Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Feb 1926, p. 4

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TP Li 2 ere 1 /u THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG T -- == dor. There was written on his face 11 the anger that a man can feel } . . i | a | who has been beatén by a smaller Y ; { antagonist. | "You may be interested to know," ; Rand said coolly, 'that a little train- | ing in boxing is the greatest thing {in the world to bring a big man down te your "size. You may be jnterested, 'alse; to know that after | you go to aleep you sre going to get { a ride in the patrol wagon. I hope | the police station beuches are not shifted. his right foot behind his left | hard." : and swung a victous blow with his] "I'll kill you, you little squirt. right fist. | You--.' He glared at Jimmy and If it had found its mark the en- | hunched hic shoulders. He took one counter must: have ended right | slow step away from the wall and there. It swished wickedly through | then suddenly checked himself. His the alr. But quickly as it had been | right hand, -dangling st arm's launched, Jimmy had been quicker, | length, had came in contact with and the blow fanned the air in front | his coat pocket. A look of cunning 1 of his face as he sprang lightly back. { crept into his eyes as he gazed stead- "The man was etfll half turned | fastly at Rind. His hand slid slowly with the force of his swing when | Into the packet, Rand moved swiftly forward, and Jimmy, watching him narrowly, all the power in Jimmy's shoulders | suddenly sprang at him. 'Drop that was in the straight thrusting punch | gun,".he cried as he closed in. His that he aimed at the other's jaw. It | left hand gripped desperately the crashed' him, and the man stags | other's right wrist, while his right gered back on his heels. He tot-| sought the man's throat. : tered for an instant, and his knees He had his opponent backed sagged slightly, but he quickly re-| aghinst ths wall, one arm pinned. gained his balance. With a bellow | to his side and the other prevented of rage he rushed his smaller oppo-| from coming iato action by the nent, his powerful arms flailing as | pressure of his own right forearm. he sought to land one of those bone- | He tightened his grasp on the man's crushing blows. throat. Tho latter; fighting convul- Jimmy had aimed at the point of | sively for -air, was trying to break the other's chin--the vulnerable | the hold on his windpipe. Jimmy "button," as it is known in prize-| could feel nim growing limp. fighting circles. A powerful punch, Jimmy suddenly released his hold landing squarely on that nerve cen-| on the man's wrist and thrust his tre, robs a man man of conscious-| own. hand into the pocket. His ness just as surely as does an ether | fingers closed on a hard object and. cone in the hands of a surgeon. he jerked his hand away, at the "Too high," Jimmy muttered ag! same time letting go of the other's he saw the other recover and come | throat, charging in. "I'll have to finish him It was not 8 gun after all, but a or I'm gone." blackjack. The man, slumped It looked that way, certainly, A! against the building, was sucking spectator witnessing that ~fight| the air into his lungs in great gasps. would have declared it too unequal, | Jimmy backed away from him, hold- Rand, not a small man himself, but| ing the weapon in his hand. straight and slender for all of his It was then that he heard some- breadth, of shoulders, was actually} one running toward them--a patter dwarfed by the bulk of his antago-|of feet coming from the direcjion nist, who wus easily half a head|of his rooming house. The man taller and must have had a weight | backed against the wall heard them, advantage of 20 or 30 pounds. too. Hope blazed into his eyes. ADE/ Wlatkes Breakfasts Better ~ JVI OTHER says, "My family find a delicious ° morning appetite appeal in e as Shirriff's make it. It's wholesome for us all, particularly the children. My youngsters always have liked idand they can eat all they want." No wonder Shirriff's Marmalade is welcomed on the breakfast table in many thousands of Canadian homes. For it is made for you with all, the tempting tartness of finest Seville oranges received in individual wrappers for greater cleanliness. Made in kitchens that are spic and span. Made by expert knowledge gained from 25 years' experience in better marmalade making. GREAT NEW MYSTERY SERIAL By Ernest Lynn : Henry Rand, 55, a business . man, is found murdered in a cheap hotel in Grafton. The only clews Are a woman's hand- kerchief and a yollow ticket stub from a theatre. Jimmy Rand, Henry's son, and Detective Mooney trace, the ticket to a Thomas Fogarty, who says he gave it to a woman named Olga Maynard. Police search for her. , Jimmy meets and falls in love against her. She faints