7 y, February 18, 1926. ERESTING REPORT UPON AGRICULTURE itions in Ontario Are Good ~Fine Winter Has Helped the Farmer. k The following report of agricultu- ral conditions is made this week by the Ontario Department of Agricul- ture: The weather really means a great deal to a farmer not only as it af- fects his personal comfort but mbre particularly as it influences farm operations, costs and profits. This 1 vested under favourable conditions, particularly in dairy districts. All kinds of stock are doing weil, with an indicated Increase in the produc- tion of daity and poultry priducts, over previous years. Potatoes are selling at from $2.50 to $3.00 a bag. ! Apples are moving, but: at very un- satisfactory prices. There is a pro- nounced movement of hay into the 1925 dry area but this would be greater werq it not for the freight rate barrier. Extracts from some of the County reports follow: Dundas--Farmers are buying Shorts and bran at $30 and $32 per ton. Alfalfa meal is also selling quite fast at $1.70 per cwt. A recent sur- vey of winter dairying in the town- ships of Mountain: and Winchester shows that during the month of January 90 tons of milk per day were first cutting alfaifa {s being sold at EVENTS AT NEWBURGH. $19 pes ton F.0.B., Cayuga. Most of the second aud third been disposed of by farmers at high- | A fair quantity of wheat er prices. is being marketed time. The ice harvest is just about | McSherry, one of the cutting nas | At Home and Euchre and Dance on | Same Night high school completed. Market of agricultural |Staff, is°on the sick list at time of products has been rather quiet dur-| Writing. ing the past heavy and almost impessable roads. Huron--Indication of the improv week owing to the, The hockey match, on last Thurs- {day evening, come off in a score of 3 to 1 in favor of the Enterprise team. The Newburgh team is pian- | | Newburgh, Feb. 16.--The measles | at the present | are still common in the village. Miss PROBS: --Snow in southern districts; part rain to-' red day and Friday. ; ed financial condition of the farm- | ers is shown in the number of farms | changing owners at present. Just off | hand we know of ten different farms that have changed hands. None of these have been at exceplionally high prices but I believe in most cases the prices were fairly satisfactory. It is an indication that as far as farmers are concerned things are getting back to mormal and with crops and ning on returning the game in the The At Home, held in the Orange a large outside also a euchre party and dance held in the Standard Bank hall the same winning was and Friday at | ightful winter, therefore, is being atly appreciated by agricultural d other rural people in practically | gh.pped as food Bert Coburn: won the gentlemen's milk from th two . all parts of the province. Generaly|townships, the bulk of this os to ih ER ee otk for couelder prize. The hall as filled, to ca there has been sleighing and the [the Condensory. This indicates a] Kenora--Considerable interest: lis pacity. Charlie hu aor os anid pr Jizhvays 'Hive been suitable Yemarkapla increase in winter dairy- | being taken in the growing of alfai- bom Sapance raises Musle cr ng. fa. ' Last spring over a thousand 1 [ . . ht have bee - of good quality is being hat Haldfmand---A large quantity of | pounds of this seed was planted by at Tight | checked an "w -- g EST 2 mamma | farmers here which did exceptionally stage in 'he basement of Vander- well. This year I expect this amount | o i store. 'The to- will be about dolibled. urls Ary £00 Nol au mobiles are still running the villags Lanark--The condition of all|ang gouth of here. The north roads stock is decidedly above the average, | 3re blocked but sleighing is. good. there being very few real thin ani-| winard Pmbury and Livingstone mals in the county. The marketing | §riller, are drawing cordwood from of stock is more regular this year | Reidville for Mr. Vandervoort. than usual. There is plenty of food Miss Mildred Harrison is slowly and the farmers are putting on a lit- | recovering from measles and pneu- tle more finish than usual. monia. Fred Miller 'had the misfor- Lennox and Addinkton--Timothy | tune of having his fingers badly cut and Red Clover ave rapidly being re- | while sawing wood. Rev. Mr. Zu | placed by alfalfa in thisCounty.