1 Phone 316 \4 » ODKIN'S LIVERY For taxi, sleighs for driving par- ties, hacks and cutters. Also ice- boat for sale. KINGSTON TRANSFER CO. 158 WELLINGTON STREET Moves Freight, Steel, Building Equip nient, Machinery, Safes, Pianos, ete. MONEY LOANED AGAINST MORTGAGES 'Phones 877. Evenings 2281, TO LET Desirable brick nine room house. Very central location. Immediate possession. $40.00 per month, GENERAL INSURANCE Plate Glass Liability Burglary Baggage GUARANTEE BONDS Agent Great West Life Assurance Company. R. H. Waddell 86 BROCK STREET Telephones 326 and 890. * Dr. Waugh DENTIST 106 Wellington St. Phone 358. Fire Auto f-- V PLANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing and Player Piano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. 'PHONE 134. COAL We have four carloads of Al' berta Cbal coming. We are book- ing orders for this coal now. Get your order in before it is all sold, as we have only a limited amount and not sure of getting any more this winter, . Bros. of "Phone U. R. Kuight 1705-w, Has effective way lo treat sore MON TOGETRD OF MUSCLE-LAMERESS Beach Patrolman Advises this Treatment After exposure to damphessand col and after hard exercise, muscles wil stiffen up and get lame. A beach pattolman at Atlantic City writes that he has found this treat~ ment the a and most effective WAY to take out the stiffness and pain: Just pat on a little of Sloan's it. Don't rub, It's the Hoi ment--not" the Jubbing. that | hel You'll get relief right awa, all sorts of other t things, | Ye nothing Oe Hundreds of eters ie this tell of of letters like the wonderful relief from muscular i Sloan' 8 gives, gets results becaiise it pe'? dh pain, it gets at the ight to the place that hurts ith "bri healing stream of fresh, blood, ly and surely it OE off the "fatigde-poisons," takes out stiffness and drives away the aches pains. Get a bottle today and have it on "hand. All druggists--. 35 cents, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG "News From District Places A SPLENDID CONCERT IS HELD AT STELLA By United Church Choir and Young People--Orange Gathering Friday. Stella, Feb. 17.--A very successful concert was held in Victoria hall, Stella, on Monday evening, under the auspices of the choir and young people of the United Church. The following programme was admirably rendered: Opening chorus, "A Real Old Fashioned Welcome," by the church choir; pianoforte solo, Miss Ada Pringle; action song, "We've Got the Mumps," by junior girls of the Sabbath school, the Misses Jean Cochrane, 1da Brown, Margaret Rob- inson, Lulu and Ruth Glenn; sketch, "Rummage," the Mises N. MacDon- ald, 1da Brown, Mae Tugwell, Mrs. D. Filson, Mrs. R. Saunders, Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. E. Filson, Jean Coch- rane, M. Robinson, Mr, B. Nightin- gale, Mr. T. Cochrane, Mr. W. P. Tugwell, Mr. C. Stevens, 8. Brown, K. Stevenson, W. Robinson, the baby and the dog; song, encore, Mr. B. Nightingale; costume song and chorus, "The Old Home Folks," Mrs. D. Filson, Mrs. R, McMaster, Mrs. R. Saunders, Mrs. R. G. Foy, Mrs, BE. Filsth, Miss N. MacDonald, Miss M. Tugwell, Mr. T. Cochrane, Mr, W. P. Tugwell, Mr. R, McMaster, Mr. B. Nightingale, Rev. R, G. Foy, Mr. E, Fleming, Mr. E. Filson, Mr, C. Stev- enson,~ (This song depicted certain types of small town folks and gave large scope for variety in style of costume which was very well done.) ; violin solo, Humoreske, Mr. B. Night- Theale, panied by Miss Ada DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN DENTIST 84 Princess Street, ny hes 1850 Gag 'for Painless Extraction OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT ~~ wr Do get a sensation of pressure on the heart? Don't be frightened it's not heart trouble Its Syrup. will fx. dbo Any. Pringle; vocal solo, "The Admirals Broom," Rev. R. G. Foy; sketeh, "The . Doctor's Patients" r "Two Happy Married Couples and an 'Odd Man'," Miss N. MacDonald, - Miss Ruth Finley, Mr. W, Cochrane, Mr. E. Fleming, Mr. Morrison Scott; duet in costume, "Sally and Si at the Circus," Mr. T. Cochrane, Rev. R. G. Foy; closing chorus, "Just Smils and FREIGHT DELIVERY A SPECIALTY Loeal and'/long distance. All Motor Trucks with Alr Tires. H. L. BRYANT 354 Division Street. 'Phome 1 DR. J. C.W. BROOM Choice, dry. Maple Wood, cut 14" long--suitable for any stove or | When you can't get Coal | That satisfied feeling will draw you back every time you nded coal," " 1 BOOTH & CO. | Phone 133. . Grove Inn Yard 182 Wellington Street call WATTS', 1768 Stove, 1187 residence. : Member of Florigt Telegraph Delivery for Kingston District. Your out-of-town orders so- licited. "First Quality Season ed Lumber, all Pine. Coal, this is the next best thing. $4.00 per load W. A. MITCHELL & Co. Telephone 67. SALE MEN'S SUITS | $14.95 Sizes 36 to 46. Regular value $22.50 to $30.00 listo od 1871) Spedmehip'p and efficient manner acted as accom- panist to the choruses and other items. Every item on the programme was a successful number. The costumes were excellent and well chosen, the young people thor- oughly acquitted themselves as good actors. A very attentive and ap- preciative. audience fully enjoyed a pleasant _@vening and altogether about fifty dollars was realized. Some visitors were present from the main- land. After the concert a sqmptuous supper was served to all the artists by the Ladies' Ald Society at the home of Mrs. 8. K. Tugwell. W. A. Scott has gone to the King- ston General Hospital to undergo an operation, John Miller, of Stella Point, has purchased Mr. Jack Fleming's house, where Rev. R. G. Foy, minister of the United Church is at present liv- ing. The Grand Master of the Orange Society. is 'expected to pay a visit to Burleigh Lodge at Stella on Friday of this week. special session of the local lodge will be held on that evening. LATE MRS. BARNEY G. DAY. Harrowsmith Lady Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Slow, Kingston. Harrfowsmith, . Feb. 17.