when he says she is snépected of murder. . He is in the street holding her when he sees Mary Lowell and a . man companion watching them. The next day Jimmy learns Mary's companion was Samuel Church, a wealthy lawyer. Mary refuses to speak to Jimmy and later in the day he. is dis. . He gets a phone call from Police Lieutenant O'Day to come down to headquarters. Orange-juice is good for babies--for little folks. The crystal-pure ingredients of Shirriff's Marmalade have 2 definite food value. That's why it's so satisfying.' Your grocer sells Shirriff's Marmalade in sizes which best suit your convenience--- dainty individual jars, 12-0z., 1-lb,, 284-1b. containers and the big 4-1b. tin, sealed air-tight--the same high quality in every size. National advertising assures you that Shirrifi's Marma- lade means quality and convenience reasonably priced. Always uniform, always the same high standard, Shirriff's Marmalade is economical, far cheaper to use in the home than any other marmalade. * Chapter XVIL His back pressed closely against the building, Jimmy began to move cautiously away from the corner in search of a better position, for the street light on the cornef picked out every near-by object in bold re- lef. > He felt a doorway at his back and stepped into its prdtective shadow. He saw that he was standing in the éhtranca to a grocery store. The place, closed for the night, was quite dark. The doorway, a few feet far- ther back from the street than the Improve your breakfast with Shirrifi's Marmalade. Serve it for tea. Eat it every day because it's economical and good for you Makes Better Breaktasts" adjdgent show window, offered him a haven from which he could com- mand a clear view of anyone that passed without being readily seen himself. » The sound of that football---at least he felt positive it was a foot- ball-had entirely dissipated the feeling of uneasiness and vague ir- ritation that had been preying on One he reached out a mighty paw, showing surprising swiftness in a man of such size, and grabbed Jimmy by the arm, trying to draw him elose. In that position his greater strength would have crushed the other into helplessness. Jimmy struggled against the grip, but his left arm was held fast. He clubbed his fist and brought it down with all his strength on the man's wrist, "Kid!" he eried. 'Oh, kid!" (To Be Continued). PERTH ROAD PARAGRAPHS. Several Events. Perth Road, Feb. 11,--The fine condition of the roads enables much teaming and hauling to be done. The The Weather Proved Very Bad for t EN Established 1880 b § TERR MARMALADE fa (1 requ red-- hin. one CA ne ' In the shadow of the doorway he ailoring establish- strained every nerve---watching, tee outs listening. He tensed his muscles, fit and samples free-- ready for instant action. His heart and guarantee our pounded terrifically. clothes, M.L.M.C. whifh was to meet at Mrs. J. Slack's last Thursday was unable to do go on account of the inclement weather, but will meet next Thurs- day afternoon at the home of the and the hold was broken. Jimmy was not agile enough in backing away from those huge flail: ing fists and ® a thundering blow caught him on the shoulder and sent him reeling backward. A ------------ ~~ ts. Write, with references, _ D8 THOMAS' ECLECTRIC _O1lL A Brattleboro, Vt, man experi- ted with sugar cane and grew én- h to make two quarts of sugar 2 the home product. 6 average man seems to think others expect too "Nervous as & schoolboy," he said aloud. "Why don't I run?" Now he was quite sure he heard footsteps again---following the same path he had taken to the 'corner. 'He waited, scarcely breathing, and then he saw a figuré round the dor 'I ner of the building and emerge from the Shadows into the light cast by the street lamp. The man was looking--looking in the diréction of Jimmy's rooming house. The light revealed his burly frame and, although a cap was : pulled well down over his head and eyes, Jimmy got a clear view of the lower part of his face, the heavy chin and jaw. He stood still for several seconds, looking and listening, and then he moved. As he drew abreast of the grocery store Jimmy stepped out in- to the light. "You seem to be look- ing tor something," ha suggested. The othet, startled at Rand's sud- den appearance, jumped back. Re- covering quickly, hé muttered a re- ply 'and started to pass on. "Come on, you were following me. What's the game?" Jimmy had moved 'quickly to block the man's path, his eyes glowing with hot anger. . "Out of the way, you--"' With an oath the man in the cap suddenly ---- He would have fallen if he had not backed into the brick wall of the building. He sprang away from the building and to one side just as the other came boring in with a bull-like rush. But another thing became apparent, too, as. they maneuvered back and forth, the