Wednesdays Februar 17, 1926. DR. EDWARDS' SPEECH IN THE COMMONS ci Forke and Motherwell ~--His View on the Aus- > tralian Treaty. Ottawa, Feb. 17---In the debdte yesterday on the Sutherland amend- ment, Hon, J. W, Edwards (Conser- vative-Frontenac-Addington) expres- sed his intention of supporting the amendment as a protest against the action of two members in the House, who had presented demands on the | A tn" « VITAMINES IN CLARK'S BEANS e precioys Vitamines which doen say are 8o necessary, re plentiful in Clark's Pork & Beans, We are told that the cooking in sealed cans, riot only preserves all the nutrition of both pork and beans, but also conserves the vitamines. «CLARKS €vonk & BEANS have poputirised this nutritious and delicious dish in Canada-- and are frequen erved in almost phi. Few dishes Pree more economical and so universally relished. When you want a good écono- mical rea soup-- Clark's --your choice of 13 erent soups. , CLARK Limited, For Young or Old Dr. Hickey' S Quickly Gamiches the troublesome cold or cough. members {llustrated the . "pitiable {| Minister of Agriculture. Government, and in opposition to the "acquiescence of the Government in these demands." The action of the Government in agreeing to the de- mands of the Labor 'members in question is submersive of principles of responsible Government, The way in which the Government had ac- quiesed to the wishes of thesé two weakness of the adwisteation. and presented also t "pitiable spec- tacle of influenci pr members of oth- er groups to get their support ir or- der that they «might carry on" The member for Winnipeg North Centre (J. 8. Woodsworth) had writ- ten a letter on January 7th address- ed to the Prime Minister, Mr. Meigh- | en, and Mr. Forke, leaders 6f the three major groups in the House, | asking for their attitude in respect to unemployment and old age pen- sions.. On the following day, Mr.! Woodsworth had delivered a speech | in the House in 'which he had prac- | tically said that the Government had | "better come across and favor the | demands." Mr. Woodsworth had also intimated then that his "little | group" was in a position to say | which of the two sides, Conserva-| tives of Liberals, would be permit- | ted to carry on the affairs of the | country, Had Been No Bidding. In the reply made by the Conser- vative leader there had been no bid- ding, but there had been a later in- terview with the Prime Minister. in which the Labor members had press- ed further demands for amendments: to the Naturalization Act and the Criminal Code. It was the old story of Robin Hood holding up the rich and distributing to the necdy. The method employed wonld hava put a noose around . the neck of Robin Hood. It was '"submersive of the very first principles of responsible government." Dr. Bdward compared Mr. Forke to Coneinnatus, who had been taken from the plough to become the dic- tator of Rome with the help of the Roman legions, Even so, Mr. Porke, with the help of the legions om the ofher side of the Houss, migh: be able to perform aéts of greater influ- ence than Concinnatus, It was a two-ring political circus, with Forke as ring master, and the central actor in this political vaudeville was the Why should the Canadian dairy interests be forced to sell thejr pro- ducts in Great Britain while the very same articles from Australia could fird a market in Canada? Thé pres- ent tariff, continued Dr. Rdwards, was unfair to the dairy industry and was made more unfair by the Aus- tralian treaty and the concessions granted to New Zealand in Septem- ber last. / THE. DAILY BRITISH WHIG Make r OWN Your So ap/ GILLETTS Fuaxe LYE Tam ig IT SAVES YOU MONEY! E.W. GILLETT CO.LTD. TORONTO, CAN. PA es a with Australia, somgq return in con- cessions had been received. But, was it'fair that the interests of the farm- ing class in this country should be sacrificed for the benefit of the pap- er or automobile