| CROSS-WORD PUZZLE | gees Be SEMANA FLOOR FINE Rheumatic Poca TTT TTT ge as pe er _. Waterproof Paper, Fillr, Shellac, Var SEAMAN- ji LE TR oi KN ALARDWOOD ly, you'll realize that when Rheuma (B u in Rheumatism goes out. ~e . be | . ee mot sashes Lom Are. tor. ; Eth All with the same guarantee of highest ain, rippled with swollen A ' A mts or 'thatressed with occastonal } 5 A qua ity. 13 es, Rhoums is guarsnteed to end > 4 3 your Fhe rheumatic trouble or money back, Saget wD =i ALLAN LUMBER CO. heumat ism i. a dangerous disease.' ya Xf you Have it in' the ; / Se : Victoria Street, near Union. "Phone 1042 et 8 bottle of Rheu~ 'i ma from Jas. B. Mcleod, or any drug- iF gist to-day and drive it from your Broadcast Hour ---- ra ne _-- . Granted facts. . To knock. 7. Pares, y ' . Bugine . Male title of court- . Cripples. - " , Crack of a whip. esy. . To moisten. 3 TUBE of i o-night Before iP . Point of compass. . Digit of the foot. ll 8 : . . ¥ (Xv [ i y International batt] . Favorite Japanese . Cooking utensil. > 71) . Sotraationat eite,} | sen #25. Obilerston ~&} meet rand at 9 . To lubricate, 55. Lump. . Despondency. 7) LL ' p.m. - Bugar stalk. 57. Second note in|30. Irregular as if worn | - L177 CANADIAN WESTINGHOUSE. COMPANY Lissied, - py . Leaf of a flower. scale. away. - (Easfern Standard Time) {19. Metal string. . Ignites, 32. Adored. a . Noted the time of . To repulse. 33. To become exhaust- y ELIMINATION OF PARTIES writing. . Twenty quires of ed. = , F a m 0 u S . Portion of a collar. paper. 34. Rabbits. . FAVORED IN MANITOBA EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT ON ANY RADIOLA AT . Myself. . Prepared lettuce. . Rodent. J ie .. -------- . Eggs of fishes. A dandy. 39. Vehicle. POPULAR] (FENCE IN x The Progressives in Favor of RADI READJUAFISRA. . 7. Door rug. "'Saflor, 42. 'Abandona. A SIE [8 i Rar ODIO PHONE 1207. WE'LL CALL, > . To accomplish, . To permit, 44. Principal pipes. ! iC) eX PIO] § SPH Severing All Federal ' 26034 PRINCESS STREET Tr lS S . Part of verb to be.|76. To hasten. 45. Ranted. JAIL AE Political Ties. asure of cloth. . Let it stand 17. Gitt. = RE! LE . ie ; { | - ll -------- + Writing instrument. | 72. To guide a boat. . Estimated perfect SL = RT 2 Winnipeg, Feb. 18.--Redistribu- Canada Radio Stor ©) from Stati pb 30 Saw. . Pedal "extremities. 51 ere TR ; | Si tion of the Provincial constituencias : ' ions "Ulcers, Vertical : Ty en ; {0 Manitoba will pe undertaken by | 4 WIZ KDKA . Box, . A number expressed | 54. To card wool. 8] the Bracken voversuen bolory . Barly. in the sc- - of tens. | 66. Cot. a next election, it was lear - . WBZ KYW . Tanner's vessel. . Constellat.un, 58. Nude. . Un) SH ELE } iT! net circles to-day. There is talk of The Radiola sold by To bend due tol 83. To look after. 59. To season. BARERE B | Feducing the present number of . . weather. . Was in debt. ,- 130. To value. HE Rt a re seals, : H Ww N Electric Co WGY WRC ' 3. Fine dry particles To make lace. 61. To entice SLEEPER] TE ND] It has also been disclosed that as ; . ewman » eof Barth. Verbal. oF To me a result of several caucuses of the 167 Princess Street. Phone 441. 4. Rythm. Knot of short fibre. Progressive members that the elimi- Victor Talking Machine Compeny . To harvest. . To ventilate. 