| brigg, Uxbridge, preached in the] Grain and hay are quite sufficient | Mission Hall on Sunday. He is to re- for local requirements and of the|turn soon again in. the interest of latter there will be considerable! the Lone Park Seminary. amount shipped. Bran and shorts are While playing hockey Archie Mc- about the only foods being purchas-| Neely was hit in the face with a ed except some quantities of tankage | hockey stick causing a bad blow. and oil meal. A number of farmers, | The Orangemen are having an oyster who grew alfalfa, are having it|supper, tonight, in the Orange ground into meal. A quantity of this | Hall. Thomas Milsap has been haul- is sold locally. ing brick from Napanee for his new The main highways are still open | house in" the spring. Several from for motoring, and though sleigh- | here wera in Ngpanee, to-day, hear- ing is possible on other roads, it has | ing the trial of Ys. Sexsmith, Selby. not been good for heavy teaming. Difficulty is experienced in getting out wood. The ice harvest is in full swing. Blotks have a thickness of | Mrs. Jane Matthews Died at Thous- from fourteen to eighteen inches. « and Island. Park. There is a keen demand for farm Ivy Lea, Feb. 16.--A large crowd help. Twenty-five applichtions have |attended a dance at Bert Ivey's, Mon- been "received- at this office since |day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edward January 1st. Beaubien and family were visitors at Middlesex--Farmers report heavy [their mother's this week. Alfred sales of alfalfa seed and many farm- | Hunt is at Rockport helping his son, ers' clubs have brought in from 100 | Jack, fill the ice house on Club Is- to 200 bushels to distribute to their | land. members. Mrs. James Chisamore has return-| Ontario--Ontario County York-|ed from the Brockville Hospital and shire Breeders are finding a market | is reported better. The body of Mrs. for bred young sows in Wisconsin at Jane Matthews, who died at Thous- attractive, prices. and Island Park, Sunday, 6 was Peel--Prices paid to® farmer in | brought across here Tuesday, for rough by local seedsmen' Alsike, $8 | burial Tuesday 'afternoon. Ambrose to $10.50, Alfalfa, $7 lo $7.75, Red | Dano, Grindstond Island, is visiting Clover, $12 to $13, Sweer Clever, | his brother, Charles Dano. _ Mr. and $2.50 to $3.25. Potatoes--Local ; stores are offering $2.50 to $2.75 per | Mrs. Thomas Fletcher ana son, Stan- bag depending on quality. ley, Gananoque, visited at Richard Perth--For the past few weeks | Running's, Sunday. Bert Ivey and there has been considerable move- | Cliff Bryant returned: from Clayton, ment in the sale of farms and prices | N.Y., Saturday, where they had been would indicate that land values are |attending the ice races. increasing. Vet Slate is shipping hay from Peterboro--The quantity of milk | Lansdowne this week. Charles Dano being produced now is probably dou- | visited his mother at Thousand Is- ble what it was a few years ago. Fr- | land Park, Sunday Mrs. Sarah Beau- mers are gradually swinging to win- { bien, who has been seriously in at ter' dairying. There has been great |her home, is reported improving. activity in the bush cutiing wood Miss Minnie Shipman, who has this winter. The ice harvest is now [been visiting at Charles . Cross', on and ice of a falr quality is being | Lansdowne, has returned home. harvested. - Prince Edward---Increased inter- v est is manifested in winter feeding HELD QUILTING BEE. of beef cattle. Some 500 head are being fed which had been purchased in Toronto and the West. Some sales have been made for March delivery Steacy's --FROM 9 TO 1 O'CLOCK -- Treble Discount Stamps! SHOP EARLY For Young or Old , Dr. Hickey's Speedy Relief | troublesome cold or Cash or Bonds DIAMONDS Form 'the' best collateral of all merchandise. SAVE 15%. 