A ---- ME KAY FURS REGISTERED ¥ ebruary Sale ur Coats, Chokers | Scarfs : Special reductions on alterations and repairs. John McKay Ltd. ad THE FUP. HOUSE 149-1657 BROCK STREET, KINGSTON HARRIET HUBBARD AYER'S EXCLUSIVE TOILET GOODS MAY BE OBTAINED AT Branigan Drug Phone 18 Call in and hear the new artists on ~~ BRUNSWICK RECORDS THE MELODY SHOPPE OPPOSITE GRAKD OPERA HO : - PHONE 158, | SHOE BARGAINS! * 200 pairs Women's Pumps and Oxfords _ with High or Low Heels. Clearing out at $1.50 Former prices $6.00, $7.00 and $8.00. 'ALL SALES FOR CASH. SAWYER SHOE STORE 184 PRINCESS STREET WL T RI] RO 2" 'who should do your Our do 423-264 PRINCES Thisis the place for the genuine bargains, "| Rangers and the Granite Tuxis, in {| son, Prof. McFadyen, W. A. Kait- i| Prisoner's Song." ll chairman tendered the thanks ll | close, with -the singing of the Na-| | TAKE UP ESTIMATES Fire and Light Committee Go | held on Tuesday afternoon, discussed ii | strong, a synopsis of which appearsd | i& placed at $33,456.60, but this does ¢|hot provide for an increase in sal- z Ary for the members of the fire de- | partment. {| bé decided upon. || pacity 'of the intake, water pressure, il{ strength of the.fire department, fire THE DAILY BRITISH eT -- LADS AND THEIR DADS AT HAPPY GATHERING, "Father and Son" Banquet in Chalmers Sunday School Was a Great Success. PICTON . pe] Picton, Feb. 16.--Alfred Strick- land has the confract for renewing che interior of the Armourigf which was damaged last summer when the roof was taken off'in the heavy storm. The roof has already been replaced. Mrs. William Beckett celebrated her ninety-first birthday anniversary on Monday last at her home on Wash- burn street. , Miss Helen Way is spending a month "With friends in Toronto, Guelph and. Woodstock. With the lads and their dads sit- ting side by side around the festive board, the "Father and Son" ban- quet, held by the Bureka ' Trail Chalmers Sunday school hall on Jueaday night, was a most delight-| "pry 'mR "Bostwick of Rochester, ful affair, ' - The dinner was served bY & bum. N.Y., is the guest of Miss Bessle Bob lin, King street west. ber of the ladies of Chalmers, and f it was all that could be desired. Fol- A mesting was held. this evening in the Public Library, in the inter- lowing the spread, an hour snd a ests of co-operative shipping. H. half was spent in speechmaking and A. Gilroy, president of the U.F.0. song, and everyone spent a most Co-operative, Toronto, addressed enjoyable time. the meeting. : The gathering was very ably pre- The Ford Motor Company, though sided over by Harold Allen. Special) (noir Ploton agents, Hepburn & mention is dune to the boy speakers, | np. une are putting on a power for the way in wich they handled |g, ing' gohool at their salesrooms the important topics given them, and at the Regent Theatre on Mon- dealing as they did, with the rela- day and Tuesday, Fepruary 15th and Honships of a boy and his father. 16th. There ate lectures, motion The boys brought out many inter- i 1 instruction esting ' phases, and their addresses ictures ug mechanics ™ provided much food for thought. George Wood's tenement house on In their addresses, the dads also , : his farm on the Bloomfield Road Jut Toh 4 ter ngresting | yqs burned on Saturday evening. dresses were of 8 most filuminating | T28 tenant lost all of his belongings. Rev. Dr. Shorey is reported not nature, and much good is expected from this unique gathering. so well for the past few days. Those who spoke for the lads Harry Dayton was in Rochester, were Harold Allen, Dick Lavell and N.Y. for the twelfth annual Shrine bal-masque at the New York State Stuart McMillan, while Prof. Mathe- Armouriés on February 4th. About twelve thousand danced to the music of a thirty-five piece orchestra. At the annual meeting of the Sir Thomas Picton Chapter of the I.O. {D.E., held at the Public Library, the ting and Rev. G. A, the dads. A special feature of the evening, was the slaging of a number of 'old- time songs, and they made a big hit | . ot with both the boys and their "dad. | following officers hig -- dies." Bid Ealsbury presided at the Sco. MIS. W. A. ga plano, and during the evening Ross |Fegent, Mrs. D. J. Shannon; 2nd vice- Burke sing very sweetly "The TOEEDL, Mrs. N. D. Gilbert; treasurer, $ Mrs. Blanche Smith; secretaiy, Mrs. John Wear; Hchoes