10, 140. Phone 316 'GODKIN'S - LIVERY For taxi, sleighs for driving par- ties, hacks and cuttérs., Also ice- boat for sale. KINGSTON TRANSFER CO. 158 WELLINGTON STREET Moves Freight, Steel, ng Equip- ment, Machinery, Bulging ete. MONKEY LOANED AGAINST MORTGAGES 'Phones 377. Evenings 2231. ~~ TOLET Desirable brick nine room house. Very central location. Immediate possession. $40.00 per month. GENERAL INSURANCE Plate Glass Liability . Burglary Baggage GUARANTEE BONDS Ageut Great West Life Assurance ! mpany. " R. H. Waddell Fire Auto ee pn CROSS-WORD PUZZLE | A Pimply Face ly pimples, and wad really . to go out with such a bad 1 tried 2 or 3 different remedies, ut they didn't hel » Tried, Whe Bad Decay, 30 Oi thie same as I wa i = ET CW TR aT \ PAIN of Bladder Weakness | SANTAL MIDY sure itis the Genuine fr othe word "MIDY"™ Sold by All Druggists FREIGHT DELIVERY 1 7 16 17 19 13. 14. " FIT | x Horizontal. . Pleasing to people in general. . Art of attack and defense with foil and sword. Imitates. Pertaining. to nose, . Bmell, . Valued. . Food made. from taro. ; the Sixth note In scale. Orb. . Makes lace. . Peak, . More abrupt. . Pertaining to the chief linguistic stock of Indo-Chi- na, . Irregular or uneven as if worn 'away. . Tiny, . Rode, . Questions. . Measure of cloth (pL). . Tidy. . Serious. . Appellation, . Steel, ., Compartment in a stable. . To render knotty. Leaf of the calyx. . Intention. . Anger, - 0» a C0 | A) Answer to Wednesday's Crossword Puzzle. p Opinions Asked. The editor of The British. Whig is of the opinion that very little in- terest is being -taken in the cross- word puzzles and in order to conserve space he is contemplating discon- tinuing this feature. Before doing, 80; however, he would be pleased to have opinions from those who work the pussies regularly. Address all letters to Cross-Word Puszle Dept., The British Whig. Roads In Good Shape. ther has been very fine for the past few days. The roads are In very good conditions for sleighing. Men are engaged in drawing logs to the railroad track. Emley Babcock has returned to Kingston after visiting friends in this vicinity, The youngest last week. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Leeman made a trip to Godfrey last week. The price of potatoes Is still very high. James Connell is. loading a car with wood at the railroad tracks. " Bunker's Hill, Feb. 17--The wea-~|. daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Tobin died INSTEAD' OF ALBERTA COAL ,° # WE ARE OFFERING 4 size only, *'S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED LUMBER YARDS, WOODWORKING FACTORY, COAL BINS, | BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO Private Branch Exchange 'Phone 1571. iran Black Gem Domestic at $12.00 ton delivered This Coal is clean, hard and blocky, looks well, stocks well, is high in B.T.U.'s (heat units) and will last all night. A splendid Coal for heaters and furnaces --customers are delighted, with it: Egg , are p D8 THOMAS' ernal anc er romptly reli Pains y ECLECTRIC OIL wR ESR Mayor R. J. E. Graham, Belleville, celebrated his birthday on Tuesday, He is quite a young man, Belleville, says the Ontario, never had a more popular chief executive nor one more the necessary ability, pro coupled with _carefulness an sight, a forse The Belleville waterworks shows in the yeag 1925 a net profit of $15. 685.92 after the year's operations. fitted for the position, equipped with r A SPECIALTY Lees] and long distance. All Motor Trucks with Alr Tires. H. L. BRYANT 884 Division Street. 'Phone 17353. DR. J. C.W. BROOM Dental Surgeon 150 Wellington Street. 'Phone 6.9. Evehings by appointment. 20. To make reparation, 21. Beverage. 22. Comes back. 25. Sheltered side (of a boat). 26. Genuine 28. Pieces ont. y 30. Printer's measure, 82. Shoemaker's tools. 34. To labor for breath. 35. Point of compass. 36. To scorch. b 38. To restrict to a scant allowance. 10. Frosted. 12. Color. 438. Constellation. NE 15. Renown. 9. 46." Salesperson. 10. 48. Venerable. 11. 50. Morindin dye. 12. 61: To close with wax. | 15. B38. Cooties. #18. . Sound of a dove. . Hesitates. . Vehicle generally two-wheeled. 47. Child's air toy. . Straight two-edged swords, . To relieve. . Small bit of paste- board used in games, . Fern seed. . Roll of film. . Apparatus used to heat food. . Verbal . riteher, pol AM psionic . To affirm. To observe. Scarlet. . Second scale. . You, + Uncommon, j . Bupply arranged for successive relief. . At any time. . Slumberer. . Offers, We have four esrloads of Al- berta Coal coming. We are bogk- ing orders for this coal now. Get your order in before it is all sold, as we hive only a limited amount snd not sure of getting any more this winter, Aylsworth Bros. or 'Phone U. R, Knight 1795-w, Vertical. . Formal procession. . Delicate colored jewel, . To become exhaust- ed, . To employ. Variant of "a." , Tense. 