ALBERT L.CLOUGH THE AVERAGE MOTORIST thinks but. seldom of the lubrication conditions prevailing In his car's gearbox, but nevertheless it is of .. importance. There should always be enough 60 that some of the gears dip into it continuously aad distribute it by splashing. It should pever be so thin and watery as to fall to cushion the gear faces, so that they may run quielly and with a minimum 00 thin lubricant moreover tends to leak excessively, It r be 50 stiff or become so thickened by cold that it wil tig permanent channels that they do not touch it. isslon eompounds, not proof against winter temperatures, have the above mentioned failing, Gear Meshing Difficulties ~S Countershaft gears running in very sticky, heavy lubricant not only waste a lot of power but they meet so great resistance in "churning" It, that they come to rest almost instantly when the clutch is throws out, thus making .it difeult to mesh them. with the sliding shaft Rears, which turn so long ag the éar is moving. Much gear-clashing, especially jn cold weather, arises from this excessive "clutch brake" action of over ¥iscous transmission lubricants, Difficulty In Sliding Gears In a trans fon so full of non-fiuig Or frozen lubricant that the sliding gears a d-the shipper forks are immersed in it, changing Speeds is sometimes well nigh impossible aud usually involves so much brute force, applied to the gearshilt lever, that it or the forks way be bent or even broken. . Regulating Lubricant Consistency The ideal condition is to keep the transmission. Jubricant just this enough to low freely a: the lowest temperatures met with, and thie Is best accomplished by using a normally Build neavy oil or transmis. hinned, if necessary, by admixsture of engine on of kerosene. TAKES HOURS TO START IT the choke fully closed. please write : . us agalh, it you still have trouble: tn ELECTROLYTE WEAK IN ACID P,P. writes: Ever since it was new, the engine of my 1920 car been almost impossible to start and oacasionally stops with. out apparent cause, While it is running, it operates normally and pulls well, but I sometimes work for hours at a time to get It going {tery will charge only half full, and even when. 1 am Successful, it [even though [ leave my rectifier may stop after running a few miles. furnishing it current at the rate There seems to be plenty of spark | of three amperes for 'days at a at the plugs and plenty of Bas fur- [time. Would it help In Securing nished the cylinders. A new bat- | full charge §f 1 should put acid in tery, coil and distributor have | the cells. If so. what kind of acid B put in. - Can you help me? and how much should [ use? © Answer: Its satisfactory running Answer: If you conclude that hen once started, seems to. ex- | this battery is only half charged. clude the possibility of faulty valve simply the electrolyte action, and improper ignition tim. gravity tests only what it normally .~ ing. and as you have replaced most {should fn a half charged battery, of the ignition apparatus, 1t would | your conclusion may be incorrect, Seem that this must now be O, K.las the cells may actually be fully This leaves carburation as the most | charged, but the electrolyte may be probable seat of the trouble. It| weak enough in acid to make the there is positively a £00d 'starting gravity readings misleading. If the spark, your starting difficulty may | positive plates are brown and the be due to alr-leaks Into the ntake | negatives gray in Or to the failure of the choke to cells are up to vol give a rich enough starting mix. while charging, ture. An air-leak would make the | vour battery 1s probably at full engine stall "easily and resist re-| +! arge and only Reeds to have the starting. If it will start, after the ctrolyte strengt readjusted, eylinders are primed with gasoline. | is rather a fussy job to do this, and You can be pretty sure that one of | we Suggest that you have ft done the above mentioned defects is|at the service station. The acid present, but if if does not so start. used is chemically pure sulphuric. there is not an adequate spark. | but this Is never added to the cells After assuring yourself that all in-| as such. The electrolyte iy drawn take connections are tight and that ofr and usually replaced with new, Frost In The Gas Line Negligence In Excluding Water Invites Fuel Feed rrouvres WATER IN THE FUEL SYSTEM causes enough annoyance in warm weather, but it seldom absolutely prevents an engine from running without plenty of warming. In winter, however, its freezing may absolutely cut off the gasoline supply and do so without any warning ffidications. When an engine that has been standing idle - In severe cold, fails to start o- stops dead after running for a very short time and examination shows that the carburetor is empty, although there is gasoline in the tank, a very plausible conclusion is that the fuel line is Somewhere obstructed by ice, 5 The Ice-Bound Carburetor Screen : The 'point of freezing is most likely to be the strainer at the carburetor inlet and if, when the supply pipe is disconnectod at the carburetor, gasoline flows freely from it, ice has probably formed in . % the strainer gauze. It should bs removed and thawed and all traces of water drained out of the carburetor, after warming it with hot cloths or hot water poured over it. : » The Ice-Plugged Carburetor Pipe It gasoline does not escape from the detached carburetor supply * pipe, it is possible that water, accumulated in its lowest portion, has Jsen, this being indicated, if gasoline escapes from vacuum-iank when the pipe is disconnected therefrom, Warming the pipe and blowing all water out of it is required. : Other Vulnerable Points A car which has long set idle, with much water In its fuel system, the 'bottom of the and it no liquid escapes from its drain when opened and a wire cannot be forced up through it, this condition is indicated It is conceivable too that ice may form in the main tank, around the draft tube or in a "dip" in the pipe to the vacuum tank. : ' Such, Troubles Are Preventable E 'The frozen gas line can absolutely be forestalled by keeping water oiit . and the tank. If a gasoline filter is provided, as a separate unit, - this requires draining, : INSUFFICIENT CARBURETOR HEAT P. L. 8 writes: The, engine of my car has never been much affécted by cof until this winter, but troubled by miss: H, J. W. writes: My storage bat. of it by frequent drainings of the carburetor, the vacuum tank: main Introduction of the imp roved Ford closed models in colors * has substantially increased the demand for these popular cars. In line with the policy to give its customers the benefit of all reductions in production costs, the Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited announces substantial reduc- tions in all closed models except the cour tions effective as of February 11th. Fordor Tudor "Chassis ~ . These reduc- New Price Old Price Reduction 755 *895 *140 695 755 60 325 335 10 J Added refinements in the new model runabout, touring car light delivery have necessitated a slight price increase. prices are now as follows: 3 Runabout "Touring "Light Delivery New Price 410 440 435 . » The truck chassis and coupe remain unchanged. Coupe . Truck JPY Equipped " : . + 3665 . a 485 with starter $85.00 extra "All prices f. osb. Ford, Ontario ~ Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited wi . Ford, Ontario n 3 > A i . 2 ¥ 7 +3 ~ i « iy Lory pi RAT AR eee eee p r-------- FUNERAL OF THE LATE QUEEN MOTHER OF ITALY Bt ROR