Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Feb 1926, p. 2

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Phone 316 | FREE AT LAST OF | GODKIN'S LIVERY ~- KIDNEY TROUBLE For taxi, sleighs for driving par- " 3 Ee Sel hg yas. ILLNESS ENDED BY FRUT-A-TIVES' boat for sale; ~ KINGSTON TRANSFER (0. N22 y 158 WELLINGTON a ile: % | Moves Freight, Bteel, Building ment, Machinery; Safes, Pianos, etc. MONEY LOANED AGAINST MORTGAGES 'Phones 877. Evenings 2231. TO LET Desirable brick nine room house. Very central location, Immediate " possession. $40.00 per month, 4 GENERAL INSURANCE Fire Plate Glass Liability | Auto = Burglary Baggage GUARANTEE BONDS Agent Great West Life Assurance SH ay THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG CHEER UP! CANADA! The Stirring Story of Our National Prosperity Proved by Increased Production and Realization of Resources <-All Pointing to a Great 1926. Written .for The British Whig by Frank Yeigh, Compiler of "5,000 Facts About Canada." (Copyright.) Strengthens the improves Digestion By Clearing the System of Sour, Fer. Teese | ALBERTA COAL WE ARE OFFERING Black Gem Domestic at $12.00 ton delivered This Coal is clean, hard and blocky, looks well, stocks well, is high in B.T.U.'s (heat units) and will last all night. A splendid Coal for heaters and furnaces ----customers are delighted with it. Egg size only. i ---- It fermentation of food in the stomach can be prevented, you 80 a long way towards stopping the most frequent ailment of the day. After || once using Dr. Hamilton's. Pills the ||} Stomach is cleared of the sour, fer- menting matter that causes gas, |i Canada is a going concern; a go-| $2,500 pér capita, exceeding Aus- a Yuu digestion anti host ing-on, not a going-up one. tralia.and Holgad. prised at the smooth, easy way in What are the evidences of the; Canalla's foreign trade has made | op. Hamilton's Pills tone -- the claim? Progress has been defined as! an astonishing recovery. The returns liver, kidneys and stomach. To se- "where flow exceeds ebb." Measured | for December, 1925, completed the |oyre'the aid your system needs, use by this standard, and allowing for | figures for much the best year since | pr. Hamilton's Pills. 26c. at all all 'and every national problem and Hie nd of 34S Was boom, sud, mks dealers. w , this big Britain of the| ing allowance for the abnormal con- is only more" than ditions which then prevailed, it is Inte Sete ie I oii man marking time; its flow exceeds the | the best trade year the country has br a who NE the Semoval 3 Ye ebb, and never so markedly as in |@Ver had. There was an increase of | °® Rago, Min shipments of | this period of time. U0 aan Shak 3338.000,000 in the OVS 110.000 suring 1975. ere arc a few sample proofs: | country's foreign trade in 1925, as a oaniries con Sv & Eteater he value of the seven principal | compared with 1924. Total imports | Percentage incr Haya 2 - MBS. THOS. EVANS |. Company. ~ R. H. Waddell LSE Dr. Waugh 106 Wellington S¢. Phone 256. - PIANO TUNING We have four carloads of Al- crops (wheat, oats, barley, rye, flax, | and exports (of Canadian goods) im real Der capita trade since - the corn and hay) shows a phenomenal | the year, $2,161,254,202, bring the 0 @ war. increase in the last 25 years; from | trade again above two nearly $200,500,000 in 1900 to over | Position previously a billion dollars in 1925. ' The Dominion Deputy Minister of | Prices of the war boom. Nor was the remarkable expansion agricultural' countries in the world, of 1328 confined to any ome field, Canada easily stands first to-day in| though naturally, a ratio of production increase. In the | Wheat crop contributed substantial-| '00,000 h.p. in 1925---another re- same period horses have intreased|!y to the result. The from 1,677.600 to over three and| $212,928,956 in exports over 1024 one-half millions, and cattle from | included a gain in wheat of over thres millions to five and gue- 103.004, refined Canada's trade in 1925 (Calendar| rubber goods, year) reached $2,161,000,000, $285,-| $6,657,186; 000,000 mcre than in 1924; imports | 848; cheese, increasing by $82,000,000, and ex-| $12,140,821; wood pulp, ports by 1213,000,000. The favor-| 933; able trade balance of $393,000,000 | biles, $7,089,877; lead, $6,500,014; gold-bearing quartz, nuggets, Agriculture sdys: "Of all the great half million." has only once been exceeded. a Canada had a sabstantial water- only | Power development, of more than during the five years of the inflated | 300,000 horsepower, during 1924, excellent | 276 h.p., and a development of increase of $63,-( 1926 reached 17.8 bushels per acre, $11,705.