Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Feb 1926, p. 14

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ay, February 17, 1926. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 13 a i = PETER SMITHS TERN "EXPIRES IN MAY, 1827 Former Provincial Treasurer Has Still About Fifteen Months to Serve. {3nless the Department of Justice NOttawa sees fit to show leniency toward Peter Smith, formier provin- cial treasurer, who is serving a three- year sentence in the Portsmouth peniggntiary, he will not be reléased u ay 6th, 1927. Li a Smith was brought to the penitentiary on Thursday, November 13th, 1924, According to the' rules a three-year sentence means that, with time allowed off for good be- havior, a .prisoner must sérve two years, five months and twenty-two days. During the first six months of the sentence no time is allowed But for the next year, six days month is allowed and for the remifiining months the amount of re- bate is ten days per month. It had been expected that Peter Smith might have been given a parole around Christmas time, but it is an- noulced that the Department of Jus- t as willing to act, providing the provincial goyernment was willing. The Whig has learned officially that Mr. Smith feels very bitter to- ward 'the Ferguson Government. He is still employed in the library, where he was placed when he was first br; t to the prison. He goes his businéss and has very lit- tl say. . ore Peter Smith is released he pay a fine amounting to $100,- 000, according to the sentence im- posed by Justice Meredith. HEARD ON THE STREET Local Briefs Gathered by Ree hat the Merch -- The walks are again being sanded to the delight of pedestrians." The Kiwanis Club will have a ival at the Arena om March nten season is the summons to t. Its uppermost text is "Know it." wh Willlam Swaine, plano . tuner. Orders received ag 100 Clergy street west, 'phone G64w. day, Feb, 17th, is the seventh ersary of the death of Bir Wil- FLaurion oo : bs. Austin, Fenlon Falls, died day. A grandson, Mr. Austih ters, went up from Queen's Medical College, to attend the fun- eral. : CONVENTION OF POSTIES é MAY BE HELD HERE Two Hundred Delegates for 'Y.Federated Association of It is expectdd by the local of- ficlals of the Kingston Branch of the Federated Association of Letter carriers, that the annual convention <be held ia Kingston this year, Re will include the clal ociation, with visitors from all provinces in the Domin- fon. gThe local branch has started to he funds for the emtertalnment of some two hundred delegates, who will be in the city for three or four days, depending on the amount of business to be . Many im portant matters such as the wage 6 and matters of vital interest aK association wii be under dis-| fon by the "posties." The dele- gates will be 'entertalved by boat trips to. the Thousand 'Islands and by various social functions. 5 eens '¢_LOONCERT AT GLENBURNIE. Under the Auspices of the ! Aunpleos A most enjoyable. evening was i at the Glenburnie Non- b. 18th, when a play, entitled 'Plain People™ was ably presented under the auspices L Chureh. Mr. R. J. Vair ocqupled the chair, and delighted the audionce with his humorous remarks. The play consisted of four _betwoin. which local talent : nsisting of the g was muc! approciated: J s "Valentine by small ral of the girls who carried e the w irri a prettily in Va Foor, and a goodly sum was -- ------ ---------- KINGSTON, ONT. 8 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING All ads.' are restricted to their proper classification, and to the regular Dally Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES: Daily rate per line or consecutive - insertions: % Minimum charge, Daily rater per line 25 cents. Charge Cash 4 8 8 6 Deaths, Births, Engagements, Mar- riages, Dos insertion charged, $150; cash, §1.00. v Card 'of Thanks, and Memoriam Notices--Charged, $1.50; cash, $1.00 each insertion. > Advertising ordered for irregular - insertions takes the one-time inser~ tion rate; no ad taken for less than basis of