bigger man ever plungitig forward and Jimmy retreating in a circle. That was this: In giviig ground as' he did, Jimmy not only managéd to keep out of reach of the other's swings but also to keep to his opponent's right. Consequent- ly the man was forced to. tufn slightly toward Jimmy before start- ting one of those right-hand '"'hay- makers"--and he seerfied to be us- ing his right hand two to one in pres ference to his left. Invariabiv, every time he made the shift Jimmy would dart in with a stinging punch to head or body and béck again in time to avoid the return, There was anotner marked differ- ence between the two. Whereas hig opponent's attack was confined to those. mighty wide-arced swings, Jimmy was punching straight Jami rt the shoulder or snapping little & b from the wrist. It is an axiom in scientific fighting, just as it is in mathematics, that a straight line is the shortest distance between points, and in countering as he did with those swift lance-like thrusts Jimmy was not only beating his antagonist to the punch every time, but he' was astonishingly accurate. Besides this there was a deceptive power in those straight, snappy jolts that 'were raining a on the the other's face and body. "Come on and fight like a man." |" He snarled at Jimmy through lips that were puffed and bleeding. His breath was coming in short, jerky gasps, the effect of those telling body punches. "You damn dancin' master, you, let me get my hands on you and I'l! break you in halt." Jimmy pulled up short, well out of the other's range, and dropped his hands. Save fof a bloody ear, where president, Miss Nina Guthrie, Ladies' Aid was also postponed on Tiesday which was to, meet at Mrs. William Shales. All are glad to hear that Robert Green is on the fair road to" health. d 1B. Stokes have been eéngdged Ht the Rock Lake spar J. Middleton The mines. There are a number of men new' at work filling a large con- tract. Little Helen Amey is under the doctor's care. Celds are very prevalent. © Mr an@ Mrs. J. Middleton, Miss W; Wallace, J. Harris and: Mr. and Mts. H.-N. Stonness, . Sydenham, two, steady tattoo were the Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. E. Stokes, Raymond's Corners. George Green spent a couple of days in the city last week, L. Dickinson is very low. Mr. and Mrs. F, Stone and Mr. and Mrs. R. Powell were the week-end guests of W. Raymond. Mrs. David Hall and little daughter, Doris, spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. J. A. Middleton, TOF Guthrie, who has been spending some time in the c¢iiy under the doctor's care has réturfidd home, much improved in health. The Quarantine Removed. Parrott's Bay, Feb. 10.--Quite a numbér from around here attended the Stella horse races held on the ice on Tuesday last. Mr. and Mrs. €. "Nicholas spent the week-end with friends at Maple Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Neil MacMillan have returned to their home in Toronto . after spending the past two months at their uncle's, James Flemming. The Women's Institute held its monthly meetthg at the home of Mrs. T. Miller, on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. A. Mack and son, Leo, of the Northwest, are visiting at her bro- ther's, D. Cliftord's, The Women's Institute intend holding another so- cial evening at the home of Mrs, 'Walter Frink. ; Mrs. X. Gordearle, Toronto, at D. Clifford's.' Those who have been under quarantine for measles are (BRIGUETTES) able to_be around again. A HEROINE En EC Tah repairabian J..M. PATRICK W. P. Carswell; G. C. Howison and the secretary of the board, C. W. Bcace, Brockville, were appointed. to attend the Urban School Trustees' Association meeting at Belleville on Feb. 23rd. 7 The transfer of Rev. J. Cantrell, We van repair anything | 149 Sydenham Street. Kingston . Phone 2006J. for some time in charge of the parish of Wolfe Island, to the parish of Ox- ford Mills, near Kemptville, is an- nounced; : Humane Society James tor. for the county. At an executive meeting of the Lovelace, Bloomfield, was appointed as {ns Wrigley's. Your digestion help it receives from It makes your food ¢ more good! This Coal has come direct from Wales and is Rade of the same quality as our Welsh Coal. Very little ash, no elinkers and a great heat. All Coal. : one of those wild swings had grazed | the side of his head, there was uo visible mark on him. He surveyed his opponent, whose tight-fitting cap was still pulled well down on his Bead, and told him, with a good deal of contempt in his . tone, where he could go. "I'm going to put you to sleep in just about a minute," Jimmy fib formed the other coldly. 'You're pretty near gone mow. I'll be a ing for the button from now on." "You-- «I'" The man's battered $18.00 per ton Only 1 tom to each person

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