- as compared with 11.9 bushels in seeds, $7,688, | been built, and the total length of - automo. | the road eystems to which this con- ete., involving $45,000,000 in added the total development up to 3,669,- cord. Canada's wheat crop average In 1924. 6,000 of the 8,000 miles of good roads aided by the Dominion Gov- ernment grant of $20,000,000 have tribution has applied is 25,000 miles. capital expenditure, and bringing 'i bérta Coal coming. We are book- ing orders for this coal now. Get your order in before it is all sold, as we have only a limited amount and not sure of gétting any more this winter. DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN DENTIST 5 4 Princess Street. 'Phone 1850 Gas far Palnless Extraction OFEN EVENINGS BY in APPOINTMENT . . Aylsworth Bros. 4 or "Phone U. RK. Knight 1798-w. n _- A FREIGHT DELIVERY hrs A SPECIALTY Toval and long distance. All Motor Trucks with Afr Tires. en > H. L. BRYANT 'Phone . 884 Division Street. 1738, DR. J. C.W. BROOM ed baths and. Span 24 loan Sompantes, ports of $82,122,776 over 1924 $285 pinging Gp, Jolars, 91 mainly in the following divisions: | C2Pita 1s now greater than before 1925, of crops, dairy, fisheries, for-| $19,986,150; animal products, $4,- a ests, mines, fruits, etc., exceeded |'721,182; fibres and textiles, $13, two and a quarter billion dollars, bE od Ja products, lowest In the world, proximate increase of $12,000,000] stuffs, the from importations would gains have been made in the ex-| for Canadian industries, now more : portation of fresh beef, mutton and|in demand with the industrial re-| WOTld's great grain exporting sea- lamb. During the twelve months] vival, the export meat tradé was $36,536, position 18 shown in the steady gain : : Bake a. $39; -white-in-thé--twelve-- the tn-thetavoravis balance of trades | Canada. stoodfirst---in-- 1924 fn meat exported was $24,825,025. Canada's mining production reach- $228,440,000--a crease, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Al-| guets in the fiscal year of 1925 than | Canada's nest-egg of savings in| $3,074,198. 0 The Bankers' Trust Company of There was an increase in im-| NeW York says that Canada is the nly country where the income per Canada's annual production, in| Agricultural and vegetable products, | the War, having risen from $250 to $ nstituting another record. Canada's meat exports had an ap-| products would doubtless be food- b the past twelve months. Notable | be in great measure raw 'materials ded November, the total value of! Canadd's Anternational ded November, 1925, the value of | This balance was as follows in re-| ® cent years: 1921, a high-water mark in 1998 of| 498,808: 1924, b substantial in-| 1925, $392,8381.447. Canada exported $12,000,000 more 6f vegetable products and The three prairie provinces, of $23,000,000 more of animal pro-| 2 $262,467,043; 0 (Téached $641,000,000. 261, while those of Great Britain nd the United States have fallen. Canada's death rate is one of the Canadh"s silver production has een the greatest within the Empire for two decades. The port of Montreal is the port, . Canada's live stock value has S. ANGLIN co.umm LUMBER YARDS, WOODWORKING FACTORY, COAL BINS, BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO Private Branch Exchange 'Phone 1571. the longest of ity type. Canada has the largest forest re- sources in the Empire. Canada has the largest grain mills in British Empire. Canada has world's richest nickel and asbestds mines. Canada has the most extensive sea fisheries in the world. Canada possesses thie world's larg- est pulpwood resources. Montreal has the world's largest grain conveying system. Montreal is the world's largest in- land port. ! Highest hydraulic life-lock of its type at Peterboro. Canada has one of the highest tides in the world---59 1-2 feet--in Noel Bay, Bay of Fundy. C.P.R. irrigation dam at