four lines. Sount six average words to the n Charged ads. will be received by jelephone and if pald at The Brit- ish Whig Office within 6 days from the first date of insertion, cash rate wili be allowed. ds. © for more than one day and atoracy before expiration wiil only be charged for the number of times the ad. Appeared and adjust- nent made at the raie earned. Rate per line for white space is the same ag a line of type. Spegial rate for yearly advertising UPS request. Publishens reserve the right to edit or reject all classified advertising copy. Telephone 243; a X Fy J. ask for a want ad JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertakors 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET 'Phone 147 for Ambulance A -------------- ROBERT J. REID The Leeding Undertaker 'Phone 577. 230 Priacess Street <M. P. KEYES FUNERAL HOME: 40 COLBORNE STREET AMBULANCE 'PHONE 1889. JOMN 'CORNELIUS Undertaker and Embalmer Parlors: 274 Princess Street Ambulance Phone 680 H. J. KNIGHT UNDERTAKER D EMDALMER PARLOHS--Sydenh Yarker, Verona, and Hattersea. Ambulance 'phone 35. CUT FLOWERS + WEDDING BOUQUETS ARTISTIC FLORAL DESIGNS KIRKPATRICK'S ART AND FLOWER STORE "Phones 452 and 1218-J. i MARRIAGES. ' | BARKER--YANNEST--On Jan. 30th, at! Napanee, Edwin Howard Barker, | Richmond, to Kedtha Mary Vannest, BEgnesttown, BRISTOL--FEARNLEY--On Feb. 154th, Henry James Bristol, Napanee, to Lilllan Elzabeth Fearnley, To- romeo. = rtp DEATHS. HAM-At South Fredericksburgh, on Feb: 14th, William Thatchford Ham aged 33 years. HUNTER In Oshawa, on Feb. 16th, 1924, Mary Kendell Serutton, belov- ed wife of George Hunter, of Osh- awa. Funeral will take place from her mo- her's residence, 43 Stephen Street, at 10.30 o'clock Thursday morning to Cataraqui Cemetery. Friends and acquaintances are invited tio attend. McFADDEN---Suddenly in Kingston on Feb. 17th, 1926, James Vincent Mc- Fadden, 34 Patrick Street. Funeral will take place from his late residence Frida morning at 8.45 vo St. Mary's Cathedral, where a solemn requiem mass will be sung for 'the happy repose of his soul. Fplends and acquaintances respectfully ~ invited to attend. SHILLINGTON-- In Ode#sa on Febru- ary 16th, 1926, aged 71 yeans. Funeral from his late residence, Odes- sa, on Friday at 2 p.m. to Cataraqul Cemetery. Friends and acquaintances kindly in- vited to attend. Kindly omit flowers. Lost and Found 1 BLUE OVERCOAT Size 38, found in Ontario Hall after Actors' Ball, Ticket in pocket dated . "Belleville, Feb. 13th." Same may be had by phoning 416-J at meal hours and proving own. ership. BLUE OVERCOAT--Size 26, with light oalored blanket lining around wast, lost in Ontario Hall Tuesday evening during Actors' Ball. Reward for in- formation, 'Phone 415-J. at 4 cHiLkvg GREY FUR--Foutd, on lawn, on Earl Street. Owner may have Same at 329 Earl streét, or phone 437. COMPACT--Lost at Inverary hall Feb. 15th, silver' and ue "enamel "Deauville" double compact. Finder please return to Marjorie Sliter, In- verary and recéive reward. CRANK--Found, Owner may have 68 John Street. eee eee eee on FINGER RING---Set with Onyx, found. Swier may have Bame at 230 Stuart Street. LADIES FOUNTAIN PEN--Found in Victoria Park. Owner please call at 426 Albert Street or phone 1390-w. on on Rideau Street. same by calling at KEY-Found on King Street. Owner gar have same by calling at Whig fice. 2 MAN'S KID GLOVE-~Found, in Capi. tol Theltre, on Saturday. Owner may have same at the Whig Office. Classified-Display W.: KENT MACNEE INSURANCE BROKER Writing ire, Lite, Autoiaobile, Ag. cident, Sickness, Plate Glasg and other lines of Insurance. 