Rall en Toe Toor @) MERAY k February Sale 'BE Fur Coats, Chokers, Scarfs Special reductions on alterations and repairs. RAPID GROWTH OF COMPANY. DESERONTO Deseronto, Feb. 15.--The i general meeting of the Great which took place in the court house | | West Life Assurance Company on on Friday, in which two Deseronto! February 2nd, by the retiring presid- youths figured, the one having a Mr. A. MacDonald, contains a the oth - | sulted > rested Jot Asssult, Ie: wealth of informstion in regard to | the rapid growth of the company. cash ve | for a oF the tr Peace! The first gemeral meeting of the On Friday night, in their hall, the company, was held on. June 238d; Royal Templars Lodge held a box 1892, when Mr. MacDonald was el- social, which was splendidly at- | 6Cted president. Mr. MacDonald ex- tended, and the disposal of the boxes | Pressed Ris deep appreciation of the by auction was a matter of great confidence Teposed in him by the = interest to the anxious-eyeéd ile] directors during his long term of " maidens who had so carefully pre- | office. He expressed satisfaction at = ? Sl pared them. The evening was a suc-| the rapid increase in the amount is ! . cess financially and an occasion - of | Written by the company, which had 5 0 # a t tun for all who were there. now reached $420,000,000. The re- a : i ® Miss Mavis Foote was hostess, on | tiFing president paid a glowing tri- a + THE FUP. HOUSE SR Friday evening, at & dance given in| bute to the founder of the company, g 149-157 BROCK STREET, KINGSTON * || the Stuart Hotel, of which Mr. Foote | Mr. J. H. Brooks, to whom he re- - : g a is proprietor. ¢ | Jase] as "a sincere | The Catholic Women's League | riend." The death during the year held a successful tes, and sale of of Sir. Augustus M. Nanton ,a vice- homemade cooking in the parish hall | president of the company, Was also on Saturday afternoon. Those Bat- | regretted by Mr. MacDonald, who urday afternoon sales, which are he-{ was unstinted in his praise of the coming such a feature of the differ- service and personality of the de- ent church organizations, are a boon | ceased. to the tired housewife. ei Mrs.| Wiliam Kimball and Miss BACK TO THE BIBLE Isobel Cole of Picton were callers in | -- town on Saturday. ° {Is The Call of the Hour, Says Evan- Mrs. Willlam Ravin of Mill street | gelist Chapman. was hostess to a pumber of her "Our divine Lord thé Saviour, of triends on Friday evening. men, being again wounded in the Mrs. Charles Clement-left on Sat- | house of his friends, is the-saddest urday for Toronto, where she will be | spectacle befors the world today. the guest of her daughter,-Mrs. Ern- | Every attack which avowed infideli- est Hoag, for a few weeks. | ty has ever made upon the Bible is The High School Literary Society | now being repeated by men who pro- ov; | De1d its meeting in the assembly room | fess to be and call themselves Chris- i} on Friday afternoon. The programme, | jong and are paid to stand in the which was excellent in all its features; | gaored desk to uphold doctrines ii| was in charge of the Plebians and | which they are openly repudiating if | was presided over by Miss Ursala| 3 denying." il| Brennan, president. There were| g5 geclared Evangelist Chapman, i! plano solos by Miss Brennan and |. iy, Mr. Gordon Hall, a dumbell drill by es Aired Roa | sixteen girls, an original soxg on the | yng 'chart and compass of the Chris- || Plebs," a splendid paper by MF. | ian faith, is the call of the hour. Clarence McVickar and a medley of |. longer than fifty years ago men | Houthern songs by 2 $ uither of he would 'have ridiculed the idea that y > Hl*"The Merchant of Venice" special Ministers no do dhe ding mention might be made of the clever practicallyb the '§ame doctrine that interpretation of Portia and Shylock, Ingersoll. th intl by Miss Shurley Colcleugh and Vie- i 0i%, ie - open 10 del, taught ll} tor Blake. Mrs. Gordon gave an ad-|o™ dress on the work of the Humane |: -- ~ Society, and at the Conclusion of the Called To Bedside. il | programme dancing was enjoyed by Maple Grove, Feb, 13.