Bassano, Alta. is the largest individual pro- ject of its kind on the continent. Cdnada has the largest buffalo herd (over 8,000) in the world. Canada has the largest. combina tion elevator in the world at Port Arthur; capacity, nearly 10,000,000 bushels. ¥ > ctual consumption of eleétrical $17,215,708; | ®0ergy, of over 1,000 kilowatt hours 1929, $185,768,642: 1923, $125, per capita, being second in turbine orse-power development installa- tion and third in installation per: 1, 00 population, Canada's exports of paper and aper products now exceed $100, 00,000 annually, .The Chippawa-Queenston Power Canal ls-=2ridls 3rsest-cugincering work since the Panama Canal con- struction. Canada has one of the largest gold mines in the world--the Hollinger, producing at rate of $12,000,000 a year. Toronto's 'Industrial Exhibition is largest in world (based on annual attendance of a million and a half) Also three new houses, in £004 location, on south side of . Street, E.E.WATHEN a hut Dental Surgeon Motor vehicles registered in Can-|and area. Adin berta had a field crop production in| jn 1924. 150 Wellington Street. 'Phone 039 ; appointment. : Evenings by i. R. McRae & Co. ~ OLDEN LION BLOOK Real Merit Draws Customers to Our Coal | age of $2,540 for every occupied farm." . the gold-producing countries in the world. 8he has more of the mineral-| ana holds 'he key to the food sup- bearing pre-Cambrian strata €xpos-| ply of the world, Canada's average ed than all the other countries of | wheat yield for 23 years, the world combined. The Hollinger bushels, heads all countries: mine is the greatest gold producer! Umited Stites being next with 14.1; on the American continent. Gold Argentina, mines discovered since 1900 havé|ada's wheat crop value for 1925, of $1,230,600,000, was 285 1925 of 3848,688,000, at an aver: produced over a million dollars. Canada's wheat crop of 416 mil- lion bushels in 1925 was the second largest in her history, Cdnads now ranks third among | more than in 1921. Canada 18 now the world's chiet wheat exporter, the 9.4. Can- ada have increased from $9,547 in 1914 to 650,281 in 1924, or nearly ten times as many, and over 700. 000 in 1925. Nearly - two millon motor cars entered Canada in 1925. Oanada sells a million barrels of apples annually. The half million milch cows in the prairie provinces in 1915 have doubled in number. Ontario's gold production value increaséd from $42,000, 15 years ago, to over $26,000,000 in 1935. UT ------ a -------------------- Dr. R.B. Bisho ) new record in 1925 in a net tonnage D ENTIST \ Rn compared with 988 vessels | and Wellington Offices at the Corner of Princess Streets Entraice: 192 Wellington Street "Phone 2077. That satisfied feeling wil draw you back every time you fided coal. EER ES When you want the best in Cut | eall WATTS', 1768 Store, 1187 and 3,697,147 tons in 1924. "Tem|7 bil"on, 365 millions, represents | &! years ago there wefe only 669 are $800 per capita. rivals, with a register of 1,065,161 / | tons. Part of the 1825 freight was {ts wheat production by 14 per cent. | ees 328,835,800 bushels of grain. The! canada "imtreased hers by 100 per The Port of Montredl created a|gver 1924. Canada's gross agricultural wealth 4 4,744,798 of 1,040 trans-Atlantic (jands, buildings, implements, live|® stock, agricultural production) of While the whole world increased | ® Canada is the world's largest pro- ucer of cobalt, the production value t which in 1924 totalled $1,678,124. The 1,004 concerns in Canada en: aged in the manufacture of iron and stesl and their products, in 1924, had combined production value of 368,476,850. Cahada ranks second among Dr. Vincent A. Marti DENTIST Evenings by 272 Princess Streev. Phone 105 {(DR.R.E.SPARKS) DENTIST 159 WELLINGTON STREET Special attention pald to Artifical Teeth, Crowns and Bride 346. FOR SALE $8,100--8olid brick, 6 rooms, elec tric and gas, cellar, blocks off Princess. A Port of Vancouver tonnage for 1924 | cent. Canada's 1,364 flour tons, mills turned out nearly 18 million Northern Ontario Gold Mines out- barrels in 1924, 10 million of whieh put, Jan.Sept., 1925, of $22,411,-| were exported to over 60 countries. Canada's fur-raising industry in-| Industry, and nearly $30,00,000 in exceeded 1923 by over a million 173, was 23.3 per cent. higher than! grist| ¥ith a value in 1023 of $108,290. world's lumber producing countries, 542, and Invested capital of $155. 