33 BROCK BT. "PHONE 635-w, . Inverary, ONE-MAN SAW--Lost either on Middle Road or Point Road. Finder please re- turn to 315 Montreal Street. ROLL OF BILLS --And Canadian Na- tional Cheque. lost on Monday after. noon, Feb, 16th. Finder noti y H, Li Bryant, 884 Division Street. "Phone 1768. Reward. ----itn VALIS Be Containing clothes, hymn book and bible, lost on"Sunday night. Finder kindly notify William indsay, Or 'phone central, Inverary, Henry Shillington, | The Whig's Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a' True Market Place |OUT OUR WAY. BY WILLIAMS. A NOUR Fr RR rs 2-9-0 190¢ Ov nud SEWAGE We YOU'RE ALLENGHT FER PusSeN?! ™ Bull 1s OUT WN T™ BLACKSMITH SHOP GIT A S0UP STRAINER MADE FER \ MIS WIFE! TieMRE 0S ER SO WT HE MADE THAT BoOARDWS MISSUS A FLIWER LAST MAKING THE BOARDING: MissusS A BUTCHER WNIFE ON "THE COMPANNS "TIME | ' Tewllaus | Real Estate For Rent Business Faces entratice, _ for sale. Apply 1. Cohen & Co. tarfo Street. FIORE -- Three siures, Princess Street, - South side; heated, commodious, rear Also fixtures, mirrors, etc, Real Estate For Sale 8 Houses 11 v BSW. MULLIN Real Estate and Insurance Broker Johnson and Division Streets 'Phone 580-w. See Advt. Page 2 Farms and Lands 8a Brick, 5 rooms, central 100 Frame, 6 rooms, central e FARM TO jmpiements, 150 acres, arriefield. Apply R. E. Draper. RENT--On shares, stock and 2 miles from 000---Frame, § rooms, central. 8 Farms--Close to city, insurance. Money to loan FARM OF 100 ACRES-In Glenburn for ¥ year or more. Cheese factor b miles to city. John Redd, Glenburnfe. Rousvs school, 'mall, on sand lot; good roads, Apply M. M. Fowler, 17 Union Street West, Kingston, of T. O'CONNOR, 351 Princess Street. 'Phone 1189-J. TWELVE ROOMED HOUSE--AIll mod- ern convenlenceg, six bedrooms, hot water heating, ail hardwood floors, large garage, . Reason for selling, owner leaving city. 202 Queen Street. 'Phone 579-J or 1098. hn e, Y. han, on Cowdy street; sma on Stanley street; also hou real street. Py H PF Patrick Street." 'Phone 730.-w. HOUSE. § rooms, electric Hight, Junt use, rooms, water and tollét; rent $10.00, on Mont- man, 69 - Articles For Sale. Wanted To Buy jaa TIMOTHY HAY--One car No. 1 Timo- COOK STOVES REAL GOOD ONES AT VERY LOW PRICES. ' Also a full line of FURNITURE, Everything reasonable, Turk's Store 'PHONE 705. TRADE IS INCREASING. Increase of $316,000,000 Is Reported for Ten Months. . Ottawa, Feb. 17.--Canadian trade continues to go ahead. In the ten months ending January, according to returns from the Customs Depart- ment, total trade was $1,881,000, 000, an increase - of $316,000,000 over the corresponding ten months of the previous fiscal year, Exports were up $211,000,000, imports were up $105,000,000. Increase in exports come chiefly funder the heaed of agricultural pro- ducts, ie im («Will of Emperor. Francis Joseph, published at Vienna for first time, shows he left twelve millions to fam- ily. : WOOL SCARF. Found near Victoria ark skating rink on Saturday. Own- may have same at 620 Princess St. $10.00 BILL--Lost between 364 Barrie and Princess Street, or on Princess between Barrie and Division Streets, Rewand if recurned to $28 University Avenue or phone 1332-7. Help Wanted Male Help Wanted 2 BOYS--Wanted to sell week-end T, Hustlers treated right. See nd smile. Apply now.! Harold J. Smith, Barrack at King Street. FIRST CLASS TINSMITH -- Apply McKelvey & Birch. Female Help Wanted 3 COAT, PANT--And Vest Makers want- ed. "Apply to C. Livingston & Bro., Brock t. Male and Female Help Wanted 8b MEN AND BOYS WANT) ronize' J, 4 Wanted. To t- ber Shop. yag:10c. Boys' 26¢,, 201 Wel-| = oF Agents Wanted MAN OR WOMAN + To interview mothers and distribute religioug litera ture. $226 for 90 daye' work. May work spare time. Winston Co,, Toron- 4 'Wihere there's a will there's a way. Henge read classified ads for "the way." 33883 i fred street; ham streets, 8 rooms; 369 and 2556 dedu St, 7 rooms and : § rooma Btreet, § rooms; ' all phone 988-w. HOUSE-~Corner Colbore and Sy dane ; 61 Queen street, § rooms; 45 Concession improvemens edch. Apply 185 Queen Street. Tele- thy Hay (baled), wanted. State low. esi price LOD. Chr Gt SHIDDINE point. . Newton, Box 61, Arden, Ont. Miscellaneous * 15 SUITS--Indigo Serge, from $30,00; madé to your measurements, also large 1 range of cloths for "Easter. Order completed, 7 rooms. Apply to HB, Wathen, 127 Nelgon street. SEVEN ROOMED mOUSE-- North A water; large lot. Rooma NEW HOUSE--Bllerbeck Avenue, Just verandah; barn; Apply 381 University Ave, = Sm Sa 10 soon. ¥ shsy terms allow plenty of time for piymegt. 