secretary, Mrs. W. Tait; educational secretary, Miss Eleanor Holmes; standard bearer, Mrs. W. B. Turnbull. ' Mrs. Clara Brown, Gentre street, is in Toronto visiting at the home of her son, Mr. Arthur Brown. : W. 8. Bénson went to Oshawa on Monday on a business trip. Mrs. F. Owens and her sister, Mrs. Snetsingér, left last 'week to spend several months in California. Mr, and Mrs. Gibson of Newcastle are guests of Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Can- non, Main street. rown spoke for Following the the n of | the gathering to the ladies, and the | proceedings were brought to a programme, tional Anthem. FOR PRESENT YEAR Over Chief's Report and Prepare Budget. CONCERT AT ORANGE HALL, Splendid Progra Under Auspi of Loyal True Blue Association. The, first of a series of amatéur, concéris under the auspiges of the Loyal True Blue Association, which will be presented during the coming months, was given in the Ofange Hall on Tuesday evening.' Although all the artists were under sixteen years of age, the contert ¥as of & very high order, and the parts were played to perfection in the dialogues and in the comic songs. The concert wus ~well balanced. Mr. James Breen, as Rastus, and. Mr. Willlam Simpson ,as his master, provided many humorous situations. The committee received a com- he following is the programme of munidation from thé Canadian Fire -- ovehing prOgEAm Underwriters' Association, submit- Duet, Misses Pearl and Helen Mc- ting a report on the test mide by the Iiroy; = recitation, Ruth Meliroy; Association's inspector on the Jocal Highland fling, ®dith Ashiy; song, fire department last Ostober. As Miss Jesse Smith; dislogue, Gum. usual, the association has many piers at Home," small girls; plano criticisms to offer regarding the oa- solo, Jesste Smith; song dance, Edith Smith; recitation, William Swilth; song, Jessie Smith. The chair- The members Light committee, at of the Fire and! their meetin the annual réport of Fire Chief Arm- in The Whig a short time ago. The committee also considered the esti mates for the yéar, and, at present, the amount fixed to meet the require- ments of the department for the year, The question of salary inerease for the firemen has yet to ham system, etc. The letter was Amétdments to the rules and | Co" regulations of the fire department &re now under way, and it is expect. 6d that they will be ready for the consideratiof of the members of the committee at their next meeting, in two weeks' time. The ¢hairman, Ald. Milne, presid- ed at the meeting, and the. other memhers présent Were Alds.' Carson, Martin ahd J. B. Johnston. 3 tes. TO SELL MANSE. Apportion Shares Between Unionists and Antis, : Thé Ontario Church Property Com: mission sivén its decidion on the . application of St. Andrew's Chute a " The Complexion. Bystander, London: The secret of a good complexion is plenty of fresh air and exercise; it asks no more, for with these two the blood is pure, and tiat ig the foundation-stone on which it builds. J The C.N.R. plans to spend about six million dollars on the construc- tion of mew lines this year. Nicholas Garland, well-known Toronto business man, is dead. Se Ams the congregation of the Oburdh, Douglas. The. applicants Toted Not to enter the United C ! lin 1925. © Shirts, Ties, "f Underwear, Hats, | man of the evening was Mr. James | } te aaa lal RE -- Ee -- ---- BEAUTIFUL RUGS New arrivals in beautiful Wilton, Ts Sn Tr Axminster, Brussels and Tapes- Oa os > try Rugs in all sizes, in the new "patterns for Spring. We invite you to make your selection early while stocks are complete oy ACarload of New Floor Coverings Ee a =) "Wednesday, February 17, 102s. § SHAW'S DAILY STORE NEWS 2 NEW LINOLEUMS The new designs for Spring in Printed and Inlaid Linoleums are here, and we feel quite confident that you will find a pattern or eolor- - ing suitable for every room in the home, and priced reasonably. * New Floor Oilcloths, Stair Oilcloths, ber Matting and Cocoa Mattings--all high prices. 7 Passage Linoleums, Rub- grade goods at' popular FOR "WINDOW BLINDS, TRY SHAW'S FIRST, -- D. A. SHAW, Limite "THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE" , SUCCESSORS TO NEWMAN & SHAW, Jesse Sweetser and his bride, Miss Agnes (Nan) Lewis, Toronto, who was a debutante at the Christmas dance at the Royal Military College in 1924, and also attended the June ball In