'We buy practically all our DIAMONDS unset and in this way obtain both un- surpassed quality and value, A wonderful money-saving opportunity that appeals to all thrifty-shoppers. 85c¢. has the purchasing power of $1.00 in all depattments, on all regular priced merchan- BURIED AT wy LEA dise. Bath Towels Friday ......... 29c. each 600 White Terry Bath Tow- els with colored borders -- sub-standard quality. Size 20 x 40 in., and of extra heavy weight. First quality. Worth 50c. each." Pillow Skps | Friday ......... B8c. pait 300 pairs of heavy, White, Cotton Pillow Slips. 40, 42 and 44 inch widths with hem- Victoria Tngag med ends. Our regular 70c.. regularly from $1.25 to Victoria, Prince Edward County, values. $1 50 a yard, Feb. 16.--The 'young people are : 2 \ {at $726 and $7.50. All classes of , ll} 1ive stock are in good conditions and snjoying: skatide ou an a pms 2.90 ea. keen demand. Hogs $13.25, Dairy |p pedell and family, Belleville, Cows, §50 to, $90. spent Sunday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Brickman. The Ladies' Aid fad & quilting bee at Mrs. W. * - - > 300 new Broadcloth Shirts with .. double French Cuffs and reinforced yokes. Good, roomy sizes. The colors are White, Fawn, Blue and Mauve -- Hubb's on Wednesday last. Mr. and Forsythe, Strand and Arrow makes. Is Running Now Under Capable | MTs: M. G. Pulver were guests of Sizes 14 to 17. Linen Towelling Friday . .. 5 yards for $1.00 800 yards pure Irish Linen Crash Towelling with red borders. Good weight and quality. A special value at 25¢. yard. Ship by Truck HIGHWAY TRANSPORT SERVICE * Daily Service To Napanee, . Deseronto, Belleville Trenton, Colborne, MILL ENDS Table Damask Frides... . ....... 89¢c. yard 1,000. yards mill ends of Table Damask All, White, and White with colored bord- ers of Rose, Gold and Blue. 54 to 63 inches wide. Worth Kingston Every Day Toronto Office: 818 Victoria Lane "Phone Ring 2728 for Information. Ladies at Victoria Engaged in One THE MUTUAL LIFE | Is Canada's Leading Annual Dividend Co. ¢ On modern Life Insurance contracts the dividends may be applied to your annual premiums. ' Therefore the bigger the dividends the lowse the cost, of your Insurance, Remember this when thinking of insuring. S. ROUGHTON, Digi Manager 00 BROCK STREET "PHONE 610 ROCK LAKE SPAR MINE nage Mr. and Mrs. D, K. Redner, on Perth Worn oy 15On Sunday | Thesday evening. Miss L. McKee, evening, about 10 o'clock, a number | Centre, and Mr. K. Gfeen, Sirling, of villagers and farmers noticed a|YiSited Miss ¥ivia F a - Sun ay * very bright fire toward Opinicon. It| The Sommanity 0 er 8 proved to be the farm house on the Shureh , a in cay Sven ng was old Cumpsen property, owned by Soyod the - me Pudi by the Melvin Hughson. Mr. and Mrs. B. school children; also the geography ancoughnette, who had the house match which followed rented, were away for the evening, Mr. Loney, who has been. suffer: and on returning found the place in fog from 'blood poisoning is much flames, and as a result lost all their household effocts, Mr. Hughson has | imProved. Niles shuth Fymer, To*/E the house insured, but nevertheless | p iver's. Mr. and Mrs, Will Elliott, ' it will mean a certain loss. Mr. and Mrs, Blwood Shales spent Belleville, i et on pun. Mr. Monday in the &Tty, Mrs. Shales re-| mr and Mrs. B. McKee, Miss Nich. turning to Battersea where she will | g150n and Mr. Mrs. M. G. Pul- ver visited Mr, W. Fox's on Sunday. Mrs. Hubbs is visiting her daugh- Reduersville. 1. you can get the inside of your home a this month, you. will the sp ring weather i in your Spar Mine is running favourably un- the Saperiiaidency of Messrs. ANDERSON'S SCOTCH | Ginghams Friday "es es ot "ae « 29c. yard Whit eCotton (steierelein sale 15¢. yard . ,200 yards of Snow White, Needle Finished White Cot- ton; full 36 inches wide and | i riday 5 i ma um} 2 Rl 50 qt. Hae 75 qt. jsf a