65. Sheltered spot. * nation of party affiliation, where -- of Camada Limited . Sooner than. . Portion of a plant. |87. Owed as a debt. Opini A such) savored of Federal political ties, Announcement was made st Wind- Dr. Wallace Gilbert was found ind The editor of The British Whig | was favored. The claim has been sor that the Hyaroulectsis Jaltwaz) guilty in Toronto of pertorming [13 {s of the opinion that very little in-|made that the play of party feeling in| will spend approximately $1,000,000 [illegal operation, was ten to L lake Opinicon Xews. hood. X. Darling had the mistore terest is being taken in the cross-|the House is inimical to the best in-| in extending and improving the ex- six years in the penitentiary. He ake Opinicon, Feb. 16.~--The |tune to have one of his horses badly , rd 1 ai a t f the Provi isting It former Bellevill ident. roads are fairly good and the farm-|cut on the leg. Mrs. A. Darling word pussies and in order to conserve | terests of the Province. ng lines. Se : was a former Belleville Fes space he is contemplating di ers are getting their hauling done. |spent a few days with her daughter, There is a large number of men en-| Mrs, F. Best, Chaffey's Lock, who tinuing this feature. Before doing. so, however, he would be pleased to gaged working at the spar mine at|was il] with quinsey. g Rook Leke. They expect to put out hate opinions from those Who work the puzzles regularly. dress al a large quantity of spar. The saw-| The second greatest copper mine Totti to ror ond phi For ing machine is busy in the neighbor-!in the world is in Alaska. . |The British Whig. ? RADIO "Here's How I'm Fixed" ee SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20th. \ ---- 7" - HO®-a%o®N . LF aaa ; CHIC, Toronto, Can. (856) JF 1 live' to old age I'll be able ta enjoy' 10,30 p.m.--Dance programme. . OKNC, Toronto, (356) 3 q i a . o 4 pm.--Chamber orchestra. os! : "If 1 should die earlier my good wife '8~Dancé orchestra; male quar- will have an income for life. & tette. * "Kf accident or disease lays me aside : KDKA, Pittsburgh, Pa., (300) before I'm sixty or even for a x 3.30 p.m.--Concert. - period of three months or more, | get a . Richmond monthly cheque until I get better. : A I 1 le Lis i nd nly eed cash The / > 8 Np Borin fa) : $.30---Viplin solos. 8.40--Bible discussion. RY ORE TE "¥ my circumstances change | can {J : anda - adjust my policy to suit, without even ; WBE, Springfield Mass, (338) suedical examination. : : $.30 p.m.--Orchestra, it real Ho faaraiae : | ideal programme. "with a Stewart: Warner Matched Unit Radio you x protection? i ! WEAR, New Tork (401) can command the finest enferteinment of a continent 6.45 p.m.--Hotel Lennox ensemble "The cost? Why, it actually works out = ; 7.45--Concert. --and gel il, _ 8.15---Musical programme. 9.15--Violin recital. 9.46--Orchestra. The Matched: Unit idea makes keen selectivi CL WEEL Boston, Mass. (348) this possible. - There is only. one and volume you desire. 8 p.m--Symphony orchostrs Matched Unit Radio-<and that is This wondérful Radio is sold only o OBS, New York (815) : . by Stewart-Warner Blue Ribbon an, Uncle Geghee. Representatives--men specially and Accessories have all been selected for their ability to properly desiened. to funct ber i Teprestai Yo---40 Bve YOU 3 s6iVicS tej. perfect unison. You must bave which spells comp radio sti Rind described i I ie : faction. in touch your oe 0 uy W001 ie 310 g 10 t the ali Seattst Representative t0ey. © ne Toronto, Feb. 18.--Raginald Hels~ twenty, of 8¢ Dizon Avenue, was "night