industries? No reciprocal concessions had been re- ceived from New Zealand, however, in return for the privileges granted by the Canadian Government to that country under the order-in-council passed" last fall, The . Australian treaty was' ill-advised and was re- sulting in 'serious damage to-mixed farming in the Dominion, Dn. Ed- wards claimed. KIWANIANS IN KARNIVAL To Take Place at Harty Arena Early In March. The committees appointed in con- nection with the Kiwanis Ice Karni- val to be held at the Harty®Arena early in March age as follows, the first named being chairman: General--Kiwanians Harold Davis, REFUSED 70 PAY FOR HIS MOTHER'S KEEP X Man Was Sent to Jall for Ten Days--GCharge Against Brother Enlarged. For refusing to pay §1 per week for the.maintenance of his mother, at the Home for the Aged, a middle- aged man, was on Wednesday morn- ing sentenced by Magistrate Farrell to serve ten days in the county jail. The accused was forty weeks in ar- rears. His excuse to the magistrate was that hé had sickness in the fam- fly, and could not pay, and that he had been out of work. His brother was before the magis- trate on a similar charge, and his case was enlarged for a week, in or- der to give him time to pay up. The accused stated that he was unable to get steady work. He had been em- ployed by the city for four and a half months. The evidence offered by the prose- cution showed that he was 108 weeks in arrears in his paymerits, To his counsel, George Laturney, he stated that he was unable to pay. He had a family of five to keep, which included his wife, two child- ren and his father-in-law. Counsel submitted a certificate from a local doctor, showing that .the accused was not in good health. : Questioned by the magistrate, the accused admitted having purchased | a house for $900, and stated that he | had $300 to pay on it, He had been | paying $100 each fall on the pro-| perty, also the taxes amounting to $27, and interest, $13. Some time ago, a young man was before the court; for non-support of his wife and child: An order was is- sued by the court that he should pay $5 per week. For the last five weeks, so it is claimed, the payments have not been met, and as a result he was summoned before the court. He said that he had been out of work, and was unable to:pay. The magistrate enlarged the case for a week, in order to give him time to secure the money, Seeley's Bay Social Event. A very enjoyable Valentine social was held in the Odd Fellows' Hall, Seeley"s Bay, on Monday evening, Feb. 15th, under the auepices of the Ladies' Aid of the United Church. The entertainment began by singing "0 Canada." Among the selections were a solo by Miss Hazel Martin: refidings by Miss Beatrice Martin and Miss Lloyd; Master Murray Rhodes gave a recitation entitled "The Lad- les' Aid;" a mixed quartette was PROBS: +-- Thursday, northeast winks, followed by light snow. - 8 3 5 ad A Preliminary 'Showing "Tisa versatile season in Millinery with many new ] types of Hats to choose from. There are some adorable Taffeta models, others of Straw, while still others com- promise by combining the two. Isn't it about time to look for that New) Spring Bon- net? Have you noticed how dull and old your Winter Hats are beginning to look just now, with the sun higher on the horizon ? Our collection is delightfully varied right now, and every model in it is up to the minute and distinctive. 