'Phone 3206-w. J, a. Ba rian, 120 Johnston Street. BROODERChick Broower, oil burns ing, automatic, 50 to 500 chick sige. Used one season. Apply 33 Russell Street, 2 BABY CHICKS---Pure bred to lay. Bar- Whitam's Drug' Store, No. A rooms with: bath. Suiiable for dwel in® or offices. Possession 1st Marc ROOMS -- On Wellington Srest. oxy Apply to C. Livingston & Bro, Brock Street. + red Rocks, White Wyandoites, R. I. Reds and White Leghorns. Discount for early orders. Your eggs hatched if Qesired, Kingston Hatchery, 101 Queen treet, Kingston. + FIVE--Second band De Laval Creath 1- h. Wanted To Rent 11 parators, one three-quarter h.p. De val gas engine; also Viking Cream parators. .. W. F..Alarie, 311 Brock fortable, no children, condition. Will take lease from dst. Apply Box W-16, Whig Office. Real Estate For Sale and Land THE PROPERTY--Known i" two mil "Abbo. Farm' of water; fine orchard his Mrs. Abbott, Bridge Houses 1 HOUSE-~Medium sized, modern, oom: ig ig 00d ugar ng q0ne. See reet, Napanee. Street. 'Phone 1185-w. y| FISH AND CHIPS--The oldest fish and - chip cafe in city. W. F. Redd Dy, 260 Montreal Street. Hours 9 a.m. ts 1.00 am. We deliver, 'Phone 2625-nt HEAVEN AND HELL Swedenborg's great work on the life after death and a real world beyond. Over 400 pages. Quix 26c. mapadd. W. W. La clid Ave., Toronto. tt Fire dogs etna. We make them, large 'Phone 380. Partridge Ving or. Try us for silver Senne an refinishing. RADIO -- De Forest Crossley 3 tube 4 to, complete with ear phone. J. B. CUNNING; INGHAM I Caran L Coane phone 704 co XY Apply 18 BRICK HOUS I Stuart x EEE 3 or 1395- J ar HOME .- On Yatertvout, Good place for. pouls ch hy had quick buyer, aad serial equipmen a Fr I Trice , Easy te We Lindsay, Lad, ial Prinosss Street " SET OF SURVEYOWS In UMENTS --F pv We kem Walken 0s 'i | wa. a i Hght i © Son, eben Bone er, Adams val Sep- SLEIGH--3 heavs » Renfrew sonles, : 6, milkers and Ee ERE 3 am Wi ya Cr her; Z ros & 00d eney, n SERCIAL--This month only, Ee All new te cover ra E -- Som), Matireon 3 King ? Tesi. " Street QuEsRC HEATER -- (Nea new), um Rugs, Dresser Seis, Kit- chen 1 Ta o 9 We Sheer Ris Ww, 486} repairs, | CUNNIN Articles For Sale. Furniture 15a FURNITURE-- Antique and modern furniture sold and bought. J. Cram- er, 607 Princess Street, successors to Lesses Antique Shop. Fuel and Feed DRY HARDWOOD--Under cover, $3.75 a load; delivered. 'Phone 1505-3 or call 46 Raglan Road. W. J. Brownlee DRY BODY HARDWOOD--Dry hard and soft wood Slabs. We handle none but the best. 'Phone 2516-w. h Bwain., DRY MIXED OORDWOOD- Or Slabs, 10.00 cond in the yard, or $3.00 large obd sawed and delivered. Dey hard- Wood $12.00 cord or $4.00 load. Peat 6.00 3% ton, which is a cart load. mall Sunil P. Cokes $6.00 ton. Split Rh Coal 6.00 oF poresned at 3 00. entucky Egg or Nu .00 per ton. All under cover, at 20 Wellington st. gorner Ordnance. Opposite Hay Mar- ket. 'Phone 2440-w. W. C. Bruton. DRY BARDWOSD--Ang quantity. Ap- ply Highway Service find SUPPLY Co., corner Princess and Smith Btreets. 'Phone 3708, . GOOD HARDWODOD--$3.50 quarter cord ~-mixed Wood $8.00 and $3.25 yuarter oord--hard slabs 3.60--so0ft slabs jis quarter cord. Rough and dressed umber always in stock. Clean saw- dust § cents bag. 'Phone 3763-J. W. H. Talbot, Concession Street. You are missing the best opportunis den it Fou miss reading the whie Clas~ 8 age. HARDWOOD--Dry body le $3.76 per load. Dry hardwood $5.50 r load. Diy mixed $3.00. Dry soft maple i 5. Split 26¢c. extra. "Phone 1439-J, . Ray Parker, corner Johnson and M id Streets, WOOD---Mixed body and soft wood slabs; cedar kindling, $2.75 load; hard- wood glabs, $3.60 load; body hardwood $4.00 quarter cord. J. Peters & Son, oorner Torouto and Brock Bireets. 