--0. A | the students and their guests till six| Bogard linesman. is able to be out Hi | otclock. again after a severe attack of | Jack Dewar of, Belleville spent| gq. H. Todd: pi a as ot Hips | the week-end with Mr. Bruce Camp- uansdowné thix week, James Bell bell, Mill street. was called to the bedside of his mo- ther, Mrs. Bell, Woodburn, whose condition rémains serious. Heartiest congratulation to Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Thompson, who were married at Malloytown, on Feb. 10th. Mr. é| and Mtg. J. W. Hall spent Friday with Mrs. Hall's sister, Mrs, Fred- erick Garrett. Mr. and Mrs. William | ying 7, ¥, Watson passed away. J. Hamilton entertained at .the tea > Mr. Watson had been in poor health hour, on Friday, Miss Hilda Dorman, but had been feeling 1 for sometime R a vakag and 7rd titieh better. He was stricken sud- %{ Florenge" @uritice, Brockville, "are henly and lived only a few minutes. visitors at FL. Todd's over the week-| Ihe funeral gervics way conducted end. W. BE. Clark has help engaged st the housé on Wednesday by Rev. in getting up a large pile of wood. M "Leach of Sydenham. Deceased's two sons, Benjamin, of Toronto and William, of Kingston, have returned to their homes. > On Tuesday morning Henrietta, second daughter of Amos Deyo, pass- old in Address Given by President of Great West Life. The address delivered at the an- A Lucky Purchase of Mew's 2 Thread Balbriggan Underwear, on Sale Tuesday SEPARATE GARMENTS, 49¢ COMBINATIONS, 79¢. Men's Balbriggan Shirts, broken Sizes 34 to 44, with short sleeves sizes 34 to 44, with short or long | and ankle length; short sleeves sleeves and Drawers. Ankle'| and knee length, and long sleeves it length. : ) > and ankle length, y At these remarkably low prices for this grade 2 thread Balbrig- gan Underwear, our ad¥ice is to stock up now for the coming season. HARRIET HUBBARD AYER'S § EXCLUSIVE TOILET GOODS Branigan's Drug 268 Princess Street 3 WHITE BEDSPREADS $2.69 Extra large, double bed size, White Honeycomb Bedspreads-- good, heavy quality and free from dressing. A speeial "value $2.69 each. STORE LIMITED 4 Phone 18 OE BARGAINS! with High or Low Heels. Clearing out at $1.50 Former prices $6.00, $7.00 and $8.00. ALL SALES FOR CASH. | THE SAWYER- SHOE STORE 184 PRINCESS STREET « SEE. OUR NEW FLOOR OILCLOTHS AND LINOLEUMS D. A. SHAW, Limited "THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE" SUCCESSORS TO NEWMAN & SHAW Pra--------~ EAPLY SPRING HATS at the right price Parisian OLD TIME DANCES, | i : Our Service in Real Estate and Insurance | is like the smile--it il doesn't cost a cent. Were Enjoyed at a Recent Event in Toledo. Toledo, Feb, 13.--Miss Beatrice | |i Shop Cole spent the week-end at her home |} REET in Brockville. - We are glad to wel- come Harold Bellamy back tq'our midst again after four years sojousn at the Agricultural College farm, |} Remptville. H. Castle was a Delta jj visitor on Sunday. Adam McCrum |i has moved into the village. previous- | {i 1y he resided in a house belonging to Duncan McClure but a fire, on |} 4th inst, fro 'an overheated stove- |i pipe although checked just in time by the kindly aid of neighbors and with the fire extingmisher, ren the home unfit for habitation. Mrs. Ella Kennedy is not enjoying her usual fairly good health. George Wilkins, who has been seriously lL, i} is improving. Samuel Runnings is ill stily quite ill Mr and Mrs. George |} Riley were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Merril Philips'. DEATHS AT VERONA. CURLING Nice Homes at Low Figures § S3.300---Detatied room Bungle the car lime. Henrietta Deyo. KINGSTON vs. ROCKWOOD. Verona, Feb. 3.