95c. 50c. greatly enjoy:d. A pleasing feature Included are many new shapes and all the delightful ; and / of the evening was a geography match in which several of the audi- In respect to the trade agreement | Frank Day, R. Baston Burns, W. J. nee ae Crothers, Alf. Fair, Collamer Folger, Dr. R. J. Gardiner, Alan Meiklejohn, new shades of Spring. H. C. Nickle, George VanHorne, "Decorations --- Kiwanians W. Y. ence took part. Mr. Doggett and MY. Rhodes were the captains, Mr. Doggett's side being the winners. Contests Were engaged "in" and re freshments were served by the lad- ie§. The proceeds which amounted to $20.73, will be used in the work of the Ladies' Aid. : L. I . Best Mills, Fraser Armstrong, W. K. Mac- | | PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST nee, Jack Mercer, Prank Newman, R. J. Reld. Advertising -- Kiwanians Jack D'Esterre, Bert Booth, Fred Davies, H. C. Nickle, Noble Steacy, Music Kiwanians T. A. Kidd, Dr. R. J. Gardiner, Bert Winnett. Tickets--Kiwanians R. HE. Burns, Stewart Crawford, Wallie Cusick, R. H. Fair, Frank Hoag, Jack McGall, W. Moore, Harry Sargent, Charles E. Taylor, George VanHorne. » Speed and fancy skating--Kiwan- m fans George VanHorne, Bliss Bar- Two, James McKee, 3 Seconds' Fancy dress--XKiwanians Dr. L. J. Austin, Jim Halliday, L. Lockett, M, Oberndorffer, Kddle Walsh. Prize--Kiwaniais George Bawden, | W. J. Crothers, A. Fair, George Mc- Clean, Jack Ponsford, Noble Steacy, Harry Wilder. Next te A We would also take: this opportunity Cash or Bonds DIAMONDS . Form the best collateral of all DETACHED BRICK DWELLING -- merchandise, * " 7 rooms, B. and T., electric and gas, H. W, floors, hot air; garden; le central, - : . We buy practically all our Foss 4 rooms, B. and T., DIAMONDS unset and in 4 electric light. rooms, 8 p. bath, this way obtain both un- $8,000--Frame, 7 surpassed quality and elessis Mh Sud tarason, y 000 -- Brick, "rootua, 3 bach, sleciric light arg gas, deep lot and garage. $7,500-Brick, ali modern, central. JONEY 10 10K. : a OE Ch. 113% BROCK #T., KINGSLON of informing all shoppers that our Mil- linery Section is NO LONGER under lease to outside parties, but as formerly under our own control and under the supervision of Miss McLeod. # MAY WE EXPECT YOU ? The New : Printed Silks "MCCALL PRINTED "PATTERNS A FORMER KINGSTONIAN er of a F { Now Lost a New York, Te) Works like magic on any kind of Mr. Alexander Stewart, of New | corn, no matter how old, where itis, «| York, former . pipe major of the| how bad it hurts. One touch and Kingston Pipe Band has written to | the pain goes. Almost unbelievable. George Rothwell, present pipe major | Then the corn shrivels up and goss. of the Kingston/Band. Mr. Stewart is | A scientific way that dancers, walk- now leader of the, famous Lovat| ors actors, doctors and millions use. Pipe and Dram Band of New York, | Beware of imitators. Get the real which plays at Tl the large Scotch | CETS-IT" at drug stores. . ; events in that city. The Lovat Pipe | "GETS-IT" Ine. 191 Gearge Si. Torente Band, along with Mr. Stewart's |.- A f troupe of highland dancers will be THE E An; ANAL Dvehe --have colors as gay and tex-~ tures as fine as those of last season. They differ though in the designs that are most fashionable. present at the stellar Scotch event of the'season in New York. They will be the chief attraction at the Annual Steam Cio Cleaning. Also Concert and Ball in Honor of the Pea a 70th Year of the New York Caledo- Phone 21 nia, Club, which will be held on March 5th. The programme of the evening will be broadcast over sta- tion. WHAZ New York, and no doubt many of the major's eld friends in Kingston will "tune" in on the : pro- gramme. The concert will be held in Mecca Temple. The Lovat Pipe Band will also play at a large musical recital to be held in the near future ih Palm Gar. den, when some of the world's Sap Do Your Inside Painting This Month! - ~~ If you can gol the inside of 1 your home painted or decorated this month, you will _be free to enjoy the spring weather in your As small patterns of Flow- ers or of geometrical figures, «are very good for the coming season. The prices too are ost 'reasonable for the quality they offer car in April. | Paint this month, bs B-H English Palit, colors... .. $1. 50 gt. B-H English Paint, Gloss White, $1.60 qt. B-H English Floor Paint . ..... $1.50 qt. _B-H English White Enamel . . .. $2.75 qt. B-H Everlastic Floor Varnish .. $1. 75 qt.