--In the early morning of the 13th inst, Mrs. Barney G. Day passed away. On the previous Wednesday afternoon, al- though apparently in the best of health and strehgth, she was sud- denly stricken with paralysis, which in a very few minutes rendered her completely unconscious. Capable physicians were immediately sum- moned, and hastily rushed to her ald. All that tender and loving care could do was done, but to no avail. On Friday afternoon a second stroke followed, from which she failed to rally. Mrs. Day was the only child of Mr. and Mrs. John Clow, Stuart street, Kingston. She spent the greater part of her life in and near Harrowsmith, and was beloved by a large circle of friends, who will al- ways remember her bright and cheery ways, her kind and loving deeds, her ever-ready helping hand to those who needed hers Great sym- pathy is expressed from far and wide for her devoted husband and aged parents. The funeral service, which was largely attended, was conducted by Rev. Mr. H It is understood that a} SHARBOT LAKE NEWS Mrs. A. Erwin Entertained Friends-- Filling Ice Houses. Sharbot Lake, Feb. 17--Mrs. A. Erwin entertained for Miss Mildred Gray, Norwood, on Thursday after- noon of last week. A dance was held on Friday evening last, in aid of the hall. Mrs./Al. Flannen is recovering slowly frofy/a severe attack of flu. Mrs. W. Thomas, Balderson, at Mrs. J. Bourk's. Mrs. Percy Millikin and son have gone to Long Lake to visit N. Eagleson, Ottawa, spent the week- end at the parsonage. Mrs. A. Middleton visited friends in Kingston last week. Roy ThomMin- son, has secured a position in Stirl- ing. The creamery staff is busy cutt ing ice and filling ice houses. Mrs. Hillyard Watson and son is visiting friends in Perth. Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Hawley visited Mrs. George Mc- Pherson, Oso, on Saturday, who is very ill. Miss Lila Kirkwood spent last week in Kingston. A very inter- esting game of hockey wag played in Saturday last between the married and single men; 5-1 in favor of mar- ried men. A sleeping car costs approximate- ly $38,000. LUMBERMEN BUSY, Hauling Loads to Robertsville Siding | ----Arden Their Headquarters. Ardoch, Feb. 17.--The village's! population has been slightly increas- ed due to the lumbermen who are Bailing ties and lumber to Roberts- ville Siding, and make Ardoch their headquarters. Among the employ- ees of J. D. Flake, who arrived yes- terday from Matawatchan, is A. Mc- Pherson. J. Parks, also of the same place brought down a load of oats. 8. Lepalm, of Madoe, was in this vicinity buying furs to-day. James Derue was in Ottawa recently on business. Mrs. J. P. Watkins has re- turned home, having attended her daughter, Mrs. Lorne McDonald, who was a victim of rheumatism. We are pleased to mote that all those who have been ill are on the road to re- covery. Alcide Jeannerett purchas- ed a horse from Wesley Tapping. George Weber made a business trip to Denbigh. Mrs, Weber accompanied him, and they . visited at Philip Plotz's. After being employed near Folger for a short time, William Christian has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. William Martin, of Wens- ley, spent a few days with the latter's sister, Mrs, Gordon Winters. Mr. gy eT EsssssEsssuusSSIUIN--T Re -- INSTEAD OF -ALBERTA COAL WE ARE. OFFERING 'Black Gem Domestic at $12.00 ton delivered This Coal is clean, hard and blocky, looks well, stocks well, is high in B.T.U.'s (heat units) and will last all night. A splendid Coal for heaters and furnaces --customers are delighted with it. Egg » size only. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED LUMBER YARDS, WOODWORKING FACTORY, COAL BINS, BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO Private Branch Exchange Phone 1571. Ts four years. He am {Il for time. G. H. Wickers, died on Feb. 10t at White Lake, aged ninety 1 In his childhood he resided in Kh ston. and Mrs. H. Gunsinger, Miss Mary and Mrs. Schwager were Sunday visitors at George Hermer's. George Thompson, Tuesday night, Moira, dled aged about eighty- [Bdy Good-bye, by church choir and | juniors. -Mrg, "72. Tugwell .chureh | | organist, in her customary generous 8 eaped nto December 2nd,-- Victor Day,--the Orthophonic Victor stood acclaimed as one of the greafbst single achievements in the history of music. Thousands heard, approved long and arduous labors of the scientists who had and brought this new marvel into the world. The music of great orchestras, of famous artists, of that almost endless and ever-growing host of Victor entertainers takes on a new significance The new Onth instantly the Fucf eaedl Just one day, through the magic of its wn astonishing performance, and every passing day ; gi new Orthophonic Victor music lovers. when heard upon the Orthophotiic Victor. It satisfies completely the musical sense. It has ever-new surprises in store for you. Command!--and it performs, bedutifully,~ untiringly. Choose,~and it never disappoints your choice ! ; If you have not heard it, do eo today at any "His Master's Voice" Dealer and order at once. in music more quickly. Production is still behind demand. An early order means earlier possession.