1. Impartial, Portable bed. Icons, Not any. Welcomed. Tart. To sketch. | Dr. Martel's Female Pills nature caseslast century; correcting and cause, buildi up y TU NCE pt Ox amar and PA L, SOENSTRU AON NER- no: in Sealed ra X with our signature. fe hem Co HE Cirealar 8 requ. ra gpg note in nt 2 h Cad 5 4 { i Wednesday. Feb. 10th in the pass- = . Only Three More Days 'advanced age of seventy-six years. in the Big 4 Nothing So Cheerful as a Nice Wood Fire Choice, dry Maple Wood, cut 14" long-~suitable for any stove or fireplace. When you can't get Coal, this is the next best thing. |... $4.00 per load W. A. MITCHELL & C0. Telephone 67. A VETERAN RESIDENT OF WOLFE JSLAND Passed Away In the Person of Mr. Francis Greenwood, Aged 76. Wolfe Island, Feb. 15.--The death of a well known and respected resi, dent of Wolfe Island occurred on SAGE TEA TURNS Dr. R.B. Bishop] . (RAY HAIR DARK C t Oo Offices a Be. Sata of Princess That beautiful, even Shade of Sark, 'Customers i an on Streets lossy hair can onl, be had by brew- * ir 1 to ur i fms; 192 Wellington Street s ing a mixture of "Phone 2077. » Sage Tea and Sul- That satisfied feeling will Ji ' = il . Dr. Vincent A. Martin phur, Your hair is your charm. It draw you back every time you need coal, > DENTIST. Evenings by a makes or mars the BOOTH & CO. | 272 Princess Street. N face, When it Phone 133. Grove Inn Yard [ WATS, Floris or. streaked, just The late Mr. Greenwood had been a particularly healthy active man but for the past year or more his health had been failing and for the Jast motth 'be was confined to his bed a patient sufferer from anaemia. During his long life he made many friends who knew him as an enter- prising prosperous farmer and years | B80 he merited for himself the title of "Wolfe Island's hay king." Mr. Greenwood was devoted to his family and counted ii a pleasure to abundantly -insure their well being. During the past nine years he wasy greatly bereaved by the loss of his wife and three daughters all. of which seemed to leave its indelible impression on his extraordinary energy and vitality. He gave most freely and cheerfully to every good cause and the smallest child on Woite Island knew him for his gen- erosity. One son, Thomas F, sur- vivés, two sisters, Mrs. Harriet Donovan, Three Rivers, Mich.; Mrs. Jane Flynn, Wolfe Island, and three brothers, Joseph, Thomas and John, Wolfe Island. The funaral on Friday morning at A0 o'clock to the Sacred Heart Church, of which deceased was a devou) member and to which he had]. madé"so many generous donations, was largely attended by sympathis- ing friends," ] During the past week considerable pressed hay has been shipped via Cape Vincent. Taggirt Bros. are hauling material preparatory to erecting a new barn in the spring. J. T. MeAllister is confined to his home suffering with pleurisy. . 'The High Sthool students held an enjoyable Valentine entertainment Real Merit Draws Three for | One Dollar an application or two of Sage and Sulphurenhances its appearance a «| hundred-fold. Don't bother to pre- pare the mixture; you can get this famous old recipe improved by the additions of other ingredients for only 75 cents. All ready for use. It is called Wyeth"s Sage and Sul- phur Compound. This can always be depended upon to bring back the nat- ural color and lustre of your hair. Hverybody uses "Wyeth's" Sage and Bulphur Compound now because {it darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody cau tell it has been ap- plied. You simply dampen a sponge and | or soft brush with it and draw this through the hair, taking one small strand ot a time; by morning the gray hair has disappeared, and after bed. | another application it becomes beau- tifully dark and appears glossy pnd Here' the Way Sale of | Victor -- ~~ Records (Double-sided 10-inch formerly 75 cents) This sale includes a large list of standard records, all bearing the Victor trademark. Many artists, many titles, all bargains! Select now and get the best ones! No more at the price when n they are gone. 12-inch size, double-sided $1.50 each are now Mes orzfr gs At all Authorized "His Master's Voice" Dealers - Phobe 108 re DR.R.E.SPARKS DENTIST ° - 150 WBLLINGTON STREET Special attention paid to Artificial Teeth, Crowns and Bridgework. ' 840. FOR SALE \ - Flowers, Plants or design work call WATTS', 1708 Store, 1137 Member of Florist Telegraph 7 Delivery v ry. for Kingston District © Your put-of-town orders so number ary suffering t Ty great u g fromy ippe. ne Soward ' Co. ey rope ve purchased the coal sheds and dock belonging to W. G. Woodman. J. J. Conley's con: : "ew