000,000. In the lumber industry, §417,000,000 in the pulp and paper | in the same period of 1924. Sflver| creased from 1,179 farms, in 1923, | logging operations. was 7.9 per cent. higher. The metal-| ta 1,466 farms in 1924, and thelr Manufacturing production of the literous production in Ontario for| value from $8,284,384 to $10,813,.| gross value at the mill or factory the same period showed a gain of! 833. $9,398,000. Canada ranks seventh in the list] value increased in of world countries in wealth, esti-| 000,000 oyer 1923. mated at over 33 bililon dollars, or po on a. showed an increase of 12.27 per cent. production | in 1923 over 1922; or an incredse of 1924 nearly §2,-| 9.4 per cent. in the net value of production, the gross totalling $2,.- Canadian cattle have at last come | 781,165,514, and the net $1,311, | 025,375. "| Canada's dalry. production value reached in 1924, $218,430,532, and $300,000,000 1n 1925. » The canal traffic in 1924 of 13- 867,087 tons of freight showed an increase of over a million ton over the previous year, and a similar in- crease in 1925. countries of the world in per capita use of electricity, Switzerland legd- ing slightly, " Canada has nearly a thousand cen- tral electric stations, representing a capital of $628,000,000--a develop. mént that has come to pass In come paratively recent years, and that is only in its relative : Canada stands second among the| Ontario's Hydro-Electric transmis: sion lines form one of the largest public ownership schemes in the world. Canada has largest raflway yards in world operated by one concern-- C.P.R. at Winnipeg (258 miles of track). : Canada has longést and greatest publicly-owiied railway system in tha world --~Canadian National, 22,000 miles, The Twin Cities of Port Arthur and Fort Willidm lead the world in grain storage. Canada has the biggest storage dam in the world, the Gouin, at the head of St. Maurice Rivtr, with cap- acity double the Assouan dim on the Nile, Canada has world's longest unde- tended boundary line, -- -------------- BOOKS PATTERING FEET. Ottawa. It is inevitable that the child mind should Py a larger space in modern iratare thas in that of our forefathers. The research of the with naive grace as if a oblld Bad spoken them. Of the poems which capture this limpid simplie! "Chippy," "Sliding," "The Seasons," and "Mittens," aré a the most successful. But. perh the best poems in the collectios fect a charming compromise tween childhood's imagination d the skill which only maturity could attain. Herve Is the partridge. The partridge is a drummer Dia you never hear him drum? If you listen in the forest You will hear him thrum, thrum, thrum, / He beats it with his brown wings y And his drum's an ald pine stump; If you listen in the forest You will hear him thump, thump, thump. But should you go too closely, He will very quickly stir { If you listen for his brown wi You will hear them whir, .whir, whir. g And thén deep in the forest J Throbs the tom-tom of his drumly' If you stamd quite still and listen You will hear the faint thrum, thrum. "Bears" and "Padded Footsteps" suggest the vague haunting ! Which children inherit from a tant past. The little poem, tho! not equal to some of the others In technique, will appeal to older resd- psychologist and the observation of the poet are complementary; and so it is but natural that we should have! such collections as "Pattering Mr. Buatinet links his verses with the Canadian child's experience of lite tivhehot our changing sea- sons. Art of kind is never easy and the critic may perhaps question the objectivity of a phrase like "where busbied ers because of the sympathy with which the author treats his themes the pattering of little feet. The {ilustrations by Mr. Alan Beddoe cateh the author's The book = an ideal gift for ¢ dren; and those parents who care to read it aloud with the proper will probably find it endorsed by youthful and final court of appeal. " ------------------ J War has no monopoly of herpes. There's the man who refuses to sign a petition.

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