to the sug- .| Economic Geologists of America, In the Legisiature. er getiutts Hear out fogue of France was not fn a position to buy "gestion that he was purchasable. yy isign nade oe work: very distinguished honor. Dr. tow, 3h securing evi-| TT Urban or other municipaljtios that | ®8 much as she bad in previous) The Speaker sustained his objection. tion and efficiency" by the standing is one of Queen's brilliant 6 i Ryan, who with OTTAWA IS BIDDING. want the sale of liquor under goy- years. AD, 'it. statesmen like the Feeling in a more or less contanker. board of conciliation without the | STaduatés who haw made a mark in: + Was one of four to escape ' hasment auspices will 'be able to | member for South Oxford would only | ous mood that day Mr. Meighen ap. umpire. Although this clause made professional ranks as a skilled geolas) oR th penitentiary Wo | For The Chats Falls Water P have it it the majority on the pleb. | Study the facts they would find them Péaled from: the decision of the no reference, to the. check-ofr, it! iy | 518t ty : Which Is For Sale. iscite declare for it; Those who vote | Much more interesting than the pre-| Speaker to the House. The House | gp approach toward this demand tise Ottawa, Feb. 13.--Mayor Bal- | against it will remain dry." sentation. of a partisan story! sustained the Speaker. Bennett from | of the miners, which -the operators 3 harrie ani J. A. Eilts, de of -- ges Calgary refused to support Meighes, | pave resisted Just as. vigorously as oud Mons £0 ark 8, the Ottawa Hydro-Blectrie Power St. John's Church, Pittsburgh. Motherwell Kills the Ghosts. he walked out in disgust. The facts they have insisted®on arbitration as until M arch 9 of fhe hearing of the >. Commission, went to Quebec last| In regard to the St. John's church,| Mr. Sutherland stated that there|are = that 'certain influences are | peing the only method of avoiding application of this Bell Tal hone evening, and to-day they will put in \ \ : grooming Mr. Bennett for the lead- strikes and resolving deadlocks. Company for the approv ey its 8 bid for the Chats Falls waterpower ership of the party. The honorable . new taritt of fates oh 9 ps copy-| Which is offered for sale by the | Peal Court had the | was not on sale brought in under the | gentleman is grooming himself by Hamlets , esterday afte ¥ ov g of the i oy Quebec Government. The bid will | city up until Saturday morning, and | new treaty. - Mr. Motherwell dismiss- taking on an atmosphere of detach- Scrasiton, . Pa., Feb. 13.--With ou a ¥ roon's ott DL De made b. behalf of the Ottawa fOr that reason the a rarsemont | od this ghost by showing that only| ment and fairness but the well | celebrations going on last night in| DOF Samm ners, Hydro but jt fs understood that if | Which gave the Unionists the use of | 3 cheese weighing 90 Ibs, each 270; groomed hotse does not always take | every city, town and hamlet of eeded with | ring 3 This. Pro-, act to permit the | the Power Is secured it will be trans. | the church on one Sunday morning | Ibs. had been Imported under the | the prize, Meighen is still in the lead Pennsylvania's hard coal fields over oo it'w ty fi Yo i hi qu08- sale of ght wines and beer, but bor | ferred to the Ontario Hydro 'as a |8ud the Continuing Presbyterian the 'treaty. Mr. Sutherland had evident-| and pole horse at that. Who can te]l | the Joyous news that the long and i ri Mr oa id ul epend ring the mlsen 4 following Sunday will have to be|ly met these three ¢ ! The facts| what is to happen in the days that | bitter coal strike was at an end, the : anes made (n the work of a # i carried out. On Sunday morning, ac. | are as Mr. Mot! "pointed out are tq come. © | coal companies of the anthracite re-|*uditing the company's boks, 4 cording to the ruling of the tria} > ; : gion turned to Preparations for a EE ivinm-- Judge, the Unionists are billed to] "= ; fo, deserting Wie wite sagt Fy resumption of operations at the| ° Stole $10,088 From : } service. 5 AT ¢ ronto, deserting Wile and family. | earliest ible date. 2 x i ~Duge FL IES SUDDENLY. ira 2 Hr He accumulated property to the ex. Bago firemen, mechanics], so monton, Alta, Feb. 13 Late Reginald A. Wilson, Canadian Windsor, Feb. 13-- wy % SE : | tent of some $3,275. Mr. Justice | and other men whose duties are to ean. solicit ~ th only Mowat heid that the widow was not keep the mines in a state of Tépair|, penitentiary in the AM] Albany, oN pap ro 1¥~Reg- Trustee Howell voting against it the AA 1 | bound by the/will and that her late | were ordered back to their "POSE | oot tor thett of 310.938 given him _ | Inald A. Wilson, Canadian news. endation of the management at : 'husband was engitled to dispose of tions to-day. The fires drgwn from, 8 widow to purchase mortgages at. Bin 8 Solita a Dw] abolish cadet corps : : From | the boilers" months 280 will blaze| per cent, - a 2 shen ne , , Yyble ¥heow Lt Ones Oonesrmed Divison of Se i808 P| Sharan he mechan snd co A whoa ake the Tsk ® Windaoy operty o remainder 1 divid nt the various Welliericy. Gollar from a woman, giving her no security, is entitled 10 no considers- - Yon," declared His Lordship in pass ing sentence.