'Phone $89. Business Services Talloving and Pressing 20 w. ROBENTSON-- Tallor, Cleaning. ressing, ring; Your own elo made up. Ck - in stock. $30,00 And up. 273 Bagot Street. Frofessionay Le DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER -- W. A. Marcells, corner of Barrie and Prin- ts. , Chiropractic adjust- 0 treatments and hand- X-ray service. Consulta- tion free. Hours 9-12 am. 1-6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Oftice teles phone 523-J, ce 'phone 957+J. LUCY Geo. ¥. Jenale A. Chiro rhctors, R urse, 308 Bagot Breet ™ Pion urs 9-12, INN N tion Tres TH -- Barristers 5. Clarence SRS ce AN ters and B. Day. Adan © Bevel. REYN tor, $1 "Phone pias, eitor, 7 lokn. Pnone 423. es Ar on city amd farm property. Barrister and Soli- 'Btreet. Money to 18 BUSINESS SERVICE Prolessivnal an SHEA---~Ambrose, B.A, Barrister and Solicitor. Law Office, corner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money to loan. 'Phone 1999. SKIN BLEMISHES -- Hair, Moles, Warts, Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, s, Pits, ete, removed permanent- ly. Satisfactory Glasses ftted and furnished after others have failed. Goitre cured without operation. 38 ears' experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, ye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin. 32 Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 118 Hemstitching PICOT EDGING = Hemstitching, Pleating, work guaranteed. Mrs. Field, 362 Barrie Street, near Princess Street. 'Phone 2433-J. Ladies' Har Parlor 0 ALL FIRST CLASS HAIR WORK MADE TO ORDER Ladies' Transfor- mations, bobbed ourla, switdhes, sham- pooling, singeing, curling, Ladies' and Children's hair cutting. Mrs. Cun- ningham, 56 Bay Street, Kingst Telephone 2999. FRENCH MARCEL WAVING Water Waviug, Round and Bobbed Curling, Hair Bobbing and a rimmin y PERMANENT WAVING For the very latest in Ladies' air dressin, h B. LADIES' EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE PARLOR. A. B. KINGSBURY, 209 Princess Street. 'Phous 3018-J.° Insurance 26 ERNIE D. SLITER-<Insurange Broker, all branches of Insurance in old line companies of highest financial stand- ing. 281 King Street East. 'Phones 2578-w. Res.'113L FIRB---Automobile and Cagualt con an: E. M. Crumley, 420 Ear "Phone 1782-M, INSURANCE---Only the most reliable companies represented. Strange & Strange, established in 1860 Office; 96 Clarence Street, opposite Post Office. J. B. OOOKE-Life, Fire, Accident and Bickness, in reliable Jombanies, dis trict manager Imperial Life. 'Phones: Office 503-w. Res. 1731-m. OUR HEALTH AND ACCIDENT--Pol- icy"will protect your salary. All lines of Fire and Automobile Insurance. Williams, 3 Couper street. Decorators |} 20a ANDERSON, A~~Painter and Decorat- or. Rytims tes &lven 'on large or s jobs. Choice stock of Wall Paper samples caryied. "Phone 1966. PAPER HANGING AND DECORATING § ~A Teal good job, Basti Sven for February prices. 1986 samples. H. Rowley, Enane 1352-F. S1GN PAINTING--J. 8. Robinson, rear 276 bagot Street Insur- Street. « Financial 20 FRUNTENAC LOAN AND MENT SOCIETY -- Inco 1861. President, A. vice-president J: M. Farrell loan on sy vestment. onds bought and sold; de« posits received and terest paid minlinum monthly lance. R, e Cartwright, manager, $7 Clarence St. Storage STORAGE~For alry rooms and and key. IN ined ." w ney to 20a. - furniture, clean, dry, apages; your own Frost's City ° Storage, 389- 305 Queen St. 'Phone 536. Res. §88-w. or 2816-m: : GENERAL MACHINE REPAIRS-.Ws specialize in skate sharpening, a ph She _hmbrella repais .; ae tools edg yeurs' experience. W, Bateman, 115 Alfréld Street. A sand out of cellars and ards, clean done. 3 hone 3258. x .24 Russell Street. ' SLEIGH DRIVING PARTIES Tak Good m: 3 i aid e. Caverly Transfer Co., hi _ 7 Street. 'Phone 1507-J. 3 Expert Piano Tuning, Player-Plano Aajusting. Phone 1544. C/ W. LINDSAY, LIMITED Geme And Ee . . 0. "Phone. 1600-J. BLEIGH DRIVING PARTIES--. Taken day, careful drivers, good % Tal carting; first class dry @ for sale. Esti: Sn. Transfer, 143 York Street pion and" amiga ee Seagal repair. or & card Clergy Street. 4 and farm properties; ime =

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