--On Monday T. H. Stewart J. W. Fraser P. D. Lyman A. W. McLean Skip--17 J. Kerr Bhkipa-12. W. J. Cooke E. Woodmen W. J. Frizzell T. Slater Skip---8 EB. Cledgett Trunbridge . Tutton A. Melvor' Skip--11 Total 23 Clhiinese. New Year. The Chinese colony in Kingston did not observe the Chinese Now PEKO Total 13 'Blend Tea 5% lbs, Rolled Oats... ..25¢. 1 1b, pure Cream Tartar ..39c. TABLE SALT .. 5 bags for 25¢. Year which fell on Saturday last. The Chinese in this city believe that when they are in Rome they should do as the Romans do, and 'therefore they celebrate on Jan- uary 1st. ln larger cities in Canada, and the United States, where there are established Chinatowns and in Chida, the year 4869 of the Chinese calendar was celebrated with aum- erous ceramonies. These include degil dances in which the dancers dressed in grotesque masks and cbs. tumes execute many wierd steps in the hope that they will frighten away any devils who may be lurking in the vieinity. On their New Year 'the Chinese also make resolutions. Kingston Rockwood W.'P. Holderoft E. Cannon H. Paus W. Ashby J. A. Lemmon F. Hartrick N.M. Manahan H. Flowers Skip--14 ©. Bkip--11 ---- R. H. Falr W. Welr A. Thomson W. Gibbs 8. C. Calvin ¥. Lambert T. R. Carnovsky Dr. Ryan Skip--13 Skip--11. -- Total 22 Total 27 ' . Curling at the Kingston rink on Saturday resdlted as follows: Whig Series. ¥F. Copeland . McClelland W. Frizzell J. A. McFarlane A. B. Treadgold L. Sleeth A. A. Turcotte R.M.F Me¢Farlane Skip--12 Bkip--8 -- -------- There are no shade and ham- 'mocks scattered along\ the road to success. Whatever Noah's = shortcomings were he knew enough to go in when it rained. The members of the Women Teacher's Association 'of Kingston, me for the Aged on St. Valen: fine's Day in a most fitting manner, when they had delivered at the in- od /away at the age of fourteen years, after only a few days illness. Her 'sunny disposition had won her many friends during her short life, and much sympathy is extended to the sorrowing relatives, The funeral sefvice was held in the Free Metho- dist church on Thursday by Rev. F. Lott. Mrs. Joseph Jeffrey, who has' very ill, is much improved. Wilkins is able to be out again. Messrs. Malker and Genge have taken over the store owned by T. H. Craig. A number from here attend- od the "At Home" at Sydenham on ¥ridey night. Mrs, Graham Bauder was called suddenly to the bedside of her som, Ralph, who is in a hos- pital at Watertown, N.Y. Mrs. Ww. N. Reid, Ormond, spent last week- end with her mother, Mrs. J. BE. Campbell. 3 b------------ The marriage was solemnized at St. Francis de Sales Presbytery, Smith's Falls on Feb, 10th, of lda Hivina, youngest daughter of Mrs. Louis Courier, Smith's Falls, to: Mr. Alfred Walter Whiting, also of Smith's Falls. Rev. A. B. C} , DD. To: ronto; has just reached his eighty- fifth birthday in good health. He was pastor of Trinity church, Napa- nee, jn ear]y days. 5 -- " H M.| The members of St. Philip's Club |} gave an old time dawfe in Toledo last night, a special feature being the elimination of all modern dances. A most enjoyable time was spent for goveral hours by the large crowd | present. Dancing all the old time dances was enjoyed to the strains of excellent mausie., Portland Items, Portland, Feb. 13.--A meeting of the council was held here on the 8th. The Portland hockey boys held a dance and supper on the 10th, which was well patronized. R. Mor- ris, who has been on the sick list for some time, is improving. Walter Heath, who has been in Ottawa for the last week, has re- turned hame, The farmers are very busy these days hauling logs to the saw 'mill and supplying the. village with wood. Mrs. Charles J. Polk received the sad news of her father's death. Both Mr. and Mrs. Polk went to Stirling for the funeral. Mrs. Freeland has gone to see her mother who is quite ill at present. ---------------- / Rev. Dr. A. V. Brown, of Humber ollegiate, Toronto, has a call to Alexander Presbyterian church, Brantford. 'He was formerly a min- wer pi